Morgan Pretty eb0118ac10 Fixed a few more bugs and tweaked attachment download logic
Updated the code to only auto-start attachment downloads when a user opens a conversation (and only for the current page of messages)
Updated the GarbageCollectionJob to default to handling all cases (instead of requiring the cases to be defined) - this means we can add future cases without having to recreate the default job
Added logic to remove approved blinded contact records as part of the GarbageCollectionJob
Added code to better handle "invalid" attachments when migrating
Added a mechanism to retrieve the details for currently running jobs (ie. allows us to check for duplicate concurrent jobs)
Resolved the remaining TODOs in the GRDB migration code
Cleaned up DB update logic to update only the targeted columns
Fixed a bug due to a typo in a localised string
Fixed a bug where link previews without images or with custom copy weren't being processed as link previews
Fixed a bug where Open Groups could display with an empty name value
2022-07-01 12:52:41 +10:00

948 lines
40 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import SignalCoreKit
public protocol JobExecutor {
/// The maximum number of times the job can fail before it fails permanently
/// **Note:** A value of `-1` means it will retry indefinitely
static var maxFailureCount: Int { get }
static var requiresThreadId: Bool { get }
static var requiresInteractionId: Bool { get }
/// This method contains the logic needed to complete a job
/// **Note:** The code in this method should run synchronously and the various
/// "result" blocks should not be called within a database closure
/// - Parameters:
/// - job: The job which is being run
/// - success: The closure which is called when the job succeeds (with an
/// updated `job` and a flag indicating whether the job should forcibly stop running)
/// - failure: The closure which is called when the job fails (with an updated
/// `job`, an `Error` (if applicable) and a flag indicating whether it was a permanent
/// failure)
/// - deferred: The closure which is called when the job is deferred (with an
/// updated `job`)
static func run(
_ job: Job,
queue: DispatchQueue,
success: @escaping (Job, Bool) -> (),
failure: @escaping (Job, Error?, Bool) -> (),
deferred: @escaping (Job) -> ()
public final class JobRunner {
private static let blockingQueue: Atomic<JobQueue?> = Atomic(
type: .blocking,
qos: .default,
jobVariants: [],
onQueueDrained: {
// Once all blocking jobs have been completed we want to start running
// the remaining job queues
queues.wrappedValue.forEach { _, queue in queue.start() }
private static let queues: Atomic<[Job.Variant: JobQueue]> = {
var jobVariants: Set<Job.Variant> = Job.Variant.allCases.asSet()
let messageSendQueue: JobQueue = JobQueue(
type: .messageSend,
executionType: .concurrent, // Allow as many jobs to run at once as supported by the device
qos: .default,
jobVariants: [
].compactMap { $0 }
let messageReceiveQueue: JobQueue = JobQueue(
type: .messageReceive,
// Explicitly serial as executing concurrently means message receives getting processed at
// different speeds which can result in:
// Small batches of messages appearing in the UI before larger batches
// Closed group messages encrypted with updated keys could start parsing before it's key
// update message has been processed (ie. guaranteed to fail)
executionType: .serial,
qos: .default,
jobVariants: [
].compactMap { $0 }
let attachmentDownloadQueue: JobQueue = JobQueue(
type: .attachmentDownload,
qos: .utility,
jobVariants: [
].compactMap { $0 }
let generalQueue: JobQueue = JobQueue(
type: .general(number: 0),
qos: .utility,
