session-ios/SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/MessageSender.swift

320 lines
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import PromiseKit
import SessionSnodeKit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
public final class MessageSender : NSObject {
// MARK: Error
public enum Error : LocalizedError {
case invalidMessage
case protoConversionFailed
case proofOfWorkCalculationFailed
case noUserPublicKey
// Closed groups
case noThread
case noPrivateKey
case invalidClosedGroupUpdate
internal var isRetryable: Bool {
switch self {
case .invalidMessage, .protoConversionFailed, .proofOfWorkCalculationFailed, .invalidClosedGroupUpdate: return false
default: return true
public var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .invalidMessage: return "Invalid message."
case .protoConversionFailed: return "Couldn't convert message to proto."
case .proofOfWorkCalculationFailed: return "Proof of work calculation failed."
case .noUserPublicKey: return "Couldn't find user key pair."
// Closed groups
case .noThread: return "Couldn't find a thread associated with the given group public key."
case .noPrivateKey: return "Couldn't find a private key associated with the given group public key."
case .invalidClosedGroupUpdate: return "Invalid group update."
// MARK: Initialization
private override init() { }
public static let shared = MessageSender() // FIXME: Remove once requestSenderKey is static
// MARK: Preparation
public static func prep(_ signalAttachments: [SignalAttachment], for message: VisibleMessage, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) {
guard let tsMessage = TSOutgoingMessage.find(withTimestamp: message.sentTimestamp!) else {
var attachments: [TSAttachmentStream] = []
signalAttachments.forEach {
let attachment = TSAttachmentStream(contentType: $0.mimeType, byteCount: UInt32($0.dataLength), sourceFilename: $0.sourceFilename,
caption: $0.captionText, albumMessageId: tsMessage.uniqueId!)
attachment.write($0.dataSource) transaction)
// The line below locally generates a thumbnail for the quoted attachment. It just needs to happen at some point during the
// message sending process.
tsMessage.quotedMessage?.createThumbnailAttachmentsIfNecessary(with: transaction)
var linkPreviewAttachmentID: String?
if let id = tsMessage.linkPreview?.imageAttachmentId,
let attachment = TSAttachment.fetch(uniqueId: id, transaction: transaction) as? TSAttachmentStream {
linkPreviewAttachmentID = id
// Anything added to message.attachmentIDs will be uploaded by an UploadAttachmentJob. Any attachment IDs added to tsMessage will
// make it render as an attachment (not what we want in the case of a link preview or quoted attachment).
message.attachmentIDs = { $0.uniqueId! }
tsMessage.attachmentIds.addObjects(from: message.attachmentIDs)
if let id = linkPreviewAttachmentID { tsMessage.attachmentIds.remove(id) } transaction)
// MARK: Convenience
public static func send(_ message: Message, to destination: Message.Destination, using transaction: Any) -> Promise<Void> {
switch destination {
case .contact(_), .closedGroup(_): return sendToSnodeDestination(destination, message: message, using: transaction)
case .openGroup(_, _): return sendToOpenGroupDestination(destination, message: message, using: transaction)
// MARK: One-on-One Chats & Closed Groups
internal static func sendToSnodeDestination(_ destination: Message.Destination, message: Message, using transaction: Any) -> Promise<Void> {
let (promise, seal) = Promise<Void>.pending()
let storage =
if message.sentTimestamp == nil { // Visible messages will already have their sent timestamp set
message.sentTimestamp = NSDate.millisecondTimestamp()
let userPublicKey = storage.getUserPublicKey()
message.sender = userPublicKey
switch destination {
case .contact(let publicKey): message.recipient = publicKey
case .closedGroup(let groupPublicKey): message.recipient = groupPublicKey
case .openGroup(_, _): preconditionFailure()
let isSelfSend = (message.recipient == userPublicKey)
// Set the failure handler (for precondition failure handling)
let _ = promise.catch(on: DispatchQueue.main) { error in
storage.withAsync({ transaction in
MessageSender.handleFailedMessageSend(message, with: error, using: transaction)
}, completion: { })
if case .contact(_) = destination, message is VisibleMessage, !isSelfSend { .messageSendingFailed, object: NSNumber(value: message.sentTimestamp!))
