Morgan Pretty aabf656d89 Finished off the MediaGallery logic
Updated the config message generation for GRDB
Migrated more preferences into GRDB
Added paging to the MediaTileViewController and sorted out the various animations/transitions
Fixed an issue where the 'recipientState' for the 'baseQuery' on the ConversationCell.ViewModel wasn't grouping correctly
Fixed an issue where the MediaZoomAnimationController could fail if the contextual info wasn't available
Fixed an issue where the MediaZoomAnimationController bounce looked odd when returning to the detail screen from the tile screen
Fixed an issue where the MediaZoomAnimationController didn't work for videos
Fixed a bug where the YDB to GRDB migration wasn't properly handling video files
Fixed a number of minor UI bugs with the GalleryRailView
Deleted a bunch of legacy code
2022-05-20 17:58:39 +10:00

329 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
public struct Job: Codable, Equatable, Identifiable, FetchableRecord, MutablePersistableRecord, TableRecord, ColumnExpressible {
public static var databaseTableName: String { "job" }
internal static let dependencyForeignKey = ForeignKey([], to: [JobDependencies.Columns.dependantId])
internal static let dependantJobForeignKey = ForeignKey([], to: [JobDependencies.Columns.jobId])
internal static let dependencies = hasMany(Job.self, using: dependencyForeignKey)
internal static let dependantJobs = hasMany(Job.self, using: dependencyForeignKey)
public typealias Columns = CodingKeys
public enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey, ColumnExpression {
case id
case failureCount
case variant
case behaviour
case nextRunTimestamp
case threadId
case interactionId
case details
public enum Variant: Int, Codable, DatabaseValueConvertible {
/// This is a recurring job that handles the removal of disappearing messages and is triggered
/// at the timestamp of the next disappearing message
case disappearingMessages
/// This is a recurring job that ensures the app retrieves a service node pool on active
/// **Note:** This is a blocking job so it will run before any other jobs and prevent them from
/// running until it's complete
case getSnodePool
/// This is a recurring job that checks if the user needs to update their profile picture on launch, and if so
/// attempt to download the latest
case updateProfilePicture
/// This is a recurring job that ensures the app fetches the default open group rooms on launch
case retrieveDefaultOpenGroupRooms
/// This is a recurring job that removes expired and orphaned data, it runs on launch and can also be triggered
/// as 'runOnce' to avoid waiting until the next launch to clear data
case garbageCollection
/// This is a recurring job that runs on launch and flags any messages marked as 'sending' to
/// be in their 'failed' state
/// **Note:** This is a blocking job so it will run before any other jobs and prevent them from
/// running until it's complete
case failedMessages = 1000
/// This is a recurring job that runs on launch and flags any attachments marked as 'uploading' to
/// be in their 'failed' state
/// **Note:** This is a blocking job so it will run before any other jobs and prevent them from
/// running until it's complete
case failedAttachmentDownloads
/// This is a recurring job that runs on return from background and registeres and uploads the
/// latest device push tokens
case syncPushTokens = 2000
/// This is a job that runs once whenever a message is sent to notify the push notification server
/// about the message
case notifyPushServer
/// This is a job that runs once at most every 3 seconds per thread whenever a message is marked as read
/// (if read receipts are enabled) to notify other members in a conversation that their message was read
case sendReadReceipts
/// This is a job that runs once whenever a message is received to attempt to decode and properly
/// process the message
case messageReceive = 3000
/// This is a job that runs once whenever a message is sent to attempt to encode and properly
/// send the message
case messageSend
/// This is a job that runs once whenever an attachment is uploaded to attempt to encode and properly
/// upload the attachment
case attachmentUpload
/// This is a job that runs once whenever an attachment is downloaded to attempt to decode and properly
/// download the attachment
case attachmentDownload
public enum Behaviour: Int, Codable, DatabaseValueConvertible {
/// This job will run once and then be removed from the jobs table
case runOnce
/// This job will run once the next time the app launches and then be removed from the jobs table
case runOnceNextLaunch
/// This job will run and then will be updated with a new `nextRunTimestamp` (at least 1 second in
/// the future) in order to be run again
case recurring
/// This job will run once each launch and may run again during the same session if `nextRunTimestamp`
/// gets set
case recurringOnLaunch
/// This job will run once each launch and may run again during the same session if `nextRunTimestamp`
/// gets set, it also must complete before any other jobs can run
case recurringOnLaunchBlocking
/// This job will run once each launch and may run again during the same session if `nextRunTimestamp`
/// gets set, it also must complete before any other jobs can run
case recurringOnLaunchBlockingOncePerSession
/// This job will run once each whenever the app becomes active (launch and return from background) and
/// may run again during the same session if `nextRunTimestamp` gets set
case recurringOnActive
/// This job will run once each whenever the app becomes active (launch and return from background) and
/// may run again during the same session if `nextRunTimestamp` gets set, it also must complete before
/// any other jobs can run
case recurringOnActiveBlocking
/// The `id` value is auto incremented by the database, if the `Job` hasn't been inserted into
/// the database yet this value will be `nil`
public var id: Int64? = nil
/// A counter for the number of times this job has failed
public let failureCount: UInt
/// The type of job
public let variant: Variant
/// The type of job
public let behaviour: Behaviour
/// Seconds since epoch to indicate the next datetime that this job should run
public let nextRunTimestamp: TimeInterval
/// The id of the thread this job is associated with, if the associated thread is deleted this job will
/// also be deleted
/// **Note:** This will only be populated for Jobs associated to threads
public let threadId: String?
