session-ios/SessionMessagingKit/SessionUtil/Config Handling/SessionUtil+Contacts.swift
Morgan Pretty a5306f85b7 Added in a little defensive coding for config message processing
Updated the config 'pendingChanges' to use the readonly version of the conf (no use blocking access)
Added code to throw and log when the config processing exceeds 50000 loops (ie. infinite loop protection)
2023-07-07 15:19:13 +10:00

590 lines
26 KiB

// Copyright © 2023 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import SessionUtil
import SessionUtilitiesKit
// MARK: - Size Restrictions
public extension SessionUtil {
static var libSessionMaxNameByteLength: Int { CONTACT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH }
static var libSessionMaxNicknameByteLength: Int { CONTACT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH }
static var libSessionMaxProfileUrlByteLength: Int { PROFILE_PIC_MAX_URL_LENGTH }
// MARK: - Contacts Handling
internal extension SessionUtil {
static let columnsRelatedToContacts: [ColumnExpression] = [
// MARK: - Incoming Changes
static func handleContactsUpdate(
_ db: Database,
in conf: UnsafeMutablePointer<config_object>?,
mergeNeedsDump: Bool,
latestConfigSentTimestampMs: Int64
) throws {
guard mergeNeedsDump else { return }
guard conf != nil else { throw SessionUtilError.nilConfigObject }
// The current users contact data is handled separately so exclude it if it's present (as that's
// actually a bug)
let userPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
let targetContactData: [String: ContactData] = try extractContacts(
from: conf,
latestConfigSentTimestampMs: latestConfigSentTimestampMs
).filter { $0.key != userPublicKey }
// Since we don't sync 100% of the data stored against the contact and profile objects we
// need to only update the data we do have to ensure we don't overwrite anything that doesn't
// get synced
try targetContactData
.forEach { sessionId, data in
// Note: We only update the contact and profile records if the data has actually changed
// in order to avoid triggering UI updates for every thread on the home screen (the DB
// observation system can't differ between update calls which do and don't change anything)
let contact: Contact = Contact.fetchOrCreate(db, id: sessionId)
let profile: Profile = Profile.fetchOrCreate(db, id: sessionId)
let profileNameShouldBeUpdated: Bool = (
! && != &&
profile.lastNameUpdate < data.profile.lastNameUpdate
let profilePictureShouldBeUpdated: Bool = (
profile.profilePictureUrl != data.profile.profilePictureUrl ||
profile.profileEncryptionKey != data.profile.profileEncryptionKey
) &&
profile.lastProfilePictureUpdate < data.profile.lastProfilePictureUpdate
profileNameShouldBeUpdated ||
profile.nickname != data.profile.nickname ||
try Profile
.filter(id: sessionId)
.updateAll( // Handling a config update so don't use `updateAllAndConfig`
(!profileNameShouldBeUpdated ? nil :
(!profileNameShouldBeUpdated ? nil :
Profile.Columns.lastNameUpdate.set(to: data.profile.lastNameUpdate)
(profile.nickname == data.profile.nickname ? nil :
Profile.Columns.nickname.set(to: data.profile.nickname)
(profile.profilePictureUrl != data.profile.profilePictureUrl ? nil :
Profile.Columns.profilePictureUrl.set(to: data.profile.profilePictureUrl)
(profile.profileEncryptionKey != data.profile.profileEncryptionKey ? nil :
Profile.Columns.profileEncryptionKey.set(to: data.profile.profileEncryptionKey)
(!profilePictureShouldBeUpdated ? nil :
Profile.Columns.lastProfilePictureUpdate.set(to: data.profile.lastProfilePictureUpdate)
].compactMap { $0 }
/// Since message requests have no reverse, we should only handle setting `isApproved`
/// and `didApproveMe` to `true`. This may prevent some weird edge cases where a config message
/// swapping `isApproved` and `didApproveMe` to `false`
