session-ios/SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/MessageSender+ClosedGroups.swift
2021-03-05 09:18:45 +11:00

287 lines
18 KiB

import PromiseKit
extension MessageSender {
public static var distributingClosedGroupEncryptionKeyPairs: [String:[ECKeyPair]] = [:]
public static func createClosedGroup(name: String, members: Set<String>, transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) -> Promise<TSGroupThread> {
// Prepare
var members = members
let userPublicKey = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey()
// Generate the group's public key
let groupPublicKey = Curve25519.generateKeyPair().hexEncodedPublicKey // Includes the "05" prefix
// Generate the key pair that'll be used for encryption and decryption
let encryptionKeyPair = Curve25519.generateKeyPair()
// Ensure the current user is included in the member list
let membersAsData = { Data(hex: $0) }
// Create the group
let admins = [ userPublicKey ]
let adminsAsData = { Data(hex: $0) }
let groupID = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedClosedGroupIDAsData(groupPublicKey)
let group = TSGroupModel(title: name, memberIds: [String](members), image: nil, groupId: groupID, groupType: .closedGroup, adminIds: admins)
let thread = TSGroupThread.getOrCreateThread(with: group, transaction: transaction) transaction)
// Send a closed group update message to all members individually
var promises: [Promise<Void>] = []
for member in members {
let thread = TSContactThread.getOrCreateThread(withContactId: member, transaction: transaction) transaction)
let closedGroupControlMessageKind = Data(hex: groupPublicKey), name: name,
encryptionKeyPair: encryptionKeyPair, members: membersAsData, admins: adminsAsData)
let closedGroupControlMessage = ClosedGroupControlMessage(kind: closedGroupControlMessageKind)
let promise = MessageSender.sendNonDurably(closedGroupControlMessage, in: thread, using: transaction)
// Add the group to the user's set of public keys to poll for
Storage.shared.addClosedGroupPublicKey(groupPublicKey, using: transaction)
// Store the key pair
Storage.shared.addClosedGroupEncryptionKeyPair(encryptionKeyPair, for: groupPublicKey, using: transaction)
// Notify the PN server
promises.append(PushNotificationAPI.performOperation(.subscribe, for: groupPublicKey, publicKey: userPublicKey))
// Notify the user
let infoMessage = TSInfoMessage(timestamp: NSDate.ows_millisecondTimeStamp(), in: thread, messageType: .groupUpdate) transaction)
// Return
return when(fulfilled: promises).map2 { thread }
public static func generateAndSendNewEncryptionKeyPair(for groupPublicKey: String, to targetMembers: Set<String>, using transaction: Any) throws {
// Prepare
let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction
let groupID = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedClosedGroupIDAsData(groupPublicKey)
let threadID = TSGroupThread.threadId(fromGroupId: groupID)
guard let thread = TSGroupThread.fetch(uniqueId: threadID, transaction: transaction) else {
SNLog("Can't distribute new encryption key pair for nonexistent closed group.")
throw Error.noThread
guard thread.groupModel.groupAdminIds.contains(getUserHexEncodedPublicKey()) else {
SNLog("Can't distribute new encryption key pair as a non-admin.")
