2020-11-06 19:44:02 +11:00

84 lines
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import PromiseKit
import SessionSnodeKit
import SessionUtilities
// TODO: Notifications
// TODO: Notify PN server
public enum SendingPipeline {
private static let ttl: UInt64 = 2 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
public enum Destination {
case contact(publicKey: String)
case closedGroup(groupPublicKey: String)
case openGroup(channel: UInt64, server: String)
public enum Error : LocalizedError {
case invalidMessage
case protoConversionFailed
case proofOfWorkCalculationFailed
case noUserPublicKey
public var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .invalidMessage: return "Invalid message."
case .protoConversionFailed: return "Couldn't convert message to proto."
case .proofOfWorkCalculationFailed: return "Proof of work calculation failed."
case .noUserPublicKey: return "Couldn't find user key pair."
public static func send(_ message: Message, to destination: Destination, using transaction: Any) -> Promise<Void> {
guard message.isValid else { return Promise(error: Error.invalidMessage) }
guard let proto = message.toProto() else { return Promise(error: Error.protoConversionFailed) }
let plaintext: Data
do {
plaintext = try proto.serializedData()
} catch {
SNLog("Couldn't serialize proto due to error: \(error).")
return Promise(error: error)
let ciphertext: Data
do {
switch destination {
case .contact(let publicKey): ciphertext = try encryptWithSignalProtocol(plaintext, for: publicKey, using: transaction)
case .closedGroup(let groupPublicKey): ciphertext = try encryptWithSharedSenderKeys(plaintext, for: groupPublicKey, using: transaction)
case .openGroup(_, _): fatalError("Not implemented.")
} catch {
SNLog("Couldn't encrypt message for destination: \(destination) due to error: \(error).")
return Promise(error: error)
let recipient = message.recipient!
let base64EncodedData = ciphertext.base64EncodedString()
guard let (timestamp, nonce) = ProofOfWork.calculate(ttl: ttl, publicKey: recipient, data: base64EncodedData) else {
SNLog("Proof of work calculation failed.")
return Promise(error: Error.proofOfWorkCalculationFailed)
let snodeMessage = SnodeMessage(recipient: recipient, data: base64EncodedData, ttl: ttl, timestamp: timestamp, nonce: nonce)
let (promise, seal) = Promise<Void>.pending()
SnodeAPI.sendMessage(snodeMessage).done(on: Threading.workQueue) { promises in
var isSuccess = false
let promiseCount = promises.count
var errorCount = 0
promises.forEach {
let _ = $0.done(on: Threading.workQueue) { _ in
guard !isSuccess else { return } // Succeed as soon as the first promise succeeds
isSuccess = true
$0.catch(on: Threading.workQueue) { error in
errorCount += 1
guard errorCount == promiseCount else { return } // Only error out if all promises failed
}.catch(on: Threading.workQueue) { error in
SNLog("Couldn't send message due to error: \(error).")
return promise