(contact.isApproved != ||
(contact.isBlocked != ||
(contact.didApproveMe !=
try Contact
.filter(id: sessionId)
.updateAll( // Handling a config update so don't use `updateAllAndConfig`
(! || contact.isApproved == ? nil :
Contact.Columns.isApproved.set(to: true)
(contact.isBlocked == ? nil :
(! || contact.didApproveMe == ? nil :
Contact.Columns.didApproveMe.set(to: true)
].compactMap { $0 }
/// If the contact's `hidden` flag doesn't match the visibility of their conversation then create/delete the
/// associated contact conversation accordingly
let threadInfo: PriorityVisibilityInfo? = try? SessionThread
.filter(id: sessionId)
.select(.id, .variant, .pinnedPriority, .shouldBeVisible)
.asRequest(of: PriorityVisibilityInfo.self)
let threadExists: Bool = (threadInfo != nil)
let updatedShouldBeVisible: Bool = SessionUtil.shouldBeVisible(priority: data.priority)
switch (updatedShouldBeVisible, threadExists) {
case (false, true):
SessionUtil.kickFromConversationUIIfNeeded(removedThreadIds: [sessionId])
try SessionThread
threadId: sessionId,
threadVariant: .contact,
groupLeaveType: .forced,
calledFromConfigHandling: true
case (true, false):
try SessionThread(
id: sessionId,
variant: .contact,
creationDateTimestamp: data.created,
shouldBeVisible: true,
pinnedPriority: data.priority
case (true, true):
let changes: [ConfigColumnAssignment] = [
(threadInfo?.shouldBeVisible == updatedShouldBeVisible ? nil :
SessionThread.Columns.shouldBeVisible.set(to: updatedShouldBeVisible)
(threadInfo?.pinnedPriority == data.priority ? nil :
SessionThread.Columns.pinnedPriority.set(to: data.priority)
].compactMap { $0 }
try SessionThread
.filter(id: sessionId)
.updateAll( // Handling a config update so don't use `updateAllAndConfig`
case (false, false): break
/// Delete any contact/thread records which aren't in the config message
let syncedContactIds: [String] = targetContactData
.map { $0.key }
let contactIdsToRemove: [String] = try Contact
.asRequest(of: String.self)
let threadIdsToRemove: [String] = try SessionThread
.filter(SessionThread.Columns.variant ==
.asRequest(of: String.self)
/// When the user opens a brand new conversation this creates a "draft conversation" which has a hidden thread but no
/// contact record, when we receive a contact update this "draft conversation" would be included in the
/// `threadIdsToRemove` which would result in the user getting kicked from the screen and the thread removed, we
/// want to avoid this (as it's essentially a bug) so find any conversations in this state and remove them from the list that
/// will be pruned
let threadT: TypedTableAlias<SessionThread> = TypedTableAlias()
let contactT: TypedTableAlias<Contact> = TypedTableAlias()
let draftConversationIds: [String] = try SQLRequest<String>("""
SELECT \(threadT[.id])
FROM \(SessionThread.self)
LEFT JOIN \(Contact.self) ON \(contactT[.id]) = \(threadT[.id])
\(SQL("\(threadT[.id]) IN \(threadIdsToRemove)")) AND
\(contactT[.id]) IS NULL
/// Consolidate the ids which should be removed
let combinedIds: [String] = contactIdsToRemove
.appending(contentsOf: threadIdsToRemove)
.filter { !draftConversationIds.contains($0) }
if !combinedIds.isEmpty {
SessionUtil.kickFromConversationUIIfNeeded(removedThreadIds: combinedIds)
try Contact
.filter(ids: combinedIds)
// Also need to remove any 'nickname' values since they are associated to contact data
try Profile
.filter(ids: combinedIds)
Profile.Columns.nickname.set(to: nil)
// Delete the one-to-one conversations associated to the contact
try SessionThread
threadIds: combinedIds,
threadVariant: .contact,
groupLeaveType: .forced,
calledFromConfigHandling: true
try SessionUtil.remove(db, volatileContactIds: combinedIds)
// MARK: - Outgoing Changes
static func upsert(
contactData: [SyncedContactInfo],
in conf: UnsafeMutablePointer<config_object>?
