
990 lines
41 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
// MARK: - PagedDatabaseObserver
/// This type manages observation and paging for the provided dataQuery
/// **Note:** We **MUST** have accurate `filterSQL` and `orderSQL` values otherwise the indexing won't work
public class PagedDatabaseObserver<ObservedTable, T>: TransactionObserver where ObservedTable: TableRecord & ColumnExpressible & Identifiable, T: FetchableRecordWithRowId & Identifiable {
// MARK: - Variables
private let pagedTableName: String
private let idColumnName: String
private var pageInfo: Atomic<PagedData.PageInfo>
private let allObservedTableNames: Set<String>
private let observedInserts: Set<String>
private let observedUpdateColumns: [String: Set<String>]
private let observedDeletes: Set<String>
private let joinSQL: SQL?
private let filterSQL: SQL
private let orderSQL: SQL
private let dataQuery: (SQL?, SQL?) -> AdaptedFetchRequest<SQLRequest<T>>
private let associatedRecords: [ErasedAssociatedRecord]
private var dataCache: Atomic<DataCache<T>> = Atomic(DataCache())
private var isLoadingMoreData: Atomic<Bool> = Atomic(false)
private let changesInCommit: Atomic<Set<PagedData.TrackedChange>> = Atomic([])
private let onChangeUnsorted: (([T], PagedData.PageInfo) -> ())
// MARK: - Initialization
public init(
pagedTable: ObservedTable.Type,
pageSize: Int,
idColumn: ObservedTable.Columns,
observedChanges: [PagedData.ObservedChanges],
joinSQL: SQL? = nil,
filterSQL: SQL,
orderSQL: SQL,
dataQuery: @escaping (SQL?, SQL?) -> AdaptedFetchRequest<SQLRequest<T>>,
associatedRecords: [ErasedAssociatedRecord] = [],
onChangeUnsorted: @escaping ([T], PagedData.PageInfo) -> ()
) {
let associatedTables: Set<String> = { $0.databaseTableName }.asSet()
assert(!associatedTables.contains(pagedTable.databaseTableName), "The paged table cannot also exist as an associatedRecord")
self.pagedTableName = pagedTable.databaseTableName
self.idColumnName =
self.pageInfo = Atomic(PagedData.PageInfo(pageSize: pageSize))
self.joinSQL = joinSQL
self.filterSQL = filterSQL
self.orderSQL = orderSQL
self.dataQuery = dataQuery
self.associatedRecords = associatedRecords
self.onChangeUnsorted = onChangeUnsorted
// Combine the various observed changes into a single set
let allObservedChanges: [PagedData.ObservedChanges] = observedChanges
.appending(contentsOf: associatedRecords.flatMap { $0.observedChanges })
self.allObservedTableNames = allObservedChanges
.map { $0.databaseTableName }
self.observedInserts = allObservedChanges
.filter { $ }
.map { $0.databaseTableName }
self.observedUpdateColumns = allObservedChanges
.filter { $ }
.reduce(into: [:]) { (prev: inout [String: Set<String>], next: PagedData.ObservedChanges) in
guard !next.columns.isEmpty else { return }
prev[next.databaseTableName] = next.columns.asSet()
self.observedDeletes = allObservedChanges
.filter { $ }
.map { $0.databaseTableName }
// MARK: - TransactionObserver
public func observes(eventsOfKind eventKind: DatabaseEventKind) -> Bool {
switch eventKind {
case .insert(let tableName): return self.observedInserts.contains(tableName)
case .delete(let tableName): return self.observedDeletes.contains(tableName)
case .update(let tableName, let columnNames):
return (self.observedUpdateColumns[tableName]?
