Michael Kirk c13226d6c6 sync translations
2018-03-22 20:16:34 -04:00

2119 lines
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/* Button text to dismiss missing contacts permission alert */
/* Action sheet item */
/* A label for the 'add by phone number' button in the 'add group member' view */
/* Title for the 'add contact' section of the 'add group member' view. */
/* Title for the 'add by phone number' section of the 'add group member' view. */
/* Title for the 'add group member' view. */
/* Message shown in conversation view that offers to share your profile with a group. */
/* Message shown in conversation view that offers to add an unknown user to your phone's contacts. */
"ADD_TO_CONTACTS_OFFER" = "你要將此使用者加入聯絡資訊嗎?";
/* Message shown in conversation view that offers to share your profile with a user. */
"ADD_USER_TO_PROFILE_WHITELIST_OFFER" = "你是否願意將個人資訊讓此使用者看見?";
/* The label for the 'discard' button in alerts and action sheets. */
/* The label for the 'don't save' button in action sheets. */
"ALERT_DONT_SAVE" = "不要儲存";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* The label for the 'save' button in action sheets. */
"ALERT_SAVE" = "儲存";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"APN_Message" = "新訊息!";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"APN_MESSAGE_FROM" = "訊息來自";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Message for the 'app launch failed' alert. */
"APP_LAUNCH_FAILURE_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "Signal 無法啓動。請將您的偵錯日誌檔傳送給我們團隊,以便我們幫助您解決此問題。";
/* Title for the 'app launch failed' alert. */
/* Text prompting user to edit their profile name. */
/* Message format for the 'new app version available' alert. Embeds: {{The latest app version number.}}. */
/* Title for the 'new app version available' alert. */
"APP_UPDATE_NAG_ALERT_TITLE" = "有新版的Signal 已提供下載";
/* Label for the 'update' button in the 'new app version available' alert. */
/* Name of application */
/* Pressing this button moves a thread from the inbox to the archive */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"ATTACHMENT" = "附件";
/* Title for the 'attachment approval' dialog. */
/* Format string for file extension label in call interstitial view */
/* Format string for file size label in call interstitial view. Embeds: {{file size as 'N mb' or 'N kb'}}. */
/* Label for 'send' button in the 'attachment approval' dialog. */
/* Generic filename for an attachment with no known name */
/* Status label when an attachment download has failed. */
/* Status label when an attachment is currently downloading */
/* Status label when an attachment is enqueued, but hasn't yet started downloading */
/* The title of the 'attachment error' alert. */
/* Attachment error message for image attachments which could not be converted to JPEG */
/* Attachment error message for video attachments which could not be converted to MP4 */
/* Attachment error message for image attachments which cannot be parsed */
/* Attachment error message for image attachments in which metadata could not be removed */
/* Attachment error message for attachments whose data exceed file size limits */
/* Attachment error message for attachments with invalid data */
/* Attachment error message for attachments with an invalid file format */
/* Attachment error message for attachments without any data */
/* Accessibility hint describing what you can do with the attachment button */
"ATTACHMENT_HINT" = "選擇或拍攝圖片,然後寄出";
/* Accessibility label for attaching photos */
/* Alert title when picking a document fails for an unknown reason */
/* Alert body when picking a document fails because user picked a directory/bundle */
/* Alert title when picking a document fails because user picked a directory/bundle */
/* Short text label for a voice message attachment, used for thread preview and on lockscreen */
/* action sheet button title to enable built in speaker during a call */
/* button text for back button */
"BACK_BUTTON" = "返回";
/* Error indicating the a backup export could not export the user's data. */
/* Error indicating that the app received an invalid response from CloudKit. */
/* Error indicating the a backup export failed to save a file to the cloud. */
/* Indicates that the cloud is being cleaned up. */
/* Indicates that the backup export is being configured. */
/* Indicates that the database data is being exported. */
/* Indicates that the backup export data is being exported. */
/* Indicates that the backup export data is being uploaded. */
/* Error indicating the a backup import could not import the user's data. */
/* Indicates that the backup import is checking for an existing backup. */
/* Indicates that the backup import is being configured. */
/* Indicates that the backup import data is being downloaded. */
/* Indicates that the backup import data is being finalized. */
/* Indicates that the backup import data is being imported. */
/* Indicates that the backup database is being restored. */
/* Indicates that the backup import data is being restored. */
/* An explanation of the consequences of blocking another user. */
"BLOCK_BEHAVIOR_EXPLANATION" = "被封鎖的使用者將無法打電話或傳訊息給你。";
/* Button label for the 'block' button */
/* A format for the 'block user' action sheet title. Embeds {{the blocked user's name or phone number}}. */
/* Button label for the 'unblock' button */
/* A format for the 'unblock user' action sheet title. Embeds {{the blocked user's name or phone number}}. */
/* A label for the block button in the block list view */
/* The title of the 'block user failed' alert. */
/* The title of the 'block user failed' alert. */
/* The message format of the 'user blocked' alert. Embeds {{the blocked user's name or phone number}}. */
/* The title of the 'user blocked' alert. */
/* The message of the 'You can't block yourself' alert. */
/* The title of the 'You can't block yourself' alert. */
/* The title of the 'unblock user failed' alert. */
/* The title of the 'unblock user failed' alert. */
/* The message format of the 'user unblocked' alert. Embeds {{the blocked user's name or phone number}}. */
/* The title of the 'user unblocked' alert. */
/* Action sheet that will block an unknown user. */
/* Title format for action sheet that offers to block an unknown user.Embeds {{the unknown user's name or phone number}}. */
/* Label for generic done button. */
"BUTTON_DONE" = "完成";
/* Alert message when calling and permissions for microphone are missing */
"CALL_AUDIO_PERMISSION_MESSAGE" = "Signal 須要使用你的麥克風來撥打電話及錄製語音訊息。你可以在設定裡允許此權限。";
/* Alert title when calling and permissions for microphone are missing */
/* Accessibilty label for placing call button */