) throws {
guard conf != nil else { throw SessionUtilError.nilConfigObject }
// The current users contact data doesn't need to sync so exclude it, we also don't want to sync
// blinded message requests so exclude those as well
let userPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey()
let targetContacts: [SyncedContactInfo] = contactData
.filter {
$ != userPublicKey &&
SessionId(from: $ == .standard
// If we only updated the current user contact then no need to continue
guard !targetContacts.isEmpty else { return }
// Update the name
try targetContacts
.forEach { info in
var sessionId: [CChar] =
var contact: contacts_contact = contacts_contact()
guard contacts_get_or_construct(conf, &contact, &sessionId) else {
/// It looks like there are some situations where this object might not get created correctly (and
/// will throw due to the implicit unwrapping) as a result we put it in a guard and throw instead
SNLog("Unable to upsert contact to SessionUtil: \(SessionUtil.lastError(conf))")
throw SessionUtilError.getOrConstructFailedUnexpectedly
// Assign all properties to match the updated contact (if there is one)
if let updatedContact: Contact = {
contact.approved = updatedContact.isApproved
contact.approved_me = updatedContact.didApproveMe
contact.blocked = updatedContact.isBlocked
// If we were given a `created` timestamp then set it to the min between the current
// setting and the value (as long as the current setting isn't `0`)
if let created: Int64 ={ Int64(floor($0)) }) {
contact.created = (contact.created > 0 ? min(contact.created, created) : created)
// Store the updated contact (needs to happen before variables go out of scope)
contacts_set(conf, &contact)
// Update the profile data (if there is one - users we have sent a message request to may
// not have profile info in certain situations)
if let updatedProfile: Profile = info.profile {
let oldAvatarUrl: String? = String(libSessionVal: contact.profile_pic.url)
let oldAvatarKey: Data? = Data(
libSessionVal: contact.profile_pic.key,
count: ProfileManager.avatarAES256KeyByteLength
) =
contact.nickname = updatedProfile.nickname.toLibSession()
contact.profile_pic.url = updatedProfile.profilePictureUrl.toLibSession()
contact.profile_pic.key = updatedProfile.profileEncryptionKey.toLibSession()
// Download the profile picture if needed (this can be triggered within
// database reads/writes so dispatch the download to a separate queue to
// prevent blocking)
oldAvatarUrl != (updatedProfile.profilePictureUrl ?? "") ||
oldAvatarKey != (updatedProfile.profileEncryptionKey ?? Data(repeating: 0, count: ProfileManager.avatarAES256KeyByteLength))
{ .background).async {
ProfileManager.downloadAvatar(for: updatedProfile)
// Store the updated contact (needs to happen before variables go out of scope)
contacts_set(conf, &contact)
// Store the updated contact (can't be sure if we made any changes above)
contact.priority = (info.priority ?? contact.priority)
contacts_set(conf, &contact)
// MARK: - Outgoing Changes
internal extension SessionUtil {
static func updatingContacts<T>(_ db: Database, _ updated: [T]) throws -> [T] {
guard let updatedContacts: [Contact] = updated as? [Contact] else { throw StorageError.generic }
// The current users contact data doesn't need to sync so exclude it, we also don't want to sync
// blinded message requests so exclude those as well
let userPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
let targetContacts: [Contact] = updatedContacts
.filter {
$ != userPublicKey &&
SessionId(from: $ == .standard
// If we only updated the current user contact then no need to continue
guard !targetContacts.isEmpty else { return updated }
try SessionUtil.performAndPushChange(
for: .contacts,
publicKey: userPublicKey
) { conf in
// When inserting new contacts (or contacts with invalid profile data) we want
// to add any valid profile information we have so identify if any of the updated
// contacts are new/invalid, and if so, fetch any profile data we have for them
let newContactIds: [String] = targetContacts
.compactMap { contactData -> String? in
var cContactId: [CChar] =
var contact: contacts_contact = contacts_contact()
contacts_get(conf, &contact, &cContactId),
String(libSessionVal:, nullIfEmpty: true) != nil
else { return }
return nil
let newProfiles: [String: Profile] = try Profile
.fetchAll(db, ids: newContactIds)
.reduce(into: [:]) { result, next in result[] = next }
// Upsert the updated contact data
try SessionUtil
contactData: targetContacts
.map { contact in
contact: contact,