.isEmpty == false)
public func databaseDidChange(with event: DatabaseEvent) {
// This will get called whenever the `observes(eventsOfKind:)` returns
// true and will include all changes which occurred in the commit so we
// need to ignore any non-observed tables, unfortunately we also won't
// know if the changes to observed tables are actually relevant yet as
// changes only include table and column info at this stage
guard allObservedTableNames.contains(event.tableName) else { return }
// The 'event' object only exists during this method so we need to copy the info
// from it, otherwise it will cease to exist after this metod call finishes
changesInCommit.mutate { $0.insert(PagedData.TrackedChange(event: event)) }
// Note: We will process all updates which come through this method even if
// 'onChange' is null because if the UI stops observing and then starts again
// later we don't want to have missed any changes which happened while the UI
// wasn't subscribed (and doing a full re-query seems painful...)
public func databaseDidCommit(_ db: Database) {
var committedChanges: Set<PagedData.TrackedChange> = []
self.changesInCommit.mutate { cachedChanges in
committedChanges = cachedChanges
// Note: This method will be called regardless of whether there were actually changes
// in the areas we are observing so we want to early-out if there aren't any relevant
// updated rows
guard !committedChanges.isEmpty else { return }
let orderSQL: SQL = self.orderSQL
let filterSQL: SQL = self.filterSQL
let associatedRecords: [ErasedAssociatedRecord] = self.associatedRecords
let updateDataAndCallbackIfNeeded: (DataCache<T>, PagedData.PageInfo, Bool) -> () = { [weak self] updatedDataCache, updatedPageInfo, cacheHasChanges in
let associatedDataInfo: [(hasChanges: Bool, data: ErasedAssociatedRecord)] = associatedRecords
.map { associatedRecord in
let hasChanges: Bool = associatedRecord.tryUpdateForDatabaseCommit(
changes: committedChanges,
orderSQL: orderSQL,
filterSQL: filterSQL,
pageInfo: updatedPageInfo
return (hasChanges, associatedRecord)
// Check if we need to trigger a change callback
guard cacheHasChanges || associatedDataInfo.contains(where: { hasChanges, _ in hasChanges }) else {
// If the associated data changed then update the updatedCachedData with the
// updated associated data
var finalUpdatedDataCache: DataCache<T> = updatedDataCache
associatedDataInfo.forEach { hasChanges, associatedData in
guard cacheHasChanges || hasChanges else { return }
finalUpdatedDataCache = associatedData.attachAssociatedData(to: finalUpdatedDataCache)
// Update the cache, pageInfo and the change callback
self?.dataCache.mutate { $0 = finalUpdatedDataCache }
self?.pageInfo.mutate { $0 = updatedPageInfo }
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
self?.onChangeUnsorted(finalUpdatedDataCache.values, updatedPageInfo)
// Determing if there were any relevant paged data changes
let relevantChanges: Set<PagedData.TrackedChange> = committedChanges
.filter { $0.tableName == pagedTableName }
guard !relevantChanges.isEmpty else {
updateDataAndCallbackIfNeeded(self.dataCache.wrappedValue, self.pageInfo.wrappedValue, false)
var updatedPageInfo: PagedData.PageInfo = self.pageInfo.wrappedValue
var updatedDataCache: DataCache<T> = self.dataCache.wrappedValue
let deletionChanges: [Int64] = relevantChanges
.filter { $0.kind == .delete }
.map { $0.rowId }
let oldDataCount: Int = dataCache.wrappedValue.count
// First remove any items which have been deleted
if !deletionChanges.isEmpty {
updatedDataCache = updatedDataCache.deleting(rowIds: deletionChanges)
// Make sure there were actually changes
if updatedDataCache.count != oldDataCount {
let dataSizeDiff: Int = (updatedDataCache.count - oldDataCount)
updatedPageInfo = PagedData.PageInfo(
pageSize: updatedPageInfo.pageSize,
pageOffset: updatedPageInfo.pageOffset,
currentCount: (updatedPageInfo.currentCount + dataSizeDiff),
totalCount: (updatedPageInfo.totalCount + dataSizeDiff)
// If there are no inserted/updated rows then trigger the update callback and stop here
let rowIdsToQuery: [Int64] = relevantChanges
.filter { $0.kind != .delete }
.map { $0.rowId }
guard !rowIdsToQuery.isEmpty else {
updateDataAndCallbackIfNeeded(updatedDataCache, updatedPageInfo, !deletionChanges.isEmpty)
// Fetch the indexes of the rowIds so we can determine whether they should be added to the screen
let itemIndexes: [Int64] = PagedData.indexes(
rowIds: rowIdsToQuery,
tableName: pagedTableName,
orderSQL: orderSQL,
filterSQL: filterSQL
// Determine if the indexes for the row ids should be displayed on the screen and remove any
// which shouldn't - values less than 'currentCount' or if there is at least one value less than
// 'currentCount' and the indexes are sequential (ie. more than the current loaded content was
// added at once)
let itemIndexesAreSequential: Bool = ( { $0 - 1 }.dropFirst() == itemIndexes.dropLast())
let hasOneValidIndex: Bool = itemIndexes.contains(where: { index -> Bool in
index >= updatedPageInfo.pageOffset &&
index < updatedPageInfo.currentCount
let validRowIds: [Int64] = (itemIndexesAreSequential && hasOneValidIndex ?