jobVariants: Array(jobVariants)
return Atomic([
].reduce(into: [:]) { prev, next in
next.jobVariants.forEach { variant in
prev[variant] = next
internal static var executorMap: Atomic<[Job.Variant: JobExecutor.Type]> = Atomic([:])
fileprivate static var perSessionJobsCompleted: Atomic<Set<Int64>> = Atomic([])
// MARK: - Configuration
public static func add(executor: JobExecutor.Type, for variant: Job.Variant) {
executorMap.mutate { $0[variant] = executor }
// MARK: - Execution
/// Add a job onto the queue, if the queue isn't currently running and 'canStartJob' is true then this will start
/// the JobRunner
/// **Note:** If the job has a `behaviour` of `runOnceNextLaunch` or the `nextRunTimestamp`
/// is in the future then the job won't be started
public static func add(_ db: Database, job: Job?, canStartJob: Bool = true) {
// Store the job into the database (getting an id for it)
guard let updatedJob: Job = try? job?.inserted(db) else {
SNLog("[JobRunner] Unable to add \( { "\($0.variant)" } ?? "unknown") job")
queues.mutate { $0[updatedJob.variant]?.add(updatedJob, canStartJob: canStartJob) }
// Start the job runner if needed
db.afterNextTransactionCommit { _ in
/// Upsert a job onto the queue, if the queue isn't currently running and 'canStartJob' is true then this will start
/// the JobRunner
/// **Note:** If the job has a `behaviour` of `runOnceNextLaunch` or the `nextRunTimestamp`
/// is in the future then the job won't be started
public static func upsert(_ db: Database, job: Job?, canStartJob: Bool = true) {
guard let job: Job = job else { return } // Ignore null jobs
queues.wrappedValue[job.variant]?.upsert(job, canStartJob: canStartJob)
// Start the job runner if needed
db.afterNextTransactionCommit { _ in
@discardableResult public static func insert(_ db: Database, job: Job?, before otherJob: Job) -> Job? {
switch job?.behaviour {
case .recurringOnActive, .recurringOnLaunch, .runOnceNextLaunch:
SNLog("[JobRunner] Attempted to insert \( { "\($0.variant)" } ?? "unknown") job before the current one even though it's behaviour is \( { "\($0.behaviour)" } ?? "unknown")")
return nil
default: break
// Store the job into the database (getting an id for it)
guard let updatedJob: Job = try? job?.inserted(db) else {
SNLog("[JobRunner] Unable to add \( { "\($0.variant)" } ?? "unknown") job")
return nil
queues.wrappedValue[updatedJob.variant]?.insert(updatedJob, before: otherJob)
// Start the job runner if needed
db.afterNextTransactionCommit { _ in
return updatedJob
public static func appDidFinishLaunching() {
// Note: 'appDidBecomeActive' will run on first launch anyway so we can
// leave those jobs out and can wait until then to start the JobRunner
let jobsToRun: (blocking: [Job], nonBlocking: [Job]) = GRDBStorage.shared
.read { db in
let blockingJobs: [Job] = try Job
.filter(Job.Columns.shouldBlockFirstRunEachSession == true)
let nonblockingJobs: [Job] = try Job
.filter(Job.Columns.shouldBlockFirstRunEachSession == false)
return (blockingJobs, nonblockingJobs)
.defaulting(to: ([], []))
guard !jobsToRun.blocking.isEmpty || !jobsToRun.nonBlocking.isEmpty else { return }
// Add and start any blocking jobs
blockingQueue.wrappedValue?.appDidFinishLaunching(with: jobsToRun.blocking, canStart: true)
// Add any non-blocking jobs (we don't start these incase there are blocking "on active"
// jobs as well)
let jobsByVariant: [Job.Variant: [Job]] = jobsToRun.nonBlocking.grouped(by: \.variant)
let jobQueues: [Job.Variant: JobQueue] = queues.wrappedValue
jobsByVariant.forEach { variant, jobs in
jobQueues[variant]?.appDidFinishLaunching(with: jobs, canStart: false)
public static func appDidBecomeActive() {
