session-ios/SessionUIKit/Style Guide/ThemeManager.swift
Morgan Pretty d56cee8234 Progressing on theming functionality
Created the ThemeManager and the system to control the dynamic theming
Started updating the main settings screens
Added the AppearanceViewController and connected it to the ThemeManager
Started adding theme values
Started applying theme values throughout
2022-08-12 13:35:17 +10:00

481 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import GRDB
import SessionUtilitiesKit
// MARK: - Preferences
public extension Setting.EnumKey {
/// Controls what theme should be used
static let theme: Setting.EnumKey = "selectedTheme"
/// Controls what primary color should be used for the theme
static let themePrimaryColor: Setting.EnumKey = "selectedThemePrimaryColor"
public extension Setting.BoolKey {
/// A flag indicating whether the app should match system day/night settings
static let themeMatchSystemDayNightCycle: Setting.BoolKey = "themeMatchSystemDayNightCycle"
// MARK: - ThemeManager
public enum ThemeManager {
fileprivate class ThemeApplier {
enum InfoKey: String {
case keyPath
case controlState
private let applyTheme: (Theme) -> ()
private let info: [AnyHashable]
private var otherAppliers: [ThemeManager.ThemeApplier]?
existingApplier: ThemeManager.ThemeApplier?,
info: [AnyHashable],
applyTheme: @escaping (Theme) -> ()
) {
self.applyTheme = applyTheme = info
// Store any existing "appliers" (removing their 'otherApplier' references to prevent
// loops and excluding any which match the current "info" as they should be replaced
// by this applier)
self.otherAppliers = [existingApplier]
.appending(contentsOf: existingApplier?.otherAppliers)
.compactMap { $0?.clearingOtherAppliers() }
.filter { $ != info }
// Automatically apply the theme immediately
self.apply(theme: ThemeManager.currentTheme)
// MARK: - Functions
private func clearingOtherAppliers() -> ThemeManager.ThemeApplier {
self.otherAppliers = nil
return self
fileprivate func apply(theme: Theme) {
// If there are otherAppliers stored against this one then trigger those as well
self.otherAppliers?.forEach { applier in
/// **Note:** Using `weakToStrongObjects` means that the value types will continue to be maintained until the map table resizes
/// itself (ie. until a new UI element is registered to the table)
/// Unfortunately if we don't do this the `ThemeApplier` is immediately deallocated and we can't use it to update the theme
private static var uiRegistry: NSMapTable<AnyObject, ThemeApplier> = NSMapTable.weakToStrongObjects()
public static var currentTheme: Theme = {
Storage.shared[.theme].defaulting(to: Theme.classicDark)
}() {
didSet {
// Only update if it was changed
guard oldValue != currentTheme else { return }
Storage.shared.writeAsync { db in
db[.theme] = currentTheme
// Only trigger the UI update if the primary colour wasn't changed (otherwise we'd be doing
// an extra UI update
if let defaultPrimaryColor: Theme.PrimaryColor = Theme.PrimaryColor(color: currentTheme.colors[.defaultPrimary]) {
guard primaryColor == defaultPrimaryColor else {
ThemeManager.primaryColor = defaultPrimaryColor
public static var primaryColor: Theme.PrimaryColor = {
}() {
didSet {
// Only update if it was changed
guard oldValue != primaryColor else { return }
Storage.shared.writeAsync { db in
db[.themePrimaryColor] = primaryColor
public static var matchSystemNightModeSetting: Bool = {
}() {
didSet {
// Only update if it was changed
guard oldValue != matchSystemNightModeSetting else { return }
Storage.shared.writeAsync { db in
db[.themeMatchSystemDayNightCycle] = matchSystemNightModeSetting
// If the user enabled the "match system" setting then update the UI if needed
matchSystemNightModeSetting &&
UITraitCollection.current.userInterfaceStyle != ThemeManager.currentTheme.interfaceStyle
else { return }
// When this gets set we need to update the UI to ensure the global appearance stuff is set
// correctly on launch
public static weak var mainWindow: UIWindow? {
didSet { updateAllUI() }
// MARK: - Functions