rowIdsToQuery :
zip(itemIndexes, rowIdsToQuery)
.filter { index, _ -> Bool in
index >= updatedPageInfo.pageOffset &&
index < updatedPageInfo.currentCount
.map { _, rowId -> Int64 in rowId }
let countBefore: Int = itemIndexes.filter { $0 < updatedPageInfo.pageOffset }.count
// Update the offset and totalCount even if the rows are outside of the current page (need to
// in order to ensure the 'load more' sections are accurate)
updatedPageInfo = PagedData.PageInfo(
pageSize: updatedPageInfo.pageSize,
pageOffset: (updatedPageInfo.pageOffset + countBefore),
currentCount: updatedPageInfo.currentCount,
totalCount: (updatedPageInfo.totalCount + itemIndexes.count)
// If there are no valid row ids then stop here (trigger updates though since the page info
// has changes)
guard !validRowIds.isEmpty else {
updateDataAndCallbackIfNeeded(updatedDataCache, updatedPageInfo, true)
// Fetch the inserted/updated rows
let additionalFilters: SQL = SQL(validRowIds.contains(Column.rowID))
let updatedItems: [T] = (try? dataQuery(additionalFilters, nil)
.defaulting(to: [])
// Process the upserted data
updatedDataCache = updatedDataCache.upserting(items: updatedItems)
// Update the currentCount for the upserted data
let dataSizeDiff: Int = (updatedDataCache.count - oldDataCount)
updatedPageInfo = PagedData.PageInfo(
pageSize: updatedPageInfo.pageSize,
pageOffset: updatedPageInfo.pageOffset,
currentCount: (updatedPageInfo.currentCount + dataSizeDiff),
totalCount: updatedPageInfo.totalCount
updateDataAndCallbackIfNeeded(updatedDataCache, updatedPageInfo, true)
public func databaseDidRollback(_ db: Database) {}
// MARK: - Functions
fileprivate func load(_ target: PagedData.PageInfo.InternalTarget) {
// Only allow a single page load at a time
guard !self.isLoadingMoreData.wrappedValue else { return }
// Prevent more fetching until we have completed adding the page
self.isLoadingMoreData.mutate { $0 = true }
let currentPageInfo: PagedData.PageInfo = self.pageInfo.wrappedValue
if case .initialPageAround(_) = target, currentPageInfo.currentCount > 0 {
SNLog("Unable to load initialPageAround if there is already data")
// Store locally to avoid giant capture code
let pagedTableName: String = self.pagedTableName
let idColumnName: String = self.idColumnName
let joinSQL: SQL? = self.joinSQL
let filterSQL: SQL = self.filterSQL
let orderSQL: SQL = self.orderSQL
let dataQuery: (SQL?, SQL?) -> AdaptedFetchRequest<SQLRequest<T>> = self.dataQuery
let loadedPage: (data: [T]?, pageInfo: PagedData.PageInfo)? = { [weak self] db in
let totalCount: Int = try dataQuery(filterSQL, nil)
let queryInfo: (limit: Int, offset: Int, updatedCacheOffset: Int)? = {
switch target {
case .initialPageAround(let targetId):
// If we want to focus on a specific item then we need to find it's index in
// the queried data
let maybeIndex: Int? = PagedData.index(
for: targetId,
tableName: pagedTableName,
idColumn: idColumnName,
requiredJoinSQL: joinSQL,
orderSQL: orderSQL,
filterSQL: filterSQL
// If we couldn't find the targetId then just load the first page
guard let targetIndex: Int = maybeIndex else {
return (currentPageInfo.pageSize, 0, 0)
let updatedOffset: Int = {
// If the focused item is within the first or last half of the page
// then we still want to retrieve a full page so calculate the offset
// needed to do so (snapping to the ends)
let halfPageSize: Int = Int(floor(Double(currentPageInfo.pageSize) / 2))
guard targetIndex > halfPageSize else { return 0 }
guard targetIndex < (totalCount - halfPageSize) else {
return (totalCount - currentPageInfo.pageSize)
return (targetIndex - halfPageSize)
