session-ios/SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Link Previews/OWSLinkPreview.swift
Morgan Pretty cf66edb723 Further work on SessionMessagingKit migrations
Added migrations for contacts and started working through thread migration (have contact and closed group threads migrating)
Deprecated usage of ECKeyPair in the migrations (want to be able to remove Curve25519Kit in the future)
2022-04-06 15:43:26 +10:00

723 lines
27 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import AFNetworking
import Foundation
import PromiseKit
import SignalCoreKit
public enum LinkPreviewError: Int, Error {
case invalidInput
case noPreview
case assertionFailure
case couldNotDownload
case featureDisabled
case invalidContent
case invalidMediaContent
case attachmentFailedToSave
// MARK: - OWSLinkPreviewDraft
public class OWSLinkPreviewContents: NSObject {
public var title: String?
public var imageUrl: String?
public init(title: String?, imageUrl: String? = nil) {
self.title = title
self.imageUrl = imageUrl
// This contains the info for a link preview "draft".
public class OWSLinkPreviewDraft: NSObject {
public var urlString: String
public var title: String?
public var jpegImageData: Data?
public init(urlString: String, title: String?, jpegImageData: Data? = nil) {
self.urlString = urlString
self.title = title
self.jpegImageData = jpegImageData
fileprivate func isValid() -> Bool {
var hasTitle = false
if let titleValue = title {
hasTitle = titleValue.count > 0
let hasImage = jpegImageData != nil
return hasTitle || hasImage
public func displayDomain() -> String? {
return OWSLinkPreview.displayDomain(forUrl: urlString)
// MARK: - OWSLinkPreview
public class OWSLinkPreview: MTLModel {
public static let featureEnabled = true
public var urlString: String?
public var title: String?
public var imageAttachmentId: String?
// Whether this preview can be rendered as an attachment
public var isDirectAttachment: Bool = false
public init(urlString: String, title: String?, imageAttachmentId: String?, isDirectAttachment: Bool = false) {
self.urlString = urlString
self.title = title
self.imageAttachmentId = imageAttachmentId
self.isDirectAttachment = isDirectAttachment
public override init() {
public required init!(coder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: coder)
public required init(dictionary dictionaryValue: [String: Any]!) throws {
try super.init(dictionary: dictionaryValue)
public class func isNoPreviewError(_ error: Error) -> Bool {
guard let error = error as? LinkPreviewError else {
return false
return error == .noPreview
public class func isInvalidContentError(_ error: Error) -> Bool {
guard let error = error as? LinkPreviewError else { return false }
return error == .invalidContent
public class func buildValidatedLinkPreview(dataMessage: SNProtoDataMessage,
body: String?,
transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) throws -> OWSLinkPreview {
guard OWSLinkPreview.featureEnabled else {
throw LinkPreviewError.noPreview
guard let previewProto = dataMessage.preview.first else {
throw LinkPreviewError.noPreview
guard dataMessage.attachments.count < 1 else {
throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput
let urlString = previewProto.url
guard URL(string: urlString) != nil else {
throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput
guard let body = body else {
throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput
let previewUrls = allPreviewUrls(forMessageBodyText: body)
guard previewUrls.contains(urlString) else {
throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput
guard isValidLinkUrl(urlString) else {
throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput
var title: String?
if let rawTitle = previewProto.title {
let normalizedTitle = OWSLinkPreview.normalizeTitle(title: rawTitle)
if normalizedTitle.count > 0 {
title = normalizedTitle
var imageAttachmentId: String?