profile: newProfiles[]
in: conf
return updated
static func updatingProfiles<T>(_ db: Database, _ updated: [T]) throws -> [T] {
guard let updatedProfiles: [Profile] = updated as? [Profile] else { throw StorageError.generic }
// We should only sync profiles which are associated to contact data to avoid including profiles
// for random people in community conversations so filter out any profiles which don't have an
// associated contact
let existingContactIds: [String] = (try? Contact
.filter(ids: { $ })
.asRequest(of: String.self)
.defaulting(to: [])
// If none of the profiles are associated with existing contacts then ignore the changes (no need
// to do a config sync)
guard !existingContactIds.isEmpty else { return updated }
// Get the user public key (updating their profile is handled separately
let userPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
let targetProfiles: [Profile] = updatedProfiles
.filter {
$ != userPublicKey &&
SessionId(from: $ == .standard &&
// Update the user profile first (if needed)
if let updatedUserProfile: Profile = updatedProfiles.first(where: { $ == userPublicKey }) {
try SessionUtil.performAndPushChange(
for: .userProfile,
publicKey: userPublicKey
) { conf in
try SessionUtil.update(
profile: updatedUserProfile,
in: conf
try SessionUtil.performAndPushChange(
for: .contacts,
publicKey: userPublicKey
) { conf in
try SessionUtil
contactData: targetProfiles
.map { SyncedContactInfo(id: $, profile: $0) },
in: conf
return updated
// MARK: - External Outgoing Changes
public extension SessionUtil {
static func hide(_ db: Database, contactIds: [String]) throws {
try SessionUtil.performAndPushChange(
for: .contacts,
publicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
) { conf in
// Mark the contacts as hidden
try SessionUtil.upsert(
contactData: contactIds
.map {
id: $0,
priority: SessionUtil.hiddenPriority
in: conf
static func remove(_ db: Database, contactIds: [String]) throws {
guard !contactIds.isEmpty else { return }
try SessionUtil.performAndPushChange(
for: .contacts,
publicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
) { conf in
contactIds.forEach { sessionId in
var cSessionId: [CChar] = sessionId.cArray.nullTerminated()
// Don't care if the contact doesn't exist
contacts_erase(conf, &cSessionId)
// MARK: - SyncedContactInfo
extension SessionUtil {
struct SyncedContactInfo {
let id: String
let contact: Contact?
let profile: Profile?
let priority: Int32?
let created: TimeInterval?
id: String,
contact: Contact? = nil,
profile: Profile? = nil,
priority: Int32? = nil,
created: TimeInterval? = nil
) { = id = contact
self.profile = profile
self.priority = priority
self.created = created
// MARK: - ContactData
private struct ContactData {
let contact: Contact
let profile: Profile
let priority: Int32
let created: TimeInterval
// MARK: - ThreadCount
private struct ThreadCount: Codable, FetchableRecord {
let id: String
let interactionCount: Int
// MARK: - Convenience
private extension SessionUtil {
static func extractContacts(
from conf: UnsafeMutablePointer<config_object>?,
latestConfigSentTimestampMs: Int64
) throws -> [String: ContactData] {
var infiniteLoopGuard: Int = 0
var result: [String: ContactData] = [:]
var contact: contacts_contact = contacts_contact()
let contactIterator: UnsafeMutablePointer<contacts_iterator> = contacts_iterator_new(conf)
while !contacts_iterator_done(contactIterator, &contact) {
try SessionUtil.checkLoopLimitReached(&infiniteLoopGuard, for: .contacts)
let contactId: String = String(cString: withUnsafeBytes(of: contact.session_id) { [UInt8]($0) }
.map { CChar($0) }
let contactResult: Contact = Contact(
id: contactId,
isApproved: contact.approved,
isBlocked: contact.blocked,
didApproveMe: contact.approved_me
let profilePictureUrl: String? = String(libSessionVal: contact.profile_pic.url, nullIfEmpty: true)
let profileResult: Profile = Profile(
id: contactId,
name: String(libSessionVal:,
lastNameUpdate: (TimeInterval(latestConfigSentTimestampMs) / 1000),
nickname: String(libSessionVal: contact.nickname, nullIfEmpty: true),
profilePictureUrl: profilePictureUrl,
profileEncryptionKey: (profilePictureUrl == nil ? nil :
libSessionVal: contact.profile_pic.key,
count: ProfileManager.avatarAES256KeyByteLength
lastProfilePictureUpdate: (TimeInterval(latestConfigSentTimestampMs) / 1000)
result[contactId] = ContactData(
contact: contactResult,
profile: profileResult,
priority: contact.priority,
created: TimeInterval(contact.created)
contacts_iterator_free(contactIterator) // Need to free the iterator
return result