// Note: When becoming active we want to start all non-on-launch blocking jobs as
// long as there are no other jobs already running
let alreadyRunningOtherJobs: Bool = queues.wrappedValue
.contains(where: { _, queue -> Bool in queue.isRunning.wrappedValue })
let jobsToRun: (blocking: [Job], nonBlocking: [Job]) = GRDBStorage.shared
.read { db in
guard !alreadyRunningOtherJobs else {
let onActiveJobs: [Job] = try Job
.filter(Job.Columns.behaviour == Job.Behaviour.recurringOnActive)
return ([], onActiveJobs)
let blockingJobs: [Job] = try Job
.filter {
$0 != .recurringOnLaunch &&
$0 != .runOnceNextLaunch
.filter(Job.Columns.shouldBlockFirstRunEachSession == true)
let nonBlockingJobs: [Job] = try Job
.filter(Job.Columns.behaviour == Job.Behaviour.recurringOnActive)
.filter(Job.Columns.shouldBlockFirstRunEachSession == false)
return (blockingJobs, nonBlockingJobs)
.defaulting(to: ([], []))
// Store the current queue state locally to avoid multiple atomic retrievals
let jobQueues: [Job.Variant: JobQueue] = queues.wrappedValue
let blockingQueueIsRunning: Bool = (blockingQueue.wrappedValue?.isRunning.wrappedValue == true)
guard !jobsToRun.blocking.isEmpty || !jobsToRun.nonBlocking.isEmpty else {
if !blockingQueueIsRunning {
jobQueues.forEach { _, queue in queue.start() }
// Add and start any blocking jobs
blockingQueue.wrappedValue?.appDidFinishLaunching(with: jobsToRun.blocking, canStart: true)
// Add and start any non-blocking jobs (if there are no blocking jobs)
let jobsByVariant: [Job.Variant: [Job]] = jobsToRun.nonBlocking.grouped(by: \.variant)
jobQueues.forEach { variant, queue in
with: (jobsByVariant[variant] ?? []),
canStart: (!blockingQueueIsRunning && jobsToRun.blocking.isEmpty)
public static func isCurrentlyRunning(_ job: Job?) -> Bool {
guard let job: Job = job, let jobId: Int64 = else { return false }
return (queues.wrappedValue[job.variant]?.isCurrentlyRunning(jobId) == true)
public static func defailsForCurrentlyRunningJobs(of variant: Job.Variant) -> [Int64: Data?] {
return (queues.wrappedValue[variant]?.detailsForAllCurrentlyRunningJobs())
.defaulting(to: [:])
public static func hasPendingOrRunningJob<T: Encodable>(with variant: Job.Variant, details: T) -> Bool {
guard let targetQueue: JobQueue = queues.wrappedValue[variant] else { return false }
guard let detailsData: Data = try? JSONEncoder().encode(details) else { return false }
return targetQueue.hasPendingOrRunningJob(with: detailsData)
// MARK: - Convenience
fileprivate static func getRetryInterval(for job: Job) -> TimeInterval {
// Arbitrary backoff factor...
// try 1 delay: 0.5s
// try 2 delay: 1s
// ...
// try 5 delay: 16s
// ...
// try 11 delay: 512s
let maxBackoff: Double = 10 * 60 // 10 minutes
return 0.25 * min(maxBackoff, pow(2, Double(job.failureCount)))
// MARK: - JobQueue
private final class JobQueue {
fileprivate enum QueueType: Hashable {
case blocking
case general(number: Int)
case messageSend
case messageReceive
case attachmentDownload
var name: String {
switch self {
case .blocking: return "Blocking"
case .general(let number): return "General-\(number)"
case .messageSend: return "MessageSend"
case .messageReceive: return "MessageReceive"
case .attachmentDownload: return "AttachmentDownload"
fileprivate enum ExecutionType {
/// A serial queue will execute one job at a time until the queue is empty, then will load any new/deferred
/// jobs and run those one at a time
case serial
/// A concurrent queue will execute as many jobs as the device supports at once until the queue is empty,
/// then will load any new/deferred jobs and try to start them all
case concurrent
private class Trigger {
private var timer: Timer?