if let imageProto = previewProto.image {
if let imageAttachmentPointer = TSAttachmentPointer(fromProto: imageProto, albumMessage: nil) { transaction)
imageAttachmentId = imageAttachmentPointer.uniqueId
} else {
throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput
let linkPreview = OWSLinkPreview(urlString: urlString, title: title, imageAttachmentId: imageAttachmentId)
guard linkPreview.isValid() else {
throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput
return linkPreview
public class func buildValidatedLinkPreview(fromInfo info: OWSLinkPreviewDraft,
transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) throws -> OWSLinkPreview {
guard OWSLinkPreview.featureEnabled else {
throw LinkPreviewError.noPreview
guard SSKPreferences.areLinkPreviewsEnabled else {
throw LinkPreviewError.noPreview
let imageAttachmentId = OWSLinkPreview.saveAttachmentIfPossible(jpegImageData: info.jpegImageData,
transaction: transaction)
let linkPreview = OWSLinkPreview(urlString: info.urlString, title: info.title, imageAttachmentId: imageAttachmentId)
guard linkPreview.isValid() else {
throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput
return linkPreview
private class func saveAttachmentIfPossible(jpegImageData: Data?,
transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) -> String? {
return saveAttachmentIfPossible(imageData: jpegImageData, mimeType: OWSMimeTypeImageJpeg, transaction: transaction);
private class func saveAttachmentIfPossible(imageData: Data?, mimeType: String, transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) -> String? {
guard let imageData = imageData else { return nil }
let fileSize = imageData.count
guard fileSize > 0 else {
return nil
guard let fileExtension = fileExtension(forMimeType: mimeType) else { return nil }
let filePath = OWSFileSystem.temporaryFilePath(withFileExtension: fileExtension)
do {
try imageData.write(to: NSURL.fileURL(withPath: filePath), options: .atomicWrite)
} catch {
return nil
guard let dataSource = DataSourcePath.dataSource(withFilePath: filePath, shouldDeleteOnDeallocation: true) else {
return nil
let attachment = TSAttachmentStream(contentType: mimeType, byteCount: UInt32(fileSize), sourceFilename: nil, caption: nil, albumMessageId: nil)
guard attachment.write(dataSource) else {
return nil
} transaction)
return attachment.uniqueId
private func isValid() -> Bool {
var hasTitle = false
if let titleValue = title {
hasTitle = titleValue.count > 0
let hasImage = imageAttachmentId != nil
return hasTitle || hasImage
public func removeAttachment(transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) {
guard let imageAttachmentId = imageAttachmentId else {
guard let attachment = TSAttachment.fetch(uniqueId: imageAttachmentId, transaction: transaction) else {
attachment.remove(with: transaction)
private class func normalizeTitle(title: String) -> String {
var result = title
// Truncate title after 2 lines of text.
let maxLineCount = 2
var components = result.components(separatedBy: .newlines)
if components.count > maxLineCount {
components = Array(components[0..<maxLineCount])
result = components.joined(separator: "\n")
let maxCharacterCount = 2048
if result.count > maxCharacterCount {
let endIndex = result.index(result.startIndex, offsetBy: maxCharacterCount)
result = String(result[..<endIndex])
return result.filterStringForDisplay()
public func displayDomain() -> String? {
return OWSLinkPreview.displayDomain(forUrl: urlString)
public class func displayDomain(forUrl urlString: String?) -> String? {
guard let urlString = urlString else {
return nil
guard let url = URL(string: urlString) else {
return nil
public class func isValidLinkUrl(_ urlString: String) -> Bool {
return URL(string: urlString) != nil
public class func isValidMediaUrl(_ urlString: String) -> Bool {
return URL(string: urlString) != nil
// MARK: - Serial Queue
private static let serialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "org.signal.linkPreview")
// MARK: - Text Parsing
// This cache should only be accessed on main thread.
private static var previewUrlCache: NSCache<NSString, NSString> = NSCache()
public class func previewUrl(forRawBodyText body: String?, selectedRange: NSRange) -> String? {
return previewUrl(forMessageBodyText: body, selectedRange: selectedRange)
public class func previewURL(forRawBodyText body: String?) -> String? {
return previewUrl(forMessageBodyText: body, selectedRange: nil)
public class func previewUrl(forMessageBodyText body: String?, selectedRange: NSRange?) -> String? {
// Exit early if link previews are not enabled in order to avoid
// tainting the cache.
guard OWSLinkPreview.featureEnabled else {
return nil
guard SSKPreferences.areLinkPreviewsEnabled else {
return nil
guard let body = body else {
return nil
if let cachedUrl = previewUrlCache.object(forKey: body as NSString) as String? {
guard cachedUrl.count > 0 else {
return nil
return cachedUrl
let previewUrlMatches = allPreviewUrlMatches(forMessageBodyText: body)
guard let urlMatch = previewUrlMatches.first else {
// Use empty string to indicate "no preview URL" in the cache.
