2021-10-14 15:47:10 +11:00

611 lines
24 KiB

use std::collections::HashMap;
use ed25519_dalek;
use log::warn;
use serde::Deserialize;
use serde_json::json;
use warp::{http::StatusCode, reply::Reply, reply::Response, Rejection};
use super::crypto;
use super::errors::Error;
use super::handlers;
use super::models::{self, Room, User};
use super::storage;
pub enum Mode {
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct RpcCall {
pub endpoint: String,
pub body: String,
pub method: String,
// TODO: deprecate headers; currently it only ever contains Authorization (for a deprecated
// token) and Room, which we should replace by encoding the room token in the endpoint.
pub headers: HashMap<String, String>,
// For new, token-less requests; requests without these should be considered deprecated.
/// Ed25519 pubkey, in hex (will be used to derive the Session key by converting and prepending
/// 05).
pub ed25519_pubkey: Option<String>,
/// Arbitrary string; must be different on each request
pub nonce: Option<String>,
/// Ed25519 signature (in base64 or hex) of (method || endpoint || body || nonce)
pub signature: Option<String>,
pub const MODE: Mode = Mode::OpenGroupServer;
// Gets a user from a reflected auth token. Returns None if there is no auth token, User if there
// is a parseable auth token, and an error for anything else.
fn get_user_from_auth_header(
conn: &rusqlite::Connection,
rpc: &RpcCall,
) -> Result<Option<User>, Error> {
if let Some(auth_token_str) = rpc.headers.get("Authorization") {
return Ok(Some(handlers::get_user_from_token(conn, auth_token_str)?));
return Ok(None);
// FIXME TODO - these calls using warp::Rejection as an error type are Doing It Wrong:
// warp::Rejection means "decline this handler, try another one" but everywhere we are using it we
// mean "return an error".
// c.f.
pub async fn handle_rpc_call(mut rpc_call: RpcCall) -> Result<Response, Rejection> {
let have_sig = rpc_call.ed25519_pubkey.is_some();
if rpc_call.nonce.is_some() != have_sig || rpc_call.signature.is_some() != have_sig {
"Invalid request: all or none of {{ed25519_pubkey, nonce, signature}} must be provided"
return Err(Error::InvalidRpcCall.into());
let mut user: Option<User> = None;
if have_sig {
let (edpk, _xpk, sessionid) =
let nonce = rpc_call.nonce.as_ref().unwrap();
// TODO FIXME: reject recent pubkey/nonce combinations.
let mut sig_bytes: [u8; 64] = [0; 64];
&handlers::decode_hex_or_b64(rpc_call.signature.as_ref().unwrap(), 64)?[0..64],
let sig = ed25519_dalek::Signature::new(sig_bytes);
if let Err(sigerr) = crypto::verify_signature(
) {
warn!("Signature verification failed for request from {}", sessionid);
return Err(sigerr.into());
let usr = handlers::insert_or_update_user(&*storage::get_conn()?, &sessionid)?;
// Check for a global ban, and if so, terminate the request right away.
if usr.banned {
return Err(Error::Unauthorized.into());
user = Some(usr);
// Check that the endpoint is a valid URI and deconstruct it into a path
// and query parameters.
if !rpc_call.endpoint.starts_with('/') {
rpc_call.endpoint = format!("/{}", rpc_call.endpoint);
let path: String;
let query_params: HashMap<String, String>;
match rpc_call.endpoint.parse::<http::Uri>() {
Ok(uri) => {
path = uri.path().trim_start_matches('/').to_string();
query_params = match uri.query() {
Some(qs) => form_urlencoded::parse(qs.as_bytes()).into_owned().collect(),
None => HashMap::new(),
Err(e) => {
warn!("Couldn't parse URI from '{}': {}.", &rpc_call.endpoint, e);
return Err(Error::InvalidRpcCall.into());
// TODO FIXME: rather than get the room from a header, here, we should consistently rewrite
// urls to include the room identifier, e.g. POST /r/room123/message (or similar), and handle
// that in the handle_xxx_request.
