Morgan Pretty 11231599db Further work on migrations and message pipeline refactoring
Refactored the AppDelegate from Objective C to Swift
Updated the HomeVC to use GRDB
Refactored a number of the Job types to be driven via GRDB and the new JobRunner
Fixed a bug where the LinkPreviewView wouldn't render correctly in dark mode
2022-04-21 16:42:35 +10:00

83 lines
2.4 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
public class SSKPreferences: NSObject {
// Never instantiate this class.
private override init() {}
private static let collection = "SSKPreferences"
// MARK: -
private static let areLinkPreviewsEnabledKey = "areLinkPreviewsEnabled"
public static var areLinkPreviewsEnabled: Bool {
get {
return getBool(key: areLinkPreviewsEnabledKey, defaultValue: false)
set {
setBool(newValue, key: areLinkPreviewsEnabledKey)
// MARK: -
private static let hasSavedThreadKey = "hasSavedThread"
public static var hasSavedThread: Bool {
get {
return getBool(key: hasSavedThreadKey)
set {
setBool(newValue, key: hasSavedThreadKey)
public class func setHasSavedThread(value: Bool, transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) {
forKey: hasSavedThreadKey,
inCollection: collection)
// MARK: -
private class func getBool(key: String, defaultValue: Bool = false) -> Bool {
return OWSPrimaryStorage.dbReadConnection().bool(forKey: key, inCollection: collection, defaultValue: defaultValue)
private class func setBool(_ value: Bool, key: String) {
OWSPrimaryStorage.dbReadWriteConnection().setBool(value, forKey: key, inCollection: collection)
// MARK: - Objective C Support
public extension SSKPreferences {
static func objc_setScreenSecurity(_ enabled: Bool) {
GRDBStorage.shared.write { db in db[.preferencesAppSwitcherPreviewEnabled] = enabled }
static func objc_setAreReadReceiptsEnabled(_ enabled: Bool) {
GRDBStorage.shared.write { db in db[.areReadReceiptsEnabled] = enabled }
static func objc_setTypingIndicatorsEnabled(_ enabled: Bool) {
GRDBStorage.shared.write { db in db[.typingIndicatorsEnabled] = enabled }
static func objc_areTypingIndicatorsEnabled() -> Bool {
return ( { db in db[.typingIndicatorsEnabled] } == true)