"CALL_LABEL" = "撥出";
/* Call setup status label after outgoing call times out */
/* embeds {{Call Status}} in call screen label. For ongoing calls, {{Call Status}} is a seconds timer like 01:23, otherwise {{Call Status}} is a short text like 'Ringing', 'Busy', or 'Failed Call' */
"CALL_STATUS_FORMAT" = "Signal %@";
/* Label for call button for alert offering to call a user. */
/* Message format for alert offering to call a user. Embeds {{the user's display name or phone number}}. */
/* Title for alert offering to call a user. */
/* Accessibility label for accepting incoming calls */
/* Accessibility label for selection the audio source */
/* Accessibility label for declining incoming calls */
/* Accessibility label for hang up call */
/* Accessibility label for muting the microphone */
/* Reminder to the user of the benefits of enabling CallKit and disabling CallKit privacy. */
"CALL_VIEW_SETTINGS_NAG_DESCRIPTION_ALL" = "你可以設定直接在鎖定螢幕上接聽電話及看見來電者的名字與號碼。\n\n查看隱私權設定以獲得更多細節。";
/* Reminder to the user of the benefits of disabling CallKit privacy. */
"CALL_VIEW_SETTINGS_NAG_DESCRIPTION_PRIVACY" = "如果變更設定,你可以看見來電者的名字與電話號碼。\n\n查看隱私權設定以獲得更多細節。";
/* Label for button that dismiss the call view's settings nag. */
/* Label for button that shows the privacy settings. */
/* Accessibility label to switch to audio only */
/* Accessibility label to switch to video call */
/* notification action */
/* The generic name used for calls if CallKit privacy is enabled */
/* Message for alert explaining that a user cannot be verified. */
"CANT_VERIFY_IDENTITY_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "此使用者無法驗證直到你與他們交換訊息。";
/* Title for alert explaining that a user cannot be verified. */
/* Title for the 'censorship circumvention country' view. */
/* Error indicating that the app could not determine that user's CloudKit account status */
/* Error indicating that user does not have an iCloud account. */
"CLOUDKIT_STATUS_NO_ACCOUNT" = "你沒有iCloud 帳號來備份。";
/* Error indicating that the app was prevented from accessing the user's CloudKit account. */
"CLOUDKIT_STATUS_RESTRICTED" = "Signal 並不被允許連結你的 iCloud 帳號來備份。";
/* Activity Sheet label */
/* Table section header for contact listing when composing a new message */
/* Table section header for group listing when composing a new message */
/* Table section header for invite listing when composing a new message */
/* Multiline label explaining why compose-screen contact picker is empty. */
"COMPOSE_SCREEN_MISSING_CONTACTS_PERMISSION" = "要查看哪個聯絡人是Signal 使用者,請在設定中允許存取聯絡資訊。";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DESTRUCTION_TEXT" = "這將刪除你的訊息和取消你在伺服器的註冊,應用程式將會重新設定。應用程式將在資料刪除後關閉。";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Alert body */
"CONFIRM_LEAVE_GROUP_DESCRIPTION" = "你將無法在此群組中寄出或收到訊息。";
/* Alert title */
/* Button text */
/* Action sheet body presented when a user's SN have recently changed. Embeds {{contact's name or phone nubmer}} */
"CONFIRM_SENDING_TO_CHANGED_IDENTITY_BODY_FORMAT" = "%@可能重新安裝程式或更換裝置了。為了隱私上的安全,請與他們重新驗證安全碼。";
/* Action sheet title presented when a users's SN have recently changed. Embeds {{contact's name or phone number}} */
/* Generic button text to proceed with an action */
/* An indicator that a contact has been blocked. */
/* An indicator that a contact is no longer verified. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* table cell subtitle when contact card has no email */
/* table cell subtitle when contact card has no known phone number */
/* title for conversation settings screen */
/* Label for 'new contact' button in conversation settings view. */
/* table cell label in conversation settings */
/* Navbar title when viewing settings for a 1-on-1 thread */
/* Navbar title when viewing settings for a group thread */
/* Title of the 'mute this thread' action sheet. */
/* label for 'mute thread' cell in conversation settings */
/* Indicates that the current thread is not muted. */
/* Label for button to mute a thread for a day. */
/* Label for button to mute a thread for a hour. */
/* Label for button to mute a thread for a minute. */
/* Label for button to mute a thread for a week. */
/* Label for button to mute a thread for a year. */
/* Indicates that this thread is muted until a given date or time. Embeds {{The date or time which the thread is muted until}}. */
/* Label for 'new contact' button in conversation settings view. */
/* Label for button to unmute a thread. */
/* Indicates that user's profile has been shared with a group. */
/* Indicates that user's profile has been shared with a user. */
/* Button to confirm that user wants to share their profile with a user or group. */
/* Action that shares user profile with a group. */
/* Action that shares user profile with a user. */
/* Message shown in conversation view that offers to add an unknown user to your phone's contacts. */
/* Message shown in conversation view that offers to share your profile with a user. */
/* Title for the group of buttons show for unknown contacts offering to add them to contacts, etc. */
/* Indicates that the app is loading more messages in this conversation. */
/* Indicator on truncated text messages that they can be tapped to see the entire text message. */
/* Message shown in conversation view that offers to block an unknown user. */
/* ActionSheet title */
"CORRUPTED_SESSION_DESCRIPTION" = "重設會話將讓你接收來自%@的訊息,但已毀損的訊息將不會被復原。";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Accessibility label for the create group new group button */
"CREATE_NEW_GROUP" = "建立新群組";
/* Title for the 'crop/scale image' dialog. */
/* Subtitle shown while the app is updating its database. */
/* Title shown while the app is updating its database. */
/* The current day. */
"DATE_TODAY" = "今天";
/* The day before today. */
/* Error indicating that the debug logs could not be copied. */
/* Error indicating that the debug logs could not be packaged. */
/* Error indicating that a debug log could not be uploaded. */
/* Message of the debug log alert. */
"DEBUG_LOG_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "你要怎麼把這連結傳送到這偵錯日誌?";
/* Error indicating that no debug logs could be found. */
"DEBUG_LOG_ALERT_NO_LOGS" = "無法發現任何日誌。";
/* Label for the 'Open a Bug Report' option of the the debug log alert. */
/* Label for the 'copy link' option of the the debug log alert. */
/* Label for the 'email debug log' option of the the debug log alert. */
/* Label for the 'send to last thread' option of the the debug log alert. */
/* Label for the 'send to self' option of the the debug log alert. */
/* Label for the 'Share' option of the the debug log alert. */
/* Title of the alert shown for failures while uploading debug logs.
