Morgan Pretty c90f346d6a Further SOGS V4 integration work
Added in the v4 onion requests logic
Added in the new pin/unpin APIs
Split up additional legacy methods to try and simplify the refactoring
Added a number of TODOs around usage of legacy request methods
2022-02-14 14:07:45 +11:00

670 lines
36 KiB

import PromiseKit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
import Sodium
public final class SnodeAPI : NSObject {
private static let sodium = Sodium()
private static var hasLoadedSnodePool = false
private static var loadedSwarms: Set<String> = []
private static var getSnodePoolPromise: Promise<Set<Snode>>?
/// - Note: Should only be accessed from `Threading.workQueue` to avoid race conditions.
internal static var snodeFailureCount: [Snode:UInt] = [:]
/// - Note: Should only be accessed from `Threading.workQueue` to avoid race conditions.
internal static var snodePool: Set<Snode> = []
/// The offset between the user's clock and the Service Node's clock. Used in cases where the
/// user's clock is incorrect.
/// - Note: Should only be accessed from `Threading.workQueue` to avoid race conditions.
public static var clockOffset: Int64 = 0
/// - Note: Should only be accessed from `Threading.workQueue` to avoid race conditions.
public static var swarmCache: [String:Set<Snode>] = [:]
// MARK: Settings
private static let maxRetryCount: UInt = 8
private static let minSwarmSnodeCount = 3
private static let seedNodePool: Set<String> = Features.useTestnet ? [ "" ] : [ "", "", "" ]
private static let snodeFailureThreshold = 3
private static let targetSwarmSnodeCount = 2
private static let minSnodePoolCount = 12
// MARK: Error
public enum Error : LocalizedError {
case generic
case clockOutOfSync
case snodePoolUpdatingFailed
case inconsistentSnodePools
case noKeyPair
case signingFailed
// ONS
case decryptionFailed
case hashingFailed
case validationFailed
public var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .generic: return "An error occurred."
case .clockOutOfSync: return "Your clock is out of sync with the Service Node network. Please check that your device's clock is set to automatic time."
case .snodePoolUpdatingFailed: return "Failed to update the Service Node pool."
case .inconsistentSnodePools: return "Received inconsistent Service Node pool information from the Service Node network."
case .noKeyPair: return "Missing user key pair."
case .signingFailed: return "Couldn't sign message."
// ONS
case .decryptionFailed: return "Couldn't decrypt ONS name."
case .hashingFailed: return "Couldn't compute ONS name hash."
case .validationFailed: return "ONS name validation failed."
// MARK: Type Aliases
public typealias MessageListPromise = Promise<[JSON]>
public typealias RawResponse = Any
public typealias RawResponsePromise = Promise<RawResponse>
// MARK: Snode Pool Interaction
private static func loadSnodePoolIfNeeded() {
guard !hasLoadedSnodePool else { return }
snodePool =
hasLoadedSnodePool = true
private static func setSnodePool(to newValue: Set<Snode>, using transaction: Any? = nil) {
snodePool = newValue
let storage =
if let transaction = transaction {
storage.setSnodePool(to: newValue, using: transaction)
} else {
storage.writeSync { transaction in
storage.setSnodePool(to: newValue, using: transaction)
private static func dropSnodeFromSnodePool(_ snode: Snode) {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(Threading.workQueue))
var snodePool = SnodeAPI.snodePool
setSnodePool(to: snodePool)
@objc public static func clearSnodePool() {
Threading.workQueue.async {
setSnodePool(to: [])
// MARK: Swarm Interaction
private static func loadSwarmIfNeeded(for publicKey: String) {
guard !loadedSwarms.contains(publicKey) else { return }
swarmCache[publicKey] = publicKey)
private static func setSwarm(to newValue: Set<Snode>, for publicKey: String, persist: Bool = true) {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(Threading.workQueue))
swarmCache[publicKey] = newValue
guard persist else { return } { transaction in newValue, for: publicKey, using: transaction)
public static func dropSnodeFromSwarmIfNeeded(_ snode: Snode, publicKey: String) {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(Threading.workQueue))
let swarmOrNil = swarmCache[publicKey]
guard var swarm = swarmOrNil, let index = swarm.firstIndex(of: snode) else { return }
swarm.remove(at: index)
setSwarm(to: swarm, for: publicKey)
// MARK: Internal API
internal static func invoke(_ method: Snode.Method, on snode: Snode, associatedWith publicKey: String? = nil, parameters: JSON) -> RawResponsePromise {
if Features.useOnionRequests {
// TODO: Ensure this should use the Legact request?