throw Error.invalidClosedGroupUpdate
// Generate the new encryption key pair
let newKeyPair = Curve25519.generateKeyPair()
// Distribute it
let proto = try SNProtoKeyPair.builder(publicKey: newKeyPair.publicKey,
privateKey: newKeyPair.privateKey).build()
let plaintext = try proto.serializedData()
let wrappers = try targetMembers.compactMap { publicKey -> ClosedGroupControlMessage.KeyPairWrapper in
let ciphertext = try MessageSender.encryptWithSessionProtocol(plaintext, for: publicKey)
return ClosedGroupControlMessage.KeyPairWrapper(publicKey: publicKey, encryptedKeyPair: ciphertext)
let closedGroupControlMessage = ClosedGroupControlMessage(kind: .encryptionKeyPair(publicKey: nil, wrappers: wrappers))
var distributingKeyPairs = distributingClosedGroupEncryptionKeyPairs[groupPublicKey] ?? []
distributingClosedGroupEncryptionKeyPairs[groupPublicKey] = distributingKeyPairs
let _ = MessageSender.sendNonDurably(closedGroupControlMessage, in: thread, using: transaction).done { // FIXME: It'd be great if we could make this a durable operation
// Store it * after * having sent out the message to the group { transaction in
Storage.shared.addClosedGroupEncryptionKeyPair(newKeyPair, for: groupPublicKey, using: transaction)
var distributingKeyPairs = distributingClosedGroupEncryptionKeyPairs[groupPublicKey] ?? []
if let index = distributingKeyPairs.firstIndex(of: newKeyPair) {
distributingKeyPairs.remove(at: index)
distributingClosedGroupEncryptionKeyPairs[groupPublicKey] = distributingKeyPairs
public static func update(_ groupPublicKey: String, with members: Set<String>, name: String, transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) throws {
// Get the group, check preconditions & prepare
let groupID = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedClosedGroupIDAsData(groupPublicKey)
let threadID = TSGroupThread.threadId(fromGroupId: groupID)
guard let thread = TSGroupThread.fetch(uniqueId: threadID, transaction: transaction) else {
SNLog("Can't update nonexistent closed group.")
throw Error.noThread
let group = thread.groupModel
// Update name if needed
if name != group.groupName { try setName(to: name, for: groupPublicKey, using: transaction) }
// Add members if needed
let addedMembers = members.subtracting(group.groupMemberIds)
if !addedMembers.isEmpty { try addMembers(addedMembers, to: groupPublicKey, using: transaction) }
// Remove members if needed
let removedMembers = Set(group.groupMemberIds).subtracting(members)
if !removedMembers.isEmpty { try removeMembers(removedMembers, to: groupPublicKey, using: transaction) }
public static func setName(to name: String, for groupPublicKey: String, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) throws {
// Get the group, check preconditions & prepare
let groupID = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedClosedGroupIDAsData(groupPublicKey)
let threadID = TSGroupThread.threadId(fromGroupId: groupID)
guard let thread = TSGroupThread.fetch(uniqueId: threadID, transaction: transaction) else {
SNLog("Can't change name for nonexistent closed group.")
throw Error.noThread
guard !name.isEmpty else {
SNLog("Can't set closed group name to an empty value.")
throw Error.invalidClosedGroupUpdate
let group = thread.groupModel
// Send the update to the group
let closedGroupControlMessage = ClosedGroupControlMessage(kind: .nameChange(name: name))
MessageSender.send(closedGroupControlMessage, in: thread, using: transaction)
// Update the group
let newGroupModel = TSGroupModel(title: name, memberIds: group.groupMemberIds, image: nil, groupId: groupID, groupType: .closedGroup, adminIds: group.groupAdminIds)
thread.setGroupModel(newGroupModel, with: transaction)
// Notify the user
let updateInfo = group.getInfoStringAboutUpdate(to: newGroupModel)
let infoMessage = TSInfoMessage(timestamp: NSDate.ows_millisecondTimeStamp(), in: thread, messageType: .groupUpdate, customMessage: updateInfo) transaction)
public static func addMembers(_ newMembers: Set<String>, to groupPublicKey: String, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) throws {
// Get the group, check preconditions & prepare
let groupID = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedClosedGroupIDAsData(groupPublicKey)
let threadID = TSGroupThread.threadId(fromGroupId: groupID)
guard let thread = TSGroupThread.fetch(uniqueId: threadID, transaction: transaction) else {
SNLog("Can't add members to nonexistent closed group.")
throw Error.noThread
guard !newMembers.isEmpty else {
SNLog("Invalid closed group update.")
throw Error.invalidClosedGroupUpdate
let group = thread.groupModel
let members = [String](Set(group.groupMemberIds).union(newMembers))
let membersAsData = { Data(hex: $0) }
let adminsAsData = { Data(hex: $0) }
guard let encryptionKeyPair = Storage.shared.getLatestClosedGroupEncryptionKeyPair(for: groupPublicKey) else {
SNLog("Couldn't find encryption key pair for closed group: \(groupPublicKey).")
