Morgan Pretty f5933bdf75 Updated to the latest version of the shared util library
# Conflicts:
#	Session/Onboarding/Onboarding.swift
2022-12-07 15:08:04 +11:00

119 lines
5.6 KiB

#pragma once
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "../config.h"
// Config object base type: this type holds the internal object and is initialized by the various
// config-dependent settings (e.g. config_user_profile_init) then passed to the various functions.
typedef struct config_object {
// Internal opaque object pointer; calling code should leave this alone.
void* internals;
// When an error occurs in the C API this string will be set to the specific error message. May
// be NULL.
const char* last_error;
} config_object;
// Common functions callable on any config instance:
/// Frees a config object created with one of the config-dependent ..._init functions (e.g.
/// user_profile_init).
void config_free(config_object* conf);
typedef enum config_log_level {
} config_log_level;
/// Sets a logging function; takes the log function pointer and a context pointer (which can be NULL
/// if not needed). The given function pointer will be invoked with one of the above values, a
/// null-terminated c string containing the log message, and the void* context object given when
/// setting the logger (this is for caller-specific state data and won't be touched).
/// The logging function must have signature:
/// void log(config_log_level lvl, const char* msg, void* ctx);
/// Can be called with callback set to NULL to clear an existing logger.
/// The config object itself has no log level: the caller should filter by level as needed.
void config_set_logger(
config_object* conf, void (*callback)(config_log_level, const char*, void*), void* ctx);
/// Returns the numeric namespace in which config messages of this type should be stored.
int16_t config_storage_namespace(const config_object* conf);
/// Merges the config object with one or more remotely obtained config strings. After this call the
/// config object may be unchanged, complete replaced, or updated and needing a push, depending on
/// the messages that are merged; the caller should check config_needs_push().
/// `configs` is an array of pointers to the start of the strings; `lengths` is an array of string
/// lengths; `count` is the length of those two arrays.
int config_merge(
config_object* conf, const unsigned char** configs, const size_t* lengths, size_t count);
/// Returns true if this config object contains updated data that has not yet been confirmed stored
/// on the server.
bool config_needs_push(const config_object* conf);
/// Obtains the configuration data that needs to be pushed to the server. A new buffer of the
/// appropriate size is malloc'd and set to `out` The output is written to a new malloc'ed buffer of
/// the appropriate size; the buffer and the output length are set in the `out` and `outlen`
/// parameters. Note that this is binary data, *not* a null-terminated C string.
/// Generally this call should be guarded by a call to `config_needs_push`, however it can be used
/// to re-obtain the current serialized config even if no push is needed (for example, if the client
/// wants to re-submit it after a network error).
/// NB: The returned buffer belongs to the caller: that is, the caller *MUST* free() it when done
/// with it.
seqno_t config_push(config_object* conf, unsigned char** out, size_t* outlen);
/// Reports that data obtained from `config_push` has been successfully stored on the server. The
/// seqno value is the one returned by the config_push call that yielded the config data.
void config_confirm_pushed(config_object* conf, seqno_t seqno);
/// Returns a binary dump of the current state of the config object. This dump can be used to
/// resurrect the object at a later point (e.g. after a restart). Allocates a new buffer and sets
/// it in `out` and the length in `outlen`. Note that this is binary data, *not* a null-terminated
/// C string.
/// NB: It is the caller's responsibility to `free()` the buffer when done with it.
/// Immediately after this is called `config_needs_dump` will start returning true (until the
/// configuration is next modified).
void config_dump(config_object* conf, unsigned char** out, size_t* outlen);
/// Returns true if something has changed since the last call to `dump()` that requires calling
/// and saving the `config_dump()` data again.
bool config_needs_dump(const config_object* conf);
/// Config key management; see the corresponding method docs in base.hpp. All `key` arguments here
/// are 32-byte binary buffers (and since fixed-length, there is no keylen argument).
void config_add_key(config_object* conf, const unsigned char* key);
void config_add_key_low_prio(config_object* conf, const unsigned char* key);
int config_clear_keys(config_object* conf);
bool config_remove_key(config_object* conf, const unsigned char* key);
int config_key_count(const config_object* conf);
bool config_has_key(const config_object* conf, const unsigned char* key);
// Returns a pointer to the 32-byte binary key at position i. This is *not* null terminated (and is
// exactly 32 bytes long). `i < config_key_count(conf)` must be satisfied. Ownership of the data
// remains in the object (that is: the caller must not attempt to free it).
const unsigned char* config_key(const config_object* conf, size_t i);
/// Returns the encryption domain C-str used to encrypt values for this config object. (This is
/// here only for debugging/testing).
const char* config_encryption_domain(const config_object* conf);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"