return LegacyOnionRequestAPI.sendOnionRequest(to: snode, invoking: method, with: parameters, associatedWith: publicKey).map2 { $0 as Any }
} else {
let url = "\(snode.address):\(snode.port)/storage_rpc/v1"
return HTTP.execute(.post, url, parameters: parameters).map2 { $0 as Any }.recover2 { error -> Promise<Any> in
guard case HTTP.Error.httpRequestFailed(let statusCode, let json) = error else { throw error }
throw SnodeAPI.handleError(withStatusCode: statusCode, json: json, forSnode: snode, associatedWith: publicKey) ?? error
private static func getNetworkTime(from snode: Snode) -> Promise<UInt64> {
return invoke(.getInfo, on: snode, parameters: [:]).map2 { rawResponse in
guard let json = rawResponse as? JSON,
let timestamp = json["timestamp"] as? UInt64 else { throw HTTP.Error.invalidJSON }
return timestamp
internal static func getRandomSnode() -> Promise<Snode> {
// randomElement() uses the system's default random generator, which is cryptographically secure
return getSnodePool().map2 { $0.randomElement()! }
private static func getSnodePoolFromSeedNode() -> Promise<Set<Snode>> {
let target = seedNodePool.randomElement()!
let url = "\(target)/json_rpc"
let parameters: JSON = [
"method" : "get_n_service_nodes",
"params" : [
"active_only" : true,
"limit" : 256,
"fields" : [
"public_ip" : true, "storage_port" : true, "pubkey_ed25519" : true, "pubkey_x25519" : true
SNLog("Populating snode pool using seed node: \(target).")
let (promise, seal) = Promise<Set<Snode>>.pending()
Threading.workQueue.async {
attempt(maxRetryCount: 4, recoveringOn: Threading.workQueue) {
HTTP.execute(.post, url, parameters: parameters, useSeedNodeURLSession: true).map2 { json -> Set<Snode> in
guard let intermediate = json["result"] as? JSON, let rawSnodes = intermediate["service_node_states"] as? [JSON] else { throw Error.snodePoolUpdatingFailed }
return Set(rawSnodes.compactMap { rawSnode in
guard let address = rawSnode["public_ip"] as? String, let port = rawSnode["storage_port"] as? Int,
let ed25519PublicKey = rawSnode["pubkey_ed25519"] as? String, let x25519PublicKey = rawSnode["pubkey_x25519"] as? String, address != "" else {
SNLog("Failed to parse snode from: \(rawSnode).")
return nil
return Snode(address: "https://\(address)", port: UInt16(port), publicKeySet: Snode.KeySet(ed25519Key: ed25519PublicKey, x25519Key: x25519PublicKey))
}.done2 { snodePool in
SNLog("Got snode pool from seed node: \(target).")
}.catch2 { error in
SNLog("Failed to contact seed node at: \(target).")
return promise
private static func getSnodePoolFromSnode() -> Promise<Set<Snode>> {
var snodePool = SnodeAPI.snodePool
var snodes: Set<Snode> = []
(0..<3).forEach { _ in
let snode = snodePool.randomElement()!
let snodePoolPromises: [Promise<Set<Snode>>] = { snode in
return attempt(maxRetryCount: 4, recoveringOn: Threading.workQueue) {
// Don't specify a limit in the request. Service nodes return a shuffled
// list of nodes so if we specify a limit the 3 responses we get might have
// very little overlap.