Title of the debug log alert. */
/* Message of the alert before redirecting to Github Issues. */
"DEBUG_LOG_GITHUB_ISSUE_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "本連結已複製至剪貼簿。你現在將導至 GitHub 錯誤回報列表。";
/* Title of the alert before redirecting to Github Issues. */
/* {{Short Date}} when device last communicated with Signal Server. */
"DEVICE_LAST_ACTIVE_AT_LABEL" = "最近一次上線時間:%@";
/* {{Short Date}} when device was linked. */
/* Alert title that can occur when viewing device manager. */
/* table cell label in conversation settings */
/* subheading in conversation settings */
"DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_DESCRIPTION" = "開啟此功能後,在對話視窗中寄出或接收的訊息在讀取後銷毀。";
/* Accessibility hint that contains current timeout information */
/* Accessibility label for disappearing messages */
/* Short text to dismiss current modal / actionsheet / screen */
/* Section title for the 'domain fronting country' view. */
/* Alert body for when the user has just tried to edit a contacts after declining to give Signal contacts permissions */
/* Alert title for when the user has just tried to edit a contacts after declining to give Signal contacts permissions */
/* table cell label in conversation settings */
/* a title for the contacts section of the 'new/update group' view. */
/* The navbar title for the 'update group' view. */
/* Label for the cell that lets you add a new member to a group. */
/* a title for the members section of the 'new/update group' view. */
/* An indicator that a user is a new member of the group. */
/* The title for the 'update group' button. */
/* The alert message if user tries to exit update group view without saving changes. */
/* The alert title if user tries to exit update group view without saving changes. */
/* Short name for edit menu item to copy contents of media message. */
/* Short name for edit menu item to delete contents of media message. */
/* Short name for edit menu item to show message metadata. */
/* Short name for edit menu item to save contents of media message. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"EDIT_TXT" = "編輯";
/* body of email sent to contacts when inviting to install Signal. Embeds {{link to install Signal}} and {{link to WhisperSystems home page}} */
"EMAIL_INVITE_BODY" = "嗨,\n\n我最近開始使用 Signal 來維護在iPhone 上聊天時的隱私安全。我希望你也可以安裝這個軟體,這樣我們就可以放心的傳訊息或講電話。\n\nSignal 在iPhone 及Android 上都可以使用,從這裡下載:%@\n\nSignal 就與現有的通訊軟體一樣你可以傳圖片或影片、打電話及群組聊天。最棒的是沒有其他人看得見內容就算是Signal 的開發者。\n\n你可以連結到 Open Whisper Systems的網頁去了解更多的細節%@";
/* subject of email sent to contacts when inviting to install Signal */
"EMAIL_INVITE_SUBJECT" = "讓我們改用 Signal";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"EMPTY_ARCHIVE_FIRST_TITLE" = "開始你第一個Signal 對話!";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"EMPTY_ARCHIVE_TEXT" = "你可以將不再活動的對話紀錄從收件夾中封存起來。";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"EMPTY_ARCHIVE_TITLE" = "清除你的對話。";
/* Full width label displayed when attempting to compose message */
"EMPTY_CONTACTS_LABEL_LINE1" = "你的聯絡資訊中沒有人使用 Signal。";
/* Full width label displayed when attempting to compose message */
"EMPTY_CONTACTS_LABEL_LINE2" = "為什麼不邀請朋友呢?";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"EMPTY_INBOX_FIRST_TEXT" = "提示:新增對話來當做提醒的功能!";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"EMPTY_INBOX_TEXT" = "沒有!就是沒有啊!";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"EMPTY_INBOX_TITLE" = "超級無敵乾淨。";
/* Indicates that user should confirm their 'two factor auth pin'. */
/* Error indicating that attempt to disable 'two-factor auth' failed. */
/* Error indicating that attempt to enable 'two-factor auth' failed. */
/* Label for the 'enable two-factor auth' item in the settings view */
/* Label for the 'enable two-factor auth' item in the settings view */
/* Label for the 'next' button in the 'enable two factor auth' views. */
/* Error indicating that the entered 'two-factor auth PINs' do not match. */
/* Indicates that user should select a 'two factor auth pin'. */
"ENABLE_2FA_VIEW_SELECT_PIN_INSTRUCTIONS" = "輸入一個註冊鎖定 PIN 碼。未來若你用此電話號碼註冊於 Signal ,你將被要求輸入這個 PIN 碼。";
/* Indicates that user has 'two factor auth pin' disabled. */
"ENABLE_2FA_VIEW_STATUS_DISABLED_INSTRUCTIONS" = "為了增加安全性,未來若要以此電話號碼再次註冊於 Signal ,你就必須啟動註冊鎖定 PIN 碼。";
/* Indicates that user has 'two factor auth pin' enabled. */
"ENABLE_2FA_VIEW_STATUS_ENABLED_INSTRUCTIONS" = "註冊鎖定功能已啟動。未來你若要使用此電話號碼再次註冊於 Signal你必須輸入你的 PIN 碼。";
/* Title for the 'enable two factor auth PIN' views. */
/* Call setup status label */
/* Call setup status label */
/* Generic notice when message failed to send. */
/* Error mesage indicating that message send is disabled due to prekey update failures */
/* Error mesage indicating that message send failed due to block list */
/* Error mesage indicating that message send failed due to failed attachment write */
/* Generic error used whenver Signal can't contact the server */
"ERROR_DESCRIPTION_NO_INTERNET" = "Signal 無法連結到網際網路。請改試其他的 WiFi 或行動網路。";
/* Error indicating that an outgoing message had no valid recipients. */
/* Error message when attempting to send message */
"ERROR_DESCRIPTION_SENDING_UNAUTHORIZED" = "你的電話號碼不再註冊於此裝置。你必須移除並重新安裝 Signal。";
/* Generic server error */
/* Worst case generic error message */
/* Error message when attempting to send message */
/* Error message when unable to receive an attachment because the sending client is too old. */
"ERROR_MESSAGE_ATTACHMENT_FROM_OLD_CLIENT" = "失敗:請要求發送者更新 Signal後再重新傳送。";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"ERROR_MESSAGE_INVALID_MESSAGE" = "已接收的訊息不再同步,點擊以重設安全會話。";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Shown when signal users safety numbers changed */
/* Shown when signal users safety numbers changed, embeds the user's {{name or phone number}} */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* action sheet header when re-sending message which failed because of too many attempts */
/* action sheet header when re-sending message which failed because of untrusted identity keys */
"FAILED_SENDING_BECAUSE_UNTRUSTED_IDENTITY_KEY" = "你與%@的安全碼最近改變。 請在重新傳送訊息前再次驗證。";
/* alert title */
/* Button that marks user as verified after a successful fingerprint scan. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Accessibilty label for finishing new group */
/* Label indicating media gallery is empty */
"GALLERY_TILES_EMPTY_GALLERY" = "You don't have any media in this conversation.";
/* Label indicating loading is in progress */
/* Label indicating loading is in progress */
/* A default label for attachment whose file extension cannot be determined. */
/* A label for generic attachments. */
/* Error displayed when there is a failure fetching gifs from the remote service. */
"GIF_PICKER_ERROR_FETCH_FAILURE" = "無法讀取所要求的 GIF。請確認你是否在線上。";
/* Generic error displayed when picking a gif */
/* Shown when selected gif couldn't be fetched */
/* Alert message shown when user tries to search for GIFs without entering any search terms. */
/* Title for the 'gif picker' dialog. */
/* Indicates that an error occured while searching. */
"GIF_VIEW_SEARCH_ERROR" = "錯誤。點擊重試。";
