
117 lines
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import PromiseKit
private typealias Callback = () -> Void
public extension LokiAPI {
private static var isLongPolling = false
private static var shouldStopPolling = false
private static var usedSnodes = [LokiAPITarget]()
private static var cancels = [Callback]()
/// Start long polling.
/// This will send a notification if new messages were received
@objc public static func startLongPollingIfNeeded() {
guard !isLongPolling else { return }
isLongPolling = true
shouldStopPolling = false
print("[Loki] Started long polling.")
/// Stop long polling
@objc public static func stopLongPolling() {
shouldStopPolling = true
isLongPolling = false
print("[Loki] Stopped long polling.")
/// The long polling loop
private static func longPoll() {
// This is here so we can stop the infinite loop
guard !shouldStopPolling else { return }
getSwarm(for: userHexEncodedPublicKey).then { _ -> Guarantee<[Result<Void>]> in
var promises = [Promise<Void>]()
let connections = 3
for i in 0..<connections {
let (promise, cancel) = openConnection()
return when(resolved: promises)
}.done { _ in
// Since all promises are complete, we can clear the cancels
// Keep long polling until it is stopped
private static func cancelAllPromises() {
cancels.forEach { cancel in cancel() }
private static func getUnusedSnodes() -> [LokiAPITarget] {
let snodes = LokiAPI.swarmCache[userHexEncodedPublicKey] ?? []
return snodes.filter { !usedSnodes.contains($0) }
/// Open a connection to an unused snode and get messages from it
private static func openConnection() -> (Promise<Void>, cancel: Callback) {
var isCancelled = false
let cancel = {
isCancelled = true
func connectToNextSnode() -> Promise<Void> {
guard let nextSnode = getUnusedSnodes().first else {
// We don't have anymore unused snodes
return Promise.value(())
// Add the snode to the used array
func getMessagesInfinitely(from target: LokiAPITarget) -> Promise<Void> {
// The only way to exit the infinite loop is to throw an error 3 times or cancel
return getRawMessages(from: target, usingLongPolling: true).then { rawResponse -> Promise<Void> in
// Check if we need to abort
guard !isCancelled else { throw PMKError.cancelled }
// Process the messages
let messages = parseRawMessagesResponse(rawResponse, from: target)
// Send our messages as a notification .newMessagesReceived, object: nil, userInfo: ["messages": messages])
// Continue fetching if we haven't cancelled
return getMessagesInfinitely(from: target)
}.retryingIfNeeded(maxRetryCount: 3)
// Keep getting messages for this snode
// If we errored out then connect to the next snode
return getMessagesInfinitely(from: nextSnode).recover { _ -> Promise<Void> in
// Cancelled, so just return successfully
guard !isCancelled else { return Promise.value(()) }
// Connect to the next snode if we haven't cancelled
// We also need to remove the cached snode so we don't contact it again
dropIfNeeded(nextSnode, hexEncodedPublicKey: userHexEncodedPublicKey)
return connectToNextSnode()
// Keep connecting to snodes
return (connectToNextSnode(), cancel)