let parameters: JSON = [
"endpoint" : "get_service_nodes",
"params" : [
"active_only" : true,
"fields" : [
"public_ip" : true, "storage_port" : true, "pubkey_ed25519" : true, "pubkey_x25519" : true
return invoke(.oxenDaemonRPCCall, on: snode, parameters: parameters).map2 { rawResponse in
guard let json = rawResponse as? JSON, let intermediate = json["result"] as? JSON,
let rawSnodes = intermediate["service_node_states"] as? [JSON] else {
throw Error.snodePoolUpdatingFailed
return Set(rawSnodes.compactMap { rawSnode in
guard let address = rawSnode["public_ip"] as? String, let port = rawSnode["storage_port"] as? Int,
let ed25519PublicKey = rawSnode["pubkey_ed25519"] as? String, let x25519PublicKey = rawSnode["pubkey_x25519"] as? String, address != "" else {
SNLog("Failed to parse snode from: \(rawSnode).")
return nil
return Snode(address: "https://\(address)", port: UInt16(port), publicKeySet: Snode.KeySet(ed25519Key: ed25519PublicKey, x25519Key: x25519PublicKey))
let promise = when(fulfilled: snodePoolPromises).map2 { results -> Set<Snode> in
var result: Set<Snode> = results[0]
results.forEach { result = result.intersection($0) }
if result.count > 24 { // We want the snodes to agree on at least this many snodes
// Limit the snode pool size to 256 so that we don't go too long without
// refreshing it
return (result.count > 256) ? Set([Snode](result)[0..<256]) : result
} else {
throw Error.inconsistentSnodePools
return promise
// MARK: Public API
public static func objc_getSnodePool() -> AnyPromise {
public static func getSnodePool() -> Promise<Set<Snode>> {
let now = Date()
let hasSnodePoolExpired = given(Storage.shared.getLastSnodePoolRefreshDate()) { now.timeIntervalSince($0) > 2 * 60 * 60 } ?? true
let snodePool = SnodeAPI.snodePool
let hasInsufficientSnodes = (snodePool.count < minSnodePoolCount)
if hasInsufficientSnodes || hasSnodePoolExpired {
if let getSnodePoolPromise = getSnodePoolPromise { return getSnodePoolPromise }
let promise: Promise<Set<Snode>>
if snodePool.count < minSnodePoolCount {
promise = getSnodePoolFromSeedNode()
} else {
promise = getSnodePoolFromSnode().recover2 { _ in
getSnodePoolPromise = promise
promise.map2 { snodePool -> Set<Snode> in
if snodePool.isEmpty {
throw Error.snodePoolUpdatingFailed
} else {
return snodePool
promise.then2 { snodePool -> Promise<Set<Snode>> in
let (promise, seal) = Promise<Set<Snode>>.pending() { transaction in
Storage.shared.setLastSnodePoolRefreshDate(to: now, using: transaction)
setSnodePool(to: snodePool, using: transaction)
}, completion: {
return promise
promise.done2 { _ in
getSnodePoolPromise = nil
promise.catch2 { _ in
getSnodePoolPromise = nil
return promise
} else {
return Promise.value(snodePool)
public static func getSessionID(for onsName: String) -> Promise<String> {
let validationCount = 3
let sessionIDByteCount = 33
// The name must be lowercased
let onsName = onsName.lowercased()
// Hash the ONS name using BLAKE2b
let nameAsData = [UInt8]( String.Encoding.utf8)!)