/* Indicates that the user's search had no results. */
/* Placeholder text for the search field in gif view */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_CREATED" = "群組已建立。";
/* Message shown in conversation view that indicates there were issues with group creation. */
"GROUP_CREATION_FAILED" = "不是所有的成員都可以加入此群組。請點擊重試。";
/* Conversation settings table section title */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_MEMBER_JOINED" = "%@已加入群組。";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_MEMBER_LEFT" = "%@離開了群組。";
/* Button label to add information to an unknown contact */
/* Button label for the 'call group member' button */
/* Label for the button that clears all verification errors in the 'group members' view. */
/* Label for the 'reset all no-longer-verified group members' confirmation alert. */
"GROUP_MEMBERS_RESET_NO_LONGER_VERIFIED_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "這會清除群組中所有自最後一次驗證以來安全碼改變的成員的驗證。";
/* Title for the 'members' section of the 'group members' view. */
/* Title for the 'no longer verified' section of the 'group members' view. */
/* Button label for the 'send message to group member' button */
/* Button label for the 'show contact info' button */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_REMOVING" = "離開群組%@";
/* Title of alert indicating that group deletion failed. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_TITLE_CHANGED" = "稱謂已改為‘%@";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_UPDATED" = "群組已更新。";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_YOU_LEFT" = "你已退出了群組。";
/* A label for conversations with blocked users. */
/* Call setup status label */
"IN_CALL_CONNECTING" = "連接中...";
/* Call setup status label */
"IN_CALL_RINGING" = "響鈴中...";
/* Call setup status label */
"IN_CALL_SECURING" = "已接通。加密中...";
/* Call setup status label */
/* Label reminding the user that they are in archive mode. */
"INBOX_VIEW_ARCHIVE_MODE_REMINDER" = "你正在查看已封存的訊息。點擊回到你的收件夾。";
/* Multiline label explaining how to show names instead of phone numbers in your inbox */
"INBOX_VIEW_MISSING_CONTACTS_PERMISSION" = "要查看你聯絡人的名稱,請在系統設定中允許存取聯絡資訊。";
/* notification body */
"INCOMING_CALL" = "來電...";
/* notification body */
"INCOMING_CALL_FROM" = "來自%@的電話";
/* info message recorded in conversation history when local user declined a call */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* info message text shown in conversation view */
/* Message for the alert indicating that an audio file is invalid. */
/* Alert body when contacts disabled while trying to invite contacts to signal */
"INVITE_FLOW_REQUIRES_CONTACT_ACCESS_BODY" = "若要邀請你的聯絡人,你必需在設定中允許 Signal 存取你的聯絡資訊。";
/* Alert title when contacts disabled while trying to invite contacts to signal */
/* Label for the cell that presents the 'invite contacts' workflow. */
/* Search */
/* Navbar title */
/* Slider label embeds {{TIME_AMOUNT}}, e.g. '2 hours'. See *_TIME_AMOUNT strings for examples. */
/* Slider label when disappearing messages is off */
/* Confirmation button within contextual alert */
/* table cell label in conversation settings */
/* report an invalid linking code */
"LINK_DEVICE_INVALID_CODE_BODY" = "QR code 無效,請確認你掃描裝置上的 QR code 是你想要連結的。";
/* report an invalid linking code */
/* confirm the users intent to link a new device */
"LINK_DEVICE_PERMISSION_ALERT_BODY" = "本裝置可以看見你的群組及聯絡資訊、讀取你所有的訊息,並以你的名義發送訊息。";
/* confirm the users intent to link a new device */
/* attempt another linking */
/* QR Scanning screen instructions, placed alongside a camera view for scanning QRCodes */
/* Subheading for 'Link New Device' navigation */
/* Navigation title when scanning QR code to add new device. */
/* Menu item and navbar title for the device manager */
/* Alert Title */
/* table cell label in conversation settings */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* nav bar button item */
/* media picker option to take photo or video */
/* action sheet button title when choosing attachment type */
/* media picker option to choose from library */
/* Short sender label for media sent by you */
/* Section header in media gallery collection view */
/* Title for the 'message approval' dialog. */
/* Label for the recipient name in the 'message approval' dialog. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Label for file size of attachments in the 'message metadata' view. */
/* Label for the MIME type of attachments in the 'message metadata' view. */
/* Label for 'missing' attachments in the 'message metadata' view. */
/* Label for 'not yet downloaded' attachments in the 'message metadata' view. */
/* Status label for messages which are delivered. */
/* Status label for messages which are failed. */
/* Status label for messages which are read. */
/* Status label for messages which are sending. */
/* Status label for messages which are sent. */
/* Status label for messages which are uploading. */
/* Label for messages without a body or attachment in the 'message metadata' view. */
/* Label for the 'received date & time' field of the 'message metadata' view. */
/* Label for the 'sender' field of the 'message metadata' view. */
/* Label for the 'sent date & time' field of the 'message metadata' view. */
/* Label for the original filename of any attachment in the 'message metadata' view. */
/* Title for the 'message metadata' view. */
/* message status for message delivered to their recipient. */
/* message footer for failed messages */
"MESSAGE_STATUS_FAILED" = "傳送失敗。點擊查看詳情。";
/* status message for failed messages */
/* message footer for read messages */
/* message status while message is sending. */
/* message footer for sent messages */
/* message footer while attachment is uploading */
/* Indicates that one member of this group conversation is no longer verified. Embeds {{user's name or phone number}}. */
/* Indicates that this 1:1 conversation has been blocked. */
/* Indicates that this 1:1 conversation is no longer verified. Embeds {{user's name or phone number}}. */
/* Action sheet title after tapping on failed download. */
/* Action sheet button text */
/* Indicates that a single member of this group has been blocked. */
/* Indicates that some members of this group has been blocked. Embeds {{the number of blocked users in this group}}. */
/* Text for banner in group conversation view that offers to share your profile with this group. */
/* Indicates that more than one member of this group conversation is no longer verified. */
"MESSAGES_VIEW_N_MEMBERS_NO_LONGER_VERIFIED" = "此群組中多個成員不再標記為已驗證。點擊開啟選項。";
/* The subtitle for the messages view title indicates that the title can be tapped to access settings for this conversation. */
/* Indicator that separates read from unread messages. */
/* Messages that indicates that there are more unseen messages including safety number changes that be revealed by tapping the 'load earlier messages' button. Embeds {{the name of the 'load earlier messages' button}}. */
/* Messages that indicates that there are more unseen messages that be revealed by tapping the 'load earlier messages' button. Embeds {{the name of the 'load earlier messages' button}} */