previewUrlCache.setObject("", forKey: body as NSString)
return nil
if let selectedRange = selectedRange {
let cursorAtEndOfMatch = urlMatch.matchRange.location + urlMatch.matchRange.length == selectedRange.location
if selectedRange.location != body.count,
(urlMatch.matchRange.intersection(selectedRange) != nil || cursorAtEndOfMatch) {
// we don't want to cache the result here, as we want to fetch the link preview
// if the user moves the cursor.
return nil
previewUrlCache.setObject(urlMatch.urlString as NSString, forKey: body as NSString)
return urlMatch.urlString
struct URLMatchResult {
let urlString: String
let matchRange: NSRange
public class func allPreviewUrls(forMessageBodyText body: String) -> [String] {
return allPreviewUrlMatches(forMessageBodyText: body).map { $0.urlString }
class func allPreviewUrlMatches(forMessageBodyText body: String) -> [URLMatchResult] {
let detector: NSDataDetector
do {
detector = try NSDataDetector(types:
} catch {
return []
var urlMatches: [URLMatchResult] = []
let matches = detector.matches(in: body, options: [], range: NSRange(location: 0, length: body.count))
for match in matches {
guard let matchURL = match.url else { continue }
// If the URL entered didn't have a scheme it will default to 'http', we want to catch this and
// set the scheme to 'https' instead as we don't load previews for 'http' so this will result
// in more previews actually getting loaded without forcing the user to enter 'https://' before
// every URL they enter
let urlString: String = (matchURL.absoluteString == "http://\(body)" ?
"https://\(body)" :
if isValidLinkUrl(urlString) {
let matchResult = URLMatchResult(urlString: urlString, matchRange: match.range)
return urlMatches
// MARK: - Preview Construction
// This cache should only be accessed on serialQueue.
// We should only maintain a "cache" of the last known draft.
private static var linkPreviewDraftCache: OWSLinkPreviewDraft?
private class func cachedLinkPreview(forPreviewUrl previewUrl: String) -> OWSLinkPreviewDraft? {
return serialQueue.sync {
guard let linkPreviewDraft = linkPreviewDraftCache,
linkPreviewDraft.urlString == previewUrl else {
return nil
return linkPreviewDraft
private class func setCachedLinkPreview(_ linkPreviewDraft: OWSLinkPreviewDraft,
forPreviewUrl previewUrl: String) {
assert(previewUrl == linkPreviewDraft.urlString)
// Exit early if link previews are not enabled in order to avoid
// tainting the cache.
guard OWSLinkPreview.featureEnabled else {
guard SSKPreferences.areLinkPreviewsEnabled else {
serialQueue.sync {
linkPreviewDraftCache = linkPreviewDraft
public class func tryToBuildPreviewInfoObjc(previewUrl: String?) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise(tryToBuildPreviewInfo(previewUrl: previewUrl))
public class func tryToBuildPreviewInfo(previewUrl: String?) -> Promise<OWSLinkPreviewDraft> {
guard OWSLinkPreview.featureEnabled else {
return Promise(error: LinkPreviewError.featureDisabled)
guard SSKPreferences.areLinkPreviewsEnabled else {
return Promise(error: LinkPreviewError.featureDisabled)
guard let previewUrl = previewUrl else {
return Promise(error: LinkPreviewError.invalidInput)
if let cachedInfo = cachedLinkPreview(forPreviewUrl: previewUrl) {
return Promise.value(cachedInfo)
return downloadLink(url: previewUrl)
.then(on: { (data, response) -> Promise<OWSLinkPreviewDraft> in
return parseLinkDataAndBuildDraft(linkData: data, response: response, linkUrlString: previewUrl)
}.then(on: { (linkPreviewDraft) -> Promise<OWSLinkPreviewDraft> in
guard linkPreviewDraft.isValid() else {
throw LinkPreviewError.noPreview
setCachedLinkPreview(linkPreviewDraft, forPreviewUrl: previewUrl)
return Promise.value(linkPreviewDraft)
// Twitter doesn't return OpenGraph tags to Signal
// `curl -A Signal ""`
// If this ever changes, we can switch back to our default User-Agent
private static let userAgentString = "WhatsApp"
class func downloadLink(url urlString: String,
remainingRetries: UInt = 3) -> Promise<(Data, URLResponse)> {
Logger.verbose("url: \(urlString)")
// let sessionConfiguration = ContentProxy.sessionConfiguration() // Loki: Signal's proxy appears to have been banned by YouTube
let sessionConfiguration = URLSessionConfiguration.ephemeral
// Don't use any caching to protect privacy of these requests.