fileprivate var fireTimestamp: TimeInterval = 0
static func create(queue: JobQueue, timestamp: TimeInterval) -> Trigger? {
/// Setup the trigger (wait at least 1 second before triggering)
/// **Note:** We use the `Timer.scheduledTimerOnMainThread` method because running a timer
/// on our random queue threads results in the timer never firing, the `start` method will redirect itself to
/// the correct thread
let trigger: Trigger = Trigger()
trigger.fireTimestamp = max(1, (timestamp - Date().timeIntervalSince1970))
trigger.timer = Timer.scheduledTimerOnMainThread(
withTimeInterval: trigger.fireTimestamp,
repeats: false,
block: { [weak queue] _ in
return trigger
func invalidate() {
// Need to do this to prevent a strong reference cycle
timer = nil
private let type: QueueType
private let executionType: ExecutionType
private let qosClass: DispatchQoS
private let queueKey: DispatchSpecificKey = DispatchSpecificKey<String>()
private let queueContext: String
/// The specific types of jobs this queue manages, if this is left empty it will handle all jobs not handled by other queues
fileprivate let jobVariants: [Job.Variant]
private let onQueueDrained: (() -> ())?
private lazy var internalQueue: DispatchQueue = {
let result: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(
label: self.queueContext,
qos: self.qosClass,
attributes: (self.executionType == .concurrent ? [.concurrent] : []),
autoreleaseFrequency: .inherit,
target: nil
result.setSpecific(key: queueKey, value: queueContext)
return result
private var nextTrigger: Atomic<Trigger?> = Atomic(nil)
fileprivate var isRunning: Atomic<Bool> = Atomic(false)
private var queue: Atomic<[Job]> = Atomic([])
private var jobsCurrentlyRunning: Atomic<Set<Int64>> = Atomic([])
private var detailsForCurrentlyRunningJobs: Atomic<[Int64: Data?]> = Atomic([:])
fileprivate var hasPendingJobs: Bool { !queue.wrappedValue.isEmpty }
// MARK: - Initialization
type: QueueType,
executionType: ExecutionType = .serial,
qos: DispatchQoS,
jobVariants: [Job.Variant],
onQueueDrained: (() -> ())? = nil
) {
self.type = type
self.executionType = executionType
self.queueContext = "JobQueue-\("
self.qosClass = qos
self.jobVariants = jobVariants
self.onQueueDrained = onQueueDrained
// MARK: - Execution
fileprivate func add(_ job: Job, canStartJob: Bool = true) {
// Check if the job should be added to the queue
job.behaviour != .runOnceNextLaunch,
job.nextRunTimestamp <= Date().timeIntervalSince1970
else { return }
queue.mutate { $0.append(job) }
/// Upsert a job onto the queue, if the queue isn't currently running and 'canStartJob' is true then this will start
/// the JobRunner
/// **Note:** If the job has a `behaviour` of `runOnceNextLaunch` or the `nextRunTimestamp`
/// is in the future then the job won't be started
fileprivate func upsert(_ job: Job, canStartJob: Bool = true) {
guard let jobId: Int64 = else {
add(job, canStartJob: canStartJob)
// Lock the queue while checking the index and inserting to ensure we don't run into
// any multi-threading shenanigans
// Note: currently running jobs are removed from the queue so we don't need to check
// the 'jobsCurrentlyRunning' set
var didUpdateExistingJob: Bool = false
queue.mutate { queue in
if let jobIndex: Array<Job>.Index = queue.firstIndex(where: { $ == jobId }) {
queue[jobIndex] = job
didUpdateExistingJob = true
// If we didn't update an existing job then we need to add it to the queue
guard !didUpdateExistingJob else { return }
add(job, canStartJob: canStartJob)
fileprivate func insert(_ job: Job, before otherJob: Job) {
// Insert the job before the current job (re-adding the current job to
// the start of the queue if it's not in there) - this will mean the new
// job will run and then the otherJob will run (or run again) once it's
// done
queue.mutate {
guard let otherJobIndex: Int = $0.firstIndex(of: otherJob) else {
$0.insert(contentsOf: [job, otherJob], at: 0)
$0.insert(job, at: otherJobIndex)
