Morgan Pretty face9da02b Fixed search performance, started styling in-conversaiton settings
Fixed a bug where the scroll to bottom button wasn't working
Fixed an issue where searching was running on the main thread (which could cause UI issues)
Updated the searching to interrupt the previous query when the search term changes
Updated the in-conversation settings to be use the new config-based approach (deleted the OWSConversationSettingsViewController)
2022-09-07 17:37:01 +10:00

511 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import UIKit.UIImage
import Combine
import GRDB
import DifferenceKit
import SessionUIKit
import SessionMessagingKit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
class SettingsTableViewModel<NavItemId: Equatable, Section: SettingSection, SettingItem: Hashable & Differentiable> {
typealias SectionModel = ArraySection<Section, SettingInfo<SettingItem>>
typealias ObservableData = ValueObservation<ValueReducers.RemoveDuplicates<ValueReducers.Fetch<[SectionModel]>>>
var closeNavItemId: NavItemId?
// MARK: - Initialization
/// Provide a `closeNavItemId` in order to show a close button
init(closeNavItemId: NavItemId? = nil) {
self.closeNavItemId = closeNavItemId
// MARK: - Input
let navItemTapped: PassthroughSubject<NavItemId, Never> = PassthroughSubject()
private let _isEditing: CurrentValueSubject<Bool, Never> = CurrentValueSubject(false)
lazy var isEditing: AnyPublisher<Bool, Never> = _isEditing
// MARK: - Navigation
open var leftNavItems: AnyPublisher<[NavItem]?, Never> {
guard let closeNavItemId: NavItemId = self.closeNavItemId else {
return Just(nil).eraseToAnyPublisher()
return Just([
id: closeNavItemId,
image: UIImage(named: "X")?
style: .plain,
accessibilityIdentifier: "Close Button"
open var rightNavItems: AnyPublisher<[NavItem]?, Never> { Just(nil).eraseToAnyPublisher() }
open var closeScreen: AnyPublisher<Bool, Never> {
.filter { [weak self] itemId in itemId == self?.closeNavItemId }
.map { _ in true }
// MARK: - Content
open var title: String { preconditionFailure("abstract class - override in subclass") }
open var settingsData: [SectionModel] { preconditionFailure("abstract class - override in subclass") }
open var observableSettingsData: ObservableData {
preconditionFailure("abstract class - override in subclass")
func updateSettings(_ updatedSettings: [SectionModel]) {
preconditionFailure("abstract class - override in subclass")
func setIsEditing(_ isEditing: Bool) {
// MARK: - NavItem
public enum NoNav: Equatable {}
extension SettingsTableViewModel {
public struct NavItem {
let id: NavItemId
let image: UIImage?
let style: UIBarButtonItem.Style
let systemItem: UIBarButtonItem.SystemItem?
let accessibilityIdentifier: String
// MARK: - Initialization
public init(
id: NavItemId,
systemItem: UIBarButtonItem.SystemItem?,
accessibilityIdentifier: String
) { = id
self.image = nil = .plain
self.systemItem = systemItem
self.accessibilityIdentifier = accessibilityIdentifier
public init(
id: NavItemId,
image: UIImage?,
style: UIBarButtonItem.Style,
accessibilityIdentifier: String
) { = id
self.image = image = style
self.systemItem = nil
self.accessibilityIdentifier = accessibilityIdentifier
// MARK: - Functions
public func createBarButtonItem() -> DisposableBarButtonItem {
guard let systemItem: UIBarButtonItem.SystemItem = systemItem else {
return DisposableBarButtonItem(
image: image,
style: style,
target: nil,
action: nil,
accessibilityIdentifier: accessibilityIdentifier
return DisposableBarButtonItem(
barButtonSystemItem: systemItem,
target: nil,
action: nil,
accessibilityIdentifier: accessibilityIdentifier
// MARK: - SettingSectionHeaderStyle
public enum SettingSectionHeaderStyle: Differentiable {
case none
case title
case padding
// MARK: - SettingSection
protocol SettingSection: Differentiable {
var title: String? { get }
var style: SettingSectionHeaderStyle { get }
extension SettingSection {
var title: String? { nil }
var style: SettingSectionHeaderStyle { .none }
// MARK: - SettingInfo
struct SettingInfo<ID: Hashable & Differentiable>: Equatable, Hashable, Differentiable {
let id: ID
let icon: UIImage?
let title: String
let subtitle: String?
let alignment: NSTextAlignment
let accessibilityIdentifier: String?
let action: SettingsAction
let subtitleExtraViewGenerator: (() -> UIView)?
let extraActionTitle: ((Theme, Theme.PrimaryColor) -> NSAttributedString)?
let onExtraAction: (() -> Void)?
