Morgan Pretty 27e0981913 Added toast and info message deletion, fixed layout issues & unit tests
Added a toast when hitting the emoji reacts rate limit
Added the ability to delete info messages
Fixed some odd layout behaviours with the VisibleMessageCell
Fixed some layout issues with reactions
Removed some unneeded custom code
2022-10-05 18:44:25 +11:00

253 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import Nimble
import SessionUtilitiesKit
public enum CallAmount {
case atLeast(times: Int)
case exactly(times: Int)
case noMoreThan(times: Int)
fileprivate func timeStr(_ value: Int) -> String {
return "\(value) time\(value == 1 ? "" : "s")"
/// Validates whether the function called in `functionBlock` has been called according to the parameter constraints
/// - Parameters:
/// - amount: An enum constraining the number of times the function can be called (Default is `.atLeast(times: 1)`
/// - matchingParameters: A boolean indicating whether the parameters for the function call need to match exactly
/// - exclusive: A boolean indicating whether no other functions should be called
/// - functionBlock: A closure in which the function to be validated should be called
public func call<M, T, R>(
_ amount: CallAmount = .atLeast(times: 1),
matchingParameters: Bool = false,
exclusive: Bool = false,
functionBlock: @escaping (inout T) throws -> R
) -> Predicate<M> where M: Mock<T> {
return Predicate.define { actualExpression in
let callInfo: CallInfo = generateCallInfo(actualExpression, functionBlock)
let matchingParameterRecords: [String] = callInfo.desiredFunctionCalls
.filter { !matchingParameters || callInfo.hasMatchingParameters($0) }
let exclusiveCallsValid: Bool = (!exclusive || callInfo.allFunctionsCalled.count <= 1) // '<=' to support '0' case
let (numParamMatchingCallsValid, timesError): (Bool, String?) = {
switch amount {
case .atLeast(let times):
return (
(matchingParameterRecords.count >= times),
(times <= 1 ? nil : "at least \(timeStr(times))")
case .exactly(let times):
return (
(matchingParameterRecords.count == times),
"exactly \(timeStr(times))"
case .noMoreThan(let times):
return (
(matchingParameterRecords.count <= times),
(times <= 0 ? nil : "no more than \(timeStr(times))")
let result = (
numParamMatchingCallsValid &&
let matchingParametersError: String? = (matchingParameters ?
"matching the parameters\( { ": \($0)" } ?? "")" :
let distinctParameterCombinations: Set<String> = Set(callInfo.desiredFunctionCalls)
let actualMessage: String
if callInfo.caughtException != nil {
actualMessage = "a thrown assertion (might not have been called or has no mocked return value)"
else if callInfo.function == nil {
actualMessage = "no call details"
else if callInfo.desiredFunctionCalls.isEmpty {
actualMessage = "no calls"
else if !exclusiveCallsValid {
let otherFunctionsCalled: [String] = callInfo.allFunctionsCalled.filter { $0 != callInfo.functionName }
actualMessage = "calls to other functions: [\(otherFunctionsCalled.joined(separator: ", "))]"
else {
let onlyMadeMatchingCalls: Bool = (matchingParameterRecords.count == callInfo.desiredFunctionCalls.count)
switch (numParamMatchingCallsValid, onlyMadeMatchingCalls, distinctParameterCombinations.count) {
case (false, false, 1):
// No calls with the matching parameter requirements but only one parameter combination
// so include the param info
actualMessage = "called \(timeStr(callInfo.desiredFunctionCalls.count)) with different parameters: \(callInfo.desiredFunctionCalls[0])"
case (false, true, _):
actualMessage = "called \(timeStr(callInfo.desiredFunctionCalls.count))"
case (false, false, _):
let distinctSetterCombinations: Set<String> = distinctParameterCombinations.filter { $0 != "[]" }
// A getter/setter combo will have function calls split between no params and the set value
// if the setter didn't match then we still want to show the incorrect parameters
if distinctSetterCombinations.count == 1, let paramCombo: String = distinctSetterCombinations.first {
actualMessage = "called with: \(paramCombo)"
else {
actualMessage = "called \(timeStr(matchingParameterRecords.count)) with matching parameters, \(timeStr(callInfo.desiredFunctionCalls.count)) total"
default: actualMessage = "\(exclusive ? " exclusive " : "")call to '\(callInfo.functionName)'"
return PredicateResult(
bool: result,
message: .expectedCustomValueTo(
"call '\(callInfo.functionName)'\(exclusive ? " exclusively" : "")",
.compactMap { $0 }
.joined(separator: " "),
actual: actualMessage
// MARK: - Shared Code
fileprivate struct CallInfo {
let didError: Bool
let caughtException: BadInstructionException?