fileprivate func appDidFinishLaunching(with jobs: [Job], canStart: Bool) {
queue.mutate { $0.append(contentsOf: jobs) }
// Start the job runner if needed
if canStart && !isRunning.wrappedValue {
fileprivate func appDidBecomeActive(with jobs: [Job], canStart: Bool) {
queue.mutate { queue in
// Avoid re-adding jobs to the queue that are already in it (this can
// happen if the user sends the app to the background before the 'onActive'
// jobs and then brings it back to the foreground)
let jobsNotAlreadyInQueue: [Job] = jobs
.filter { job in !queue.contains(where: { $ == }) }
queue.append(contentsOf: jobsNotAlreadyInQueue)
// Start the job runner if needed
if canStart && !isRunning.wrappedValue {
fileprivate func isCurrentlyRunning(_ jobId: Int64) -> Bool {
return jobsCurrentlyRunning.wrappedValue.contains(jobId)
fileprivate func detailsForAllCurrentlyRunningJobs() -> [Int64: Data?] {
return detailsForCurrentlyRunningJobs.wrappedValue
fileprivate func hasPendingOrRunningJob(with detailsData: Data?) -> Bool {
let pendingJobs: [Job] = queue.wrappedValue
return pendingJobs.contains { job in job.details == detailsData }
// MARK: - Job Running
fileprivate func start(force: Bool = false) {
// We only want the JobRunner to run in the main app
guard CurrentAppContext().isMainApp else { return }
guard force || !isRunning.wrappedValue else { return }
// The JobRunner runs synchronously we need to ensure this doesn't start
// on the main thread (if it is on the main thread then swap to a different thread)
guard DispatchQueue.getSpecific(key: queueKey) == queueContext else {
internalQueue.async { [weak self] in
// Flag the JobRunner as running (to prevent something else from trying to start it
// and messing with the execution behaviour)
var wasAlreadyRunning: Bool = false
isRunning.mutate { isRunning in
wasAlreadyRunning = isRunning
isRunning = true
// Get any pending jobs
let jobIdsAlreadyRunning: Set<Int64> = jobsCurrentlyRunning.wrappedValue
let jobsAlreadyInQueue: Set<Int64> = queue.wrappedValue.compactMap { $ }.asSet()
let jobsToRun: [Job] = { db in
try Job.filterPendingJobs(variants: jobVariants)
.filter(!jobIdsAlreadyRunning.contains( // Exclude jobs already running
.filter(!jobsAlreadyInQueue.contains( // Exclude jobs already in the queue
.defaulting(to: [])
// Determine the number of jobs to run
var jobCount: Int = 0
queue.mutate { queue in
queue.append(contentsOf: jobsToRun)
jobCount = queue.count
// If there are no pending jobs and nothing in the queue then schedule the JobRunner
// to start again when the next scheduled job should start
guard jobCount > 0 else {
if jobIdsAlreadyRunning.isEmpty {
isRunning.mutate { $0 = false }
// Run the first job in the queue
if !wasAlreadyRunning {
SNLog("[JobRunner] Starting \(queueContext) with (\(jobCount) job\(jobCount != 1 ? "s" : ""))")
private func runNextJob() {
// Ensure this is running on the correct queue
guard DispatchQueue.getSpecific(key: queueKey) == queueContext else {
internalQueue.async { [weak self] in
guard let (nextJob, numJobsRemaining): (Job, Int) = queue.mutate({ queue in queue.popFirst().map { ($0, queue.count) } }) else {
// If it's a serial queue, or there are no more jobs running then update the 'isRunning' flag
if executionType != .concurrent || jobsCurrentlyRunning.wrappedValue.isEmpty {
isRunning.mutate { $0 = false }
// Always attempt to schedule the next soonest job (otherwise if enough jobs get started in rapid
// succession then pending/failed jobs in the database may never get re-started in a concurrent queue)
guard let jobExecutor: JobExecutor.Type = JobRunner.executorMap.wrappedValue[nextJob.variant] else {
SNLog("[JobRunner] \(queueContext) Unable to run \(nextJob.variant) job due to missing executor")
handleJobFailed(nextJob, error: JobRunnerError.executorMissing, permanentFailure: true)
guard !jobExecutor.requiresThreadId || nextJob.threadId != nil else {
SNLog("[JobRunner] \(queueContext) Unable to run \(nextJob.variant) job due to missing required threadId")
