Morgan Pretty cf66edb723 Further work on SessionMessagingKit migrations
Added migrations for contacts and started working through thread migration (have contact and closed group threads migrating)
Deprecated usage of ECKeyPair in the migrations (want to be able to remove Curve25519Kit in the future)
2022-04-06 15:43:26 +10:00

345 lines
21 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import Sodium
import Curve25519Kit
import SessionMessagingKit
enum MockDataGenerator {
// Note: This was taken from TensorFlow's Random (
// the complex approach is needed due to an issue with Swift's randomElement(using:)
// generation (see for more info)
struct ARC4RandomNumberGenerator: RandomNumberGenerator {
var state: [UInt8] = Array(0...255)
var iPos: UInt8 = 0
var jPos: UInt8 = 0
init<T: BinaryInteger>(seed: T) {
seed: (0..<(UInt64.bitWidth / UInt64.bitWidth)).map { index in
UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: seed >> (UInt8.bitWidth * index))
init(seed: [UInt8]) {
precondition(seed.count > 0, "Length of seed must be positive")
precondition(seed.count <= 256, "Length of seed must be at most 256")
// Note: Have to use a for loop instead of a 'forEach' otherwise
// it doesn't work properly (not sure why...)
var j: UInt8 = 0
for i: UInt8 in 0...255 {
j &+= S(i) &+ seed[Int(i) % seed.count]
swapAt(i, j)
/// Produce the next random UInt64 from the stream, and advance the internal state
mutating func next() -> UInt64 {
// Note: Have to use a for loop instead of a 'forEach' otherwise
// it doesn't work properly (not sure why...)
var result: UInt64 = 0
for _ in 0..<UInt64.bitWidth / UInt8.bitWidth {
result <<= UInt8.bitWidth
result += UInt64(nextByte())
return result
/// Helper to access the state
private func S(_ index: UInt8) -> UInt8 {
return state[Int(index)]
/// Helper to swap elements of the state
private mutating func swapAt(_ i: UInt8, _ j: UInt8) {
state.swapAt(Int(i), Int(j))
/// Generates the next byte in the keystream.
private mutating func nextByte() -> UInt8 {
iPos &+= 1
jPos &+= S(iPos)
swapAt(iPos, jPos)
return S(S(iPos) &+ S(jPos))
// MARK: - Generation
static var printProgress: Bool = true
static var hasStartedGenerationThisRun: Bool = false
static func generateMockData() {
// Don't re-generate the mock data if it already exists
var existingMockDataThread: TSContactThread? { transaction in
existingMockDataThread = TSContactThread.getWithContactSessionID("MockDatabaseThread", transaction: transaction)
guard !hasStartedGenerationThisRun && existingMockDataThread == nil else {
hasStartedGenerationThisRun = true
/// The mock data generation is quite slow, there are 3 parts which take a decent amount of time (deleting the account afterwards will also take a long time):
/// Generating the threads & content - ~3s per 100
/// Writing to the database - ~10s per 1000
/// Updating the UI - ~10s per 1000
let dmThreadCount: Int = 1000
let closedGroupThreadCount: Int = 50
let openGroupThreadCount: Int = 20
let messageRangePerThread: [ClosedRange<Int>] = [(0...500)]
let dmRandomSeed: Int = 1111
let cgRandomSeed: Int = 2222
let ogRandomSeed: Int = 3333
let logProgress: (String, String) -> () = { title, event in
guard printProgress else { return }
print("[MockDataGenerator] (\(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)) \(title) - \(event)")
hasStartedGenerationThisRun = true
// FIXME: Make sure this data doesn't go off device somehow?