/* notification title */
"MISSED_CALL" = "未接來電";
/* notification title. Embeds {{caller's name or phone number}} */
/* notification title */
/* Alert body
Alert body when camera is not authorized */
"MISSING_CAMERA_PERMISSION_MESSAGE" = "Signal要求允許使用你的相機來操作視訊電話。你可以透過以下步驟允許設定 >> 隱私權 >> 相機 >> Signal。";
/* Alert title
Alert title when camera is not authorized */
/* Alert body when user has previously denied media library access */
/* Alert title when user has previously denied media library access */
"MISSING_MEDIA_LIBRARY_PERMISSION_TITLE" = "Signal 需要連結你的\"媒體庫\"來執行此動作。";
/* notification title. Embeds {{caller's name or phone number}} */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"MULTIDEVICE_PAIRING_MAX_RECOVERY" = "你的配對裝置已達到你帳號的最大數量。請移除一個裝置或稍後再嘗試配對。";
/* An explanation of the consequences of muting a thread. */
"MUTE_BEHAVIOR_EXPLANATION" = "你將無法自禁言的對話收到通知。";
/* A button to skip a view. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"NETWORK_ERROR_RECOVERY" = "請檢查你是否已連上網路並再試一次。";
/* Indicates to the user that censorship circumvention has been activated. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* A label the cell that lets you add a new member to a group. */
/* A label for the cell that lets you add a new non-contact member to a group. */
/* Action Sheet title prompting the user for a group avatar */
/* The title for the 'create group' button. */
/* Used in place of the group name when a group has not yet been named. */
/* An indicator that a user is a member of the new group. */
/* Placeholder text for group name field */
/* a title for the non-contacts section of the 'new group' view. */
/* The alert message if user tries to exit the new group view without saving changes. */
/* The alert title if user tries to exit the new group view without saving changes. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"new_message" = "新訊息";
/* A label for the 'add by phone number' button in the 'new non-contact conversation' view */
/* Title for the 'new non-contact conversation' view. */
/* Label for a button that lets users search for contacts by phone number */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"NOTIFICATION_SEND_FAILED" = "你給%@的訊息傳送失敗。";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"NOTIFICATIONS_FOOTER_WARNING" = "由於蘋果推播通知的已知錯誤訊息只有在發送的30秒內被接收才會顯示預覽。因此應用程式圖示上的顯示可能不準確。";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"NOTIFICATIONS_NONE" = "不顯示名字或內容";
/* Table cell switch label. When disabled, Signal will not play notification sounds while the app is in the foreground. */
/* Label for settings UI that allows user to change the notification sound. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* Button text which opens the settings app */
/* Info Message when {{other user}} disables or doesn't support disappearing messages */
/* Info Message when {{other user}} updates message expiration to {{time amount}}, see the *_TIME_AMOUNT strings for context. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"OUTGOING_CALL" = "撥出電話";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* A display format for oversize text messages. */
/* A format for a label showing an example phone number. Embeds {{the example phone number}}. */
/* Format for phone number label with an index. Embeds {{Phone number label (e.g. 'home')}} and {{index, e.g. 2}}. */
/* Label for 'Home' phone numbers. */
/* Label for 'HomeFAX' phone numbers. */
/* Label for 'IPhone' phone numbers. */
/* Label for 'Main' phone numbers. */
/* Label for 'Mobile' phone numbers. */
/* Label for 'Other' phone numbers. */
/* Label for 'Other FAX' phone numbers. */
/* Label for 'Pager' phone numbers. */
/* Label used when we don't what kind of phone number it is (e.g. mobile/work/home). */
/* Label for 'Work' phone numbers. */
/* Label for 'Work FAX' phone numbers. */
/* accessability label for button to start media playback */
/* Label indicating that the user is not verified. Embeds {{the user's name or phone number}}. */
/* Badge indicating that the user is verified. */
/* Label indicating that the user is verified. Embeds {{the user's name or phone number}}. */
/* Label for a link to more information about safety numbers and verification. */
/* Button that shows the 'scan with camera' view. */
"PRIVACY_TAP_TO_SCAN" = "點擊以掃描";
/* Button that lets user mark another user's identity as unverified. */
/* Alert body when verifying with {{contact name}} */
/* Alert body */
/* Alert body for user error */
/* Alert body when verifying with {{contact name}} */
"PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_FAILED_THEY_HAVE_WRONG_KEY_FOR_ME" = "每一對 Signal 使用者共享一個獨特的安全碼。再次檢查%@顯示的是\"你的\"安全碼。";
/* alert body */
/* alert body */
/* alert body */
"PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_FAILURE_INVALID_QRCODE" = "掃描的碼看起來不是安全碼。你確定雙方都使用最新版的 Signal";
/* Paragraph(s) shown alongside the safety number when verifying privacy with {{contact name}} */
"PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_INSTRUCTIONS" = "如須確認你和 %@點對點加密的安全性,請在雙方裝置上比較上述數字。\n\n或者可以透過掃描雙方的QR code進行驗證。";
/* Navbar title */
/* Button that lets user mark another user's identity as verified. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Label text combining the phone number and profile name separated by a simple demarcation character. Phone number should be most prominent. '%1$@' is replaced with {{phone number}} and '%2$@' is replaced with {{profile name}} */
/* Prepend a simple marker to differentiate the profile name, embeds the contact's {{profile name}}. */
/* Action Sheet title prompting the user for a profile avatar */
/* Label for action that clear's the user's profile avatar */
/* Error message shown when user tries to update profile with a profile name that is too long. */
/* Error message shown when a profile update fails. */
/* Default text for the profile name field of the profile view. */
/* Label for the profile avatar field of the profile view. */
/* Description of the user profile. */
"PROFILE_VIEW_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION" = "你的個人資訊在以下情況可被看見,當開啟新對話時,以及你分享給其他使用者和群組時。";
/* Link to more information about the user profile. */
/* Label for the profile name field of the profile view. */
/* Button to save the profile view in the profile view. */
/* Alert title that indicates the user's profile view is being saved. */
/* Title for the profile view. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Title of alert shown when push tokens sync job succeeds. */
"PUSH_REGISTER_SUCCESS" = "成功重新註冊了推播通知。";
/* Used in table section header and alert view title contexts */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"RATING_MSG" = "如果你喜歡用 Signal 來進行私密通話,你可以透過評分的方式來支持我們的計劃。這不會花你超過一分鐘的時間,而且也將對保護其他人隱私有所幫助。";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"RATING_RATE" = "給 Signal 評分";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"RATING_TITLE" = "支持 Signal";
/* Label for 'I forgot my PIN' link in the 2FA registration view. */
/* Alert message explaining what happens if you forget your 'two-factor auth pin'. */
