Matthew Chen 928525c31e Rename home view.
2017-09-06 13:59:39 -04:00

173 lines
6.9 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2017 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
#import "ViewControllerUtils.h"
#import "Environment.h"
#import "HomeViewController.h"
#import "PhoneNumber.h"
#import "Signal-Swift.h"
#import "StringUtil.h"
#import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>
#import <SignalServiceKit/PhoneNumberUtil.h>
#pragma mark -
@implementation ViewControllerUtils
+ (void)phoneNumberTextField:(UITextField *)textField
replacementString:(NSString *)insertionText
countryCode:(NSString *)countryCode
// Phone numbers takes many forms.
// * We only want to let the user enter decimal digits.
// * The user shouldn't have to enter hyphen, parentheses or whitespace;
// the phone number should be formatted automatically.
// * The user should be able to copy and paste freely.
// * Invalid input should be simply ignored.
// We accomplish this by being permissive and trying to "take as much of the user
// input as possible".
// * Always accept deletes.
// * Ignore invalid input.
// * Take partial input if possible.
NSString *oldText = textField.text;
// Construct the new contents of the text field by:
// 1. Determining the "left" substring: the contents of the old text _before_ the deletion range.
// Filtering will remove non-decimal digit characters like hyphen "-".
NSString *left = [oldText substringToIndex:range.location].digitsOnly;
// 2. Determining the "right" substring: the contents of the old text _after_ the deletion range.
NSString *right = [oldText substringFromIndex:range.location + range.length].digitsOnly;
// 3. Determining the "center" substring: the contents of the new insertion text.
NSString *center = insertionText.digitsOnly;
// 4. Construct the "raw" new text by concatenating left, center and right.
NSString *textAfterChange = [[left stringByAppendingString:center] stringByAppendingString:right];
// 4a. Ensure we don't exceed the maximum length for a e164 phone number,
// 15 digits, per:
// NOTE: The actual limit is 18, not 15, because of certain invalid phone numbers in Germany.
const int kMaxPhoneNumberLength = 18;
if (textAfterChange.length > kMaxPhoneNumberLength) {
textAfterChange = [textAfterChange substringToIndex:kMaxPhoneNumberLength];
// 5. Construct the "formatted" new text by inserting a hyphen if necessary.
// reformat the phone number, trying to keep the cursor beside the inserted or deleted digit
bool isJustDeletion = insertionText.length == 0;
NSUInteger cursorPositionAfterChange = MIN(left.length + center.length, textAfterChange.length);
NSString *textAfterReformat =
[PhoneNumber bestEffortFormatPartialUserSpecifiedTextToLookLikeAPhoneNumber:textAfterChange
NSUInteger cursorPositionAfterReformat = [PhoneNumberUtil translateCursorPosition:cursorPositionAfterChange
textField.text = textAfterReformat;
UITextPosition *pos =
[textField positionFromPosition:textField.beginningOfDocument offset:(NSInteger)cursorPositionAfterReformat];
[textField setSelectedTextRange:[textField textRangeFromPosition:pos toPosition:pos]];
+ (void)setAudioIgnoresHardwareMuteSwitch:(BOOL)shouldIgnore
NSError *error = nil;
BOOL success = [[AVAudioSession sharedInstance]
setCategory:(shouldIgnore ? AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback : AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord)error:&error];
if (!success || error) {
DDLogError(@"%@ Error in setAudioIgnoresHardwareMuteSwitch: %d", self.tag, shouldIgnore);
+ (NSString *)examplePhoneNumberForCountryCode:(NSString *)countryCode callingCode:(NSString *)callingCode
OWSAssert(countryCode.length > 0);
OWSAssert(callingCode.length > 0);
NSString *examplePhoneNumber = [PhoneNumberUtil examplePhoneNumberForCountryCode:countryCode];
OWSAssert(!examplePhoneNumber || [examplePhoneNumber hasPrefix:callingCode]);
if (examplePhoneNumber && [examplePhoneNumber hasPrefix:callingCode]) {
NSString *formattedPhoneNumber =
[PhoneNumber bestEffortFormatPartialUserSpecifiedTextToLookLikeAPhoneNumber:examplePhoneNumber
if (formattedPhoneNumber.length > 0) {
examplePhoneNumber = formattedPhoneNumber;
return [NSString
@"A format for a label showing an example phone number. Embeds {{the example phone number}}."),
[examplePhoneNumber substringFromIndex:callingCode.length]];
} else {
return @"";
#pragma mark - Formatting
+ (NSString *)formatInt:(int)value
static NSNumberFormatter *formatter = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
formatter = [NSNumberFormatter new];
formatter.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterNoStyle;
return [formatter stringFromNumber:@(value)];
+ (NSString *)formatFileSize:(unsigned long)fileSize
const unsigned long kOneKilobyte = 1024;
const unsigned long kOneMegabyte = kOneKilobyte * kOneKilobyte;
NSNumberFormatter *numberFormatter = [NSNumberFormatter new];
numberFormatter.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle;
if (fileSize > kOneMegabyte * 10) {
return [[numberFormatter stringFromNumber:@((int)round(fileSize / (CGFloat)kOneMegabyte))]
stringByAppendingString:@" MB"];
} else if (fileSize > kOneKilobyte * 10) {
return [[numberFormatter stringFromNumber:@((int)round(fileSize / (CGFloat)kOneKilobyte))]
stringByAppendingString:@" KB"];
} else {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%lu Bytes", fileSize];
+ (NSString *)formatDurationSeconds:(long)timeSeconds
long seconds = timeSeconds % 60;
long minutes = (timeSeconds / 60) % 60;
long hours = timeSeconds / 3600;
if (hours > 0) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld:%02ld:%02ld", hours, minutes, seconds];
} else {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld:%02ld", minutes, seconds];
#pragma mark - Logging
+ (NSString *)tag
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"[%@]", self.class];
- (NSString *)tag
return self.class.tag;