Morgan Pretty 27e0981913 Added toast and info message deletion, fixed layout issues & unit tests
Added a toast when hitting the emoji reacts rate limit
Added the ability to delete info messages
Fixed some odd layout behaviours with the VisibleMessageCell
Fixed some layout issues with reactions
Removed some unneeded custom code
2022-10-05 18:44:25 +11:00

204 lines
7.3 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import SessionUtilitiesKit
// MARK: - Mocked
protocol Mocked { static var mockValue: Self { get } }
func any<R: Mocked>() -> R { R.mockValue }
func any<R: FixedWidthInteger>() -> R { unsafeBitCast(0, to: R.self) }
func any<K: Hashable, V>() -> [K: V] { [:] }
func any() -> Float { 0 }
func any() -> Double { 0 }
func any() -> String { "" }
func any() -> Data { Data() }
func anyAny() -> Any { 0 } // Unique name for compilation performance reasons
func anyArray<R>() -> [R] { [] } // Unique name for compilation performance reasons
func anySet<R>() -> Set<R> { Set() } // Unique name for compilation performance reasons
// MARK: - Mock<T>
public class Mock<T> {
private let functionHandler: MockFunctionHandler
internal let functionConsumer: FunctionConsumer
// MARK: - Initialization
internal required init(functionHandler: MockFunctionHandler? = nil) {
self.functionConsumer = FunctionConsumer()
self.functionHandler = (functionHandler ?? self.functionConsumer)
// MARK: - MockFunctionHandler
@discardableResult internal func accept(funcName: String = #function, args: [Any?] = []) -> Any? {
return accept(funcName: funcName, checkArgs: args, actionArgs: args)
@discardableResult internal func accept(funcName: String = #function, checkArgs: [Any?], actionArgs: [Any?]) -> Any? {
return functionHandler.accept(funcName, parameterSummary: summary(for: checkArgs), actionArgs: actionArgs)
// MARK: - Functions
internal func reset() {
functionConsumer.trackCalls = true
functionConsumer.functionBuilders = []
functionConsumer.functionHandlers = [:]
functionConsumer.calls.mutate { $0 = [:] }
internal func when<R>(_ callBlock: @escaping (inout T) throws -> R) -> MockFunctionBuilder<T, R> {
let builder: MockFunctionBuilder<T, R> = MockFunctionBuilder(callBlock, mockInit: type(of: self).init)
return builder
// MARK: - Convenience
private func summary(for argument: Any) -> String {
switch argument {
case let string as String: return string
case let array as [Any]: return "[\( { summary(for: $0) }.joined(separator: ", "))]"
case let dict as [String: Any]:
if dict.isEmpty { return "[:]" }
let sortedValues: [String] = dict
.map { key, value in "\(summary(for: key)):\(summary(for: value))" }
return "[\(sortedValues.joined(separator: ", "))]"
default: return String(reflecting: argument) // Default to the `debugDescription` if available
// MARK: - MockFunctionHandler
protocol MockFunctionHandler {
func accept(_ functionName: String, parameterSummary: String, actionArgs: [Any?]) -> Any?
// MARK: - MockFunction
internal class MockFunction {
var name: String
var parameterSummary: String
var actions: [([Any?]) -> Void]
var returnValue: Any?
init(name: String, parameterSummary: String, actions: [([Any?]) -> Void], returnValue: Any?) { = name
self.parameterSummary = parameterSummary
self.actions = actions
self.returnValue = returnValue
// MARK: - MockFunctionBuilder
internal class MockFunctionBuilder<T, R>: MockFunctionHandler {
private let callBlock: (inout T) throws -> R
private let mockInit: (MockFunctionHandler?) -> Mock<T>
private var functionName: String?
private var parameterSummary: String?
private var actions: [([Any?]) -> Void] = []
private var returnValue: R?
internal var returnValueGenerator: ((String, String) -> R?)?
// MARK: - Initialization
init(_ callBlock: @escaping (inout T) throws -> R, mockInit: @escaping (MockFunctionHandler?) -> Mock<T>) {
self.callBlock = callBlock
self.mockInit = mockInit
// MARK: - Behaviours
@discardableResult func then(_ block: @escaping ([Any?]) -> Void) -> MockFunctionBuilder<T, R> {
return self
func thenReturn(_ value: R?) {
returnValue = value
// MARK: - MockFunctionHandler
func accept(_ functionName: String, parameterSummary: String, actionArgs: [Any?]) -> Any? {
self.functionName = functionName
self.parameterSummary = parameterSummary
return (returnValue ?? returnValueGenerator?(functionName, parameterSummary))
// MARK: - Build
func build() throws -> MockFunction {
var completionMock = mockInit(self) as! T
_ = try callBlock(&completionMock)
guard let name: String = functionName, let parameterSummary: String = parameterSummary else {
preconditionFailure("Attempted to build the MockFunction before it was called")
return MockFunction(name: name, parameterSummary: parameterSummary, actions: actions, returnValue: returnValue)
// MARK: - FunctionConsumer
internal class FunctionConsumer: MockFunctionHandler {
var trackCalls: Bool = true
var functionBuilders: [() throws -> MockFunction?] = []
var functionHandlers: [String: [String: MockFunction]] = [:]
var calls: Atomic<[String: [String]]> = Atomic([:])
func accept(_ functionName: String, parameterSummary: String, actionArgs: [Any?]) -> Any? {
if !functionBuilders.isEmpty {
.compactMap { try? $0() }
.forEach { function in
functionHandlers[] = (functionHandlers[] ?? [:])
.setting(function.parameterSummary, function)
guard let expectation: MockFunction = firstFunction(for: functionName, matchingParameterSummaryIfPossible: parameterSummary) else {
preconditionFailure("No expectations found for \(functionName)")
// Record the call so it can be validated later (assuming we are tracking calls)
if trackCalls {
calls.mutate { $0[functionName] = ($0[functionName] ?? []).appending(parameterSummary) }
for action in expectation.actions {
return expectation.returnValue
func firstFunction(for name: String, matchingParameterSummaryIfPossible parameterSummary: String) -> MockFunction? {
guard let possibleExpectations: [String: MockFunction] = functionHandlers[name] else { return nil }
guard let expectation: MockFunction = possibleExpectations[parameterSummary] else {
// A `nil` response might be value but in a lot of places we will need to force-cast
// so try to find a non-nil response first
return (
possibleExpectations.values.first(where: { $0.returnValue != nil }) ??
return expectation