throw Error.noKeyPair
// Send the update to the group
let closedGroupControlMessage = ClosedGroupControlMessage(kind: .membersAdded(members: { Data(hex: $0) }))
MessageSender.send(closedGroupControlMessage, in: thread, using: transaction)
// Send updates to the new members individually
for member in newMembers {
let thread = TSContactThread.getOrCreateThread(withContactId: member, transaction: transaction) transaction)
let closedGroupControlMessageKind = Data(hex: groupPublicKey), name: group.groupName!,
encryptionKeyPair: encryptionKeyPair, members: membersAsData, admins: adminsAsData)
let closedGroupControlMessage = ClosedGroupControlMessage(kind: closedGroupControlMessageKind)
MessageSender.send(closedGroupControlMessage, in: thread, using: transaction)
// Update the group
let newGroupModel = TSGroupModel(title: group.groupName, memberIds: members, image: nil, groupId: groupID, groupType: .closedGroup, adminIds: group.groupAdminIds)
thread.setGroupModel(newGroupModel, with: transaction)
// Notify the user
let updateInfo = group.getInfoStringAboutUpdate(to: newGroupModel)
let infoMessage = TSInfoMessage(timestamp: NSDate.ows_millisecondTimeStamp(), in: thread, messageType: .groupUpdate, customMessage: updateInfo) transaction)
public static func removeMembers(_ membersToRemove: Set<String>, to groupPublicKey: String, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) throws {
// Get the group, check preconditions & prepare
let userPublicKey = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey()
let groupID = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedClosedGroupIDAsData(groupPublicKey)
let threadID = TSGroupThread.threadId(fromGroupId: groupID)
guard let thread = TSGroupThread.fetch(uniqueId: threadID, transaction: transaction) else {
SNLog("Can't remove members from nonexistent closed group.")
throw Error.noThread
guard !membersToRemove.isEmpty else {
SNLog("Invalid closed group update.")
throw Error.invalidClosedGroupUpdate
guard !membersToRemove.contains(userPublicKey) else {
SNLog("Invalid closed group update.")
throw Error.invalidClosedGroupUpdate
let group = thread.groupModel
let members = Set(group.groupMemberIds).subtracting(membersToRemove)
let isCurrentUserAdmin = group.groupAdminIds.contains(userPublicKey)
// Send the update to the group and generate + distribute a new encryption key pair if needed
let closedGroupControlMessage = ClosedGroupControlMessage(kind: .membersRemoved(members: { Data(hex: $0) }))
if isCurrentUserAdmin {
let _ = MessageSender.sendNonDurably(closedGroupControlMessage, in: thread, using: transaction).done {
try generateAndSendNewEncryptionKeyPair(for: groupPublicKey, to: members, using: transaction)
} else {
MessageSender.send(closedGroupControlMessage, in: thread, using: transaction)
// Update the group
let newGroupModel = TSGroupModel(title: group.groupName, memberIds: [String](members), image: nil, groupId: groupID, groupType: .closedGroup, adminIds: group.groupAdminIds)
thread.setGroupModel(newGroupModel, with: transaction)
// Notify the user
let updateInfo = group.getInfoStringAboutUpdate(to: newGroupModel)
let infoMessage = TSInfoMessage(timestamp: NSDate.ows_millisecondTimeStamp(), in: thread, messageType: .groupUpdate, customMessage: updateInfo) transaction)
public static func leave(_ groupPublicKey: String, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) throws {
// Get the group, check preconditions & prepare
let groupID = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedClosedGroupIDAsData(groupPublicKey)
let threadID = TSGroupThread.threadId(fromGroupId: groupID)
guard let thread = TSGroupThread.fetch(uniqueId: threadID, transaction: transaction) else {
SNLog("Can't leave nonexistent closed group.")
