Michael Kirk ccb4a88742 Import SSK (and history) into Signal-iOS
git remote add ssk ../SignalServiceKit
git remote update
git merge -s ours --allow-unrelated-histories --no-commit ssk/master
git read-tree --prefix=SignalServiceKit -u ssk/master
git commit
2017-07-21 13:55:01 -04:00

109 lines
3.6 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2017 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
#import "TSStorageManager+PreKeyStore.h"
#import "TSStorageManager+keyFromIntLong.h"
#import <AxolotlKit/AxolotlExceptions.h>
#import <AxolotlKit/SessionBuilder.h>
#define TSStorageManagerPreKeyStoreCollection @"TSStorageManagerPreKeyStoreCollection"
#define TSNextPrekeyIdKey @"TSStorageInternalSettingsNextPreKeyId"
#define BATCH_SIZE 100
@implementation TSStorageManager (PreKeyStore)
- (PreKeyRecord *)getOrGenerateLastResortKey {
if ([self containsPreKey:kPreKeyOfLastResortId]) {
return [self loadPreKey:kPreKeyOfLastResortId];
} else {
PreKeyRecord *lastResort =
[[PreKeyRecord alloc] initWithId:kPreKeyOfLastResortId keyPair:[Curve25519 generateKeyPair]];
[self storePreKey:kPreKeyOfLastResortId preKeyRecord:lastResort];
return lastResort;
- (NSArray *)generatePreKeyRecords {
NSMutableArray *preKeyRecords = [NSMutableArray array];
@synchronized(self) {
int preKeyId = [self nextPreKeyId];
DDLogInfo(@"%@ building %d new preKeys starting from preKeyId: %d", self.tag, BATCH_SIZE, preKeyId);
for (int i = 0; i < BATCH_SIZE; i++) {
ECKeyPair *keyPair = [Curve25519 generateKeyPair];
PreKeyRecord *record = [[PreKeyRecord alloc] initWithId:preKeyId keyPair:keyPair];
[preKeyRecords addObject:record];
[self setInt:preKeyId forKey:TSNextPrekeyIdKey inCollection:TSStorageInternalSettingsCollection];
return preKeyRecords;
- (void)storePreKeyRecords:(NSArray *)preKeyRecords {
for (PreKeyRecord *record in preKeyRecords) {
[self setObject:record forKey:[self keyFromInt:record.Id] inCollection:TSStorageManagerPreKeyStoreCollection];
- (PreKeyRecord *)loadPreKey:(int)preKeyId {
PreKeyRecord *preKeyRecord =
[self preKeyRecordForKey:[self keyFromInt:preKeyId] inCollection:TSStorageManagerPreKeyStoreCollection];
if (!preKeyRecord) {
@throw [NSException exceptionWithName:InvalidKeyIdException
reason:@"No pre key found matching key id"
} else {
return preKeyRecord;
- (void)storePreKey:(int)preKeyId preKeyRecord:(PreKeyRecord *)record {
[self setObject:record forKey:[self keyFromInt:preKeyId] inCollection:TSStorageManagerPreKeyStoreCollection];
- (BOOL)containsPreKey:(int)preKeyId {
PreKeyRecord *preKeyRecord =
[self preKeyRecordForKey:[self keyFromInt:preKeyId] inCollection:TSStorageManagerPreKeyStoreCollection];
return (preKeyRecord != nil);
- (void)removePreKey:(int)preKeyId {
[self removeObjectForKey:[self keyFromInt:preKeyId] inCollection:TSStorageManagerPreKeyStoreCollection];
- (int)nextPreKeyId {
int lastPreKeyId = [self intForKey:TSNextPrekeyIdKey inCollection:TSStorageInternalSettingsCollection];
if (lastPreKeyId < 1) {
// One-time prekey ids must be > 0 and < kPreKeyOfLastResortId.
lastPreKeyId = 1 + arc4random_uniform(kPreKeyOfLastResortId - (BATCH_SIZE + 1));
} else if (lastPreKeyId > kPreKeyOfLastResortId - BATCH_SIZE) {
// We want to "overflow" to 1 when we reach the "prekey of last resort" id
// to avoid biasing towards higher values.
lastPreKeyId = 1;
OWSCAssert(lastPreKeyId > 0 && lastPreKeyId < kPreKeyOfLastResortId);
return lastPreKeyId;
#pragma mark - Logging
+ (NSString *)tag
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"[%@+PreKeyStore]", self.class];
- (NSString *)tag
return self.class.tag;