Storage.shared.write { anyTransaction in
guard let transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction = anyTransaction as? YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction else {
// First create the thread used to indicate that the mock data has been generated
logProgress("", "Start")
_ = TSContactThread.getOrCreateThread(withContactSessionID: "MockDatabaseThread", transaction: transaction)
// Multiple spaces to make it look more like words
let stringContent: [String] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 ".map { String($0) }
let wordContent: [String] = ["alias", "consequatur", "aut", "perferendis", "sit", "voluptatem", "accusantium", "doloremque", "aperiam", "eaque", "ipsa", "quae", "ab", "illo", "inventore", "veritatis", "et", "quasi", "architecto", "beatae", "vitae", "dicta", "sunt", "explicabo", "aspernatur", "aut", "odit", "aut", "fugit", "sed", "quia", "consequuntur", "magni", "dolores", "eos", "qui", "ratione", "voluptatem", "sequi", "nesciunt", "neque", "dolorem", "ipsum", "quia", "dolor", "sit", "amet", "consectetur", "adipisci", "velit", "sed", "quia", "non", "numquam", "eius", "modi", "tempora", "incidunt", "ut", "labore", "et", "dolore", "magnam", "aliquam", "quaerat", "voluptatem", "ut", "enim", "ad", "minima", "veniam", "quis", "nostrum", "exercitationem", "ullam", "corporis", "nemo", "enim", "ipsam", "voluptatem", "quia", "voluptas", "sit", "suscipit", "laboriosam", "nisi", "ut", "aliquid", "ex", "ea", "commodi", "consequatur", "quis", "autem", "vel", "eum", "iure", "reprehenderit", "qui", "in", "ea", "voluptate", "velit", "esse", "quam", "nihil", "molestiae", "et", "iusto", "odio", "dignissimos", "ducimus", "qui", "blanditiis", "praesentium", "laudantium", "totam", "rem", "voluptatum", "deleniti", "atque", "corrupti", "quos", "dolores", "et", "quas", "molestias", "excepturi", "sint", "occaecati", "cupiditate", "non", "provident", "sed", "ut", "perspiciatis", "unde", "omnis", "iste", "natus", "error", "similique", "sunt", "in", "culpa", "qui", "officia", "deserunt", "mollitia", "animi", "id", "est", "laborum", "et", "dolorum", "fuga", "et", "harum", "quidem", "rerum", "facilis", "est", "et", "expedita", "distinctio", "nam", "libero", "tempore", "cum", "soluta", "nobis", "est", "eligendi", "optio", "cumque", "nihil", "impedit", "quo", "porro", "quisquam", "est", "qui", "minus", "id", "quod", "maxime", "placeat", "facere", "possimus", "omnis", "voluptas", "assumenda", "est", "omnis", "dolor", "repellendus", "temporibus", "autem", "quibusdam", "et", "aut", "consequatur", "vel", "illum", "qui", "dolorem", "eum", "fugiat", "quo", "voluptas", "nulla", "pariatur", "at", "vero", "eos", "et", "accusamus", "officiis", "debitis", "aut", "rerum", "necessitatibus", "saepe", "eveniet", "ut", "et", "voluptates", "repudiandae", "sint", "et", "molestiae", "non", "recusandae", "itaque", "earum", "rerum", "hic", "tenetur", "a", "sapiente", "delectus", "ut", "aut", "reiciendis", "voluptatibus", "maiores", "doloribus", "asperiores", "repellat"]
let timestampNow: TimeInterval = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
let userSessionId: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey()
// MARK: - -- DM Thread
var dmThreadRandomGenerator: ARC4RandomNumberGenerator = ARC4RandomNumberGenerator(seed: dmRandomSeed)
(0..<dmThreadCount).forEach { threadIndex in
logProgress("DM Threads", "Start Generating \(dmThreadCount) threads")
let data = Data((0..<16).map { _ in UInt8.random(in: (UInt8.min...UInt8.max), using: &dmThreadRandomGenerator) })
let randomSessionId: String = try! Identity.generate(from: data).x25519KeyPair.hexEncodedPublicKey
let isMessageRequest: Bool = Bool.random(using: &dmThreadRandomGenerator)
let contactNameLength: Int = ((5..<20).randomElement(using: &dmThreadRandomGenerator) ?? 0)
let numMessages: Int = (messageRangePerThread[threadIndex % messageRangePerThread.count]
.randomElement(using: &dmThreadRandomGenerator) ?? 0)
// Generate the thread
let thread: TSContactThread = TSContactThread.getOrCreateThread(withContactSessionID: randomSessionId, transaction: transaction)
thread.shouldBeVisible = true
// Generate the contact
let contact = Legacy.Contact(sessionID: randomSessionId) = (0..<contactNameLength)
.compactMap { _ in stringContent.randomElement(using: &dmThreadRandomGenerator) }
contact.isApproved = (!isMessageRequest || Bool.random(using: &dmThreadRandomGenerator))
