2022-02-14 11:21:32 +11:00

333 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
public class ConversationMessageMapping: NSObject {
private let viewName: String
private let group: String?
// The desired number of the items to load BEFORE the pivot (see below).
public var desiredLength: UInt
typealias ItemId = String
// The list of currently loaded items.
private var itemIds = [ItemId]()
// When we enter a conversation, we want to load up to N interactions. This
// is the "initial load window".
// We subsequently expand the load window in two directions using two very
// different behaviors.
// * We expand the load window "upwards" (backwards in time) only when
// loadMore() is called, in "pages".
// * We auto-expand the load window "downwards" (forward in time) to include
// any new interactions created after the initial load.
// We define the "pivot" as the last item in the initial load window. This
// value is only set once.
// For example, if you enter a conversation with messages, 1..15:
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
// We initially load just the last 5 (if 5 is the initial desired length):
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
// | pivot ^ | <-- load window
// pivot: 15, desired length=5.
// If a few more messages (16..18) are sent or received, we'll always load
// them immediately (they're after the pivot):
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
// | pivot ^ | <-- load window
// pivot: 15, desired length=5.
// To load an additional page of items (perhaps due to user scrolling
// upward), we extend the desired length and thereby load more items
// before the pivot.
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
// | pivot ^ | <-- load window
// pivot: 15, desired length=10.
// To reiterate:
// * The pivot doesn't move.
// * The desired length applies _before_ the pivot.
// * Everything after the pivot is auto-loaded.
// One last optimization:
// After an update, we _can sometimes_ move the pivot (for perf
// reasons), but we also adjust the "desired length" so that this
// no effect on the load behavior.
// And note: we use the pivot's sort id, not its uniqueId, which works
// even if the pivot itself is deleted.
private var pivotSortId: UInt64?
public var canLoadMore = false
public required init(group: String?, desiredLength: UInt) {
self.viewName = TSMessageDatabaseViewExtensionName = group
self.desiredLength = desiredLength
public func loadedUniqueIds() -> [String] {
return itemIds
public func contains(uniqueId: String) -> Bool {
return loadedUniqueIds().contains(uniqueId)
// This method can be used to extend the desired length
// and update.
public func update(withDesiredLength desiredLength: UInt, transaction: YapDatabaseReadTransaction) {
assert(desiredLength >= self.desiredLength)
self.desiredLength = desiredLength
update(transaction: transaction)
// This is the core method of the class. It updates the state to
// reflect the latest database state & the current desired length.
public func update(transaction: YapDatabaseReadTransaction) {
guard let view = transaction.ext(viewName) as? YapDatabaseAutoViewTransaction else {
owsFailDebug("Could not load view.")
guard let group = group else {
owsFailDebug("No group.")
// Deserializing interactions is expensive, so we only
// do that when necessary.
let sortIdForItemId: (String) -> UInt64? = { (itemId) in
guard let interaction = TSInteraction.fetch(uniqueId: itemId, transaction: transaction) else {
owsFailDebug("Could not load interaction.")
return nil
return interaction.sortId
// If we have a "pivot", load all items AFTER the pivot and up to minDesiredLength items BEFORE the pivot.
// If we do not have a "pivot", load up to minDesiredLength BEFORE the pivot.
var newItemIds = [ItemId]()
var canLoadMore = false
let desiredLength = self.desiredLength
// Not all items "count" towards the desired length. On an initial load, all items count. Subsequently,
// only items above the pivot count.
var afterPivotCount: UInt = 0
var beforePivotCount: UInt = 0
// (void (^)(NSString *collection, NSString *key, id object, NSUInteger index, BOOL *stop))block;
view.enumerateKeys(inGroup: group, with: NSEnumerationOptions.reverse) { (_, key, _, stop) in
let itemId = key
// Load "uncounted" items after the pivot if possible.
// As an optimization, we can skip this check (which requires
// deserializing the interaction) if beforePivotCount is non-zero,
// e.g. after we "pass" the pivot.
if beforePivotCount == 0,
let pivotSortId = self.pivotSortId {
if let sortId = sortIdForItemId(itemId) {
let isAfterPivot = sortId > pivotSortId
if isAfterPivot {
afterPivotCount += 1
} else {
owsFailDebug("Could not determine sort id for interaction: \(itemId)")
// Load "counted" items unless the load window overflows.
if beforePivotCount >= desiredLength {
// Overflow
canLoadMore = true
stop.pointee = true
} else {
beforePivotCount += 1
// The items need to be reversed, since we load them in reverse order.
self.itemIds = Array(newItemIds.reversed())
self.canLoadMore = canLoadMore
// Establish the pivot, if necessary and possible.
// Deserializing interactions is expensive. We only need to deserialize
// interactions that are "after" the pivot. So there would be performance
// benefits to moving the pivot after each update to the last loaded item.
