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extension Storage : SessionSnodeKitStorageProtocol {
// MARK: Onion Request Paths
internal static let onionRequestPathCollection = "LokiOnionRequestPathCollection"
public func getOnionRequestPaths() -> [OnionRequestAPI.Path] {
let collection = Storage.onionRequestPathCollection
var result: [OnionRequestAPI.Path] = [] { transaction in
let path0Snode0 = transaction.object(forKey: "0-0", inCollection: collection) as? Snode,
let path0Snode1 = transaction.object(forKey: "0-1", inCollection: collection) as? Snode,
let path0Snode2 = transaction.object(forKey: "0-2", inCollection: collection) as? Snode {
result.append([ path0Snode0, path0Snode1, path0Snode2 ])
let path1Snode0 = transaction.object(forKey: "1-0", inCollection: collection) as? Snode,
let path1Snode1 = transaction.object(forKey: "1-1", inCollection: collection) as? Snode,
let path1Snode2 = transaction.object(forKey: "1-2", inCollection: collection) as? Snode {
result.append([ path1Snode0, path1Snode1, path1Snode2 ])
return result
public func setOnionRequestPaths(to paths: [OnionRequestAPI.Path], using transaction: Any) {
let collection = Storage.onionRequestPathCollection
// FIXME: This approach assumes either 1 or 2 paths of length 3 each. We should do better than this.
clearOnionRequestPaths(using: transaction)
guard let transaction = transaction as? YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction else { return }
guard paths.count >= 1 else { return }
let path0 = paths[0]
guard path0.count == 3 else { return }
transaction.setObject(path0[0], forKey: "0-0", inCollection: collection)
transaction.setObject(path0[1], forKey: "0-1", inCollection: collection)
transaction.setObject(path0[2], forKey: "0-2", inCollection: collection)
guard paths.count >= 2 else { return }
let path1 = paths[1]
guard path1.count == 3 else { return }
transaction.setObject(path1[0], forKey: "1-0", inCollection: collection)
transaction.setObject(path1[1], forKey: "1-1", inCollection: collection)
transaction.setObject(path1[2], forKey: "1-2", inCollection: collection)
func clearOnionRequestPaths(using transaction: Any) {
(transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction).removeAllObjects(inCollection: Storage.onionRequestPathCollection)
// MARK: Snode Pool
public func getSnodePool() -> Set<Snode> {
var result: Set<Snode> = [] { transaction in
transaction.enumerateKeysAndObjects(inCollection: Storage.snodePoolCollection) { _, object, _ in
guard let snode = object as? Snode else { return }
return result
public func setSnodePool(to snodePool: Set<Snode>, using transaction: Any) {
clearSnodePool(in: transaction)
snodePool.forEach { snode in
(transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction).setObject(snode, forKey: snode.description, inCollection: Storage.snodePoolCollection)
func clearSnodePool(in transaction: Any) {
(transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction).removeAllObjects(inCollection: Storage.snodePoolCollection)
// MARK: Swarm
public func getSwarm(for publicKey: String) -> Set<Snode> {
var result: Set<Snode> = []
let collection = Storage.getSwarmCollection(for: publicKey) { transaction in
transaction.enumerateKeysAndObjects(inCollection: collection) { _, object, _ in
guard let snode = object as? Snode else { return }
return result
public func setSwarm(to swarm: Set<Snode>, for publicKey: String, using transaction: Any) {
clearSwarm(for: publicKey, in: transaction)
let collection = Storage.getSwarmCollection(for: publicKey)
swarm.forEach { snode in
(transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction).setObject(snode, forKey: snode.description, inCollection: collection)
func clearSwarm(for publicKey: String, in transaction: Any) {
let collection = Storage.getSwarmCollection(for: publicKey)
(transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction).removeAllObjects(inCollection: collection)
// MARK: Last Message Hash
private static let lastMessageHashCollection = "LokiLastMessageHashCollection"
func getLastMessageHashInfo(for snode: Snode, associatedWith publicKey: String) -> JSON? {
let key = "\(snode.address):\(snode.port).\(publicKey)"
var result: JSON? { transaction in
result = transaction.object(forKey: key, inCollection: Storage.lastMessageHashCollection) as? JSON
if let result = result {
guard result["hash"] as? String != nil else { return nil }
guard result["expirationDate"] as? NSNumber != nil else { return nil }
return result
public func getLastMessageHash(for snode: Snode, associatedWith publicKey: String) -> String? {
return getLastMessageHashInfo(for: snode, associatedWith: publicKey)?["hash"] as? String
public func setLastMessageHashInfo(for snode: Snode, associatedWith publicKey: String, to lastMessageHashInfo: JSON, using transaction: Any) {
let key = "\(snode.address):\(snode.port).\(publicKey)"
guard lastMessageHashInfo.count == 2 && lastMessageHashInfo["hash"] as? String != nil && lastMessageHashInfo["expirationDate"] as? NSNumber != nil else { return }
(transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction).setObject(lastMessageHashInfo, forKey: key, inCollection: Storage.lastMessageHashCollection)
public func pruneLastMessageHashInfoIfExpired(for snode: Snode, associatedWith publicKey: String, using transaction: Any) {
guard let lastMessageHashInfo = getLastMessageHashInfo(for: snode, associatedWith: publicKey),
(lastMessageHashInfo["hash"] as? String) != nil, let expirationDate = (lastMessageHashInfo["expirationDate"] as? NSNumber)?.uint64Value else { return }
let now = NSDate.millisecondTimestamp()
if now >= expirationDate {
removeLastMessageHashInfo(for: snode, associatedWith: publicKey, using: transaction)
func removeLastMessageHashInfo(for snode: Snode, associatedWith publicKey: String, using transaction: Any) {
let key = "\(snode.address):\(snode.port).\(publicKey)"
(transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction).removeObject(forKey: key, inCollection: Storage.lastMessageHashCollection)
// MARK: Received Messages
private static let receivedMessagesCollection = "LokiReceivedMessagesCollection"
public func getReceivedMessages(for publicKey: String) -> Set<String> {
var result: Set<String>? { transaction in
result = transaction.object(forKey: publicKey, inCollection: Storage.receivedMessagesCollection) as? Set<String>
return result ?? []
public func setReceivedMessages(to receivedMessages: Set<String>, for publicKey: String, using transaction: Any) {
(transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction).setObject(receivedMessages, forKey: publicKey, inCollection: Storage.receivedMessagesCollection)