guard let nameHash = sodium.genericHash.hash(message: nameAsData) else { return Promise(error: Error.hashingFailed) }
// Ask 3 different snodes for the Session ID associated with the given name hash
let base64EncodedNameHash = nameHash.toBase64()
let parameters: [String:Any] = [
"endpoint" : "ons_resolve",
"params" : [
"type" : 0, // type 0 means Session
"name_hash" : base64EncodedNameHash
let promises = (0..<validationCount).map { _ in
return getRandomSnode().then2 { snode in
attempt(maxRetryCount: 4, recoveringOn: Threading.workQueue) {
invoke(.oxenDaemonRPCCall, on: snode, parameters: parameters)
let (promise, seal) = Promise<String>.pending()
when(resolved: promises).done2 { results in
var sessionIDs: [String] = []
for result in results {
switch result {
case .rejected(let error): return seal.reject(error)
case .fulfilled(let rawResponse):
guard let json = rawResponse as? JSON, let intermediate = json["result"] as? JSON,
let hexEncodedCiphertext = intermediate["encrypted_value"] as? String else { return seal.reject(HTTP.Error.invalidJSON) }
let ciphertext = [UInt8](Data(hex: hexEncodedCiphertext))
let isArgon2Based = (intermediate["nonce"] == nil)
if isArgon2Based {
// Handle old Argon2-based encryption used before HF16
let salt = [UInt8](Data(repeating: 0, count: sodium.pwHash.SaltBytes))
guard let key = sodium.pwHash.hash(outputLength: sodium.secretBox.KeyBytes, passwd: nameAsData, salt: salt,
opsLimit: sodium.pwHash.OpsLimitModerate, memLimit: sodium.pwHash.MemLimitModerate, alg: .Argon2ID13) else { return seal.reject(Error.hashingFailed) }
let nonce = [UInt8](Data(repeating: 0, count: sodium.secretBox.NonceBytes))
guard let sessionIDAsData = ciphertext, secretKey: key, nonce: nonce) else {
return seal.reject(Error.decryptionFailed)
} else {
guard let hexEncodedNonce = intermediate["nonce"] as? String else { return seal.reject(HTTP.Error.invalidJSON) }
let nonce = [UInt8](Data(hex: hexEncodedNonce))
// xchacha-based encryption
guard let key = sodium.genericHash.hash(message: nameAsData, key: nameHash) else { // key = H(name, key=H(name))
return seal.reject(Error.hashingFailed)
guard ciphertext.count >= (sessionIDByteCount + sodium.aead.xchacha20poly1305ietf.ABytes) else { // Should always be equal in practice
return seal.reject(Error.decryptionFailed)
guard let sessionIDAsData = sodium.aead.xchacha20poly1305ietf.decrypt(authenticatedCipherText: ciphertext, secretKey: key, nonce: nonce) else {
return seal.reject(Error.decryptionFailed)
guard sessionIDs.count == validationCount && Set(sessionIDs).count == 1 else { return seal.reject(Error.validationFailed) }
return promise
public static func getTargetSnodes(for publicKey: String) -> Promise<[Snode]> {
// shuffled() uses the system's default random generator, which is cryptographically secure
return getSwarm(for: publicKey).map2 { Array($0.shuffled().prefix(targetSwarmSnodeCount)) }
public static func getSwarm(for publicKey: String) -> Promise<Set<Snode>> {
loadSwarmIfNeeded(for: publicKey)
if let cachedSwarm = swarmCache[publicKey], cachedSwarm.count >= minSwarmSnodeCount {
return Promise<Set<Snode>> { $0.fulfill(cachedSwarm) }
} else {
SNLog("Getting swarm for: \((publicKey == ? "self" : publicKey).")
let parameters: [String:Any] = [ "pubKey" : Features.useTestnet ? publicKey.removingIdPrefixIfNeeded() : publicKey ]
return getRandomSnode().then2 { snode in
attempt(maxRetryCount: 4, recoveringOn: Threading.workQueue) {
invoke(.getSwarm, on: snode, associatedWith: publicKey, parameters: parameters)
}.map2 { rawSnodes in
let swarm = parseSnodes(from: rawSnodes)
setSwarm(to: swarm, for: publicKey)
return swarm
public static func getRawMessages(from snode: Snode, associatedWith publicKey: String) -> RawResponsePromise {
let (promise, seal) = RawResponsePromise.pending()
Threading.workQueue.async {
getMessagesInternal(from: snode, associatedWith: publicKey).done2 { seal.fulfill($0) }.catch2 { seal.reject($0) }
return promise
public static func getMessages(for publicKey: String) -> Promise<Set<MessageListPromise>> {
let (promise, seal) = Promise<Set<MessageListPromise>>.pending()
Threading.workQueue.async {
attempt(maxRetryCount: maxRetryCount, recoveringOn: Threading.workQueue) {
getTargetSnodes(for: publicKey).mapValues2 { targetSnode in
return getMessagesInternal(from: targetSnode, associatedWith: publicKey).map2 { rawResponse in
parseRawMessagesResponse(rawResponse, from: targetSnode, associatedWith: publicKey)
}.map2 { Set($0) }
}.done2 { seal.fulfill($0) }.catch2 { seal.reject($0) }
return promise
private static func getMessagesInternal(from snode: Snode, associatedWith publicKey: String) -> RawResponsePromise {
let storage =
// NOTE: All authentication logic is currently commented out, the reason being that we can't currently support
// it yet for closed groups. The Storage Server requires an ed25519 key pair, but we don't have that for our
// closed groups.