handleJobFailed(nextJob, error: JobRunnerError.requiredThreadIdMissing, permanentFailure: true)
guard !jobExecutor.requiresInteractionId || nextJob.interactionId != nil else {
SNLog("[JobRunner] \(queueContext) Unable to run \(nextJob.variant) job due to missing required interactionId")
handleJobFailed(nextJob, error: JobRunnerError.requiredInteractionIdMissing, permanentFailure: true)
// If the 'nextRunTimestamp' for the job is in the future then don't run it yet
guard nextJob.nextRunTimestamp <= Date().timeIntervalSince1970 else {
// Check if the next job has any dependencies
let dependencyInfo: (expectedCount: Int, jobs: [Job]) = { db in
let numExpectedDependencies: Int = try JobDependencies
.filter(JobDependencies.Columns.jobId ==
let jobDependencies: [Job] = try nextJob.dependencies.fetchAll(db)
return (numExpectedDependencies, jobDependencies)
.defaulting(to: (0, []))
guard == dependencyInfo.expectedCount else {
SNLog("[JobRunner] \(queueContext) found job with missing dependencies, removing the job")
handleJobFailed(nextJob, error: JobRunnerError.missingDependencies, permanentFailure: true)
guard else {
SNLog("[JobRunner] \(queueContext) found job with \( dependencies, running those first")
let jobDependencyIds: [Int64] =
.compactMap { $ }
let jobIdsNotInQueue: Set<Int64> = jobDependencyIds
.subtracting(queue.wrappedValue.compactMap { $ })
// If there are dependencies which aren't in the queue we should just append them
guard !jobIdsNotInQueue.isEmpty else {
queue.mutate { queue in
.filter { jobIdsNotInQueue.contains($ ?? -1) }
// Otherwise re-add the current job after it's dependencies (if this isn't a concurrent
// queue - don't want to immediately try to start the job again only for it to end up back
// in here)
if executionType != .concurrent {
queue.mutate { queue in
guard let lastDependencyIndex: Int = queue.lastIndex(where: { jobDependencyIds.contains($ ?? -1) }) else {
queue.insert(nextJob, at: lastDependencyIndex + 1)
// Update the state to indicate it's running
// Note: We need to store 'numJobsRemaining' in it's own variable because
// the 'SNLog' seems to dispatch to it's own queue which ends up getting
// blocked by the JobRunner's queue becuase 'jobQueue' is Atomic
var numJobsRunning: Int = 0
nextTrigger.mutate { trigger in
trigger?.invalidate() // Need to invalidate to prevent a memory leak
trigger = nil
isRunning.mutate { $0 = true }
jobsCurrentlyRunning.mutate { jobsCurrentlyRunning in
jobsCurrentlyRunning = jobsCurrentlyRunning.inserting(
numJobsRunning = jobsCurrentlyRunning.count
detailsForCurrentlyRunningJobs.mutate { $0 = $0.setting(, nextJob.details) }
SNLog("[JobRunner] \(queueContext) started job (\(executionType == .concurrent ? "\(numJobsRunning) currently running, " : "")\(numJobsRemaining) remaining)")
queue: internalQueue,
success: handleJobSucceeded,
failure: handleJobFailed,
deferred: handleJobDeferred
// If this queue executes concurrently and there are still jobs remaining then immediately attempt
// to start the next job
if executionType == .concurrent && numJobsRemaining > 0 {
internalQueue.async { [weak self] in
private func scheduleNextSoonestJob() {
let nextJobTimestamp: TimeInterval? = { db in
try Job.filterPendingJobs(variants: jobVariants, excludeFutureJobs: false)
.asRequest(of: TimeInterval.self)
// If there are no remaining jobs the trigger the 'onQueueDrained' callback and stop
guard let nextJobTimestamp: TimeInterval = nextJobTimestamp else {
if executionType != .concurrent || jobsCurrentlyRunning.wrappedValue.isEmpty {
// If the next job isn't scheduled in the future then just restart the JobRunner immediately
let secondsUntilNextJob: TimeInterval = (nextJobTimestamp - Date().timeIntervalSince1970)
guard secondsUntilNextJob > 0 else {
// Only log that the queue is getting restarted if this queue had actually been about to stop
if executionType != .concurrent || jobsCurrentlyRunning.wrappedValue.isEmpty {
let timingString: String = (nextJobTimestamp == 0 ?