"REGISTER_2FA_FORGOT_PIN_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "如果你沒有註冊鎖定 PIN 碼,在此電話號碼,最後活躍於 Signal 的 7 天過後,才可以註冊此電話號碼。";
/* Instructions to enter the 'two-factor auth pin' in the 2FA registration view. */
"REGISTER_2FA_INSTRUCTIONS" = "此電話號碼有啟動註冊鎖定功能。請輸入註冊鎖定 PIN 碼。\n\n你的註冊鎖定 PIN 碼與最後一步驟發送至你手機的簡訊驗證碼是分開的。";
/* Title for alert indicating that attempt to register with 'two-factor auth' failed. */
/* Label for 'submit' button in the 2FA registration view. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"REGISTER_RATE_LIMITING_BODY" = "你嘗試過於頻繁,請等一分鐘後再試。";
/* Title of alert shown when push tokens sync job fails. */
"REGISTRATION_BODY" = "重新註冊推播通知失敗。";
/* Label for the country code field */
/* Navigation title shown when user is re-registering after having enabled registration lock */
/* Placeholder text for the phone number textfield */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* alert body during registration */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"REGISTRATION_NON_VALID_NUMBER" = "不支援這個電話號碼的格式,請聯繫支援部門。";
/* Label for the phone number textfield */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"REGISTRATION_RESTRICTED_MESSAGE" = "有人發給你第一個訊息!你只須註冊也可以發送。";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Alert view title */
/* Error message indicating that registration failed due to a missing or incorrect verification code. */
/* Error message indicating that registration failed due to a missing or incorrect 2FA PIN. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Message of alert indicating that users needs to enter a valid phone number to register. */
/* Title of alert indicating that users needs to enter a valid phone number to register. */
/* Message of alert indicating that users needs to enter a phone number to register. */
/* Title of alert indicating that users needs to enter a phone number to register. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"RELAY_REGISTERED_ERROR_RECOVERY" = "你要註冊的電話號碼已在另一個伺服器註冊,請註銷該號碼之後再試一次。";
/* Body text for when user is peridoically prompted to enter their registration lock PIN */
"REMINDER_2FA_BODY" = "你的電話號碼已啟用於註冊鎖定功能。為了幫助你記得你的註冊鎖定 PIN 碼Signal 將定期的要求你確認這個 PIN 碼。";
/* Body header for when user is peridoically prompted to enter their registration lock PIN */
/* Alert message explaining what happens if you forget your 'two-factor auth pin' */
"REMINDER_2FA_FORGOT_PIN_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "註冊鎖定協助護你的電話號碼,免於未經授權註冊的企圖。此功能可以隨時在 Signal 的隱私權設定內關閉。";
/* Navbar title for when user is peridoically prompted to enter their registration lock PIN */
"REMINDER_2FA_NAV_TITLE" = "輸入你的註冊鎖定 PIN 碼";
/* Alert body after wrong guess for 'two-factor auth pin' reminder activity */
"REMINDER_2FA_WRONG_PIN_ALERT_BODY" = "你可以在隱私權設定中設定新的 PIN 碼。";
/* Alert title after wrong guess for 'two-factor auth pin' reminder activity */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"REREGISTER_FOR_PUSH" = "重新註冊推播通知";
/* Generic text for button that retries whatever the last action was. */
/* button title to confirm adding a recipient to a group when their safety number has recently changed */
/* alert button text to confirm placing an outgoing call after the recipients Safety Number has changed. */
/* button title to confirm sending to a recipient whose safety number recently changed */
/* Snippet to share {{safety number}} with a friend. sent e.g. via SMS */
"SAFETY_NUMBER_SHARE_FORMAT" = "我們 Signal 的安全碼。\n%@";
/* Action sheet heading */
"SAFETY_NUMBERS_ACTIONSHEET_TITLE" = "你與%@間的安全碼已經改變。你可以要求驗證。";
/* label presented once scanning (camera) view is visible. */
"SCAN_CODE_INSTRUCTIONS" = "掃描聯絡人裝置上的 QR code。";
/* Title for the 'scan QR code' view. */
/* Indicates a delay of zero seconds, and that 'screen lock activity' will timeout immediately. */
/* Title for alert indicating that screen lock could not be disabled. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_DISABLE_FAILED" = "Screen Lock Could Not Be Disabled";
/* Title for alert indicating that screen lock could not be enabled. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_ENABLE_FAILED" = "Screen Lock Could Not Be Enabled";
/* Indicates that an unknown error occurred while using Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_ENABLE_UNKNOWN_ERROR" = "Authentication could not be accessed.";
/* Indicates that Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode authentication failed. */
/* Indicates that Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode is 'locked out' on this device due to authentication failures. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_ERROR_LOCAL_AUTHENTICATION_LOCKOUT" = "Too many failures. Please try again later.";
/* Indicates that Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode are not available on this device. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_ERROR_LOCAL_AUTHENTICATION_NOT_AVAILABLE" = "You must configure a passcode on your phone to use Screen Lock.";
/* Indicates that Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode is not configured on this device. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_ERROR_LOCAL_AUTHENTICATION_NOT_ENROLLED" = "You must configure a passcode on your phone to use Screen Lock.";
/* Indicates that Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode passcode is not set. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_ERROR_LOCAL_AUTHENTICATION_PASSCODE_NOT_SET" = "You must configure a passcode on your phone to use Screen Lock.";
/* Description of how and why Signal iOS uses Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode to disable 'screen lock'. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_REASON_DISABLE_SCREEN_LOCK" = "Authenticate to disable Screen Lock.";
/* Description of how and why Signal iOS uses Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode to enable 'screen lock'. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_REASON_ENABLE_SCREEN_LOCK" = "Authenticate to lock access to Signal.";
/* Description of how and why Signal iOS uses Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode to unlock 'screen lock'. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_REASON_UNLOCK_SCREEN_LOCK" = "Authenticate to access Signal.";
/* Title for alert indicating that screen lock could not be unlocked. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED" = "Authentication Failed";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Label for 'select gif to attach' action sheet button */
/* Table section header for conversations you haven't recently used. */
/* Table section header for recently active conversations */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Label for the send button in the conversation view. */
/* Alert body after invite failed */
"SEND_INVITE_FAILURE" = "邀請寄出失敗,稍後再試一次。";
/* Alert body after invite succeeded */
"SEND_INVITE_SUCCESS" = "你已經邀請朋友使用 Signal";
