2018-08-27 10:27:48 -04:00

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// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import SignalServiceKit
import SignalMessaging
* Creates an outbound call via WebRTC.
@objc public class OutboundCallInitiator: NSObject {
let contactsManager: OWSContactsManager
let contactsUpdater: ContactsUpdater
@objc public init(contactsManager: OWSContactsManager, contactsUpdater: ContactsUpdater) {
self.contactsManager = contactsManager
self.contactsUpdater = contactsUpdater
* |handle| is a user formatted phone number, e.g. from a system contacts entry
@discardableResult @objc public func initiateCall(handle: String) -> Bool {"with handle: \(handle)")
guard let recipientId = PhoneNumber(fromE164: handle)?.toE164() else {
Logger.warn("unable to parse signalId from phone number: \(handle)")
return false
return initiateCall(recipientId: recipientId, isVideo: false)
* |recipientId| is a e164 formatted phone number.
@discardableResult @objc public func initiateCall(recipientId: String,
isVideo: Bool) -> Bool {
// Rather than an init-assigned dependency property, we access `callUIAdapter` via Environment
// because it can change after app launch due to user settings
let callUIAdapter = SignalApp.shared().callUIAdapter
guard let frontmostViewController = UIApplication.shared.frontmostViewController else {
owsFailDebug("could not identify frontmostViewController")
return false
let showedAlert = SafetyNumberConfirmationAlert.presentAlertIfNecessary(recipientId: recipientId,
confirmationText: CallStrings.confirmAndCallButtonTitle,
contactsManager: self.contactsManager,
completion: { didConfirmIdentity in
if didConfirmIdentity {
_ = self.initiateCall(recipientId: recipientId, isVideo: isVideo)
guard !showedAlert else {
return false
// Check for microphone permissions
// Alternative way without prompting for permissions:
// if AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().recordPermission() == .denied {
frontmostViewController.ows_ask(forMicrophonePermissions: { [weak self] granted in
// Success callback; camera permissions are granted.
guard let strongSelf = self else {
// Here the permissions are either granted or denied
guard granted == true else {
Logger.warn("aborting due to missing microphone permissions.")
callUIAdapter.startAndShowOutgoingCall(recipientId: recipientId, hasLocalVideo: isVideo)
return true