sessionConfiguration.requestCachePolicy = .reloadIgnoringLocalCacheData
sessionConfiguration.urlCache = nil
let sessionManager = AFHTTPSessionManager(baseURL: nil,
sessionConfiguration: sessionConfiguration)
sessionManager.requestSerializer = AFHTTPRequestSerializer()
sessionManager.responseSerializer = AFHTTPResponseSerializer()
guard ContentProxy.configureSessionManager(sessionManager: sessionManager, forUrl: urlString) else {
return Promise(error: LinkPreviewError.assertionFailure)
sessionManager.requestSerializer.setValue(self.userAgentString, forHTTPHeaderField: "User-Agent")
let (promise, resolver) = Promise<(Data, URLResponse)>.pending()
parameters: [String: AnyObject](),
headers: nil,
progress: nil,
success: { task, value in
guard let response = task.response as? HTTPURLResponse else {
if let contentType = response.allHeaderFields["Content-Type"] as? String {
guard contentType.lowercased().hasPrefix("text/") else {
guard let data = value as? Data else {
guard data.count > 0 else {
resolver.fulfill((data, response))
failure: { _, error in
guard isRetryable(error: error) else {
guard remainingRetries > 0 else {
OWSLinkPreview.downloadLink(url: urlString, remainingRetries: remainingRetries - 1)
.done(on: { (data, response) in
resolver.fulfill((data, response))
}.catch(on: { (error) in
return promise
private class func downloadImage(url urlString: String, imageMimeType: String) -> Promise<Data> {
guard let url = URL(string: urlString) else {
return Promise(error: LinkPreviewError.invalidInput)
guard let assetDescription = ProxiedContentAssetDescription(url: url as NSURL) else {
return Promise(error: LinkPreviewError.invalidInput)
let (promise, resolver) = Promise<ProxiedContentAsset>.pending()
DispatchQueue.main.async {
_ = ProxiedContentDownloader.defaultDownloader.requestAsset(assetDescription: assetDescription,
priority: .high,
success: { (_, asset) in
}, failure: { (_) in
}, shouldIgnoreSignalProxy: true)
return promise.then(on: { (asset: ProxiedContentAsset) -> Promise<Data> in
do {
let imageSize = NSData.imageSize(forFilePath: asset.filePath, mimeType: imageMimeType)
guard imageSize.width > 0, imageSize.height > 0 else {
return Promise(error: LinkPreviewError.invalidContent)
let data = try Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: asset.filePath))
guard let srcImage = UIImage(data: data) else {
return Promise(error: LinkPreviewError.invalidContent)
// Loki: If it's a GIF then ensure its validity and don't download it as a JPG
if (imageMimeType == OWSMimeTypeImageGif && NSData(data: data).ows_isValidImage(withMimeType: OWSMimeTypeImageGif)) { return Promise.value(data) }
let maxImageSize: CGFloat = 1024
let shouldResize = imageSize.width > maxImageSize || imageSize.height > maxImageSize
guard shouldResize else {
guard let dstData = srcImage.jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.8) else {
return Promise(error: LinkPreviewError.invalidContent)
return Promise.value(dstData)
guard let dstImage = srcImage.resized(withMaxDimensionPoints: maxImageSize) else {
return Promise(error: LinkPreviewError.invalidContent)
guard let dstData = dstImage.jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.8) else {
return Promise(error: LinkPreviewError.invalidContent)
return Promise.value(dstData)
} catch {
return Promise(error: LinkPreviewError.assertionFailure)
private class func isRetryable(error: Error) -> Bool {
let nsError = error as NSError
if nsError.domain == kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork as String {
// Network failures are retried.