/* Text for button to send a Signal invite via SMS. %@ is placeholder for the receipient's phone number. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"SEND_SMS_CONFIRM_TITLE" = "透過未加密的簡訊邀請朋友?";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"SEND_SMS_INVITE_TITLE" = "你是否希望邀請以下號碼加入Signal";
/* Navbar title */
/* Title for the 'block contact' section of the 'add to block list' view. */
/* Title for the 'block phone number' section of the 'add to block list' view. */
/* Title for the 'add to block list' view. */
/* Label for the 'manual censorship circumvention' switch. */
/* Label for the 'manual censorship circumvention' country. Embeds {{the manual censorship circumvention country}}. */
/* Table footer for the 'censorship circumvention' section when censorship circumvention can be manually enabled. */
"SETTINGS_ADVANCED_CENSORSHIP_CIRCUMVENTION_FOOTER" = "如果啟用Signal 將嘗試避開審查。除非Signal於你的所在地受到審查否則不要開啟此功能。";
/* Table footer for the 'censorship circumvention' section shown when censorship circumvention has been auto-enabled based on local phone number. */
/* Table footer for the 'censorship circumvention' section shown when the app is not connected to the internet. */
/* Table footer for the 'censorship circumvention' section shown when the app is connected to the Signal service. */
/* Table header for the 'censorship circumvention' section. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Format string for the default 'Note' sound. Embeds the system {{sound name}}. */
/* Label for the backup view in app settings. */
/* Label for 'backup now' button in the backup settings view. */
/* Label for 'cancel backup' button in the backup settings view. */
/* Label for switch in settings that controls whether or not backup is enabled. */
/* Label for phase row in the in the backup settings view. */
/* Label for phase row in the in the backup settings view. */
/* Label for status row in the in the backup settings view. */
/* Indicates that the last backup failed. */
/* Indicates that app is not backing up. */
/* Indicates that app is backing up. */
/* Indicates that the last backup succeeded. */
/* A label for the 'add phone number' button in the block list table. */
/* A label that indicates the user has no Signal contacts. */
/* A label that indicates the user's search has no matching results. */
/* Label for the block list section of the settings view */
/* Accessibility hint for the settings button */
/* Table cell label */
/* User settings section footer, a detailed explanation */
"SETTINGS_CALLING_HIDES_IP_ADDRESS_PREFERENCE_TITLE_DETAIL" = "透過 Signal 伺服器轉發通話,來避免透露你的 IP 位址給你的聯絡人。啟用時,會降低通話品質。";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"SETTINGS_COPYRIGHT" = "版權所有 Open Whisper Systems\n根據 GPLv3授權";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Alert message before user confirms clearing history */
"SETTINGS_DELETE_HISTORYLOG_CONFIRMATION" = "你確定要刪除所有歷史資訊 (訊息、附件、通話紀錄...)?這個操作將無法取消。";
/* Confirmation text for button which deletes all message, calling, attachments, etc. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Section header */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Settings table view cell label */
/* content of tweet when inviting via twitter */
"SETTINGS_INVITE_TWITTER_TEXT" = "你可用 @WhiaperSystems 的 Signal連絡我。";
/* Label for settings view that allows user to change the notification sound. */
/* Title for settings activity */
/* table section footer */
"SETTINGS_NOTIFICATION_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION" = "電話與訊息通知可以在你的手機鎖定時顯示。你可以限制那些內容可以顯示在通知欄。";
/* table section header */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Label for 'CallKit privacy' preference */
/* Settings table section footer. */
/* Short table cell label */
/* Short table cell label */
/* Settings table view cell label */
/* Label for the 'read receipts' setting. */
/* An explanation of the 'read receipts' setting. */
"SETTINGS_READ_RECEIPTS_SECTION_FOOTER" = "訊息可以在被讀取後查看與分享。這個設定是可選設定,且對所有對話有效。";
/* Remove metadata table cell label */
/* Remove metadata section footer */
"SETTINGS_REMOVE_METADATA_DETAIL" = "發送照片和影像資料時刪除用戶標識數據資料和GPS資訊。";
/* Remove metadata section header */
/* Label for the 'screen lock activity timeout' setting of the privacy settings. */
/* Footer for the 'screen lock' section of the privacy settings. */
"SETTINGS_SCREEN_LOCK_SECTION_FOOTER" = "Lock Signal when it hasn't been used recently. Unlock it with Touch ID, Face ID or your passcode.";
/* Title for the 'screen lock' section of the privacy settings. */
/* Label for the 'enable screen lock' switch of the privacy settings. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"SETTINGS_SCREEN_SECURITY_DETAIL" = "避免Signal預覽畫面在應用軟體切換時顯示。";
/* Settings table section footer. */
"SETTINGS_SECTION_CALL_KIT_DESCRIPTION" = "iOS通話整合會在你的鎖定畫面和系統通話紀錄中顯示你的Signal通話紀錄。你可以選擇顯示你的聯絡人名字和號碼。如果你已開啟iCloud系統會與蘋果公司共享通話紀錄。";
/* Label for the notifications section of conversation settings view. */
/* Header Label for the sounds section of settings views. */
/* settings topic header for table section */
/* Section header */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Indicates that 'two factor auth' is disabled in the privacy settings. */
/* Indicates that 'two factor auth' is enabled in the privacy settings. */
/* Label for the 'two factor auth' item of the privacy settings. */
/* Title for the 'two factor auth' section of the privacy settings. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* action sheet item to open native mail app */
/* action sheet item to open native messages app */
/* action sheet item */
/* alert body when sharing file failed because of untrusted/changed identity keys */
/* Indicates that the share extension is still loading. */
/* Message indicating that the share extension cannot be used until the user has registered in the main app. */
/* Title indicating that the share extension cannot be used until the user has registered in the main app. */
/* Message indicating that the share extension cannot be used until the main app has been launched at least once. */
/* Title indicating that the share extension cannot be used until the main app has been launched at least once. */
/* Alert title */
/* Alert title */
/* Shown when trying to share content to a Signal user for the share extension. Followed by failure details. */
/* Title for the 'share extension' view. */
/* Action sheet item */
/* notification action */
/* body sent to contacts when inviting to Install Signal */
"SMS_INVITE_BODY" = "邀請您安裝 Signal這裡是連結";
/* Label for the 'no sound' option that allows users to disable sounds for notifications, etc. */
"SOUNDS_NONE" = "靜音";
/* Alert body after verifying privacy with {{other user's name}} */
