Morgan Pretty aabf656d89 Finished off the MediaGallery logic
Updated the config message generation for GRDB
Migrated more preferences into GRDB
Added paging to the MediaTileViewController and sorted out the various animations/transitions
Fixed an issue where the 'recipientState' for the 'baseQuery' on the ConversationCell.ViewModel wasn't grouping correctly
Fixed an issue where the MediaZoomAnimationController could fail if the contextual info wasn't available
Fixed an issue where the MediaZoomAnimationController bounce looked odd when returning to the detail screen from the tile screen
Fixed an issue where the MediaZoomAnimationController didn't work for videos
Fixed a bug where the YDB to GRDB migration wasn't properly handling video files
Fixed a number of minor UI bugs with the GalleryRailView
Deleted a bunch of legacy code
2022-05-20 17:58:39 +10:00

370 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import SessionUtilitiesKit
public struct SessionThread: Codable, Identifiable, Equatable, FetchableRecord, PersistableRecord, TableRecord, ColumnExpressible {
public static var databaseTableName: String { "thread" }
public static let contact = hasOne(Contact.self, using: Contact.threadForeignKey)
public static let closedGroup = hasOne(ClosedGroup.self, using: ClosedGroup.threadForeignKey)
public static let openGroup = hasOne(OpenGroup.self, using: OpenGroup.threadForeignKey)
private static let disappearingMessagesConfiguration = hasOne(
using: DisappearingMessagesConfiguration.threadForeignKey
public static let interactions = hasMany(Interaction.self, using: Interaction.threadForeignKey)
public static let typingIndicator = hasOne(
using: ThreadTypingIndicator.threadForeignKey
public typealias Columns = CodingKeys
public enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey, ColumnExpression {
case id
case variant
case creationDateTimestamp
case shouldBeVisible
case isPinned
case messageDraft
case notificationSound
case mutedUntilTimestamp
case onlyNotifyForMentions
public enum Variant: Int, Codable, DatabaseValueConvertible {
case contact
case closedGroup
case openGroup
/// Unique identifier for a thread (formerly known as uniqueId)
/// This value will depend on the variant:
/// **contact:** The contact id
/// **closedGroup:** The closed group public key
/// **openGroup:** The `\(server.lowercased()).\(room)` value
public let id: String
/// Enum indicating what type of thread this is
public let variant: Variant
/// A timestamp indicating when this thread was created
public let creationDateTimestamp: TimeInterval
/// A flag indicating whether the thread should be visible
public let shouldBeVisible: Bool
/// A flag indicating whether the thread is pinned
public let isPinned: Bool
/// The value the user started entering into the input field before they left the conversation screen
public let messageDraft: String?
/// The sound which should be used when receiving a notification for this thread
/// **Note:** If unset this will use the `Preferences.Sound.defaultNotificationSound`
public let notificationSound: Preferences.Sound?
/// Timestamp (seconds since epoch) for when this thread should stop being muted
public let mutedUntilTimestamp: TimeInterval?
/// A flag indicating whether the thread should only notify for mentions
public let onlyNotifyForMentions: Bool
// MARK: - Relationships
public var contact: QueryInterfaceRequest<Contact> {
public var closedGroup: QueryInterfaceRequest<ClosedGroup> {
request(for: SessionThread.closedGroup)
public var openGroup: QueryInterfaceRequest<OpenGroup> {
request(for: SessionThread.openGroup)
public var disappearingMessagesConfiguration: QueryInterfaceRequest<DisappearingMessagesConfiguration> {
request(for: SessionThread.disappearingMessagesConfiguration)
public var interactions: QueryInterfaceRequest<Interaction> {
request(for: SessionThread.interactions)
public var typingIndicator: QueryInterfaceRequest<ThreadTypingIndicator> {
request(for: SessionThread.typingIndicator)
// MARK: - Initialization
public init(
id: String,
variant: Variant,
creationDateTimestamp: TimeInterval = Date().timeIntervalSince1970,
shouldBeVisible: Bool = false,
isPinned: Bool = false,
messageDraft: String? = nil,
notificationSound: Preferences.Sound? = nil,
mutedUntilTimestamp: TimeInterval? = nil,
onlyNotifyForMentions: Bool = false
) { = id
self.variant = variant
self.creationDateTimestamp = creationDateTimestamp
self.shouldBeVisible = shouldBeVisible
self.isPinned = isPinned
self.messageDraft = messageDraft
self.notificationSound = notificationSound
self.mutedUntilTimestamp = mutedUntilTimestamp
self.onlyNotifyForMentions = onlyNotifyForMentions
// MARK: - Custom Database Interaction
public func insert(_ db: Database) throws {
try performInsert(db)
db[.hasSavedThreadKey] = true
public func delete(_ db: Database) throws -> Bool {
// Delete any jobs associated to this thread
try Job
.filter(Job.Columns.threadId == id)
// Delete any GroupMembers associated to this thread
if variant == .closedGroup || variant == .openGroup {
try GroupMember
.filter(GroupMember.Columns.groupId == id)
return try performDelete(db)
// MARK: - Mutation
public extension SessionThread {
func with(
shouldBeVisible: Bool? = nil,
isPinned: Bool? = nil
) -> SessionThread {
return SessionThread(
id: id,
variant: variant,
creationDateTimestamp: creationDateTimestamp,