public static func traitCollectionDidChange(_ previousTraitCollection: UITraitCollection?) {
let currentUserInterfaceStyle: UIUserInterfaceStyle = UITraitCollection.current.userInterfaceStyle
// Only trigger updates if the style changed and the device is set to match the system style
currentUserInterfaceStyle != ThemeManager.currentTheme.interfaceStyle,
else { return }
// Swap to the appropriate light/dark mode
switch (currentUserInterfaceStyle, ThemeManager.currentTheme) {
case (.light, .classicDark): ThemeManager.currentTheme = .classicLight
case (.light, .oceanDark): ThemeManager.currentTheme = .oceanLight
case (.dark, .classicLight): ThemeManager.currentTheme = .classicDark
case (.dark, .oceanLight): ThemeManager.currentTheme = .oceanDark
default: break
public static func applyNavigationStyling() {
let textPrimary: UIColor = (ThemeManager.currentTheme.colors[.textPrimary] ?? .white)
// Set the `mainWindow.tintColor` for system screens to use the right colour for text
ThemeManager.mainWindow?.tintColor = textPrimary
// Update the nav bars to use the right colours
UINavigationBar.appearance().barTintColor = ThemeManager.currentTheme.colors[.backgroundPrimary]
UINavigationBar.appearance().isTranslucent = false
UINavigationBar.appearance().tintColor = textPrimary
UINavigationBar.appearance().shadowImage = ThemeManager.currentTheme.colors[.backgroundPrimary]?.toImage()
UINavigationBar.appearance().titleTextAttributes = [
NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: textPrimary
UINavigationBar.appearance().largeTitleTextAttributes = [
NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: textPrimary
// Update the bar button item appearance
UIBarButtonItem.appearance().tintColor = textPrimary
// Update toolbars to use the right colours
UIToolbar.appearance().barTintColor = ThemeManager.currentTheme.colors[.backgroundPrimary]
UIToolbar.appearance().isTranslucent = false
UIToolbar.appearance().tintColor = textPrimary
// Note: Looks like there were changes to the appearance behaviour in iOS 15, unfortunately
// this breaks parts of the old 'UINavigationBar.appearance()' logic so we need to do everything
// again using the new API...
if #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
let appearance = UINavigationBarAppearance()
appearance.backgroundColor = ThemeManager.currentTheme.colors[.backgroundPrimary]
appearance.shadowImage = ThemeManager.currentTheme.colors[.backgroundPrimary]?.toImage()
appearance.titleTextAttributes = [
NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: textPrimary
appearance.largeTitleTextAttributes = [
NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: textPrimary
// Apply the button item appearance as well
let barButtonItemAppearance = UIBarButtonItemAppearance(style: .plain)
barButtonItemAppearance.normal.titleTextAttributes = [ .foregroundColor: textPrimary ]
barButtonItemAppearance.disabled.titleTextAttributes = [ .foregroundColor: textPrimary ]
barButtonItemAppearance.highlighted.titleTextAttributes = [ .foregroundColor: textPrimary ]
barButtonItemAppearance.focused.titleTextAttributes = [ .foregroundColor: textPrimary ]
appearance.buttonAppearance = barButtonItemAppearance
appearance.backButtonAppearance = barButtonItemAppearance
appearance.doneButtonAppearance = barButtonItemAppearance
UINavigationBar.appearance().standardAppearance = appearance
UINavigationBar.appearance().scrollEdgeAppearance = appearance
// Note: 'UINavigationBar.appearance' only affects newly created nav bars so we need
// to force-update the current navigation bar (unfortunately the only way to do this
// is to remove the nav controller from the view hierarchy and then re-add it)
let currentNavController: UINavigationController? = {
var targetViewController: UIViewController? = ThemeManager.mainWindow?.rootViewController
while targetViewController?.presentedViewController != nil {
targetViewController = targetViewController?.presentedViewController
return (
(targetViewController as? UINavigationController) ??
