2020-12-10 09:22:45 +11:00

227 lines
12 KiB

import AFNetworking
import CryptoSwift
import PromiseKit
import SessionProtocolKit
import SessionSnodeKit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
import SignalCoreKit
/// Base class for `FileServerAPI` and `OpenGroupAPI`.
public class DotNetAPI : NSObject {
// MARK: Settings
private static let attachmentType = "network.loki"
private static let maxRetryCount: UInt = 4
// MARK: Error
public enum Error : LocalizedError {
case generic
case invalidURL
case parsingFailed
case signingFailed
case encryptionFailed
case decryptionFailed
case maxFileSizeExceeded
internal var isRetryable: Bool {
return false
public var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .generic: return "An error occurred."
case .invalidURL: return "Invalid URL."
case .parsingFailed: return "Invalid file server response."
case .signingFailed: return "Couldn't sign message."
case .encryptionFailed: return "Couldn't encrypt file."
case .decryptionFailed: return "Couldn't decrypt file."
case .maxFileSizeExceeded: return "Maximum file size exceeded."
// MARK: Lifecycle
override private init() { }
// MARK: Private API
private static func requestNewAuthToken(for server: String) -> Promise<String> {
SNLog("Requesting auth token for server: \(server).")
guard let userKeyPair = else { return Promise(error: Error.generic) }
let queryParameters = "pubKey=\(userKeyPair.publicKey.toHexString())"
let url = URL(string: "\(server)/loki/v1/get_challenge?\(queryParameters)")!
let request = TSRequest(url: url)
let serverPublicKeyPromise = (server == FileServerAPI.server) ? Promise.value(FileServerAPI.publicKey)
: OpenGroupAPI.getOpenGroupServerPublicKey(for: server)
return serverPublicKeyPromise.then(on: .userInitiated)) { serverPublicKey in
OnionRequestAPI.sendOnionRequest(request, to: server, using: serverPublicKey)
}.map(on: .userInitiated)) { json in
guard let base64EncodedChallenge = json["cipherText64"] as? String, let base64EncodedServerPublicKey = json["serverPubKey64"] as? String,
let challenge = Data(base64Encoded: base64EncodedChallenge), var serverPublicKey = Data(base64Encoded: base64EncodedServerPublicKey) else {
throw Error.parsingFailed
// Discard the "05" prefix if needed
if serverPublicKey.count == 33 {
let hexEncodedServerPublicKey = serverPublicKey.toHexString()
let startIndex = hexEncodedServerPublicKey.index(hexEncodedServerPublicKey.startIndex, offsetBy: 2)
serverPublicKey = Data(hex: String(hexEncodedServerPublicKey[startIndex..<hexEncodedServerPublicKey.endIndex]))
// The challenge is prefixed by the 16 bit IV
guard let tokenAsData = try? DiffieHellman.decrypt(challenge, publicKey: serverPublicKey, privateKey: userKeyPair.privateKey),
let token = String(bytes: tokenAsData, encoding: .utf8) else {
throw Error.decryptionFailed
return token
private static func submitAuthToken(_ token: String, for server: String) -> Promise<String> {
SNLog("Submitting auth token for server: \(server).")
let url = URL(string: "\(server)/loki/v1/submit_challenge")!
guard let userPublicKey = else { return Promise(error: Error.generic) }
let parameters = [ "pubKey" : userPublicKey, "token" : token ]
let request = TSRequest(url: url, method: "POST", parameters: parameters)
let serverPublicKeyPromise = (server == FileServerAPI.server) ? Promise.value(FileServerAPI.publicKey)
: OpenGroupAPI.getOpenGroupServerPublicKey(for: server)
return serverPublicKeyPromise.then(on: .userInitiated)) { serverPublicKey in
OnionRequestAPI.sendOnionRequest(request, to: server, using: serverPublicKey)
}.map(on: .userInitiated)) { _ in token }
// MARK: Public API
public static func getAuthToken(for server: String) -> Promise<String> {
let storage =
if let token = storage.getAuthToken(for: server) {
return Promise.value(token)
} else {
return requestNewAuthToken(for: server).then(on: .userInitiated)) { submitAuthToken($0, for: server) }.map(on: .userInitiated)) { token in
storage.writeSync { transaction in
storage.setAuthToken(for: server, to: token, using: transaction)
return token
public static func objc_downloadAttachment(from url: String) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(downloadAttachment(from: url))
public static func downloadAttachment(from urlAsString: String) -> Promise<Data> {
guard let url = URL(string: urlAsString) else { return Promise(error: Error.invalidURL) }
var host = "https://\(!)"
