Morgan Pretty face9da02b Fixed search performance, started styling in-conversaiton settings
Fixed a bug where the scroll to bottom button wasn't working
Fixed an issue where searching was running on the main thread (which could cause UI issues)
Updated the searching to interrupt the previous query when the search term changes
Updated the in-conversation settings to be use the new config-based approach (deleted the OWSConversationSettingsViewController)
2022-09-07 17:37:01 +10:00

24 lines
1 KiB

import WebRTC
extension CallVC : CameraManagerDelegate {
func handleVideoOutputCaptured(sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer) {
guard let pixelBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer) else { return }
let rtcPixelBuffer = RTCCVPixelBuffer(pixelBuffer: pixelBuffer)
let timestamp = CMTimeGetSeconds(CMSampleBufferGetPresentationTimeStamp(sampleBuffer))
let timestampNs = Int64(timestamp * 1000000000)
let rotation: RTCVideoRotation = {
switch UIDevice.current.orientation {
case .landscapeRight: return RTCVideoRotation._90
case .portraitUpsideDown: return RTCVideoRotation._180
case .landscapeLeft: return RTCVideoRotation._270
default: return RTCVideoRotation._0
let frame = RTCVideoFrame(buffer: rtcPixelBuffer, rotation: rotation, timeStampNs: timestampNs)
frame.timeStamp = Int32(timestamp)