v2/v3 onion request tests

This commit is contained in:
Ryan Tharp 2021-03-03 04:16:08 +00:00
parent 9a9830471c
commit 700a77bc7d

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ const assert = require('assert');
const libloki_crypt = require('../../../dialects/transport/lib.loki_crypt');
const util = require('util');
const textEncoder = new util.TextEncoder();
const FormData = require('form-data');
const IV_LENGTH = 16;
@ -105,6 +106,57 @@ const testLsrpc = async (payloadObj, testInfo) => {
return obj;
const testLsrpcV2 = async (payloadObj, testInfo, v = '2') => {
const ephemeralKey = libsignal.curve.generateKeyPair();
const symKey = libloki_crypt.makeSymmetricKey(
ephemeralKey.privKey, // our privkey
OpenServerPubKey, // server's pubkey
const payloadData1 = textEncoder.encode(JSON.stringify(payloadObj));
// payload needs to be JSON encoded...
const cipherTextBuf = libloki_crypt.encryptGCM(symKey, payloadData1);
// first 4 bytes length
// 4 to len + 4 is binary
// then the json appended
// fileUpload
// has to be JSON gcm'd
const lenBuf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);
lenBuf.writeUInt32LE(cipherTextBuf.byteLength, 0);
// ephemeral_key has to be here...
const body = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({
ephemeral_key: bb.wrap(ephemeralKey.pubKey).toString('hex'),
}), 'utf-8')
const payloadData = Buffer.concat([lenBuf, cipherTextBuf, body])
const result = await testInfo.overlayApi.serverRequest('loki/v' + v + '/lsrpc', {
method: 'POST',
rawBody: payloadData,
noJson: true,
//binary: true,
assert.equal(200, result.statusCode);
const nonceCiphertextAndTag = Buffer.from(
bb.wrap(result.response, 'base64').toArrayBuffer()
const decryptedJSON = libloki_crypt.decryptGCM(symKey, nonceCiphertextAndTag);
//console.log('decryptedJSON', decryptedJSON)
const obj = JSON.parse(decryptedJSON)
assert.equal(200, obj.status);
return obj;
const testLsrpcV3 = async (payloadObj, testInfo) => {
return testLsrpcV2(payloadObj, testInfo, 3)
module.exports = (testInfo) => {
it('server public key', async function() {
// test token endpoints
@ -328,6 +380,8 @@ module.exports = (testInfo) => {
// will auto test the response enough
await testLsrpc(submitChalPayloadObj, testInfo);
// set token...
testInfo.overlayApi.token = token
it('lsrpc missing header', async function() {
const payloadObj = {
@ -365,4 +419,246 @@ module.exports = (testInfo) => {
describe('onion request tests v2', function() {
it('lsrpc time v2', async function() {
const payloadObj = {
body: {}, // might need to b64 if binary...
endpoint: 'loki/v1/time',
method: 'GET',
headers: {},
const resp = await testLsrpcV2(payloadObj, testInfo);
// carry this data over...
let obj, readStream
it('lsrpc rpc 10mb file upload v2', async function() {
readStream = Buffer.from('0'.repeat((10 * 1024 * 1024) - 1))
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('type', 'network.loki');
formData.append('content', readStream, {
contentType: 'text/plain',
name: 'content',
filename: 'foo.txt',
// formData => data => rawBody => fetchOptions.body => payloadObj.body
const fData = formData.getBuffer();
const fHeaders = formData.getHeaders();
let payloadObj = {
endpoint: 'files',
method: 'POST',
// don't set application/json on fup
body: {
fileUpload: fData.toString('base64')
headers: fHeaders
const res = await testLsrpcV2(payloadObj, testInfo);
assert.equal(res.status, 200)
obj = JSON.parse(res.body)
assert.equal(obj.meta.code, 200)
it('lsrpc rpc 10mb file download v2', async function() {
// obj.data.url
const endpoint = new URL(obj.data.url).pathname
payloadObj = {
endpoint: 'loki/v1' + endpoint,
method: 'GET',
noJson: true,
res = await testLsrpcV2(payloadObj, testInfo);
assert.equal(res.status, 200)
const download = Buffer.from(res.body.data)
// make sure all bytes match what we uploaded
const compareTest = Buffer.compare(download, readStream)
assert.equal(0, compareTest)
it('lsrpc rpc 1 byte file upload v2', async function() {
readStream = Buffer.from('0')
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('type', 'network.loki');