// guard let userED25519KeyPair = storage.getUserED25519KeyPair() else { return Promise(error: Error.noKeyPair) }
// Get last message hash
storage.pruneLastMessageHashInfoIfExpired(for: snode, associatedWith: publicKey)
let lastHash = storage.getLastMessageHash(for: snode, associatedWith: publicKey) ?? ""
// Construct signature
// let timestamp = UInt64(Int64(NSDate.millisecondTimestamp()) + SnodeAPI.clockOffset)
// let ed25519PublicKey = userED25519KeyPair.publicKey.toHexString()
// let verificationData = ("retrieve" + String(timestamp)).data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!
// let signature = sodium.sign.signature(message: Bytes(verificationData), secretKey: userED25519KeyPair.secretKey)!
// Make the request
let parameters: JSON = [
"pubKey" : Features.useTestnet ? publicKey.removingIdPrefixIfNeeded() : publicKey,
"lastHash" : lastHash,
// "timestamp" : timestamp,
// "pubkey_ed25519" : ed25519PublicKey,
// "signature" : signature.toBase64()!
return invoke(.getMessages, on: snode, associatedWith: publicKey, parameters: parameters)
public static func sendMessage(_ message: SnodeMessage) -> Promise<Set<RawResponsePromise>> {
let (promise, seal) = Promise<Set<RawResponsePromise>>.pending()
let publicKey = Features.useTestnet ? message.recipient.removingIdPrefixIfNeeded() : message.recipient
Threading.workQueue.async {
getTargetSnodes(for: publicKey).map2 { targetSnodes in
let parameters = message.toJSON()
return Set( { targetSnode in
attempt(maxRetryCount: maxRetryCount, recoveringOn: Threading.workQueue) {
invoke(.sendMessage, on: targetSnode, associatedWith: publicKey, parameters: parameters)
}.done2 { seal.fulfill($0) }.catch2 { seal.reject($0) }
return promise
public static func objc_deleteMessage(publicKey: String, serverHashes: [String]) -> AnyPromise {
AnyPromise.from(deleteMessage(publicKey: publicKey, serverHashes: serverHashes))
public static func deleteMessage(publicKey: String, serverHashes: [String]) -> Promise<[String:Bool]> {
let storage =
guard let userX25519PublicKey = storage.getUserPublicKey(),
let userED25519KeyPair = storage.getUserED25519KeyPair() else { return Promise(error: Error.noKeyPair) }
let publicKey = Features.useTestnet ? publicKey.removingIdPrefixIfNeeded() : publicKey
return attempt(maxRetryCount: maxRetryCount, recoveringOn: Threading.workQueue) {
getSwarm(for: publicKey).then2 { swarm -> Promise<[String:Bool]> in
let snode = swarm.randomElement()!
let verificationData = (Snode.Method.deleteMessage.rawValue + serverHashes.joined(separator: "")).data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!
guard let signature = sodium.sign.signature(message: Bytes(verificationData), secretKey: userED25519KeyPair.secretKey) else { throw Error.signingFailed }
let parameters: JSON = [
"pubkey" : userX25519PublicKey,
"pubkey_ed25519" : userED25519KeyPair.publicKey.toHexString(),
"messages": serverHashes,
"signature": signature.toBase64()
return attempt(maxRetryCount: maxRetryCount, recoveringOn: Threading.workQueue) {
invoke(.deleteMessage, on: snode, associatedWith: publicKey, parameters: parameters).map2{ rawResponse -> [String:Bool] in
guard let json = rawResponse as? JSON, let swarm = json["swarm"] as? JSON else { throw HTTP.Error.invalidJSON }
var result: [String:Bool] = [:]
for (snodePublicKey, rawJSON) in swarm {
guard let json = rawJSON as? JSON else { throw HTTP.Error.invalidJSON }
let isFailed = json["failed"] as? Bool ?? false
if !isFailed {
guard let hashes = json["deleted"] as? [String], let signature = json["signature"] as? String else { throw HTTP.Error.invalidJSON }
// The signature format is ( PUBKEY_HEX || RMSG[0] || ... || RMSG[N] || DMSG[0] || ... || DMSG[M] )
let verificationData = (userX25519PublicKey + serverHashes.joined(separator: "") + hashes.joined(separator: "")).data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!