return (currentPageInfo.pageSize, updatedOffset, updatedOffset)
case .pageBefore:
let updatedOffset: Int = max(0, (currentPageInfo.pageOffset - currentPageInfo.pageSize))
return (
case .pageAfter:
return (
(currentPageInfo.pageOffset + currentPageInfo.currentCount),
case .untilInclusive(let targetId, let padding):
// If we want to focus on a specific item then we need to find it's index in
// the queried data
let maybeIndex: Int? = PagedData.index(
for: targetId,
tableName: pagedTableName,
idColumn: idColumnName,
orderSQL: orderSQL,
filterSQL: filterSQL
let cacheCurrentEndIndex: Int = (currentPageInfo.pageOffset + currentPageInfo.currentCount)
// If we couldn't find the targetId or it's already in the cache then do nothing
let targetIndex: Int ={ max(0, min(totalCount, $0)) }),
targetIndex < currentPageInfo.pageOffset ||
targetIndex > cacheCurrentEndIndex
else { return nil }
// If the target is before the cached data then load before
if targetIndex < currentPageInfo.pageOffset {
let finalIndex: Int = max(0, (targetIndex - abs(padding)))
return (
(currentPageInfo.pageOffset - finalIndex),
// Otherwise load after
let finalIndex: Int = min(totalCount, (targetIndex + abs(padding)))
return (
(finalIndex - cacheCurrentEndIndex),
// If there is no queryOffset then we already have the data we need so
// early-out (may as well update the 'totalCount' since it may be relevant)
guard let queryInfo: (limit: Int, offset: Int, updatedCacheOffset: Int) = queryInfo else {
return (
pageSize: currentPageInfo.pageSize,
pageOffset: currentPageInfo.pageOffset,
currentCount: currentPageInfo.currentCount,
totalCount: totalCount
// Fetch the desired data
let limitSQL: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral: "LIMIT \(queryInfo.limit) OFFSET \(queryInfo.offset)")
let newData: [T] = try dataQuery(filterSQL, limitSQL)
let updatedLimitInfo: PagedData.PageInfo = PagedData.PageInfo(
pageSize: currentPageInfo.pageSize,
pageOffset: queryInfo.updatedCacheOffset,
currentCount: (currentPageInfo.currentCount + newData.count),
totalCount: totalCount
// Update the associatedRecords for the newly retrieved data
self?.associatedRecords.forEach { record in
rowIds: PagedData.associatedRowIds(
tableName: record.databaseTableName,
pagedTableName: pagedTableName,
pagedTypeRowIds: { $0.rowId },
joinToPagedType: record.joinToPagedType
hasOtherChanges: false
return (newData, updatedLimitInfo)
// Unwrap the updated data
let loadedPageData: [T] = loadedPage?.data,
let updatedPageInfo: PagedData.PageInfo = loadedPage?.pageInfo
else {
// It's possible to get updated page info without having updated data, in that case
// we do want to update the cache but probably don't need to trigger the change callback
if let updatedPageInfo: PagedData.PageInfo = loadedPage?.pageInfo {
self.pageInfo.mutate { $0 = updatedPageInfo }
self.isLoadingMoreData.mutate { $0 = false }
// Attach any associated data to the loadedPageData
var associatedLoadedData: DataCache<T> = DataCache(items: loadedPageData)
self.associatedRecords.forEach { record in
associatedLoadedData = record.attachAssociatedData(to: associatedLoadedData)
// Update the cache and pageInfo
self.dataCache.mutate { $0 = $0.upserting(items: associatedLoadedData.values) }
self.pageInfo.mutate { $0 = updatedPageInfo }
let triggerUpdates: () -> () = { [weak self, dataCache = self.dataCache.wrappedValue] in
self?.onChangeUnsorted(dataCache.values, updatedPageInfo)
self?.isLoadingMoreData.mutate { $0 = false }
// Make sure the updates run on the main thread
guard Thread.isMainThread else {
DispatchQueue.main.async { triggerUpdates() }
// MARK: - Convenience
