session-ios/SessionMessagingKit/File Server/FileServerAPI.swift
Morgan Pretty 4d5ded7557 Fixed a few bugs with media attachment handling, added webp support
Updated the OpenGroupManager to create a BlindedIdLookup for messages within the `inbox` (validating that the sessionId does actually match the blindedId)
Added support for static and animated WebP images
Added basic support for HEIC and HEIF images
Fixed an issue where the file size limit was set to 10,000,000 bytes instead of 10,485,760 bytes (which is actually 10Mb)
Fixed an issue where attachments uploaded by the current user on other devices would always show a loading indicator
Fixed an issue where media attachments that don't contain width/height information in their protos weren't updating the values once the download was completed
Fixed an issue where the media view could download an invalid file and endlessly appear to be downloading
2022-07-29 15:26:24 +10:00

88 lines
3.7 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import PromiseKit
import SessionSnodeKit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
public final class FileServerAPI: NSObject {
// MARK: - Settings
@objc public static let oldServer = ""
public static let oldServerPublicKey = "7cb31905b55cd5580c686911debf672577b3fb0bff81df4ce2d5c4cb3a7aaa69"
@objc public static let server = ""
public static let serverPublicKey = "da21e1d886c6fbaea313f75298bd64aab03a97ce985b46bb2dad9f2089c8ee59"
public static let maxFileSize = (10 * 1024 * 1024) // 10 MB
/// The file server has a file size limit of `maxFileSize`, which the Service Nodes try to enforce as well. However, the limit applied by the Service Nodes
/// is on the **HTTP request** and not the actual file size. Because the file server expects the file data to be base 64 encoded, the size of the HTTP
/// request for a given file will be at least `ceil(n / 3) * 4` bytes, where n is the file size in bytes. This is the minimum size because there might also
/// be other parameters in the request. On average the multiplier appears to be about 1.5, so when checking whether the file will exceed the file size limit when
/// uploading a file we just divide the size of the file by this number. The alternative would be to actually check the size of the HTTP request but that's only
/// possible after proof of work has been calculated and the onion request encryption has happened, which takes several seconds.
public static let fileSizeORMultiplier: Double = 2
// MARK: - File Storage
public static func upload(_ file: Data) -> Promise<FileUploadResponse> {
let request = Request(
method: .post,
server: server,
endpoint: Endpoint.file,
headers: [
.contentDisposition: "attachment",
.contentType: "application/octet-stream"
body: Array(file)
return send(request, serverPublicKey: serverPublicKey)
.decoded(as: FileUploadResponse.self, on: .global(qos: .userInitiated))
public static func download(_ fileId: String, useOldServer: Bool) -> Promise<Data> {
let serverPublicKey: String = (useOldServer ? oldServerPublicKey : serverPublicKey)
let request = Request<NoBody, Endpoint>(
server: (useOldServer ? oldServer : server),
endpoint: .fileIndividual(fileId: fileId)
return send(request, serverPublicKey: serverPublicKey)
public static func getVersion(_ platform: String) -> Promise<String> {
let request = Request<NoBody, Endpoint>(
server: server,
endpoint: .sessionVersion,
queryParameters: [
.platform: platform
return send(request, serverPublicKey: serverPublicKey)
.decoded(as: VersionResponse.self, on: .global(qos: .userInitiated))
.map { response in response.version }
// MARK: - Convenience
private static func send<T: Encodable>(_ request: Request<T, Endpoint>, serverPublicKey: String) -> Promise<Data> {
let urlRequest: URLRequest
do {
urlRequest = try request.generateUrlRequest()
catch {
return Promise(error: error)
return OnionRequestAPI.sendOnionRequest(urlRequest, to: request.server, with: serverPublicKey)
.map2 { _, response in
guard let response: Data = response else { throw HTTP.Error.parsingFailed }
return response