let isValid = sodium.sign.verify(message: Bytes(verificationData), publicKey: Bytes(Data(hex: snodePublicKey)), signature: Bytes(Data(base64Encoded: signature)!))
result[snodePublicKey] = isValid
} else {
if let reason = json["reason"] as? String, let statusCode = json["code"] as? String {
SNLog("Couldn't delete data from: \(snodePublicKey) due to error: \(reason) (\(statusCode)).")
} else {
SNLog("Couldn't delete data from: \(snodePublicKey).")
result[snodePublicKey] = false
return result
/// Clears all the user's data from their swarm. Returns a dictionary of snode public key to deletion confirmation.
public static func clearAllData() -> Promise<[String:Bool]> {
let storage =
guard let userX25519PublicKey = storage.getUserPublicKey(),
let userED25519KeyPair = storage.getUserED25519KeyPair() else { return Promise(error: Error.noKeyPair) }
return attempt(maxRetryCount: maxRetryCount, recoveringOn: Threading.workQueue) {
getSwarm(for: userX25519PublicKey).then2 { swarm -> Promise<[String:Bool]> in
let snode = swarm.randomElement()!
return attempt(maxRetryCount: maxRetryCount, recoveringOn: Threading.workQueue) {
getNetworkTime(from: snode).then2 { timestamp -> Promise<[String:Bool]> in
let verificationData = (Snode.Method.clearAllData.rawValue + String(timestamp)).data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!
guard let signature = sodium.sign.signature(message: Bytes(verificationData), secretKey: userED25519KeyPair.secretKey) else { throw Error.signingFailed }
let parameters: JSON = [
"pubkey" : userX25519PublicKey,
"pubkey_ed25519" : userED25519KeyPair.publicKey.toHexString(),
"timestamp" : timestamp,
"signature" : signature.toBase64()
return attempt(maxRetryCount: maxRetryCount, recoveringOn: Threading.workQueue) {
invoke(.clearAllData, on: snode, parameters: parameters).map2 { rawResponse -> [String:Bool] in
guard let json = rawResponse as? JSON, let swarm = json["swarm"] as? JSON else { throw HTTP.Error.invalidJSON }
var result: [String:Bool] = [:]
for (snodePublicKey, rawJSON) in swarm {
guard let json = rawJSON as? JSON else { throw HTTP.Error.invalidJSON }
let isFailed = json["failed"] as? Bool ?? false
if !isFailed {
guard let hashes = json["deleted"] as? [String], let signature = json["signature"] as? String else { throw HTTP.Error.invalidJSON }
// The signature format is ( PUBKEY_HEX || TIMESTAMP || DELETEDHASH[0] || ... || DELETEDHASH[N] )
let verificationData = (userX25519PublicKey + String(timestamp) + hashes.joined(separator: "")).data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!
let isValid = sodium.sign.verify(message: Bytes(verificationData), publicKey: Bytes(Data(hex: snodePublicKey)), signature: Bytes(Data(base64Encoded: signature)!))
result[snodePublicKey] = isValid
} else {
if let reason = json["reason"] as? String, let statusCode = json["code"] as? String {
SNLog("Couldn't delete data from: \(snodePublicKey) due to error: \(reason) (\(statusCode)).")