throw Error.noThread
let group = thread.groupModel
let userPublicKey = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey()
let isCurrentUserAdmin = group.groupAdminIds.contains(userPublicKey)
let members: Set<String> = isCurrentUserAdmin ? [] : Set(group.groupMemberIds).subtracting([ userPublicKey ]) // If the admin leaves the group is disbanded
let admins: Set<String> = isCurrentUserAdmin ? [] : Set(group.groupAdminIds)
// Send the update to the group
let closedGroupControlMessage = ClosedGroupControlMessage(kind: .memberLeft)
let _ = MessageSender.sendNonDurably(closedGroupControlMessage, in: thread, using: transaction).done { { transaction in
// Remove the group from the database and unsubscribe from PNs
Storage.shared.removeAllClosedGroupEncryptionKeyPairs(for: groupPublicKey, using: transaction)
Storage.shared.removeClosedGroupPublicKey(groupPublicKey, using: transaction)
let _ = PushNotificationAPI.performOperation(.unsubscribe, for: groupPublicKey, publicKey: userPublicKey)
// Update the group
let newGroupModel = TSGroupModel(title: group.groupName, memberIds: [String](members), image: nil, groupId: groupID, groupType: .closedGroup, adminIds: [String](admins))
thread.setGroupModel(newGroupModel, with: transaction)
// Notify the user
let updateInfo = group.getInfoStringAboutUpdate(to: newGroupModel)
let infoMessage = TSInfoMessage(timestamp: NSDate.ows_millisecondTimeStamp(), in: thread, messageType: .groupUpdate, customMessage: updateInfo) transaction)
public static func requestEncryptionKeyPair(for groupPublicKey: String, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) throws {
preconditionFailure("Shouldn't currently be in use.")
// Get the group, check preconditions & prepare
let groupID = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedClosedGroupIDAsData(groupPublicKey)
let threadID = TSGroupThread.threadId(fromGroupId: groupID)
guard let thread = TSGroupThread.fetch(uniqueId: threadID, transaction: transaction) else {
SNLog("Can't request encryption key pair for nonexistent closed group.")
throw Error.noThread
let group = thread.groupModel
guard group.groupMemberIds.contains(getUserHexEncodedPublicKey()) else { return }
// Send the request to the group
let closedGroupControlMessage = ClosedGroupControlMessage(kind: .encryptionKeyPairRequest)
MessageSender.send(closedGroupControlMessage, in: thread, using: transaction)
public static func sendLatestEncryptionKeyPair(to publicKey: String, for groupPublicKey: String, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) {
// Check that the user in question is part of the closed group
let groupID = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedClosedGroupIDAsData(groupPublicKey)
let threadID = TSGroupThread.threadId(fromGroupId: groupID)
guard let thread = TSGroupThread.fetch(uniqueId: threadID, transaction: transaction) else {
return SNLog("Couldn't find thread .")
let group = thread.groupModel
guard group.groupMemberIds.contains(publicKey) else {
return SNLog("Refusing to send latest encryption key pair to non-member.")
// Get the latest encryption key pair
guard let encryptionKeyPair = distributingClosedGroupEncryptionKeyPairs[groupPublicKey]?.last
?? Storage.shared.getLatestClosedGroupEncryptionKeyPair(for: groupPublicKey) else { return }
// Send it
guard let proto = try? SNProtoKeyPair.builder(publicKey: encryptionKeyPair.publicKey,
privateKey: encryptionKeyPair.privateKey).build(), let plaintext = try? proto.serializedData() else { return }
let contactThread = TSContactThread.getOrCreateThread(withContactId: publicKey, transaction: transaction)
guard let ciphertext = try? MessageSender.encryptWithSessionProtocol(plaintext, for: publicKey) else { return }
SNLog("Sending latest encryption key pair to: \(publicKey).")
let wrapper = ClosedGroupControlMessage.KeyPairWrapper(publicKey: publicKey, encryptedKeyPair: ciphertext)
let closedGroupControlMessage = ClosedGroupControlMessage(kind: .encryptionKeyPair(publicKey: Data(hex: groupPublicKey), wrappers: [ wrapper ]))
MessageSender.send(closedGroupControlMessage, in: contactThread, using: transaction)