public extension PagedDatabaseObserver {
convenience init(
pagedTable: ObservedTable.Type,
pageSize: Int,
idColumn: ObservedTable.Columns,
observedChanges: [PagedData.ObservedChanges],
joinSQL: SQL? = nil,
filterSQL: SQL,
orderSQL: SQL,
dataQuery: @escaping (SQL?, SQL?) -> SQLRequest<T>,
associatedRecords: [ErasedAssociatedRecord] = [],
onChangeUnsorted: @escaping ([T], PagedData.PageInfo) -> ()
) {
pagedTable: pagedTable,
pageSize: pageSize,
idColumn: idColumn,
observedChanges: observedChanges,
joinSQL: joinSQL,
filterSQL: filterSQL,
orderSQL: orderSQL,
dataQuery: { additionalFilters, limit in
dataQuery(additionalFilters, limit).adapted { _ in ScopeAdapter([:]) }
associatedRecords: associatedRecords,
onChangeUnsorted: onChangeUnsorted
func load(_ target: PagedData.PageInfo.Target<ObservedTable.ID>) where ObservedTable.ID: SQLExpressible {
func load<ID>(_ target: PagedData.PageInfo.Target<ID>) where ObservedTable.ID == Optional<ID>, ID: SQLExpressible {
// MARK: - FetchableRecordWithRowId
public protocol FetchableRecordWithRowId: FetchableRecord {
var rowId: Int64 { get }
// MARK: - ErasedAssociatedRecord
public protocol ErasedAssociatedRecord {
var databaseTableName: String { get }
var observedChanges: [PagedData.ObservedChanges] { get }
var joinToPagedType: SQL { get }
var groupPagedType: SQL? { get }
func tryUpdateForDatabaseCommit(
_ db: Database,
changes: Set<PagedData.TrackedChange>,
orderSQL: SQL,
filterSQL: SQL,
pageInfo: PagedData.PageInfo
) -> Bool
@discardableResult func updateCache(_ db: Database, rowIds: [Int64], hasOtherChanges: Bool) -> Bool
func attachAssociatedData<O>(to unassociatedCache: DataCache<O>) -> DataCache<O>
// MARK: - DataCache
public struct DataCache<T: FetchableRecordWithRowId & Identifiable> {
/// This is a map of `[RowId: Value]`
public let data: [Int64: T]
/// This is a map of `[(Identifiable)id: RowId]` and can be used to find the RowId for
/// a cached value given it's `Identifiable` `id` value
public let lookup: [AnyHashable: Int64]
public var count: Int { data.count }
public var values: [T] { Array(data.values) }
// MARK: - Initialization
public init(
data: [Int64: T] = [:],
lookup: [AnyHashable: Int64] = [:]
) { = data
self.lookup = lookup
fileprivate init(items: [T]) {
self = DataCache().upserting(items: items)
// MARK: - Functions
public func deleting(rowIds: [Int64]) -> DataCache<T> {
var updatedData: [Int64: T] =
var updatedLookup: [AnyHashable: Int64] = self.lookup
rowIds.forEach { rowId in
if let cachedItem: T = updatedData.removeValue(forKey: rowId) {
return DataCache(
data: updatedData,
lookup: updatedLookup
public func upserting(_ item: T) -> DataCache<T> {
return upserting(items: [item])
public func upserting(items: [T]) -> DataCache<T> {
var updatedData: [Int64: T] =
var updatedLookup: [AnyHashable: Int64] = self.lookup
items.forEach { item in
updatedData[item.rowId] = item
updatedLookup[] = item.rowId
return DataCache(
data: updatedData,
lookup: updatedLookup
// MARK: - PagedData
public enum PagedData {
public static let autoLoadNextPageDelay: DispatchTimeInterval = .milliseconds(400)
// MARK: - PageInfo
public struct PageInfo {
/// This type is identical to the 'Target' type but has it's 'SQLExpressible' requirement removed
fileprivate enum InternalTarget {
case initialPageAround(id: SQLExpression)
case pageBefore
case pageAfter
case untilInclusive(id: SQLExpression, padding: Int)
public enum Target<ID: SQLExpressible> {
/// This will attempt to load a page of data around a specified id
/// **Note:** This target will only work if there is no other data in the cache
case initialPageAround(id: ID)
