
230 lines
8.7 KiB

// even though we want to conform to the dialect API
// we need to amend data_access and dispatcher with our own models and api
// best we have a single entry point for all our common dialect to reduce set up in them
const bb = require('bytebuffer');
const libsignal = require('libsignal');
const storage = require('./storage');
const config = require('./lib.config');
const logic = require('./logic');
const dialect = require('./lib.dialect');
const loki_crypt = require('./lib.loki_crypt');
const platformConfigUtil = require('./server/lib/lib.config');
// used for creating a default token for user 1
const ADN_SCOPES = 'basic stream write_post follow messages update_profile files export';
// Look for a config file
const disk_config = config.getDiskConfig();
preflight = false;
const setup = (cache, dispatcher) => {
// I guess we're do preflight checks here...
const dataAccess = cache;
// preflight checks
const addChannelNote = (channelId) => {
var defaultObj = {"name":"Your Public Chat","description":"Your public chat room","avatar":"images/group_default.png"};
dataAccess.addAnnotation('channel', channelId, 'net.patter-app.settings', defaultObj, function(err, rec, meta) {
if (err) console.error('err', err);
if (!rec) {
console.warn('annotation', JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(rec)), 'meta', meta);
const addChannelMessage = (privKey, channelId) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
channel_id: channelId,
text: 'system generated initial message',
machine_only: 0,
thread_id: 0,
userid: 1,
reply_to: 0,
is_deleted: 0,
created_at: new Date
}, async (err, msg) =>{
if (err) console.error('addChannelMessage err', err);
// console.log('addChannelMessage msg', JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(msg)));
if ( {
var defaultObj = {
timestamp: parseInt( / 1000),
const sigData = getSigData(1, defaultObj, {
text: msg.text
const sig = await libsignal.curve.calculateSignature(privKey, sigData);
defaultObj.sigver = 1;
defaultObj.sig = sig.toString('hex');
defaultObj.sig = await loki_crypt.getSigData(1, privKey, defaultObj, {
text: msg.text
defaultObj.sigver = 1;
dataAccess.addAnnotation('message',, 'network.loki.messenger.publicChat', defaultObj, function(err, rec, meta) {
// , JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(rec))
console.log('created initial message for mobile');
resolve(err, msg);
// only do this once on startup...
if (!preflight) {
preflight = true
config.setup({ cache, storage });
logic.setup({ storage, cache, config });
dialect.setup({ dispatcher });
// only set up a channels, if channels enabled (open group mode)
if (platformConfigUtil.moduleEnabled('channels')) {
console.log('Open group mode detected')
dataAccess.getChannel(1, {}, async (err, chnl, meta) => {
if (err) console.error('channel 1 get err', err);
if (chnl && {
const configWhitelistEnabled = !!disk_config.whitelist;
// do read permissions match?
// write shouldn't matter, if you can't get a token/user, you can't write
const channelWhitelistEnabled = chnl.reader !== 0;
console.log('configWhitelistEnabled', configWhitelistEnabled);
console.log('channelWhitelistEnabled', channelWhitelistEnabled);
if (configWhitelistEnabled != channelWhitelistEnabled) {
console.log('Need to fix up channel permissions');
// this will disable public reading of the channel
// would this work with proxy-admin system?
// 0 = public, 1 = any user (has token)
dataAccess.updateChannel(1, { reader: configWhitelistEnabled ? 1 : 0 }, function(err, channel) {
if (err) console.error('overlay updateChannel err', err);
else console.log('updated channel permissions', channel);
if (configWhitelistEnabled) {
// just make sure our owner is whitelisted for proxy mod actions
console.log('checking', chnl.ownerid);
if (chnl.ownerid) {
const alreadyWhitelisted = await storage.isWhitelisted(chnl.ownerid);
if (!alreadyWhitelisted) {
console.log('whitelisting channel owner, userid:', chnl.ownerid);
console.log('need to create initial channel');
// FIXME: user token_helpers's findOrCreateUser?
dataAccess.getUser(1, async (err2, user, meta2) => {
if (err2) console.error('get user 1 err', err2);
// if no user, create the user...
// user === null when D.N.E.
// console.log('user', user);
var privKey, pubKey;
if (!user || !user.length) {
console.log('need to create initial user');
// block until this is complete
user = await new Promise((resolve, rej) => {
const ourKey = libsignal.curve.generateKeyPair();
privKey = ourKey.privKey;
pubKey = ourKey.pubKey;
var pubKeyhex = bb.wrap(ourKey.pubKey).toString('hex')
dataAccess.addUser(pubKeyhex, '', async function(err4, user, meta4) {
if (err4) console.error('add user 1 err', err4);
// maybe some annotation to set the profile name...
// maybe a session icon?
// console.log('schemaType', storage.schemaType)
if (storage.schemaType === 'memory') {
// lets prompt him to mod too...
console.log('Giving temp mod to',
if (config.inWhiteListMode()) {
// add them to the white list...
const result = await logic.whitelistUserForServer(;
if (!result) {
console.warn('could not whitelist!')
// generate a token for server/tests
cache.createOrFindUserToken(, 'messenger', ADN_SCOPES, function(err5, token) {
if (err5) console.error('add user 1 token err', err5);
console.log('generated token', JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(token)));
console.log('user',, 'created!');
// no channel, so we need to create this public channel
dataAccess.addChannel(1, {
type: '',
reader: 0,
writer: 1,
readedit: 1,
writeedit: 1,
editedit: 1,
readers: [],
writers: [],
editors: [],
}, (err3, chnl, meta3) => {
if (err3) console.error('addChannel err', err3);
if (chnl && {
console.log('channel',, 'created');
// only can do this if we just created the userid 1
if (privKey) {
//console.log('need to create message 1!')
} else {
console.error('Unable to set up channel')
// the race was causing this to create a duplicate annotation
dataAccess.getAnnotations('channel', 1, (notes, err, meta) => {
if (err) console.error('getAnnotations channel err', err);
//console.log('notes', notes);
if (!notes || !notes.length) {
console.log('adding note')
} else {
console.log('File server mode detected')
return { storage, logic, config, dialect, cache };
const getUserAccess = async (userid) => {
const globMod = await storage.isGlobalModerator(userid);
if (globMod) return true;
// just get a list a channels I'm a mod for...
const channels = await storage.getChannelModerator(userid);
if (channels.length) {
return channels.join(',');
// finally check local disk config
const configVal = config.globalAllow(userid);
return configVal ? configVal : false;
module.exports = {