Morgan Pretty 823006a892 Updated the colours to source from direct theme values (instead of individual)
Removed an unused notification
Refactored the PrivacySettingsViewController
Refactored the ScreenLock code to Swift
Fixed an issue where the match dark/light setting wasn't getting applied on launch
Update the modal styling for the various settings modals
2022-08-24 17:33:10 +10:00

125 lines
4 KiB
Executable file

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
static inline BOOL OWSIsDebugBuild()
#ifdef DEBUG
return YES;
return NO;
// These are fired whenever the corresponding "main app" or "app extension"
// notification is fired.
// 1. This saves you the work of observing both.
// 2. This allows us to ensure that any critical work (e.g. re-opening
// databases) has been done before app re-enters foreground, etc.
extern NSString *const OWSApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification;
extern NSString *const OWSApplicationWillEnterForegroundNotification;
extern NSString *const OWSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification;
extern NSString *const OWSApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification;
typedef void (^BackgroundTaskExpirationHandler)(void);
typedef void (^AppActiveBlock)(void);
NSString *NSStringForUIApplicationState(UIApplicationState value);
@class OWSAES256Key;
@protocol SSKKeychainStorage;
@protocol AppContext <NSObject>
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isMainApp;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isMainAppAndActive;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isShareExtension;
/// Whether the app was woken up by a silent push notification. This is important for determining whether attachments should be downloaded or not.
@property (nonatomic) BOOL wasWokenUpByPushNotification;
// Whether the user is using a right-to-left language like Arabic.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isRTL;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isRunningTests;
@property (atomic, nullable) UIWindow *mainWindow;
// Unlike UIApplication.applicationState, this is thread-safe.
// It contains the "last known" application state.
// Because it is updated in response to "will/did-style" events, it is
// conservative and skews toward less-active and not-foreground:
// * It doesn't report "is active" until the app is active
// and reports "inactive" as soon as it _will become_ inactive.
// * It doesn't report "is foreground (but inactive)" until the app is
// foreground & inactive and reports "background" as soon as it _will
// enter_ background.
// This conservatism is useful, since we want to err on the side of
// caution when, for example, we do work that should only be done
// when the app is foreground and active.
@property (atomic, readonly) UIApplicationState reportedApplicationState;
// A convenience accessor for reportedApplicationState.
// This method is thread-safe.
- (BOOL)isInBackground;
// A convenience accessor for reportedApplicationState.
// This method is thread-safe.
- (BOOL)isAppForegroundAndActive;
// Should start a background task if isMainApp is YES.
// Should just return UIBackgroundTaskInvalid if isMainApp is NO.
- (UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier)beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:
// Should be a NOOP if isMainApp is NO.
- (void)endBackgroundTask:(UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier)backgroundTaskIdentifier;
// Should be a NOOP if isMainApp is NO.
- (void)ensureSleepBlocking:(BOOL)shouldBeBlocking blockingObjects:(NSArray<id> *)blockingObjects;
// Should only be called if isMainApp is YES.
- (void)setMainAppBadgeNumber:(NSInteger)value;
- (void)setStatusBarHidden:(BOOL)isHidden animated:(BOOL)isAnimated;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) CGFloat statusBarHeight;
// Returns the VC that should be used to present alerts, modals, etc.
- (nullable UIViewController *)frontmostViewController;
// Returns nil if isMainApp is NO
@property (nullable, nonatomic, readonly) UIAlertAction *openSystemSettingsAction;
// Should be a NOOP if isMainApp is NO.
- (void)setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible:(BOOL)value;
- (void)runNowOrWhenMainAppIsActive:(AppActiveBlock)block;
@property (atomic, readonly) NSDate *appLaunchTime;
- (NSString *)appDocumentDirectoryPath;
- (NSString *)appSharedDataDirectoryPath;
- (NSUserDefaults *)appUserDefaults;
id<AppContext> CurrentAppContext(void);
BOOL HasAppContext(void);
void SetCurrentAppContext(id<AppContext> appContext);
void ExitShareExtension(void);
#ifdef DEBUG
void ClearCurrentAppContextForTests(void);