nielsandriesse 74bbe067d8 Update Pods
2020-06-05 10:38:44 +10:00

185 lines
5.2 KiB

//// Copyright (c) 2019 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
//import Foundation
//import SessionServiceKit
//import SignalMessaging
// * Manage call related UI in a pre-CallKit world.
// */
//class NonCallKitCallUIAdaptee: NSObject, CallUIAdaptee {
// let notificationPresenter: NotificationPresenter
// let callService: CallService
// // Starting/Stopping incoming call ringing is our apps responsibility for the non CallKit interface.
// let hasManualRinger = true
// required init(callService: CallService, notificationPresenter: NotificationPresenter) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// self.callService = callService
// self.notificationPresenter = notificationPresenter
// super.init()
// }
// // MARK: Dependencies
// var audioSession: OWSAudioSession {
// return Environment.shared.audioSession
// }
// // MARK:
// func startOutgoingCall(handle: String) -> SignalCall {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// let call = SignalCall.outgoingCall(localId: UUID(), remotePhoneNumber: handle)
// // make sure we don't terminate audio session during call
// let success = self.audioSession.startAudioActivity(call.audioActivity)
// assert(success)
// self.callService.handleOutgoingCall(call).retainUntilComplete()
// return call
// }
// func reportIncomingCall(_ call: SignalCall, callerName: String) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// Logger.debug("")
// self.showCall(call)
// // present lock screen notification
// if UIApplication.shared.applicationState == .active {
// Logger.debug("skipping notification since app is already active.")
// } else {
// notificationPresenter.presentIncomingCall(call, callerName: callerName)
// }
// }
// func reportMissedCall(_ call: SignalCall, callerName: String) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// notificationPresenter.presentMissedCall(call, callerName: callerName)
// }
// func answerCall(localId: UUID) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// guard let call = else {
// owsFailDebug("No current call.")
// return
// }
// guard call.localId == localId else {
// owsFailDebug("localId does not match current call")
// return
// }
// self.answerCall(call)
// }
// func answerCall(_ call: SignalCall) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// guard call.localId == else {
// owsFailDebug("localId does not match current call")
// return
// }
// self.audioSession.isRTCAudioEnabled = true
// self.callService.handleAnswerCall(call)
// }
// func declineCall(localId: UUID) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// guard let call = else {
// owsFailDebug("No current call.")
// return
// }
// guard call.localId == localId else {
// owsFailDebug("localId does not match current call")
// return
// }
// self.declineCall(call)
// }
// func declineCall(_ call: SignalCall) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// guard call.localId == else {
// owsFailDebug("localId does not match current call")
// return
// }
// self.callService.handleDeclineCall(call)
// }
// func recipientAcceptedCall(_ call: SignalCall) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// self.audioSession.isRTCAudioEnabled = true
// }
// func localHangupCall(_ call: SignalCall) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// // If both parties hang up at the same moment,
// // call might already be nil.
// guard == nil || call.localId == else {
// owsFailDebug("localId does not match current call")
// return
// }
// self.callService.handleLocalHungupCall(call)
// }
// internal func remoteDidHangupCall(_ call: SignalCall) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// Logger.debug("is no-op")
// }
// internal func remoteBusy(_ call: SignalCall) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// Logger.debug("is no-op")
// }
// internal func failCall(_ call: SignalCall, error: CallError) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// Logger.debug("is no-op")
// }
// func setIsMuted(call: SignalCall, isMuted: Bool) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// guard call.localId == else {
// owsFailDebug("localId does not match current call")
// return
// }
// self.callService.setIsMuted(call: call, isMuted: isMuted)
// }
// func setHasLocalVideo(call: SignalCall, hasLocalVideo: Bool) {
// AssertIsOnMainThread()
// guard call.localId == else {
// owsFailDebug("localId does not match current call")
// return
// }
// self.callService.setHasLocalVideo(hasLocalVideo: hasLocalVideo)
// }