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/// All dependencies on external libraries used for cryptography should be hidden behind CryptoTools methods.
/// That way, changing to a different library affects only one part of the system.
@interface CryptoTools : NSObject
/// Returns a secure random 16-bit unsigned integer.
/// Returns a secure random 32-bit unsigned integer.
/// Returns data composed of 'length' cryptographically unpredictable bytes sampled uniformly from [0, 256).
/// Returns the token included as part of HTTP OTP authentication.
+(NSString*) computeOtpWithPassword:(NSString*)password andCounter:(int64_t)counter;
@interface NSData (CryptoTools)
-(NSData*)encryptWithAesInCipherFeedbackModeWithKey:(NSData*)key andIv:(NSData*)iv;
-(NSData*)decryptWithAesInCipherFeedbackModeWithKey:(NSData*)key andIv:(NSData*)iv;
-(NSData*)encryptWithAesInCipherBlockChainingModeWithPkcs7PaddingWithKey:(NSData*)key andIv:(NSData*)iv;
-(NSData*)decryptWithAesInCipherBlockChainingModeWithPkcs7PaddingWithKey:(NSData*)key andIv:(NSData*)iv;
-(NSData*)encryptWithAesInCounterModeWithKey:(NSData*)key andIv:(NSData*)iv;
-(NSData*)decryptWithAesInCounterModeWithKey:(NSData*)key andIv:(NSData*)iv;
/// Determines if two data vectors contain the same information.
/// Avoids short-circuiting or data-dependent branches, so that early returns can't be used to infer where the difference is.
/// Returns early if data is of different length.