contact.didApproveMe = (
!isMessageRequest &&
(((0..<10).randomElement(using: &dmThreadRandomGenerator) ?? 0) < 8) // 80% approved the current user
transaction.setObject(contact, forKey: contact.sessionID, inCollection: Legacy.contactCollection)
// Generate the message history (Note: Unapproved message requests will only include incoming messages)
logProgress("DM Thread \(threadIndex)", "Generate \(numMessages) Messages")
(0..<numMessages).forEach { index in
let isIncoming: Bool = (
Bool.random(using: &dmThreadRandomGenerator) &&
(!isMessageRequest || contact.isApproved)
let messageWords: Int = ((1..<20).randomElement(using: &dmThreadRandomGenerator) ?? 0)
let message: VisibleMessage = VisibleMessage()
message.sender = (isIncoming ? randomSessionId : userSessionId)
message.sentTimestamp = UInt64(floor(timestampNow - Double(index * 5)) * 1000)
message.text = (0..<messageWords)
.compactMap { _ in wordContent.randomElement(using: &dmThreadRandomGenerator) }
.joined(separator: " ")
if isIncoming {
let tsMessage: TSOutgoingMessage = TSOutgoingMessage.from(message, associatedWith: thread, using: transaction) transaction)
else {
let tsMessage: TSIncomingMessage = TSIncomingMessage.from(message, quotedMessage: nil, linkPreview: nil, associatedWith: thread) transaction)
// Save the thread transaction)
logProgress("DM Thread \(threadIndex)", "Done")
logProgress("DM Threads", "Done")
// MARK: - -- Closed Group
var cgThreadRandomGenerator: ARC4RandomNumberGenerator = ARC4RandomNumberGenerator(seed: cgRandomSeed)
logProgress("Closed Group Threads", "Start Generating \(closedGroupThreadCount) threads")
(0..<closedGroupThreadCount).forEach { threadIndex in
logProgress("Closed Group Thread \(threadIndex)", "Start")
let data = Data((0..<16).map { _ in UInt8.random(in: (UInt8.min...UInt8.max), using: &cgThreadRandomGenerator) })
let randomGroupPublicKey: String = try! Identity.generate(from: data).x25519KeyPair.hexEncodedPublicKey
let groupNameLength: Int = ((5..<20).randomElement(using: &cgThreadRandomGenerator) ?? 0)
let groupName: String = (0..<groupNameLength)
.compactMap { _ in stringContent.randomElement(using: &cgThreadRandomGenerator) }
let numGroupMembers: Int = ((0..<10).randomElement(using: &cgThreadRandomGenerator) ?? 0)
let numMessages: Int = (messageRangePerThread[threadIndex % messageRangePerThread.count]
.randomElement(using: &cgThreadRandomGenerator) ?? 0)
// Generate the Contacts in the group
var members: [String] = [userSessionId]
logProgress("Closed Group Thread \(threadIndex)", "Generate \(numGroupMembers) Contacts")
(0..<numGroupMembers).forEach { _ in
let contactData = Data((0..<16).map { _ in UInt8.random(in: (UInt8.min...UInt8.max), using: &cgThreadRandomGenerator) })
let randomSessionId: String = try! Identity.generate(from: contactData).x25519KeyPair.hexEncodedPublicKey
let contactNameLength: Int = ((5..<20).randomElement(using: &cgThreadRandomGenerator) ?? 0)
let contact = Legacy.Contact(sessionID: randomSessionId) = (0..<contactNameLength)
.compactMap { _ in stringContent.randomElement(using: &cgThreadRandomGenerator) }
transaction.setObject(contact, forKey: contact.sessionID, inCollection: Legacy.contactCollection)
let groupId: Data = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedClosedGroupIDAsData(randomGroupPublicKey)
let group: TSGroupModel = TSGroupModel(
title: groupName,
memberIds: members,
image: nil,
groupId: groupId,
groupType: .closedGroup,
adminIds: [members.randomElement(using: &cgThreadRandomGenerator) ?? userSessionId]
let thread = TSGroupThread.getOrCreateThread(with: group, transaction: transaction)
thread.shouldBeVisible = true transaction)
// Add the group to the user's set of public keys to poll for and store the key pair
let encryptionKeyPair = Curve25519.generateKeyPair()
let keyPair: Box.KeyPair = Box.KeyPair(
publicKey: encryptionKeyPair.publicKey.bytes,
secretKey: encryptionKeyPair.privateKey.bytes
Storage.shared.addClosedGroupPublicKey(randomGroupPublicKey, using: transaction)
Storage.shared.addClosedGroupEncryptionKeyPair(keyPair, for: randomGroupPublicKey, using: transaction)
// Generate the message history (Note: Unapproved message requests will only include incoming messages)
logProgress("Closed Group Thread \(threadIndex)", "Generate \(numMessages) Messages")
(0..<numMessages).forEach { index in