// Validate the message
guard message.isValid else { seal.reject(Error.invalidMessage); return promise }
// Stop here if this is a self-send
guard !isSelfSend else {
storage.withAsync({ transaction in
MessageSender.handleSuccessfulMessageSend(message, to: destination, using: transaction)
}, completion: { })
return promise
// Attach the user's profile if needed
if let message = message as? VisibleMessage {
let displayName = storage.getUserDisplayName()!
if let profileKey = storage.getUserProfileKey(), let profilePictureURL = storage.getUserProfilePictureURL() {
message.profile = VisibleMessage.Profile(displayName: displayName, profileKey: profileKey, profilePictureURL: profilePictureURL)
} else {
message.profile = VisibleMessage.Profile(displayName: displayName)
// Convert it to protobuf
let protoOrNil: SNProtoContent?
if let message = message as? VisibleMessage {
protoOrNil = message.toProto(using: transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) // Needed because of how TSAttachmentStream works
} else {
protoOrNil = message.toProto()
guard let proto = protoOrNil else { seal.reject(Error.protoConversionFailed); return promise }
// Serialize the protobuf
let plaintext: Data
do {
plaintext = try proto.serializedData()
} catch {
SNLog("Couldn't serialize proto due to error: \(error).")
return promise
// Encrypt the serialized protobuf
if case .contact(_) = destination, message is VisibleMessage, !isSelfSend {
DispatchQueue.main.async { .encryptingMessage, object: NSNumber(value: message.sentTimestamp!))
let ciphertext: Data
do {
switch destination {
case .contact(let publicKey): ciphertext = try encryptWithSignalProtocol(plaintext, associatedWith: message, for: publicKey, using: transaction)
case .closedGroup(let groupPublicKey): ciphertext = try encryptWithSharedSenderKeys(plaintext, for: groupPublicKey, using: transaction)
case .openGroup(_, _): preconditionFailure()
} catch {
SNLog("Couldn't encrypt message for destination: \(destination) due to error: \(error).")
return promise
// Wrap the result
let kind: SNProtoEnvelope.SNProtoEnvelopeType
let senderPublicKey: String
switch destination {
case .contact(_):
kind = .unidentifiedSender
senderPublicKey = ""
case .closedGroup(let groupPublicKey):
kind = .closedGroupCiphertext
senderPublicKey = groupPublicKey
case .openGroup(_, _): preconditionFailure()
let wrappedMessage: Data
do {
wrappedMessage = try MessageWrapper.wrap(type: kind, timestamp: message.sentTimestamp!,
senderPublicKey: senderPublicKey, base64EncodedContent: ciphertext.base64EncodedString())
} catch {
SNLog("Couldn't wrap message due to error: \(error).")
return promise
// Calculate proof of work
if case .contact(_) = destination, message is VisibleMessage, !isSelfSend {
DispatchQueue.main.async { .calculatingMessagePoW, object: NSNumber(value: message.sentTimestamp!))
let recipient = message.recipient!
let base64EncodedData = wrappedMessage.base64EncodedString()
guard let (timestamp, nonce) = ProofOfWork.calculate(ttl: type(of: message).ttl, publicKey: recipient, data: base64EncodedData) else {
SNLog("Proof of work calculation failed.")
return promise
// Send the result
if case .contact(_) = destination, message is VisibleMessage, !isSelfSend {
DispatchQueue.main.async { .messageSending, object: NSNumber(value: message.sentTimestamp!))
let snodeMessage = SnodeMessage(recipient: recipient, data: base64EncodedData, ttl: type(of: message).ttl, timestamp: timestamp, nonce: nonce)
SnodeAPI.sendMessage(snodeMessage).done(on: .userInitiated)) { promises in
var isSuccess = false
let promiseCount = promises.count
var errorCount = 0
promises.forEach {
let _ = $0.done(on: .userInitiated)) { _ in
guard !isSuccess else { return } // Succeed as soon as the first promise succeeds
isSuccess = true
$0.catch(on: .userInitiated)) { error in
errorCount += 1
guard errorCount == promiseCount else { return } // Only error out if all promises failed
}.catch(on: .userInitiated)) { error in
SNLog("Couldn't send message due to error: \(error).")