/// The id of the interaction this job is associated with, if the associated interaction is deleted this
/// job will also be deleted
/// **Note:** This will only be populated for Jobs associated to interactions
public let interactionId: Int64?
/// JSON encoded data required for the job
public let details: Data?
/// The other jobs which this job is dependant on
/// **Note:** When completing a job the dependencies **MUST** be cleared before the job is
/// deleted or it will automatically delete any dependant jobs
public var dependencies: QueryInterfaceRequest<Job> {
request(for: Job.dependencies)
/// The other jobs which depend on this job
/// **Note:** When completing a job the dependencies **MUST** be cleared before the job is
/// deleted or it will automatically delete any dependant jobs
public var dependantJobs: QueryInterfaceRequest<Job> {
request(for: Job.dependantJobs)
// MARK: - Initialization
fileprivate init(
id: Int64?,
failureCount: UInt,
variant: Variant,
behaviour: Behaviour,
nextRunTimestamp: TimeInterval,
threadId: String?,
interactionId: Int64?,
details: Data?
) { = id
self.failureCount = failureCount
self.variant = variant
self.behaviour = behaviour
self.nextRunTimestamp = nextRunTimestamp
self.threadId = threadId
self.interactionId = interactionId
self.details = details
public init(
failureCount: UInt = 0,
variant: Variant,
behaviour: Behaviour = .runOnce,
nextRunTimestamp: TimeInterval = 0,
threadId: String? = nil,
interactionId: Int64? = nil
) {
self.failureCount = failureCount
self.variant = variant
self.behaviour = behaviour
self.nextRunTimestamp = nextRunTimestamp
self.threadId = threadId
self.interactionId = interactionId
self.details = nil
public init?<T: Encodable>(
failureCount: UInt = 0,
variant: Variant,
behaviour: Behaviour = .runOnce,
nextRunTimestamp: TimeInterval = 0,
threadId: String? = nil,
interactionId: Int64? = nil,
details: T?
) {
precondition(T.self != Job.self, "[Job] Fatal error trying to create a Job with a Job as it's details")
let details: T = details,
let detailsData: Data = try? JSONEncoder().encode(details)
else { return nil }
self.failureCount = failureCount
self.variant = variant
self.behaviour = behaviour
self.nextRunTimestamp = nextRunTimestamp
self.threadId = threadId
self.interactionId = interactionId
self.details = detailsData
// MARK: - Custom Database Interaction
public mutating func didInsert(with rowID: Int64, for column: String?) { = rowID
public func delete(_ db: Database) throws -> Bool {
// Delete any dependencies
try dependantJobs
return try performDelete(db)
// MARK: - GRDB Interactions
extension Job {
internal static func filterPendingJobs(excludeFutureJobs: Bool = true) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Job> {
let query: QueryInterfaceRequest<Job> = Job
// TODO: Should this include other behaviours? (what happens if one of the other types fails???? Just leave it until the next launch/active???) Set a 'failureCount' and use that to determine if it should run? (reset on success)
// Retrieve all 'runOnce' and 'recurring' jobs
].contains(Job.Columns.behaviour) || (
// Retrieve any 'recurringOnLaunch' and 'recurringOnActive' jobs that have a
// 'nextRunTimestamp'
].contains(Job.Columns.behaviour) &&
Job.Columns.nextRunTimestamp > 0
guard excludeFutureJobs else {
return query
return query
.filter(Job.Columns.nextRunTimestamp <= Date().timeIntervalSince1970)
// MARK: - Convenience
public extension Job {
var isBlocking: Bool {
switch self.behaviour {
case .recurringOnLaunchBlocking,
return true
default: return false
func with(
failureCount: UInt = 0,
nextRunTimestamp: TimeInterval
) -> Job {
return Job(
id: id,
failureCount: failureCount,
variant: variant,
behaviour: behaviour,
nextRunTimestamp: nextRunTimestamp,
threadId: threadId,
interactionId: interactionId,
details: details
func with<T: Encodable>(details: T) -> Job? {
guard let detailsData: Data = try? JSONEncoder().encode(details) else { return nil }
return Job(
id: id,
failureCount: failureCount,
variant: variant,
behaviour: behaviour,
nextRunTimestamp: nextRunTimestamp,
threadId: threadId,
interactionId: interactionId,
details: detailsData