/// This will attempt to load a page of data before the first item in the cache
case pageBefore
/// This will attempt to load a page of data after the last item in the cache
case pageAfter
/// This will attempt to load all data between what is currently in the cache until the
/// specified id (plus the padding amount)
/// **Note:** If the id is already within the cache then this will do nothing (even if
/// the padding would mean more data should be loaded)
case untilInclusive(id: ID, padding: Int)
fileprivate var internalTarget: InternalTarget {
switch self {
case .initialPageAround(let id): return .initialPageAround(id: id.sqlExpression)
case .pageBefore: return .pageBefore
case .pageAfter: return .pageAfter
case .untilInclusive(let id, let padding):
return .untilInclusive(id: id.sqlExpression, padding: padding)
public let pageSize: Int
public let pageOffset: Int
public let currentCount: Int
public let totalCount: Int
// MARK: - Initizliation
public init(
pageSize: Int,
pageOffset: Int = 0,
currentCount: Int = 0,
totalCount: Int = 0
) {
self.pageSize = pageSize
self.pageOffset = pageOffset
self.currentCount = currentCount
self.totalCount = totalCount
// MARK: - ObservedChanges
/// This type contains the information needed to define what changes should be included when observing
/// changes to a database
/// - Parameters:
/// - table: The table whose changes should be observed
/// - events: The database events which should be observed
/// - columns: The specific columns which should trigger changes (**Note:** These only apply to `update` changes)
public struct ObservedChanges {
public let databaseTableName: String
public let events: [DatabaseEvent.Kind]
public let columns: [String]
public init<T: TableRecord & ColumnExpressible>(
table: T.Type,
events: [DatabaseEvent.Kind] = [.insert, .update, .delete],
columns: [T.Columns]
) {
self.databaseTableName = table.databaseTableName = events
self.columns = { $ }
// MARK: - TrackedChange
public struct TrackedChange: Hashable {
let tableName: String
let kind: DatabaseEvent.Kind
let rowId: Int64
init(event: DatabaseEvent) {
self.tableName = event.tableName
self.kind = event.kind
self.rowId = event.rowID
// MARK: - Internal Functions
fileprivate static func index<ID: SQLExpressible>(
_ db: Database,
for id: ID,
tableName: String,
idColumn: String,
requiredJoinSQL: SQL? = nil,
orderSQL: SQL,
filterSQL: SQL
) -> Int? {
let tableNameLiteral: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral: tableName)
let idColumnLiteral: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral: idColumn)
let request: SQLRequest<Int> = """
(data.rowIndex - 1) AS rowIndex -- Converting from 1-Indexed to 0-indexed
\(tableNameLiteral).\(idColumnLiteral) AS \(idColumnLiteral),
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY \(orderSQL)) AS rowIndex
FROM \(tableNameLiteral)
\(requiredJoinSQL ?? "")
WHERE \(filterSQL)
) AS data
WHERE \(SQL("data.\(idColumnLiteral) = \(id)"))
return try? request.fetchOne(db)
/// Returns the indexes the requested rowIds will have in the paged query
/// **Note:** If the `associatedRecord` is null then the index for the rowId of the paged data type will be returned
fileprivate static func indexes(
_ db: Database,
rowIds: [Int64],
tableName: String,
requiredJoinSQL: SQL? = nil,
orderSQL: SQL,
filterSQL: SQL,
joinToPagedType: SQL? = nil,
groupPagedType: SQL? = nil
) -> [Int64] {
let tableNameLiteral: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral: tableName)
/// **Note:** `ROW_NUMBER` works by returning the index of the row in a given query, unfortunately when dealing