let sanitizedURL: String
if FileServerAPI.fileStorageBucketURL.contains(host) {
sanitizedURL = urlAsString.replacingOccurrences(of: FileServerAPI.fileStorageBucketURL, with: "\(FileServerAPI.server)/loki/v1")
host = FileServerAPI.server
} else {
sanitizedURL = urlAsString.replacingOccurrences(of: host, with: "\(host)/loki/v1")
let request: NSMutableURLRequest
do {
request = try AFHTTPRequestSerializer().request(withMethod: "GET", urlString: sanitizedURL, parameters: nil)
} catch {
SNLog("Couldn't download attachment due to error: \(error).")
return Promise(error: error)
let serverPublicKeyPromise = FileServerAPI.server.contains(host) ? Promise.value(FileServerAPI.publicKey)
: OpenGroupAPI.getOpenGroupServerPublicKey(for: host)
return attempt(maxRetryCount: maxRetryCount, recoveringOn: .userInitiated)) {
serverPublicKeyPromise.then(on: .userInitiated)) { serverPublicKey in
return OnionRequestAPI.sendOnionRequest(request, to: host, using: serverPublicKey, isJSONRequired: false).map(on: .userInitiated)) { json in
guard let body = json["result"] as? String, let data = Data(base64Encoded: body) else {
SNLog("Couldn't parse attachment from: \(json).")
throw Error.parsingFailed
return data
public static func objc_uploadAttachment(_ attachment: TSAttachmentStream, with attachmentID: String, to server: String) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(uploadAttachment(attachment, with: attachmentID, to: server))
public static func uploadAttachment(_ attachment: TSAttachmentStream, with attachmentID: String, to server: String) -> Promise<Void> {
let isEncryptionRequired = (server == FileServerAPI.server)
return Promise<Void>() { seal in
func proceed(with token: String) {
// Get the attachment
let data: Data
guard let unencryptedAttachmentData = try? attachment.readDataFromFile() else {
SNLog("Couldn't read attachment from disk.")
return seal.reject(Error.generic)
// Encrypt the attachment if needed
if isEncryptionRequired {
var encryptionKey = NSData()
var digest = NSData()
guard let encryptedAttachmentData = Cryptography.encryptAttachmentData(unencryptedAttachmentData, shouldPad: false, outKey: &encryptionKey, outDigest: &digest) else {
SNLog("Couldn't encrypt attachment.")
return seal.reject(Error.encryptionFailed)
attachment.encryptionKey = encryptionKey as Data
attachment.digest = digest as Data
data = encryptedAttachmentData
} else {
data = unencryptedAttachmentData
// Check the file size if needed
SNLog("File size: \(data.count) bytes.")
if Double(data.count) > Double(FileServerAPI.maxFileSize) / FileServerAPI.fileSizeORMultiplier {
return seal.reject(Error.maxFileSizeExceeded)
// Create the request
let url = "\(server)/files"
let parameters: JSON = [ "type" : attachmentType, "Content-Type" : "application/binary" ]
var error: NSError?
let request = AFHTTPRequestSerializer().multipartFormRequest(withMethod: "POST", urlString: url, parameters: parameters, constructingBodyWith: { formData in
let uuid = UUID().uuidString
SNLog("File UUID: \(uuid).")
formData.appendPart(withFileData: data, name: "content", fileName: uuid, mimeType: "application/binary")
}, error: &error)
request.addValue("Bearer \(token)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")
if let error = error {
SNLog("Couldn't upload attachment due to error: \(error).")
return seal.reject(error)
// Send the request
let serverPublicKeyPromise = (server == FileServerAPI.server) ? Promise.value(FileServerAPI.publicKey)
: OpenGroupAPI.getOpenGroupServerPublicKey(for: server)
attachment.isUploaded = false
let _ = serverPublicKeyPromise.then(on: .userInitiated)) { serverPublicKey in
OnionRequestAPI.sendOnionRequest(request, to: server, using: serverPublicKey)
}.done(on: .userInitiated)) { json in
// Parse the server ID & download URL
guard let data = json["data"] as? JSON, let serverID = data["id"] as? UInt64, let downloadURL = data["url"] as? String else {
SNLog("Couldn't parse attachment from: \(json).")
return seal.reject(Error.parsingFailed)
// Update the attachment
attachment.serverId = serverID
attachment.isUploaded = true
attachment.downloadURL = downloadURL
}.catch(on: .userInitiated)) { error in
if server == FileServerAPI.server { .userInitiated).async {
proceed(with: "loki") // Uploads to the Loki File Server shouldn't include any personally identifiable information so use a dummy auth token
} else {
getAuthToken(for: server).done(on: .userInitiated)) { token in
proceed(with: token)
}.catch(on: .userInitiated)) { error in
SNLog("Couldn't upload attachment due to error: \(error).")