return true
return false
class func parseLinkDataAndBuildDraft(linkData: Data,
response: URLResponse,
linkUrlString: String) -> Promise<OWSLinkPreviewDraft> {
do {
let contents = try parse(linkData: linkData, response: response)
let title = contents.title
guard let imageUrl = contents.imageUrl else {
return Promise.value(OWSLinkPreviewDraft(urlString: linkUrlString, title: title))
guard isValidMediaUrl(imageUrl) else {
return Promise.value(OWSLinkPreviewDraft(urlString: linkUrlString, title: title))
guard let imageFileExtension = fileExtension(forImageUrl: imageUrl) else {
return Promise.value(OWSLinkPreviewDraft(urlString: linkUrlString, title: title))
guard let imageMimeType = mimetype(forImageFileExtension: imageFileExtension) else {
return Promise.value(OWSLinkPreviewDraft(urlString: linkUrlString, title: title))
return downloadImage(url: imageUrl, imageMimeType: imageMimeType)
.map(on: { (imageData: Data) -> OWSLinkPreviewDraft in
// We always recompress images to Jpeg.
let linkPreviewDraft = OWSLinkPreviewDraft(urlString: linkUrlString, title: title, jpegImageData: imageData)
return linkPreviewDraft
.recover(on: { (_) -> Promise<OWSLinkPreviewDraft> in
return Promise.value(OWSLinkPreviewDraft(urlString: linkUrlString, title: title))
} catch {
return Promise(error: error)
class func parse(linkData: Data, response: URLResponse) throws -> OWSLinkPreviewContents {
guard let linkText = String(data: linkData, urlResponse: response) else {
print("Could not parse link text.")
throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput
let content = HTMLMetadata.construct(parsing: linkText)
var title: String?
let rawTitle = content.ogTitle ?? content.titleTag
if let decodedTitle = decodeHTMLEntities(inString: rawTitle ?? "") {
let normalizedTitle = OWSLinkPreview.normalizeTitle(title: decodedTitle)
if normalizedTitle.count > 0 {
title = normalizedTitle
Logger.verbose("title: \(String(describing: title))")
guard let rawImageUrlString = content.ogImageUrlString ?? content.faviconUrlString else {
return OWSLinkPreviewContents(title: title)
guard let imageUrlString = decodeHTMLEntities(inString: rawImageUrlString)?.ows_stripped() else {
return OWSLinkPreviewContents(title: title)
return OWSLinkPreviewContents(title: title, imageUrl: imageUrlString)
class func fileExtension(forImageUrl urlString: String) -> String? {
guard let imageUrl = URL(string: urlString) else {
return nil
let imageFilename = imageUrl.lastPathComponent
let imageFileExtension = (imageFilename as NSString).pathExtension.lowercased()
guard imageFileExtension.count > 0 else {
// TODO: For those links don't have a file extension, we should figure out a way to know the image mime type
return "png"
return imageFileExtension
class func fileExtension(forMimeType mimeType: String) -> String? {
switch mimeType {
case OWSMimeTypeImageGif: return "gif"
case OWSMimeTypeImagePng: return "png"
case OWSMimeTypeImageJpeg: return "jpg"
default: return nil
class func mimetype(forImageFileExtension imageFileExtension: String) -> String? {
guard imageFileExtension.count > 0 else {
return nil
guard let imageMimeType = MIMETypeUtil.mimeType(forFileExtension: imageFileExtension) else {
return nil
return imageMimeType
private class func decodeHTMLEntities(inString value: String) -> String? {
guard let data = .utf8) else {
return nil
let options: [NSAttributedString.DocumentReadingOptionKey: Any] = [
NSAttributedString.DocumentReadingOptionKey.documentType: NSAttributedString.DocumentType.html,
NSAttributedString.DocumentReadingOptionKey.characterEncoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue
guard let attributedString = try? NSAttributedString(data: data, options: options, documentAttributes: nil) else {
return nil
return attributedString.string