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Executable File

// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
#import <SignalUtilitiesKit/OWSAnalyticsEvents.h>
// TODO: We probably don't need all of these levels.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, OWSAnalyticsSeverity) {
// Info events are routine.
// It's safe to discard a large fraction of these events.
OWSAnalyticsSeverityInfo = 1,
// Error events should never be discarded.
OWSAnalyticsSeverityError = 3,
// Critical events are special. They are submitted immediately
// and not persisted, since the database may not be working.
OWSAnalyticsSeverityCritical = 4
// This is a placeholder. We don't yet serialize or transmit analytics events.
// If/when we take this on, we'll want to develop a solution that can be used
// report user activity - especially serious bugs - without compromising user
// privacy in any way. We must _never_ include any identifying information.
@interface OWSAnalytics : NSObject
// description: A non-empty string without any leading whitespace.
// This should conform to our analytics event naming conventions.
// "category_event_name", e.g. "database_error_no_database_file_found".
// parameters: Optional.
// If non-nil, the keys should all be non-empty NSStrings.
// Values should be NSStrings or NSNumbers.
+ (void)logEvent:(NSString *)eventName
parameters:(nullable NSDictionary *)parameters
location:(const char *)location
+ (void)appLaunchDidBegin;
+ (long)orderOfMagnitudeOf:(long)value;
typedef NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *_Nonnull (^OWSProdAssertParametersBlock)(void);
// These methods should be used to assert errors for which we want to fire analytics events.
// In production, returns __Value, the assert value, so that we can handle this case.
// In debug builds, asserts.
// parametersBlock is of type OWSProdAssertParametersBlock.
// The "C" variants (e.g. OWSProdAssert() vs. OWSProdCAssert() should be used in free functions,
// where there is no self. They can also be used in blocks to avoid capturing a reference to self.
#define OWSProdAssertWParamsTemplate(__value, __eventName, __parametersBlock, __assertMacro) \
{ \
if (!(BOOL)(__value)) { \
NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *__eventParameters = (__parametersBlock ? __parametersBlock() : nil); \
[DDLog flushLog]; \
[OWSAnalytics logEvent:__eventName \
severity:OWSAnalyticsSeverityError \
parameters:__eventParameters \
location:__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ \
line:__LINE__]; \
} \
__assertMacro(__value); \
return (BOOL)(__value); \
#define OWSProdAssertWParams(__value, __eventName, __parametersBlock) \
OWSProdAssertWParamsTemplate(__value, __eventName, __parametersBlock, OWSAssert)
#define OWSProdCAssertWParams(__value, __eventName, __parametersBlock) \
OWSProdAssertWParamsTemplate(__value, __eventName, __parametersBlock, OWSCAssert)
#define OWSProdAssert(__value, __eventName) OWSProdAssertWParams(__value, __eventName, nil)
#define OWSProdCAssert(__value, __eventName) OWSProdCAssertWParams(__value, __eventName, nil)
#define OWSProdFailWParamsTemplate(__eventName, __parametersBlock, __failMacro) \
{ \
NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *__eventParameters \
= (__parametersBlock ? ((OWSProdAssertParametersBlock)__parametersBlock)() : nil); \
[OWSAnalytics logEvent:__eventName \
severity:OWSAnalyticsSeverityCritical \
parameters:__eventParameters \
location:__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ \
line:__LINE__]; \
__failMacro(__eventName); \
#define OWSProdFailWParams(__eventName, __parametersBlock) \
OWSProdFailWParamsTemplate(__eventName, __parametersBlock, OWSFailNoFormat)
#define OWSProdCFailWParams(__eventName, __parametersBlock) \
OWSProdFailWParamsTemplate(__eventName, __parametersBlock, OWSCFailNoFormat)
#define OWSProdFail(__eventName) OWSProdFailWParams(__eventName, nil)
#define OWSProdCFail(__eventName) OWSProdCFailWParams(__eventName, nil)
#define OWSProdCFail(__eventName) OWSProdCFailWParams(__eventName, nil)
#define OWSProdEventWParams(__severityLevel, __eventName, __parametersBlock) \
{ \
NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *__eventParameters \
= (__parametersBlock ? ((OWSProdAssertParametersBlock)__parametersBlock)() : nil); \
[OWSAnalytics logEvent:__eventName \
severity:__severityLevel \
parameters:__eventParameters \
location:__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ \
line:__LINE__]; \
#pragma mark - Info Events
#define OWSProdInfoWParams(__eventName, __parametersBlock) \
OWSProdEventWParams(OWSAnalyticsSeverityInfo, __eventName, __parametersBlock)
#define OWSProdInfo(__eventName) OWSProdEventWParams(OWSAnalyticsSeverityInfo, __eventName, nil)
#pragma mark - Error Events
#define OWSProdErrorWParams(__eventName, __parametersBlock) \
OWSProdEventWParams(OWSAnalyticsSeverityError, __eventName, __parametersBlock)
#define OWSProdError(__eventName) OWSProdEventWParams(OWSAnalyticsSeverityError, __eventName, nil)
#pragma mark - Critical Events
#define OWSProdCriticalWParams(__eventName, __parametersBlock) \
OWSProdEventWParams(OWSAnalyticsSeverityCritical, __eventName, __parametersBlock)
#define OWSProdCritical(__eventName) OWSProdEventWParams(OWSAnalyticsSeverityCritical, __eventName, nil)
#pragma mark - OWSMessageManager macros
// Defined here rather than in OWSMessageManager so that our analytic event extraction script
// can properly detect the event names.
// The debug logs can be more verbose than the analytics events.
// In this case `descriptionForEnvelope` is valuable enough to
// log but too dangerous to include in the analytics event.
#define OWSProdErrorWEnvelope(__analyticsEventName, __envelope) \
{ \
OWSLogError(@"%s:%d %@: %@", \
__LINE__, \
__analyticsEventName, \
[self descriptionForEnvelope:__envelope]); \
OWSProdError(__analyticsEventName) \
#define OWSProdInfoWEnvelope(__analyticsEventName, __envelope) \
{ \
OWSLogInfo(@"%s:%d %@: %@", \
__LINE__, \
__analyticsEventName, \
[self descriptionForEnvelope:__envelope]); \
OWSProdInfo(__analyticsEventName) \