session-ios/SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Control Messages/ExpirationTimerUpdate.swift
Morgan Pretty face9da02b Fixed search performance, started styling in-conversaiton settings
Fixed a bug where the scroll to bottom button wasn't working
Fixed an issue where searching was running on the main thread (which could cause UI issues)
Updated the searching to interrupt the previous query when the search term changes
Updated the in-conversation settings to be use the new config-based approach (deleted the OWSConversationSettingsViewController)
2022-09-07 17:37:01 +10:00

108 lines
3.6 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import SessionUtilitiesKit
public final class ExpirationTimerUpdate: ControlMessage {
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case syncTarget
case duration
/// In the case of a sync message, the public key of the person the message was targeted at.
/// - Note: `nil` if this isn't a sync message.
public var syncTarget: String?
public var duration: UInt32?
public override var isSelfSendValid: Bool { true }
// MARK: - Initialization
public init(syncTarget: String?, duration: UInt32) {
self.syncTarget = syncTarget
self.duration = duration
// MARK: - Validation
public override var isValid: Bool {
guard super.isValid else { return false }
return duration != nil
// MARK: - Codable
required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
try super.init(from: decoder)
let container: KeyedDecodingContainer<CodingKeys> = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
syncTarget = try? container.decode(String.self, forKey: .syncTarget)
duration = try? container.decode(UInt32.self, forKey: .duration)
public override func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
try super.encode(to: encoder)
var container: KeyedEncodingContainer<CodingKeys> = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
try container.encodeIfPresent(syncTarget, forKey: .syncTarget)
try container.encodeIfPresent(duration, forKey: .duration)
// MARK: - Proto Conversion
public override class func fromProto(_ proto: SNProtoContent, sender: String) -> ExpirationTimerUpdate? {
guard let dataMessageProto = proto.dataMessage else { return nil }
let isExpirationTimerUpdate = (dataMessageProto.flags & UInt32(SNProtoDataMessage.SNProtoDataMessageFlags.expirationTimerUpdate.rawValue)) != 0
guard isExpirationTimerUpdate else { return nil }
return ExpirationTimerUpdate(
syncTarget: dataMessageProto.syncTarget,
duration: dataMessageProto.expireTimer
public override func toProto(_ db: Database) -> SNProtoContent? {
guard let duration = duration else {
SNLog("Couldn't construct expiration timer update proto from: \(self).")
return nil
let dataMessageProto = SNProtoDataMessage.builder()
if let syncTarget = syncTarget { dataMessageProto.setSyncTarget(syncTarget) }
// Group context
do {
try setGroupContextIfNeeded(db, on: dataMessageProto)
} catch {
SNLog("Couldn't construct expiration timer update proto from: \(self).")
return nil
let contentProto = SNProtoContent.builder()
do {
return try
} catch {
SNLog("Couldn't construct expiration timer update proto from: \(self).")
return nil
// MARK: - Description
public var description: String {
syncTarget: \(syncTarget ?? "null"),
duration: \(duration?.description ?? "null")