} else {
SNLog("Couldn't delete data from: \(snodePublicKey).")
result[snodePublicKey] = false
return result
// MARK: Parsing
// The parsing utilities below use a best attempt approach to parsing; they warn for parsing failures but don't throw exceptions.
private static func parseSnodes(from rawResponse: Any) -> Set<Snode> {
guard let json = rawResponse as? JSON, let rawSnodes = json["snodes"] as? [JSON] else {
SNLog("Failed to parse snodes from: \(rawResponse).")
return []
return Set(rawSnodes.compactMap { rawSnode in
guard let address = rawSnode["ip"] as? String, let portAsString = rawSnode["port"] as? String, let port = UInt16(portAsString),
let ed25519PublicKey = rawSnode["pubkey_ed25519"] as? String, let x25519PublicKey = rawSnode["pubkey_x25519"] as? String, address != "" else {
SNLog("Failed to parse snode from: \(rawSnode).")
return nil
return Snode(address: "https://\(address)", port: port, publicKeySet: Snode.KeySet(ed25519Key: ed25519PublicKey, x25519Key: x25519PublicKey))
public static func parseRawMessagesResponse(_ rawResponse: Any, from snode: Snode, associatedWith publicKey: String) -> [JSON] {
guard let json = rawResponse as? JSON, let rawMessages = json["messages"] as? [JSON] else { return [] }
updateLastMessageHashValueIfPossible(for: snode, associatedWith: publicKey, from: rawMessages)
return removeDuplicates(from: rawMessages, associatedWith: publicKey)
private static func updateLastMessageHashValueIfPossible(for snode: Snode, associatedWith publicKey: String, from rawMessages: [JSON]) {
if let lastMessage = rawMessages.last, let lastHash = lastMessage["hash"] as? String, let expirationDate = lastMessage["expiration"] as? UInt64 { { transaction in snode, associatedWith: publicKey,
to: [ "hash" : lastHash, "expirationDate" : NSNumber(value: expirationDate) ], using: transaction)
} else if (!rawMessages.isEmpty) {
SNLog("Failed to update last message hash value from: \(rawMessages).")
private static func removeDuplicates(from rawMessages: [JSON], associatedWith publicKey: String) -> [JSON] {
let oldReceivedMessages = publicKey)
var newReceivedMessages = oldReceivedMessages
let result = rawMessages.filter { rawMessage in
guard let hash = rawMessage["hash"] as? String else {
SNLog("Missing hash value for message: \(rawMessage).")
return false
let isDuplicate = newReceivedMessages.contains(hash)
return !isDuplicate
// Avoid the sync write transaction if possible
if oldReceivedMessages != newReceivedMessages { { transaction in newReceivedMessages, for: publicKey, using: transaction)
return result
// MARK: Error Handling
/// - Note: Should only be invoked from `Threading.workQueue` to avoid race conditions.
internal static func handleError(withStatusCode statusCode: UInt, json: JSON?, forSnode snode: Snode, associatedWith publicKey: String? = nil) -> Error? {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(Threading.workQueue))
func handleBadSnode() {
let oldFailureCount = SnodeAPI.snodeFailureCount[snode] ?? 0
let newFailureCount = oldFailureCount + 1
SnodeAPI.snodeFailureCount[snode] = newFailureCount
SNLog("Couldn't reach snode at: \(snode); setting failure count to \(newFailureCount).")
if newFailureCount >= SnodeAPI.snodeFailureThreshold {
SNLog("Failure threshold reached for: \(snode); dropping it.")
if let publicKey = publicKey {
SnodeAPI.dropSnodeFromSwarmIfNeeded(snode, publicKey: publicKey)
SNLog("Snode pool count: \(snodePool.count).")
SnodeAPI.snodeFailureCount[snode] = 0
switch statusCode {
case 500, 502, 503:
// The snode is unreachable
case 406:
SNLog("The user's clock is out of sync with the service node network.")
return Error.clockOutOfSync
case 421:
// The snode isn't associated with the given public key anymore
if let publicKey = publicKey {
func invalidateSwarm() {
SNLog("Invalidating swarm for: \(publicKey).")
SnodeAPI.dropSnodeFromSwarmIfNeeded(snode, publicKey: publicKey)
if let json = json {
let snodes = parseSnodes(from: json)
if !snodes.isEmpty {
setSwarm(to: snodes, for: publicKey)
} else {
} else {
} else {
SNLog("Got a 421 without an associated public key.")
SNLog("Unhandled response code: \(statusCode).")
return nil