"that should be in the queue" :
"scheduled \(Int(ceil(abs(secondsUntilNextJob)))) second\(Int(ceil(abs(secondsUntilNextJob))) == 1 ? "" : "s") ago"
SNLog("[JobRunner] Restarting \(queueContext) immediately for job \(timingString)")
// Trigger the 'start' function to load in any pending jobs that aren't already in the
// queue (for concurrent queues we want to force them to load in pending jobs and add
// them to the queue regardless of whether the queue is already running)
internalQueue.async { [weak self] in
self?.start(force: (self?.executionType == .concurrent))
// Only schedule a trigger if this queue has actually completed
guard executionType != .concurrent || jobsCurrentlyRunning.wrappedValue.isEmpty else { return }
// Setup a trigger
SNLog("[JobRunner] Stopping \(queueContext) until next job in \(Int(ceil(abs(secondsUntilNextJob)))) second\(Int(ceil(abs(secondsUntilNextJob))) == 1 ? "" : "s")")
nextTrigger.mutate { trigger in
trigger?.invalidate() // Need to invalidate the old trigger to prevent a memory leak
trigger = Trigger.create(queue: self, timestamp: nextJobTimestamp)
// MARK: - Handling Results
/// This function is called when a job succeeds
private func handleJobSucceeded(_ job: Job, shouldStop: Bool) {
switch job.behaviour {
case .runOnce, .runOnceNextLaunch:
GRDBStorage.shared.write { db in
// First remove any JobDependencies requiring this job to be completed (if
// we don't then the dependant jobs will automatically be deleted)
_ = try JobDependencies
.filter(JobDependencies.Columns.dependantId ==
_ = try job.delete(db)
case .recurring where shouldStop == true:
GRDBStorage.shared.write { db in
// First remove any JobDependencies requiring this job to be completed (if
// we don't then the dependant jobs will automatically be deleted)
_ = try JobDependencies
.filter(JobDependencies.Columns.dependantId ==
_ = try job.delete(db)
// For `recurring` jobs which have already run, they should automatically run again
// but we want at least 1 second to pass before doing so - the job itself should
// really update it's own 'nextRunTimestamp' (this is just a safety net)
case .recurring where job.nextRunTimestamp <= Date().timeIntervalSince1970:
GRDBStorage.shared.write { db in
_ = try job
.with(nextRunTimestamp: (Date().timeIntervalSince1970 + 1))
default: break
// For concurrent queues retrieve any 'dependant' jobs and re-add them here (if they have other
// dependencies they will be removed again when they try to execute)
if executionType == .concurrent {
let dependantJobs: [Job] = GRDBStorage.shared
.read { db in try job.dependantJobs.fetchAll(db) }
.defaulting(to: [])
let dependantJobIds: [Int64] = dependantJobs
.compactMap { $ }
let jobIdsNotInQueue: Set<Int64> = dependantJobIds
.subtracting(queue.wrappedValue.compactMap { $ })
// If there are dependant jobs which aren't in the queue we should just append them
if !jobIdsNotInQueue.isEmpty {
queue.mutate { queue in
contentsOf: dependantJobs
.filter { jobIdsNotInQueue.contains($ ?? -1) }
// The job is removed from the queue before it runs so all we need to to is remove it
// from the 'currentlyRunning' set and start the next one
jobsCurrentlyRunning.mutate { $0 = $0.removing( }
detailsForCurrentlyRunningJobs.mutate { $0 = $0.removingValue(forKey: }
internalQueue.async { [weak self] in
/// This function is called when a job fails, if it's wasn't a permanent failure then the 'failureCount' for the job will be incremented and it'll