/// with associated data its possible for multiple results to connect to an individual paged result, this throws off the
/// indexes so in this case we need to do some sneaky aggregation and grouping and then individually retrieve each
/// index to prevent this
guard joinToPagedType == nil || rowIds.count == 1 else {
guard let groupPagedType: SQL = groupPagedType else { return [] }
let groupByLiteral: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral: "GROUP BY ")
return rowIds.compactMap { rowId in
let groupedRequest: SQLRequest<Int64> = """
(data.rowIndex - 1) AS rowIndex -- Converting from 1-Indexed to 0-indexed
\(tableNameLiteral).rowid AS rowid,
\(SQL("MAX(\(tableNameLiteral).rowid = \(rowId))")),
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY \(orderSQL)) AS rowIndex
FROM \(tableNameLiteral)
\(requiredJoinSQL ?? "")
\(joinToPagedType ?? "")
WHERE \(filterSQL)
) AS data
WHERE \(SQL("data.rowid = \(rowId)"))
return try? groupedRequest.fetchOne(db)
let request: SQLRequest<Int64> = """
(data.rowIndex - 1) AS rowIndex -- Converting from 1-Indexed to 0-indexed
\(tableNameLiteral).rowid AS rowid,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY \(orderSQL)) AS rowIndex
FROM \(tableNameLiteral)
\(requiredJoinSQL ?? "")
\(joinToPagedType ?? "")
WHERE \(filterSQL)
) AS data
WHERE \(SQL("data.rowid IN \(rowIds)"))
return (try? request.fetchAll(db))
.defaulting(to: [])
/// Returns the rowIds for the associated types based on the specified pagedTypeRowIds
fileprivate static func associatedRowIds(
_ db: Database,
tableName: String,
pagedTableName: String,
pagedTypeRowIds: [Int64],
joinToPagedType: SQL
) -> [Int64] {
let tableNameLiteral: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral: tableName)
let pagedTableNameLiteral: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral: pagedTableName)
let request: SQLRequest<Int64> = """
SELECT \(tableNameLiteral).rowid AS rowid
FROM \(tableNameLiteral)
WHERE \(pagedTableNameLiteral).rowId IN \(pagedTypeRowIds)
return (try? request.fetchAll(db))
.defaulting(to: [])
// MARK: - AssociatedRecord
public class AssociatedRecord<T, PagedType>: ErasedAssociatedRecord where T: FetchableRecordWithRowId & Identifiable, PagedType: FetchableRecordWithRowId & Identifiable {
public let databaseTableName: String
public let observedChanges: [PagedData.ObservedChanges]
public let joinToPagedType: SQL
public let groupPagedType: SQL?
fileprivate let dataCache: Atomic<DataCache<T>> = Atomic(DataCache())
fileprivate let dataQuery: (SQL?) -> AdaptedFetchRequest<SQLRequest<T>>
fileprivate let associateData: (DataCache<T>, DataCache<PagedType>) -> DataCache<PagedType>
// MARK: - Initialization
public init<Table: TableRecord>(
trackedAgainst: Table.Type,
observedChanges: [PagedData.ObservedChanges],
dataQuery: @escaping (SQL?) -> AdaptedFetchRequest<SQLRequest<T>>,
joinToPagedType: SQL,
groupPagedType: SQL? = nil,
associateData: @escaping (DataCache<T>, DataCache<PagedType>) -> DataCache<PagedType>
) {
self.databaseTableName = trackedAgainst.databaseTableName
self.observedChanges = observedChanges
self.dataQuery = dataQuery
self.joinToPagedType = joinToPagedType
self.groupPagedType = groupPagedType
self.associateData = associateData
convenience init<Table: TableRecord>(
trackedAgainst: Table.Type,
observedChanges: [PagedData.ObservedChanges],
dataQuery: @escaping (SQL?) -> SQLRequest<T>,
joinToPagedType: SQL,
groupPagedType: SQL? = nil,
associateData: @escaping (DataCache<T>, DataCache<PagedType>) -> DataCache<PagedType>
) {
trackedAgainst: trackedAgainst,
observedChanges: observedChanges,
dataQuery: { additionalFilters in