// MARK: - Initialization
id: ID,
icon: UIImage? = nil,
title: String,
subtitle: String? = nil,
alignment: NSTextAlignment = .left,
accessibilityIdentifier: String? = nil,
subtitleExtraViewGenerator: (() -> UIView)? = nil,
action: SettingsAction,
extraActionTitle: ((Theme, Theme.PrimaryColor) -> NSAttributedString)? = nil,
onExtraAction: (() -> Void)? = nil
) { = id
self.icon = icon
self.title = title
self.subtitle = subtitle
self.alignment = alignment
self.accessibilityIdentifier = accessibilityIdentifier
self.subtitleExtraViewGenerator = subtitleExtraViewGenerator
self.action = action
self.extraActionTitle = extraActionTitle
self.onExtraAction = onExtraAction
// MARK: - Conformance
var differenceIdentifier: ID { id }
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
id.hash(into: &hasher)
icon.hash(into: &hasher)
title.hash(into: &hasher)
subtitle.hash(into: &hasher)
alignment.hash(into: &hasher)
accessibilityIdentifier.hash(into: &hasher)
action.hash(into: &hasher)
static func == (lhs: SettingInfo<ID>, rhs: SettingInfo<ID>) -> Bool {
return ( == &&
lhs.icon == rhs.icon &&
lhs.title == rhs.title &&
lhs.subtitle == rhs.subtitle &&
lhs.alignment == rhs.alignment &&
lhs.accessibilityIdentifier == rhs.accessibilityIdentifier &&
lhs.action == rhs.action
// MARK: - Mutation
func with(action: SettingsAction) -> SettingInfo {
return SettingInfo(
icon: self.icon,
title: self.title,
subtitle: self.subtitle,
alignment: self.alignment,
accessibilityIdentifier: self.accessibilityIdentifier,
subtitleExtraViewGenerator: self.subtitleExtraViewGenerator,
action: action,
extraActionTitle: self.extraActionTitle,
onExtraAction: self.onExtraAction
// MARK: - SettingsAction
public enum SettingsAction: Hashable, Equatable {
case threadInfo(
threadViewModel: SessionThreadViewModel,
style: ThreadInfoStyle = ThreadInfoStyle(),
createAvatarTapDestination: (() -> UIViewController?)? = nil,
titleTapped: (() -> Void)? = nil,
titleChanged: ((String) -> Void)? = nil
case userDefaultsBool(
defaults: UserDefaults,
key: String,
isEnabled: Bool = true,
onChange: (() -> Void)?
case settingBool(
key: Setting.BoolKey,
confirmationInfo: ConfirmationModal.Info?,
isEnabled: Bool = true
case customToggle(
value: Bool,
isEnabled: Bool = true,
confirmationInfo: ConfirmationModal.Info? = nil,
onChange: ((Bool) -> Void)? = nil
case settingEnum(
key: String,
title: String?,
createUpdateScreen: () -> UIViewController
case generalEnum(
title: String?,
createUpdateScreen: () -> UIViewController
case trigger(
showChevron: Bool = true,
action: () -> Void
case push(
showChevron: Bool = true,
textColor: ThemeValue = .textPrimary,
shouldHaveBackground: Bool = true,
createDestination: () -> UIViewController
case present(createDestination: () -> UIViewController)
case listSelection(
isSelected: () -> Bool,
storedSelection: Bool,
shouldAutoSave: Bool,
selectValue: () -> Void
case rightButtonAction(
title: String,
action: (UIView) -> ()
private var actionName: String {
switch self {
case .threadInfo: return "threadInfo"
case .userDefaultsBool: return "userDefaultsBool"
case .settingBool: return "settingBool"
case .customToggle: return "customToggle"
case .settingEnum: return "settingEnum"
case .generalEnum: return "generalEnum"
case .trigger: return "trigger"
case .push: return "push"
case .present: return "present"
case .listSelection: return "listSelection"
case .rightButtonAction: return "rightButtonAction"
var shouldHaveBackground: Bool {
switch self {
case .threadInfo: return false
case .push(_, _, let shouldHaveBackground, _): return shouldHaveBackground
default: return true
// MARK: - Convenience
public static func settingEnum<ET: EnumIntSetting>(
_ db: Database,
type: ET.Type,
key: Setting.EnumKey,
titleGenerator: @escaping ((ET?) -> String?),
createUpdateScreen: @escaping () -> UIViewController
) -> SettingsAction {
return SettingsAction.settingEnum(
key: key.rawValue,
title: titleGenerator(db[key]),
createUpdateScreen: createUpdateScreen
public static func settingEnum<ET: EnumStringSetting>(
_ db: Database,
type: ET.Type,
key: Setting.EnumKey,
titleGenerator: @escaping ((ET?) -> String?),
createUpdateScreen: @escaping () -> UIViewController
) -> SettingsAction {
return SettingsAction.settingEnum(
key: key.rawValue,
title: titleGenerator(db[key]),
createUpdateScreen: createUpdateScreen