formData.append('content', readStream, {
contentType: 'text/plain',
name: 'content',
filename: 'foo.txt',
// formData => data => rawBody => fetchOptions.body => payloadObj.body
const fData = formData.getBuffer();
const fHeaders = formData.getHeaders();
let payloadObj = {
endpoint: 'files',
method: 'POST',
// don't set application/json on fup
body: {
fileUpload: fData.toString('base64')
headers: fHeaders
const res = await testLsrpcV2(payloadObj, testInfo);
assert.equal(res.status, 200)
obj = JSON.parse(res.body)
assert.equal(obj.meta.code, 200)
it('lsrpc rpc 1 byte file download v2', async function() {
// obj.data.url
const endpoint = new URL(obj.data.url).pathname
payloadObj = {
endpoint: 'loki/v1' + endpoint,
method: 'GET',
noJson: true,
res = await testLsrpcV2(payloadObj, testInfo);
// res has body, headers, status
assert.equal(res.status, 200)
const download = Buffer.from(res.body, 'base64')
//console.log('download', download)
// make sure all bytes match what we uploaded
const compareTest = Buffer.compare(download, readStream)
assert.equal(0, compareTest)
//console.log('out', res.body.toString())
describe('onion request tests v3', function() {
it('lsrpc time v3', async function() {
const payloadObj = {
body: {}, // might need to b64 if binary...
endpoint: 'loki/v1/time',
method: 'GET',
headers: {},
const resp = await testLsrpcV3(payloadObj, testInfo);
// carry this data over...
let obj, readStream
it('lsrpc rpc 10mb file upload v3', async function() {
readStream = Buffer.from('0'.repeat((10 * 1024 * 1024) - 1))
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('type', 'network.loki');
formData.append('content', readStream, {
contentType: 'text/plain',
name: 'content',
filename: 'foo.txt',
// formData => data => rawBody => fetchOptions.body => payloadObj.body
const fData = formData.getBuffer();
const fHeaders = formData.getHeaders();
let payloadObj = {
endpoint: 'files',
method: 'POST',
// don't set application/json on fup
body: {
fileUpload: fData.toString('base64')
headers: fHeaders
const res = await testLsrpcV3(payloadObj, testInfo);
assert.equal(res.status, 200)
obj = JSON.parse(res.body)
assert.equal(obj.meta.code, 200)
it('lsrpc rpc 10mb file download v3', async function() {
// obj.data.url
const endpoint = new URL(obj.data.url).pathname
payloadObj = {
endpoint: 'loki/v1' + endpoint,
method: 'GET',
noJson: true,
res = await testLsrpcV3(payloadObj, testInfo);
// res has body, headers, status
assert.equal(res.status, 200)
const download = Buffer.from(res.body, 'base64')
//console.log('download', download)
// make sure all bytes match what we uploaded
const compareTest = Buffer.compare(download, readStream)
assert.equal(0, compareTest)
//console.log('out', res.body.toString())
it('lsrpc rpc 1 byte file upload v3', async function() {
readStream = Buffer.from('0')
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('type', 'network.loki');
formData.append('content', readStream, {
contentType: 'text/plain',
name: 'content',
filename: 'foo.txt',
// formData => data => rawBody => fetchOptions.body => payloadObj.body
const fData = formData.getBuffer();
const fHeaders = formData.getHeaders();
let payloadObj = {
endpoint: 'files',
method: 'POST',
// don't set application/json on fup
body: {
fileUpload: fData.toString('base64')
headers: fHeaders
const res = await testLsrpcV3(payloadObj, testInfo);
assert.equal(res.status, 200)
obj = JSON.parse(res.body)
assert.equal(obj.meta.code, 200)
it('lsrpc rpc 1 byte file download v3', async function() {
// obj.data.url
const endpoint = new URL(obj.data.url).pathname
payloadObj = {
endpoint: 'loki/v1' + endpoint,
method: 'GET',
noJson: true,
res = await testLsrpcV3(payloadObj, testInfo);
// res has body, headers, status
assert.equal(res.status, 200)
const download = Buffer.from(res.body, 'base64')
//console.log('download', download)
// make sure all bytes match what we uploaded
const compareTest = Buffer.compare(download, readStream)
assert.equal(0, compareTest)
//console.log('out', res.body.toString())