let function: MockFunction?
let allFunctionsCalled: [String]
let desiredFunctionCalls: [String]
var functionName: String { "\((function?.name).map { "\($0)" } ?? "a function")" }
var desiredParameters: String? { function?.parameterSummary }
static var error: CallInfo {
didError: true,
caughtException: nil,
function: nil,
allFunctionsCalled: [],
desiredFunctionCalls: []
didError: Bool = false,
caughtException: BadInstructionException?,
function: MockFunction?,
allFunctionsCalled: [String],
desiredFunctionCalls: [String]
) {
self.didError = didError
self.caughtException = caughtException
self.function = function
self.allFunctionsCalled = allFunctionsCalled
self.desiredFunctionCalls = desiredFunctionCalls
func hasMatchingParameters(_ parameters: String) -> Bool {
return (parameters == (function?.parameterSummary ?? "FALLBACK_NOT_FOUND"))
fileprivate func generateCallInfo<M, T, R>(_ actualExpression: Expression<M>, _ functionBlock: @escaping (inout T) throws -> R) -> CallInfo where M: Mock<T> {
var maybeFunction: MockFunction?
var allFunctionsCalled: [String] = []
var desiredFunctionCalls: [String] = []
let builderCreator: ((M) -> MockFunctionBuilder<T, R>) = { validInstance in
let builder: MockFunctionBuilder<T, R> = MockFunctionBuilder(functionBlock, mockInit: type(of: validInstance).init)
builder.returnValueGenerator = { name, parameterSummary in
.firstFunction(for: name, matchingParameterSummaryIfPossible: parameterSummary)?
.returnValue as? R
return builder
#if (arch(x86_64) || arch(arm64)) && (canImport(Darwin) || canImport(Glibc))
var didError: Bool = false
let caughtException: BadInstructionException? = catchBadInstruction {
do {
guard let validInstance: M = try actualExpression.evaluate() else {
didError = true
allFunctionsCalled = Array(validInstance.functionConsumer.calls.wrappedValue.keys)
// Only check for the specific function calls if there was at least a single
// call (if there weren't any this will likely throw errors when attempting
// to build)
if !allFunctionsCalled.isEmpty {
let builder: MockFunctionBuilder<T, R> = builderCreator(validInstance)
validInstance.functionConsumer.trackCalls = false
maybeFunction = try?
desiredFunctionCalls = validInstance.functionConsumer.calls
.wrappedValue[maybeFunction?.name ?? ""]
.defaulting(to: [])
validInstance.functionConsumer.trackCalls = true
else {
desiredFunctionCalls = []
catch {
didError = true
// Make sure to switch this back on in case an assertion was thrown (which would meant this
// wouldn't have been reset)
(try? actualExpression.evaluate())?.functionConsumer.trackCalls = true
guard !didError else { return CallInfo.error }
let caughtException: BadInstructionException? = nil
// Just hope for the best and if there is a force-cast there's not much we can do
guard let validInstance: M = try? actualExpression.evaluate() else { return CallInfo.error }
allFunctionsCalled = Array(validInstance.functionConsumer.calls.wrappedValue.keys)
// Only check for the specific function calls if there was at least a single
// call (if there weren't any this will likely throw errors when attempting
// to build)
if !allFunctionsCalled.isEmpty {
let builder: MockExpectationBuilder<T, R> = builderCreator(validInstance)
validInstance.functionConsumer.trackCalls = false
maybeFunction = try?
desiredFunctionCalls = validInstance.functionConsumer.calls
.wrappedValue[maybeFunction?.name ?? ""]
.defaulting(to: [])
validInstance.functionConsumer.trackCalls = true
else {
desiredFunctionCalls = []
return CallInfo(
caughtException: caughtException,
function: maybeFunction,
allFunctionsCalled: allFunctionsCalled,
desiredFunctionCalls: desiredFunctionCalls