public static func settingBool(key: Setting.BoolKey) -> SettingsAction {
return .settingBool(key: key, confirmationInfo: nil)
// MARK: - Conformance
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
actionName.hash(into: &hasher)
switch self {
case .threadInfo(let threadViewModel, let style, _, _, _):
threadViewModel.hash(into: &hasher)
style.hash(into: &hasher)
case .userDefaultsBool(_, let key, let isEnabled, _):
key.hash(into: &hasher)
isEnabled.hash(into: &hasher)
case .settingBool(let key, let confirmationInfo, let isEnabled):
key.hash(into: &hasher)
confirmationInfo.hash(into: &hasher)
isEnabled.hash(into: &hasher)
case .customToggle(let value, let isEnabled, let confirmationInfo, _):
value.hash(into: &hasher)
isEnabled.hash(into: &hasher)
confirmationInfo.hash(into: &hasher)
case .settingEnum(let key, let title, _):
key.hash(into: &hasher)
title.hash(into: &hasher)
case .generalEnum(let title, _):
title.hash(into: &hasher)
case .trigger(let showChevron, _):
showChevron.hash(into: &hasher)
case .push(let showChevron, let textColor, let shouldHaveBackground, _):
showChevron.hash(into: &hasher)
textColor.hash(into: &hasher)
shouldHaveBackground.hash(into: &hasher)
case .present(_): break
case .listSelection(let isSelected, let storedSelection, let shouldAutoSave, _):
isSelected().hash(into: &hasher)
storedSelection.hash(into: &hasher)
shouldAutoSave.hash(into: &hasher)
case .rightButtonAction(let title, _):
title.hash(into: &hasher)
public static func == (lhs: SettingsAction, rhs: SettingsAction) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.threadInfo(let lhsThreadViewModel, let lhsStyle, _, _, _), .threadInfo(let rhsThreadViewModel, let rhsStyle, _, _, _)):
return (
lhsThreadViewModel == rhsThreadViewModel &&
lhsStyle == rhsStyle
case (.userDefaultsBool(_, let lhsKey, let lhsIsEnabled, _), .userDefaultsBool(_, let rhsKey, let rhsIsEnabled, _)):
return (
lhsKey == rhsKey &&
lhsIsEnabled == rhsIsEnabled
case (.settingBool(let lhsKey, let lhsConfirmationInfo, let lhsIsEnabled), .settingBool(let rhsKey, let rhsConfirmationInfo, let rhsIsEnabled)):
return (
lhsKey == rhsKey &&
lhsConfirmationInfo == rhsConfirmationInfo &&
lhsIsEnabled == rhsIsEnabled
case (.customToggle(let lhsValue, let lhsIsEnabled, let lhsConfirmationInfo, _), .customToggle(let rhsValue, let rhsIsEnabled, let rhsConfirmationInfo, _)):
return (
lhsValue == rhsValue &&
lhsIsEnabled == rhsIsEnabled &&
lhsConfirmationInfo == rhsConfirmationInfo
case (.settingEnum(let lhsKey, let lhsTitle, _), .settingEnum(let rhsKey, let rhsTitle, _)):
return (
lhsKey == rhsKey &&
lhsTitle == rhsTitle
case (.generalEnum(let lhsTitle, _), .generalEnum(let rhsTitle, _)):
return (lhsTitle == rhsTitle)
case (.trigger(let lhsShowChevron, _), .trigger(let rhsShowChevron, _)):
return (lhsShowChevron == rhsShowChevron)
case (.push(let lhsShowChevron, let lhsTextColor, let lhsHasBackground, _), .push(let rhsShowChevron, let rhsTextColor, let rhsHasBackground, _)):
return (
lhsShowChevron == rhsShowChevron &&
lhsTextColor == rhsTextColor &&
lhsHasBackground == rhsHasBackground
case (.present(_), .present(_)): return true
case (.listSelection(let lhsIsSelected, let lhsStoredSelection, let lhsShouldAutoSave, _), .listSelection(let rhsIsSelected, let rhsStoredSelection, let rhsShouldAutoSave, _)):
return (
lhsIsSelected() == rhsIsSelected() &&
lhsStoredSelection == rhsStoredSelection &&
lhsShouldAutoSave == rhsShouldAutoSave
case (.rightButtonAction(let lhsTitle, _), .rightButtonAction(let rhsTitle, _)):
return (lhsTitle == rhsTitle)
default: return false
// MARK: - ThreadInfoStyle
public struct ThreadInfoStyle: Hashable, Equatable {
public enum Style: Hashable, Equatable {
case small
case monoSmall
case monoLarge
public struct Action: Hashable, Equatable {
let title: String
let run: () -> ()
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
title.hash(into: &hasher)
public static func == (lhs: Action, rhs: Action) -> Bool {
return (lhs.title == rhs.title)
public let separatorTitle: String?
public let descriptionStyle: Style
public let descriptionActions: [Action]
public init(
separatorTitle: String? = nil,
descriptionStyle: Style = .monoSmall,
descriptionActions: [Action] = []
) {
self.separatorTitle = separatorTitle
self.descriptionStyle = descriptionStyle
self.descriptionActions = descriptionActions