"SUCCESSFUL_VERIFICATION_DESCRIPTION" = "你與 %@的安全碼相符合。你可以將此聯絡人標記為已驗證。";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* {{number of days}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 days}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* Label text below navbar button, embeds {{number of days}}. Must be very short, like 1 or 2 characters, The space is intentionally ommitted between the text and the embedded duration so that we get, e.g. '5d' not '5 d'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{number of hours}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 hours}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* Label text below navbar button, embeds {{number of hours}}. Must be very short, like 1 or 2 characters, The space is intentionally ommitted between the text and the embedded duration so that we get, e.g. '5h' not '5 h'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{number of minutes}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 minutes}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* Label text below navbar button, embeds {{number of minutes}}. Must be very short, like 1 or 2 characters, The space is intentionally ommitted between the text and the embedded duration so that we get, e.g. '5m' not '5 m'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{number of seconds}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 seconds}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* Label text below navbar button, embeds {{number of seconds}}. Must be very short, like 1 or 2 characters, The space is intentionally ommitted between the text and the embedded duration so that we get, e.g. '5s' not '5 s'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{1 day}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{1 day}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{1 hour}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{1 hour}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{1 minute}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{1 minute}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{1 week}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{1 week}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{number of weeks}}, embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 weeks}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* Label text below navbar button, embeds {{number of weeks}}. Must be very short, like 1 or 2 characters, The space is intentionally ommitted between the text and the embedded duration so that we get, e.g. '5w' not '5 w'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* Label for the cancel button in an alert or action sheet. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Pressing this button moves an archived thread from the archive back to the inbox */
/* In Inbox view, last message label for thread with corrupted attachment. */
/* Message shown in conversation view that offers to block an unknown user. */
"UNKNOWN_CONTACT_BLOCK_OFFER" = "此使用者不在你的聯絡資訊名單中,是否要封鎖該使用者?";
/* Displayed if for some reason we can't determine a contacts phone number *or* name */
/* Indicates an unknown or unrecognizable value. */
/* button title for unlinking a device */
"UNLINK_ACTION" = "取消連結";
/* Alert message to confirm unlinking a device */
"UNLINK_CONFIRMATION_ALERT_BODY" = "取消裝置連結後,將不能再寄出或接收訊息。";
/* Alert title for confirming device deletion */
/* Alert title when unlinking device fails */
/* Label text in device manager for a device with no name */
"UNNAMED_DEVICE" = "未命名的裝置";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"UNREGISTER_SIGNAL_FAIL" = "無法從 Signal註銷。";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"UNSUPPORTED_ATTACHMENT" = "接收到不支援的附件類型。";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Title for alert indicating that group members can't be removed. */
"UPDATE_GROUP_CANT_REMOVE_MEMBERS_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "你無法移除群組成員。只能讓他們自行退出,或者你可以建立一個不含該成員的新群組。";
/* Title for alert indicating that group members can't be removed. */
/* Description of CallKit to upgrading (existing) users */
"UPGRADE_EXPERIENCE_CALLKIT_DESCRIPTION" = "iOS通話整合可以幫助你簡單的從鎖定螢幕回應來電。預設會隱藏來電者的訊息所以訊息也會保密。";
/* button label shown once when when user upgrades app, in context of call kit */
/* Header for upgrade experience */
/* Description for notification audio customization */
/* button label shown one time, after upgrade */
/* Header for upgrade experience */
/* button label shown one time, after user upgrades app */
/* Description of new profile feature for upgrading (existing) users */
/* Header for upgrade experience */
/* Description of new profile feature for upgrading (existing) users */
/* button label shown one time, after upgrade */
/* Header for upgrade experience */
/* Description of video calling to upgrading (existing) users */
"UPGRADE_EXPERIENCE_VIDEO_DESCRIPTION" = "Signal 已支援安全的視訊通話。正常的開始通話,接通後點擊攝影機圖示按鈕,雙方即可看到對方。";
/* Header for upgrade experience */
/* Message for the alert indicating that user should upgrade iOS. */
"UPGRADE_IOS_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "Signal 需要 iOS 9及以後的版本。請在\"設定\">>\"一般\">>\"軟體更新\"中升級 iOS。";
/* Title for the alert indicating that user should upgrade iOS. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Upgrading Signal ..." = "更新Signal...";
/* button text for back button on verification view */
/* Text field placeholder for SMS verification code during registration */
/* button text during registration to request phone number verification be done via phone call */
/* button text during registration to request another SMS code be sent */
/* button text during registration to submit your SMS verification code. */
/* Label indicating the phone number currently being verified. */
/* Format for info message indicating that the verification state was unverified on this device. Embeds {{user's name or phone number}}. */
/* Format for info message indicating that the verification state was unverified on another device. Embeds {{user's name or phone number}}. */
/* Format for info message indicating that the verification state was verified on this device. Embeds {{user's name or phone number}}. */
/* Format for info message indicating that the verification state was verified on another device. Embeds {{user's name or phone number}}. */
/* Generic message indicating that verification state changed for a given user. */
/* Label for button or row which allows users to verify the safety number of another user. */
"VERIFY_PRIVACY" = "顯示安全碼";
/* Label for button or row which allows users to verify the safety numbers of multiple users. */
/* Indicates how to cancel a voice message. */
/* Filename for voice messages. */
/* Message for the alert indicating the 'voice message' needs to be held to be held down to record. */
/* Title for the alert indicating the 'voice message' needs to be held to be held down to record. */
/* Activity indicator title, shown upon returning to the device manager, until you complete the provisioning process on desktop */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Info Message when you disable disappearing messages */
/* Info message embedding a {{time amount}}, see the *_TIME_AMOUNT strings for context. */
// Strings Copied in from JSQMessagesViewController
"load_earlier_messages" = "讀取較早訊息";
"send" = "寄出";
"new_message" = "新訊息";
"text_message_accessibility_label" = "%@: %@";
"media_message_accessibility_label" = "%@:多媒體訊息";
"accessory_button_accessibility_label" = "分享媒體";
"new_message_received_accessibility_announcement" = "收到新訊息";