// Handle completion
let _ = promise.done(on: DispatchQueue.main) {
storage.withAsync({ transaction in
MessageSender.handleSuccessfulMessageSend(message, to: destination, using: transaction)
}, completion: { })
if case .contact(_) = destination, message is VisibleMessage, !isSelfSend { .messageSent, object: NSNumber(value: message.sentTimestamp!))
if message is VisibleMessage {
let notifyPNServerJob = NotifyPNServerJob(message: snodeMessage)
storage.withAsync({ transaction in
JobQueue.shared.add(notifyPNServerJob, using: transaction)
}, completion: { })
// Return
return promise
// MARK: Open Groups
internal static func sendToOpenGroupDestination(_ destination: Message.Destination, message: Message, using transaction: Any) -> Promise<Void> {
let (promise, seal) = Promise<Void>.pending()
let storage =
if message.sentTimestamp == nil { // Visible messages will already have their sent timestamp set
message.sentTimestamp = NSDate.millisecondTimestamp()
message.sender = storage.getUserPublicKey()
switch destination {
case .contact(_): preconditionFailure()
case .closedGroup(_): preconditionFailure()
case .openGroup(let channel, let server): message.recipient = "\(server).\(channel)"
// Set the failure handler (for precondition failure handling)
let _ = promise.catch(on: .userInitiated)) { error in
storage.withAsync({ transaction in
MessageSender.handleFailedMessageSend(message, with: error, using: transaction)
}, completion: { })
// Validate the message
guard let message = message as? VisibleMessage else {
return promise
guard message.isValid else { seal.reject(Error.invalidMessage); return promise }
// Convert the message to an open group message
let (channel, server) = { () -> (UInt64, String) in
switch destination {
case .openGroup(let channel, let server): return (channel, server)
default: preconditionFailure()
guard let openGroupMessage = OpenGroupMessage.from(message, for: server, using: transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) else { seal.reject(Error.invalidMessage); return promise }
// Send the result
OpenGroupAPI.sendMessage(openGroupMessage, to: channel, on: server).done(on: .userInitiated)) { openGroupMessage in
message.openGroupServerMessageID = openGroupMessage.serverID
}.catch(on: .userInitiated)) { error in
// Handle completion
let _ = promise.done(on: .userInitiated)) {
storage.withAsync({ transaction in
MessageSender.handleSuccessfulMessageSend(message, to: destination, using: transaction)
}, completion: { })
// Return
return promise
// MARK: Success & Failure Handling
public static func handleSuccessfulMessageSend(_ message: Message, to destination: Message.Destination, using transaction: Any) {
guard let tsMessage = TSOutgoingMessage.find(withTimestamp: message.sentTimestamp!) else { return }
tsMessage.openGroupServerMessageID = message.openGroupServerMessageID ?? 0
tsMessage.isOpenGroupMessage = tsMessage.openGroupServerMessageID != 0
var recipients = [ message.recipient! ]
if case .closedGroup(_) = destination, let threadID = message.threadID, // threadID should always be set at this point
let thread = TSGroupThread.fetch(uniqueId: threadID, transaction: transaction as! YapDatabaseReadTransaction), thread.usesSharedSenderKeys {
recipients = thread.groupModel.groupMemberIds
recipients.forEach { recipient in
tsMessage.update(withSentRecipient: recipient, wasSentByUD: true, transaction: transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction)
OWSDisappearingMessagesJob.shared().startAnyExpiration(for: tsMessage, expirationStartedAt: NSDate.millisecondTimestamp(), transaction: transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction)
public static func handleFailedMessageSend(_ message: Message, with error: Swift.Error, using transaction: Any) {
guard let tsMessage = TSOutgoingMessage.find(withTimestamp: message.sentTimestamp!) else { return }
tsMessage.update(sendingError: error, transaction: transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction)