
161 lines
7.1 KiB

//// Loki: Refer to Docs/ for explanations
//#import "SessionCipher+Loki.h"
//#import "NSNotificationCenter+OWS.h"
//#import "PreKeyWhisperMessage.h"
//#import "OWSPrimaryStorage+Loki.h"
//#import "TSContactThread.h"
//#import <YapDatabase/YapDatabase.h>
//NSString *const kNSNotificationName_SessionAdopted = @"kNSNotificationName_SessionAdopted";
//NSString *const kNSNotificationKey_ContactPubKey = @"kNSNotificationKey_ContactPubKey";
//@interface SessionCipher ()
//@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *recipientId;
//@property (nonatomic, readonly) int deviceId;
//@property (nonatomic, readonly) id<SessionStore> sessionStore;
//@property (nonatomic, readonly) id<PreKeyStore> prekeyStore;
//@implementation SessionCipher (Loki)
//- (NSData *)throws_lokiDecrypt:(id<CipherMessage>)whisperMessage protocolContext:(nullable id)protocolContext
// // Our state before we decrypt the message
// SessionState *_Nullable state = [self getCurrentState:protocolContext];
// // Verify incoming friend request messages
// if (!state) {
// [self throws_validatePreKeysForFriendRequestAcceptance:whisperMessage protocolContext:protocolContext];
// }
// // While decrypting our state may change internally
// NSData *plainText = [self throws_decrypt:whisperMessage protocolContext:protocolContext];
// // Loki: Handle any session resets
// [self handleSessionReset:whisperMessage previousState:state protocolContext:protocolContext];
// return plainText;
///// Get the current session state
//- (SessionState *_Nullable)getCurrentState:(nullable id)protocolContext {
// SessionRecord *record = [self.sessionStore loadSession:self.recipientId deviceId:self.deviceId protocolContext:protocolContext];
// SessionState *state = record.sessionState;
// // Check if session is initialized
// if (!state.hasSenderChain) { return nil; }
// return state;
///// Handle any Loki session reset stuff
//- (void)handleSessionReset:(id<CipherMessage>)whisperMessage previousState:(SessionState *_Nullable)previousState protocolContext:(nullable id)protocolContext
// // Don't bother doing anything if we didn't have a session before
// if (!previousState) { return; }
// OWSAssertDebug([protocolContext isKindOfClass:[YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction class]]);
// YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *transaction = protocolContext;
// // Get the thread
// TSContactThread *thread = [TSContactThread getThreadWithContactId:self.recipientId transaction:transaction];
// if (!thread) { return; }
// // Bail early if no session reset is in progress
// if (thread.sessionResetState == TSContactThreadSessionResetStateNone) { return; }
// BOOL sessionResetReceived = thread.sessionResetState == TSContactThreadSessionResetStateRequestReceived;
// SessionState *_Nullable currentState = [self getCurrentState:protocolContext];
// // Check if our previous state and our current state differ
// if (!currentState || ![currentState.aliceBaseKey isEqualToData:previousState.aliceBaseKey]) {
// if (sessionResetReceived) {
// // The other user used an old session to contact us.
// // Wait for them to use a new one
// [self restoreSession:previousState protocolContext:protocolContext];
// } else {
// // Our session reset went through successfully
// // We had initiated a session reset and got a different session back from the user
// [self deleteAllSessionsExcept:currentState protocolContext:protocolContext];
// [self notifySessionAdopted];
// }
// } else if (sessionResetReceived) {
// // Our session reset went through successfully
// // We got a message with the same session from the other user
// [self deleteAllSessionsExcept:previousState protocolContext:protocolContext];
// [self notifySessionAdopted];
// }
///// Send a notification about a new session being adopted
//- (void)notifySessionAdopted
// NSDictionary *userInfo = @{ kNSNotificationKey_ContactPubKey : self.recipientId };
// [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationNameAsync:kNSNotificationName_SessionAdopted object:nil userInfo:userInfo];
///// Delete all other sessions except the given one
//- (void)deleteAllSessionsExcept:(SessionState *)state protocolContext:(nullable id)protocolContext
// SessionRecord *record = [self.sessionStore loadSession:self.recipientId deviceId:self.deviceId protocolContext:protocolContext];
// [record removePreviousSessionStates];
// SessionState *newState = state == nil ? [SessionState new] : state;
// [record setState:newState];
// [self.sessionStore storeSession:self.recipientId deviceId:self.deviceId session:record protocolContext:protocolContext];
///// Set the given session as the active one while archiving the old one
//- (void)restoreSession:(SessionState *)state protocolContext:(nullable id)protocolContext
// SessionRecord *record = [self.sessionStore loadSession:self.recipientId deviceId:self.deviceId protocolContext:protocolContext];
// // Remove the state from previous session states
// [record.previousSessionStates enumerateObjectsWithOptions:NSEnumerationReverse usingBlock:^(SessionState *obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
// if ([state.aliceBaseKey isEqualToData:obj.aliceBaseKey]) {
// [record.previousSessionStates removeObjectAtIndex:idx];
// *stop = YES;
// }
// }];
// // Promote it so the previous state gets archived
// [record promoteState:state];
// [self.sessionStore storeSession:self.recipientId deviceId:self.deviceId session:record protocolContext:protocolContext];
///// Check that we have matching pre keys in the case of a `PreKeyWhisperMessage`.
///// This is so that we don't trigger a false friend request accept on unknown contacts.
//- (void)throws_validatePreKeysForFriendRequestAcceptance:(id<CipherMessage>)whisperMessage protocolContext:(nullable id)protocolContext {
// OWSAssertDebug([protocolContext isKindOfClass:[YapDatabaseReadTransaction class]]);
// YapDatabaseReadTransaction *transaction = protocolContext;
// // Ignore anything that isn't a `PreKeyWhisperMessage`
// if (![whisperMessage isKindOfClass:[PreKeyWhisperMessage class]]) { return; }
// // Check the pre key store
// if (![self.prekeyStore isKindOfClass:[OWSPrimaryStorage class]]) { return; }
// PreKeyWhisperMessage *preKeyMessage = whisperMessage;
// OWSPrimaryStorage *primaryStorage = self.prekeyStore;
// PreKeyRecord *_Nullable storedPreKey = [primaryStorage getPreKeyForContact:self.recipientId transaction:transaction];
// if (!storedPreKey) {
// OWSRaiseException(@"Loki", @"Received a friend request from a public key for which no pre key bundle was created.");
// }
// if (storedPreKey.Id != preKeyMessage.prekeyID) {
// OWSRaiseException(@"Loki", @"Received a PreKeyWhisperMessage (friend request accept) from an unknown source.");
// }