let navController: UINavigationController = currentNavController,
let superview: UIView = navController.view.superview,
public static func applyWindowStyling() {
mainWindow?.overrideUserInterfaceStyle = {
guard !Storage.shared[.themeMatchSystemDayNightCycle] else {
return .unspecified
switch ThemeManager.currentTheme.interfaceStyle {
case .light: return .light
case .dark, .unspecified: return .dark
@unknown default: return .dark
mainWindow?.backgroundColor = ThemeManager.currentTheme.colors[.backgroundPrimary]
public static func onThemeChange(observer: AnyObject, callback: @escaping (Theme, Theme.PrimaryColor) -> ()) {
existingApplier: nil,
info: []
) { theme in callback(theme, ThemeManager.primaryColor) },
forKey: observer
private static func updateAllUI() {
ThemeManager.uiRegistry.objectEnumerator()?.forEach { applier in
(applier as? ThemeApplier)?.apply(theme: currentTheme)
fileprivate static func set<T: AnyObject>(
_ view: T,
keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<T, UIColor?>,
to value: ThemeValue?,
for state: UIControl.State = .normal
) {
existingApplier: ThemeManager.get(for: view),
info: [ keyPath ]
) { [weak view] theme in
guard let value: ThemeValue = value else {
view?[keyPath: keyPath] = nil
view?[keyPath: keyPath] = ThemeManager.resolvedColor(theme.colors[value])
forKey: view
fileprivate static func set<T: AnyObject>(
_ view: T,
keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<T, CGColor?>,
to value: ThemeValue?,
for state: UIControl.State = .normal
) {
existingApplier: ThemeManager.get(for: view),
info: [ keyPath ]
) { [weak view] theme in
guard let value: ThemeValue = value else {
view?[keyPath: keyPath] = nil
view?[keyPath: keyPath] = ThemeManager.resolvedColor(theme.colors[value])?.cgColor
forKey: view
fileprivate static func set<T: AnyObject>(
_ view: T,
to applier: ThemeManager.ThemeApplier,
for state: UIControl.State = .normal
) {
ThemeManager.uiRegistry.setObject(applier, forKey: view)
/// Using a `UIColor(dynamicProvider:)` unfortunately doesn't seem to work properly for some controls (eg. UISwitch) so
/// since we are already explicitly updating all UI when changing colours & states we just force-resolve the primary colour to avoid
/// running into these glitches
fileprivate static func resolvedColor(_ color: UIColor?) -> UIColor? {
return color?.resolvedColor(with: UITraitCollection())
fileprivate static func get(for view: AnyObject) -> ThemeApplier? {
return ThemeManager.uiRegistry.object(forKey: view)
// MARK: - View Extensions
public extension UIView {
var themeBackgroundColor: ThemeValue? {
set { ThemeManager.set(self, keyPath: \.backgroundColor, to: newValue) }
get { return nil }
var themeTintColor: ThemeValue? {
set { ThemeManager.set(self, keyPath: \.tintColor, to: newValue) }
get { return nil }
var themeBorderColor: ThemeValue? {
set { ThemeManager.set(self, keyPath: \.layer.borderColor, to: newValue) }
get { return nil }
var themeShadowColor: ThemeValue? {
set { ThemeManager.set(self, keyPath: \.layer.shadowColor, to: newValue) }
get { return nil }
public extension UILabel {
var themeTextColor: ThemeValue? {
set { ThemeManager.set(self, keyPath: \.textColor, to: newValue) }
get { return nil }
public extension UITextView {
var themeTextColor: ThemeValue? {
set { ThemeManager.set(self, keyPath: \.textColor, to: newValue) }
get { return nil }
public extension UITextField {
var themeTextColor: ThemeValue? {
set { ThemeManager.set(self, keyPath: \.textColor, to: newValue) }
get { return nil }
public extension UIButton {
func setThemeBackgroundColor(_ value: ThemeValue?, for state: UIControl.State) {
let keyPath: KeyPath<UIButton, UIImage?> = \.imageView?.image
to: ThemeManager.ThemeApplier(
existingApplier: ThemeManager.get(for: self),
info: [
) { [weak self] theme in
let value: ThemeValue = value,
let color: UIColor = ThemeManager.resolvedColor(theme.colors[value])
else {
self?.setBackgroundImage(nil, for: state)
self?.setBackgroundImage(color.toImage(), for: state)
func setThemeTitleColor(_ value: ThemeValue?, for state: UIControl.State) {
let keyPath: KeyPath<UIButton, UIColor?> = \.titleLabel?.textColor
to: ThemeManager.ThemeApplier(
existingApplier: ThemeManager.get(for: self),
info: [
) { [weak self] theme in
guard let value: ThemeValue = value else {
self?.setTitleColor(nil, for: state)
for: state
public extension UISwitch {
var themeOnTintColor: ThemeValue? {
set { ThemeManager.set(self, keyPath: \.onTintColor, to: newValue) }
get { return nil }
public extension UIBarButtonItem {
var themeTintColor: ThemeValue? {
set { ThemeManager.set(self, keyPath: \.tintColor, to: newValue) }
get { return nil }
public extension CAShapeLayer {
var themeStrokeColor: ThemeValue? {
set { ThemeManager.set(self, keyPath: \.strokeColor, to: newValue) }
get { return nil }
var themeFillColor: ThemeValue? {
set { ThemeManager.set(self, keyPath: \.fillColor, to: newValue) }
get { return nil }
// MARK: - Convenience Extensions
extension Array {
fileprivate func appending(contentsOf other: [Element]?) -> [Element] {
guard let other: [Element] = other else { return self }
var updatedArray: [Element] = self
updatedArray.append(contentsOf: other)
return updatedArray