let messageWords: Int = ((1..<20).randomElement(using: &cgThreadRandomGenerator) ?? 0)
let message: VisibleMessage = VisibleMessage()
message.sender = (members.randomElement(using: &cgThreadRandomGenerator) ?? userSessionId)
message.sentTimestamp = UInt64(floor(timestampNow - Double(index * 5)) * 1000)
message.text = (0..<messageWords)
.compactMap { _ in wordContent.randomElement(using: &cgThreadRandomGenerator) }
.joined(separator: " ")
if message.sender != userSessionId {
let tsMessage: TSOutgoingMessage = TSOutgoingMessage.from(message, associatedWith: thread, using: transaction) transaction)
else {
let tsMessage: TSIncomingMessage = TSIncomingMessage.from(message, quotedMessage: nil, linkPreview: nil, associatedWith: thread) transaction)
// Save the thread transaction)
logProgress("Closed Group Thread \(threadIndex)", "Done")
logProgress("Closed Group Threads", "Done")
// MARK: - --Open Group
var ogThreadRandomGenerator: ARC4RandomNumberGenerator = ARC4RandomNumberGenerator(seed: ogRandomSeed)
(0..<openGroupThreadCount).forEach { threadIndex in
logProgress("Open Group Thread \(threadIndex)", "Start")
let randomGroupPublicKey: String = ((0..<32).map { _ in UInt8.random(in: UInt8.min...UInt8.max, using: &dmThreadRandomGenerator) }).toHexString()
let serverNameLength: Int = ((5..<20).randomElement(using: &ogThreadRandomGenerator) ?? 0)
let roomNameLength: Int = ((5..<20).randomElement(using: &ogThreadRandomGenerator) ?? 0)
let serverName: String = (0..<serverNameLength)
.compactMap { _ in stringContent.randomElement(using: &ogThreadRandomGenerator) }
let roomName: String = (0..<roomNameLength)
.compactMap { _ in stringContent.randomElement(using: &ogThreadRandomGenerator) }
let numGroupMembers: Int = ((0..<250).randomElement(using: &ogThreadRandomGenerator) ?? 0)
let numMessages: Int = (messageRangePerThread[threadIndex % messageRangePerThread.count]
.randomElement(using: &ogThreadRandomGenerator) ?? 0)
// Generate the Contacts in the group
var members: [String] = [userSessionId]
logProgress("Open Group Thread \(threadIndex)", "Generate \(numGroupMembers) Contacts")
(0..<numGroupMembers).forEach { _ in
let contactData = Data((0..<16).map { _ in UInt8.random(in: (UInt8.min...UInt8.max), using: &ogThreadRandomGenerator) })
let randomSessionId: String = try! Identity.generate(from: contactData).x25519KeyPair.hexEncodedPublicKey
let contactNameLength: Int = ((5..<20).randomElement(using: &ogThreadRandomGenerator) ?? 0)
let contact = Legacy.Contact(sessionID: randomSessionId) = (0..<contactNameLength)
.compactMap { _ in stringContent.randomElement(using: &ogThreadRandomGenerator) }
transaction.setObject(contact, forKey: contact.sessionID, inCollection: Legacy.contactCollection)
// Create the open group model and the thread
let openGroup: OpenGroupV2 = OpenGroupV2(server: serverName, room: roomName, name: roomName, publicKey: randomGroupPublicKey, imageID: nil)
let groupId: Data = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedOpenGroupIDAsData(
let model = TSGroupModel(title:, memberIds: members, image: nil, groupId: groupId, groupType: .openGroup, adminIds: [])
let thread = TSGroupThread.getOrCreateThread(with: model, transaction: transaction)
thread.shouldBeVisible = true transaction)
Storage.shared.setV2OpenGroup(openGroup, for: thread.uniqueId!, using: transaction)
// Generate the message history (Note: Unapproved message requests will only include incoming messages)
logProgress("Open Group Thread \(threadIndex)", "Generate \(numMessages) Messages")
(0..<numMessages).forEach { index in
let messageWords: Int = ((1..<20).randomElement(using: &ogThreadRandomGenerator) ?? 0)
let message: VisibleMessage = VisibleMessage()
message.sender = (members.randomElement(using: &ogThreadRandomGenerator) ?? userSessionId)
message.sentTimestamp = UInt64(floor(timestampNow - Double(index * 5)) * 1000)
message.text = (0..<messageWords)
.compactMap { _ in wordContent.randomElement(using: &ogThreadRandomGenerator) }
.joined(separator: " ")
if message.sender != userSessionId {
let tsMessage: TSOutgoingMessage = TSOutgoingMessage.from(message, associatedWith: thread, using: transaction) transaction)
else {
let tsMessage: TSIncomingMessage = TSIncomingMessage.from(message, quotedMessage: nil, linkPreview: nil, associatedWith: thread) transaction)
logProgress("Open Group Thread \(threadIndex)", "Done")
logProgress("Open Group Threads", "Done")
logProgress("", "Complete")