dataQuery(additionalFilters).adapted { _ in ScopeAdapter([:]) }
joinToPagedType: joinToPagedType,
groupPagedType: groupPagedType,
associateData: associateData
// MARK: - AssociatedRecord
public func tryUpdateForDatabaseCommit(
_ db: Database,
changes: Set<PagedData.TrackedChange>,
orderSQL: SQL,
filterSQL: SQL,
pageInfo: PagedData.PageInfo
) -> Bool {
// Ignore any changes which aren't relevant to this type
let relevantChanges: Set<PagedData.TrackedChange> = changes
.filter { $0.tableName == databaseTableName }
guard !relevantChanges.isEmpty else { return false }
// First remove any items which have been deleted
let oldCount: Int = self.dataCache.wrappedValue.count
let deletionChanges: [Int64] = relevantChanges
.filter { $0.kind == .delete }
.map { $0.rowId }
dataCache.mutate { $0 = $0.deleting(rowIds: deletionChanges) }
// Get an updated count to avoid locking the dataCache unnecessarily
let countAfterDeletions: Int = self.dataCache.wrappedValue.count
// If there are no inserted/updated rows then trigger the update callback and stop here
let rowIdsToQuery: [Int64] = relevantChanges
.filter { $0.kind != .delete }
.map { $0.rowId }
guard !rowIdsToQuery.isEmpty else { return (oldCount != countAfterDeletions) }
// Fetch the indexes of the rowIds so we can determine whether they should be added to the screen
let itemIndexes: [Int64] = PagedData.indexes(
rowIds: rowIdsToQuery,
tableName: databaseTableName,
orderSQL: orderSQL,
filterSQL: filterSQL,
joinToPagedType: joinToPagedType,
groupPagedType: groupPagedType
// Determine if the indexes for the row ids should be displayed on the screen and remove any
// which shouldn't - values less than 'currentCount' or if there is at least one value less than
// 'currentCount' and the indexes are sequential (ie. more than the current loaded content was
// added at once)
let uniqueIndexes: [Int64] = itemIndexes.asSet().sorted()
let itemIndexesAreSequential: Bool = ( { $0 - 1 }.dropFirst() == uniqueIndexes.dropLast())
let hasOneValidIndex: Bool = itemIndexes.contains(where: { index -> Bool in
index >= pageInfo.pageOffset &&
index < pageInfo.currentCount
let validRowIds: [Int64] = (itemIndexesAreSequential && hasOneValidIndex ?
rowIdsToQuery :
zip(itemIndexes, rowIdsToQuery)
.filter { index, _ -> Bool in
index >= pageInfo.pageOffset &&
index < pageInfo.currentCount
.map { _, rowId -> Int64 in rowId }
// Attempt to update the cache with the `validRowIds` array
return updateCache(
rowIds: validRowIds,
hasOtherChanges: (oldCount != countAfterDeletions)
@discardableResult public func updateCache(_ db: Database, rowIds: [Int64], hasOtherChanges: Bool = false) -> Bool {
// If there are no rowIds then stop here
guard !rowIds.isEmpty else { return hasOtherChanges }
// Fetch the inserted/updated rows
let additionalFilters: SQL = SQL(rowIds.contains(Column.rowID))
let updatedItems: [T] = (try? dataQuery(additionalFilters)
.defaulting(to: [])
// If the inserted/updated rows we irrelevant (eg. associated to another thread, a quote or a link
// preview) then trigger the update callback (if there were deletions) and stop here
guard !updatedItems.isEmpty else { return hasOtherChanges }
// Process the upserted data (assume at least one value changed)
dataCache.mutate { $0 = $0.upserting(items: updatedItems) }
return true
public func attachAssociatedData<O>(to unassociatedCache: DataCache<O>) -> DataCache<O> {
guard let typedCache: DataCache<PagedType> = unassociatedCache as? DataCache<PagedType> else {
return unassociatedCache
return (associateData(dataCache.wrappedValue, typedCache) as? DataCache<O>)
.defaulting(to: unassociatedCache)