/// be re-run after a retry interval has passed
private func handleJobFailed(_ job: Job, error: Error?, permanentFailure: Bool) {
guard{ db in try Job.exists(db, id: ?? -1) }) == true else {
SNLog("[JobRunner] \(queueContext) \(job.variant) job canceled")
jobsCurrentlyRunning.mutate { $0 = $0.removing( }
detailsForCurrentlyRunningJobs.mutate { $0 = $0.removingValue(forKey: }
internalQueue.async { [weak self] in
// If this is the blocking queue and a "blocking" job failed then rerun it immediately
if self.type == .blocking && job.shouldBlockFirstRunEachSession {
SNLog("[JobRunner] \(queueContext) \(job.variant) job failed; retrying immediately")
jobsCurrentlyRunning.mutate { $0 = $0.removing( }
detailsForCurrentlyRunningJobs.mutate { $0 = $0.removingValue(forKey: }
queue.mutate { $0.insert(job, at: 0) }
internalQueue.async { [weak self] in
// Get the max failure count for the job (a value of '-1' means it will retry indefinitely)
let maxFailureCount: Int = (JobRunner.executorMap.wrappedValue[job.variant]?.maxFailureCount ?? 0)
let nextRunTimestamp: TimeInterval = (Date().timeIntervalSince1970 + JobRunner.getRetryInterval(for: job))
GRDBStorage.shared.write { db in
!permanentFailure && (
maxFailureCount < 0 ||
job.failureCount + 1 < maxFailureCount
else {
SNLog("[JobRunner] \(queueContext) \(job.variant) failed permanently\(maxFailureCount >= 0 ? "; too many retries" : "")")
let dependantJobIds: [Int64] = try job.dependantJobs
.asRequest(of: Int64.self)
// If the job permanently failed or we have performed all of our retry attempts
// then delete the job and all of it's dependant jobs (it'll probably never succeed)
_ = try job.dependantJobs
_ = try job.delete(db)
// Remove the dependant jobs from the queue (so we don't try to run a deleted job)
if !dependantJobIds.isEmpty {
queue.mutate { queue in
queue = queue.filter { !dependantJobIds.contains($ ?? -1) }
SNLog("[JobRunner] \(queueContext) \(job.variant) job failed; scheduling retry (failure count is \(job.failureCount + 1))")
_ = try job
failureCount: (job.failureCount + 1),
nextRunTimestamp: nextRunTimestamp
// Update the failureCount and nextRunTimestamp on dependant jobs as well (update the
// 'nextRunTimestamp' value to be 1ms later so when the queue gets regenerated it'll
// come after the dependency)
try job.dependantJobs
Job.Columns.failureCount.set(to: job.failureCount),
Job.Columns.nextRunTimestamp.set(to: (nextRunTimestamp + (1 / 1000)))
let dependantJobIds: [Int64] = try job.dependantJobs
.asRequest(of: Int64.self)
// Remove the dependant jobs from the queue (so we don't get stuck in a loop of trying
// to run dependecies indefinitely)
if !dependantJobIds.isEmpty {
queue.mutate { queue in
queue = queue.filter { !dependantJobIds.contains($ ?? -1) }
jobsCurrentlyRunning.mutate { $0 = $0.removing( }
detailsForCurrentlyRunningJobs.mutate { $0 = $0.removingValue(forKey: }
internalQueue.async { [weak self] in
/// This function is called when a job neither succeeds or fails (this should only occur if the job has specific logic that makes it dependant
/// on other jobs, and it should automatically manage those dependencies)
private func handleJobDeferred(_ job: Job) {
jobsCurrentlyRunning.mutate { $0 = $0.removing( }
detailsForCurrentlyRunningJobs.mutate { $0 = $0.removingValue(forKey: }
internalQueue.async { [weak self] in