// However, this would undesirable side effects. The desired length for
// conversations with very short disappearing message durations would
// continuously grow as messages appeared and disappeared.
// Therefore, we only move the pivot when we've accumulated N items after
// the pivot. This puts an upper bound on the number of interactions we
// have to deserialize while minimizing "load window size creep".
let kMaxItemCountAfterPivot = 32
let shouldSetPivot = (self.pivotSortId == nil ||
afterPivotCount > kMaxItemCountAfterPivot)
if shouldSetPivot {
if let newLastItemId = newItemIds.first {
// newItemIds is in reverse order, so its "first" element is actually last.
if let sortId = sortIdForItemId(newLastItemId) {
// Update the pivot.
if self.pivotSortId != nil {
self.desiredLength += afterPivotCount
self.pivotSortId = sortId
} else {
owsFailDebug("Could not determine sort id for interaction: \(newLastItemId)")
// Tries to ensure that the load window includes a given item.
// On success, returns the index path of that item.
// On failure, returns nil.
public func ensureLoadWindowContains(uniqueId: String,
transaction: YapDatabaseReadTransaction) -> IndexPath? {
if let oldIndex = loadedUniqueIds().firstIndex(of: uniqueId) {
return IndexPath(row: oldIndex, section: 0)
guard let view = transaction.ext(viewName) as? YapDatabaseAutoViewTransaction else {
SNLog("Could not load view.")
return nil
guard let group = group else {
SNLog("No group.")
return nil
let indexPtr: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt> = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt>.allocate(capacity: 1)
let wasFound = view.getGroup(nil, index: indexPtr, forKey: uniqueId, inCollection: TSInteraction.collection())
guard wasFound else {
SNLog("Could not find interaction.")
return nil
let index = indexPtr.pointee
let threadInteractionCount = view.numberOfItems(inGroup: group)
guard index < threadInteractionCount else {
SNLog("Invalid index.")
return nil
// This math doesn't take into account the number of items loaded _after_ the pivot.
// That's fine; it's okay to load too many interactions here.
let desiredWindowSize: UInt = threadInteractionCount - index
self.update(withDesiredLength: desiredWindowSize, transaction: transaction)
guard let newIndex = loadedUniqueIds().firstIndex(of: uniqueId) else {
SNLog("Couldn't find interaction.")
return nil
return IndexPath(row: newIndex, section: 0)
public class ConversationMessageMappingDiff: NSObject {
public let addedItemIds: Set<String>
public let removedItemIds: Set<String>
public let updatedItemIds: Set<String>
init(addedItemIds: Set<String>, removedItemIds: Set<String>, updatedItemIds: Set<String>) {
self.addedItemIds = addedItemIds
self.removedItemIds = removedItemIds
self.updatedItemIds = updatedItemIds
// Updates and then calculates which items were inserted, removed or modified.
public func updateAndCalculateDiff(transaction: YapDatabaseReadTransaction,
notifications: [NSNotification]) -> ConversationMessageMappingDiff? {
let oldItemIds = Set(self.itemIds)
self.update(transaction: transaction)
let newItemIds = Set(self.itemIds)
let removedItemIds = oldItemIds.subtracting(newItemIds)
let addedItemIds = newItemIds.subtracting(oldItemIds)
// We only notify for updated items that a) were previously loaded b) weren't also inserted or removed.
let updatedItemIds = (self.updatedItemIds(for: notifications)
return ConversationMessageMappingDiff(addedItemIds: addedItemIds,
removedItemIds: removedItemIds,
updatedItemIds: updatedItemIds)
// For performance reasons, the database modification notifications are used
// to determine which items were modified. If YapDatabase ever changes the
// structure or semantics of these notifications, we'll need to update this
// code to reflect that.
private func updatedItemIds(for notifications: [NSNotification]) -> Set<String> {
var updatedItemIds = Set<String>()
for notification in notifications {
// Unpack the YDB notification, looking for row changes.
guard let userInfo =
notification.userInfo else {
owsFailDebug("Missing userInfo.")
guard let viewChangesets =
userInfo[YapDatabaseExtensionsKey] as? NSDictionary else {
// No changes for any views, skip.
guard let changeset =
viewChangesets[viewName] as? NSDictionary else {
// No changes for this view, skip.
// This constant matches a private constant in YDB.
let changeset_key_changes: String = "changes"
guard let changesetChanges = changeset[changeset_key_changes] as? [Any] else {
owsFailDebug("Missing changeset changes.")
for change in changesetChanges {
if change as? YapDatabaseViewSectionChange != nil {
// Ignore.
} else if let rowChange = change as? YapDatabaseViewRowChange {
} else {
owsFailDebug("Invalid change: \(type(of: change)).")
return updatedItemIds