![example workflow](https://github.com/oxen-io/session-open-group-server/actions/workflows/check.yml/badge.svg) [API Documentation](https://github.com/oxen-io/session-open-group-server/blob/main/DOCUMENTATION.md) [CLI Reference](https://github.com/oxen-io/session-open-group-server/blob/main/CLI.md) Want to build from source? See [BUILDING.md](https://github.com/oxen-io/session-open-group-server/blob/main/BUILDING.md). Want to deploy using Docker? See [DOCKER.md](https://github.com/oxen-io/session-open-group-server/blob/main/DOCKER.md). ## Installation Instructions ### [Video Guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D83gKXn6iTI) **Note:** .debs for the Session Open Group server are currently only available for Ubuntu 20.04. For other operating systems, you can either [build from source](https://github.com/oxen-io/session-open-group-server/blob/main/BUILDING.md) or use [Docker](https://github.com/oxen-io/session-open-group-server/blob/main/DOCKER.md). ### Step 1: Pull in the Session open group server executable: ``` sudo curl -so /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/oxen.gpg https://deb.oxen.io/pub.gpg echo "deb https://deb.oxen.io $(lsb_release -sc) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oxen.list sudo apt update sudo apt install session-open-group-server ``` ### Step 2: Add a room Add a room of your choice with the following command: ``` session-open-group-server --add-room {room_id} {room_name} ``` `room_id` must be lowercase and consist of only letters, numbers and underscores. For **example**: ``` session-open-group-server --add-room fish FishingAustralia ``` ### Step 3: Print your server's URL Print the URL users can use to join rooms on your open group server by running: ``` session-open-group-server --print-url ``` This will output a result similar to: ``` http://[host_name_or_ip]/[room_id]?public_key=2054fa3271f27ec9e55492c85d022f9582cb4aa2f457e4b885147fb913b9c131 ``` You will need to replace `[host_name_or_ip]` with the IP address of your VPS or the domain mapping to your IP address, and `[room_id]` with the ID of one of the rooms you created earlier. For **example**: ``` ``` This URL can then be used to join the group inside the Session app. ### Step 4: Make yourself a moderator Make yourself a moderator using the following command: ``` session-open-group-server --add-moderator {your_session_id} {room_id} ``` For **example**: ``` session-open-group-server --add-moderator 05d871fc80ca007eed9b2f4df72853e2a2d5465a92fcb1889fb5c84aa2833b3b40 fish ``` ### Step 5: Add an image for your new room (Optional) - Add your room on Session desktop using the URL printed earlier - Use Session desktop to upload a picture for your room Or - Upload a JPG to your VPS - Put it in `/var/lib/session-open-group-server/files` - Rename it to `{room_id}` (no file extension) ## Customization The default options the Session open group server runs with should be fine in most cases, but if you like you can run on a custom port or host, specify the path to the X25519 key pair you want to use, etc. To do this, simply add [the right arguments](https://github.com/oxen-io/session-open-group-server/blob/main/BUILDING.md#step-3-run-it) to the `ExecStart` line in your systemd service file (normally located under `/etc/systemd/system`) and restart your service using: ``` systemctl restart session-open-group-server.service ```