shouldBeVisible: (shouldBeVisible ?? self.shouldBeVisible),
isPinned: (isPinned ?? self.isPinned),
messageDraft: messageDraft,
notificationSound: notificationSound,
mutedUntilTimestamp: mutedUntilTimestamp,
onlyNotifyForMentions: onlyNotifyForMentions
// MARK: - GRDB Interactions
public extension SessionThread {
/// Fetches or creates a SessionThread with the specified id and variant
/// **Notes:**
/// - The `variant` will be ignored if an existing thread is found
/// - This method **will** save the newly created SessionThread to the database
static func fetchOrCreate(_ db: Database, id: ID, variant: Variant) throws -> SessionThread {
guard let existingThread: SessionThread = try? fetchOne(db, id: id) else {
return try SessionThread(id: id, variant: variant)
return existingThread
static func messageRequestThreads(_ db: Database) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<SessionThread> {
return SessionThread
.filter(Columns.shouldBeVisible == true)
.filter(Columns.variant ==
.filter( != getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db))
optional: contact
.filter(Contact.Columns.isApproved == false)
func isMessageRequest(_ db: Database) -> Bool {
return (
shouldBeVisible &&
variant == .contact &&
id != getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db) && // Note to self
(try? Contact.fetchOne(db, id: id))?.isApproved != true
// MARK: - Convenience
public extension SessionThread {
static func displayName(userPublicKey: String) -> SQLSpecificExpressible {
let contactAlias: TypedTableAlias<Contact> = TypedTableAlias()
return (
SessionThread.Columns.variant == SessionThread.Variant.closedGroup &&
) || (
SessionThread.Columns.variant == SessionThread.Variant.openGroup &&
) || (
isNoteToSelf(userPublicKey: userPublicKey)
) || (
Profile.Columns.nickname ||
//customFallback: Profile.truncated(id:, truncating: .middle)
/// This method can be used to create a query based on whether a thread is the note to self thread
static func isNoteToSelf(userPublicKey: String) -> SQLSpecificExpressible {
return (
SessionThread.Columns.variant == && == userPublicKey
/// This method can be used to filter a thread query to only include messages requests
/// **Note:** In order to use this filter you **MUST** have a `joining(required/optional:)` to the
/// `` association or it won't work
static func isMessageRequest(userPublicKey: String) -> SQLSpecificExpressible {
let threadAlias: TypedTableAlias<SessionThread> = TypedTableAlias()
let contactAlias: TypedTableAlias<Contact> = TypedTableAlias()
return SQL(
\(threadAlias[.shouldBeVisible]) = true AND
\(SQL("\(threadAlias[.variant]) = \(")) AND
\(SQL("\(threadAlias[.id]) != \(userPublicKey)")) AND (
/* Note: A '!= true' check doesn't work properly so we need to be explicit */
\(contactAlias[.isApproved]) IS NULL OR
\(contactAlias[.isApproved]) = false
/// This method can be used to filter a thread query to exclude messages requests
/// **Note:** In order to use this filter you **MUST** have a `joining(required/optional:)` to the
/// `` association or it won't work
static func isNotMessageRequest(userPublicKey: String) -> SQLSpecificExpressible {
let contactAlias: TypedTableAlias<Contact> = TypedTableAlias()
return (
SessionThread.Columns.shouldBeVisible == true && (
SessionThread.Columns.variant != || == userPublicKey || // Note to self
contactAlias[.isApproved] == true
func isNoteToSelf(_ db: Database? = nil) -> Bool {
return (
variant == .contact &&
id == getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
static func displayName(
threadId: String,
variant: Variant,
closedGroupName: String? = nil,
openGroupName: String? = nil,
isNoteToSelf: Bool = false,
profile: Profile? = nil
) -> String {
switch variant {
case .closedGroup: return (closedGroupName ?? "Unknown Group")
case .openGroup: return (openGroupName ?? "Unknown Group")
case .contact:
guard !isNoteToSelf else { return "NOTE_TO_SELF".localized() }
guard let profile: Profile = profile else {
return Profile.truncated(id: threadId, truncating: .middle)
return profile.displayName()
// MARK: - Objective-C Support
// FIXME: Remove when possible
public class SMKThread: NSObject {
public static func isThreadMuted(_ threadId: String) -> Bool {
return { db in
let mutedUntilTimestamp: TimeInterval? = try SessionThread
.filter(id: threadId)
.asRequest(of: TimeInterval?.self)
return (mutedUntilTimestamp != nil)
.defaulting(to: false)
public static func isOnlyNotifyingForMentions(_ threadId: String) -> Bool {
return { db in
return try SessionThread
.select(SessionThread.Columns.onlyNotifyForMentions == true)
.filter(id: threadId)
.asRequest(of: Bool.self)
.defaulting(to: false)
public static func isOnlyNotifyingForMentions(_ threadId: String, isEnabled: Bool) {
GRDBStorage.shared.write { db in
try SessionThread
.filter(id: threadId)
.updateAll(db, SessionThread.Columns.onlyNotifyForMentions.set(to: isEnabled))
public static func mutedUntilDateFor(_ threadId: String) -> Date? {
return { db in
return try SessionThread
.filter(id: threadId)
.asRequest(of: TimeInterval.self)
.map { Date(timeIntervalSince1970: $0) }
public static func updateWithMutedUntilDate(to date: Date?, threadId: String) {
GRDBStorage.shared.write { db in
try SessionThread
.filter(id: threadId)
.updateAll(db, SessionThread.Columns.mutedUntilTimestamp.set(to: date?.timeIntervalSince1970))