// Get the room and check that it exists, if a room is provided
let room = get_room(&rpc_call)?;
// Get the user from an auth token (and we are not using signed requests, in which case we
// already know the user).
if room.is_some() && user.is_none() {
user = get_user_from_auth_header(&*storage::get_conn()?, &rpc_call)?;
// Switch on the HTTP method
match rpc_call.method.as_ref() {
"GET" => return handle_get_request(room, rpc_call, &path, user, query_params).await,
"POST" => return handle_post_request(room, rpc_call, &path, user).await,
"DELETE" => {
return handle_delete_request(room.ok_or(Error::NoSuchRoom)?, rpc_call, &path, user)
_ => {
warn!("Ignoring RPC call with invalid or unused HTTP method: {}.", rpc_call.method);
return Err(Error::InvalidRpcCall.into());
async fn handle_get_request(
room: Option<Room>,
rpc_call: RpcCall,
path: &str,
user: Option<User>,
query_params: HashMap<String, String>,
) -> Result<Response, Rejection> {
let mut components: Vec<&str> = path.split('/').collect();
if components.len() == 0 {
// Handle routes that don't require authorization first
if components[0] == "auth_token_challenge" && components.len() == 1 {
let challenge = handlers::get_auth_token_challenge(
let response = json!({ "status_code": StatusCode::OK.as_u16(), "challenge": challenge });
return Ok(warp::reply::json(&response).into_response());
// /rooms/* endpoint: Deprecated.
// Use `GET /rooms` or `GET /r/ROOMID` or `GET /r/ROOMID/file/ID` instead.
if components[0] == "rooms" {
if components.len() == 1 {
return handlers::get_all_rooms_v01x();
let room_token = components[1];
let room = match room {
None => storage::get_room_from_token(&*storage::get_conn()?, room_token)?,
Some(room) => {
if room.token != room_token {
warn!("Attempt to access /rooms/ROOM with mismatched path/header room tokens");
return Err(Error::InvalidRpcCall.into());
if components.len() == 2 {
return handlers::get_room_v01x(&room);
} else if components[2] == "image" && components.len() == 3 {
return handlers::get_room_image(room).await;
warn!("Invalid endpoint: {}.", rpc_call.endpoint);
return Err(Error::InvalidRpcCall.into());
if path.starts_with("session_version") {
match MODE {
Mode::OpenGroupServer => {
warn!("Ignoring RPC call with invalid or unused endpoint: {}.", path);
return Err(Error::InvalidRpcCall.into());
Mode::FileServer => (),
let platform = query_params
.ok_or_else(|| warp::reject::custom(Error::InvalidRpcCall))?;
let version = handlers::get_session_version(platform).await?;
let response = handlers::GenericStringResponse {
status_code: StatusCode::OK.as_u16(),
result: version,
return Ok(warp::reply::json(&response).into_response());
if matches!(MODE, Mode::FileServer) && path.starts_with("files") {
panic!("FIXME -- file server retrieval");
// Handle routes that require authorization
let user = user.ok_or(Error::NoAuthToken)?;
// TODO FIXME: new endpoints:
// - /r/ROOMID - retrieves room metadata
// - /r/ROOMID/recent - retrieves recent messages
// - /r/ROOMID/message/ID - retrieve a message by ID
// - /r/ROOMID/file/FILEID/filename - retrieve a file by id (the "filename" part is optional and
// only suggestive)
// - /r/ROOMID/moderators - retrieves publicly visible room moderators and admins
// - /r/ROOMID/moderators/all - retrieves visible + hidden room moderators/admins (requires
// moderator permission)
// - /r/ROOMID/bans - retrieves banned public keys. The full list is only visible to
// moderators; for regular users this will be either empty or include just their own session
// ID (if banned).
// Everything below this point requires a room:
let room = room.ok_or(Error::NoSuchRoom)?;
// All of these are deprecated; should be using /r/ROOMID/whatever instead.
match components[0] {
"messages" => {
return Ok(warp::reply::json(&json!({
"status_code": StatusCode::OK.as_u16(),
"messages": handlers::get_messages(query_params, user, room)?
// FIXME: can drop `.into_response()` I think?
"deleted_messages" => {
let deletions = handlers::get_deleted_messages(query_params, user, room)?;
let response = json!({ "status_code": StatusCode::OK.as_u16(), "ids": deletions });
return Ok(warp::reply::json(&response).into_response());
"files" if components.len() == 2 => {
if let Ok(file_id) = components[1].parse::<i64>() {
return handlers::get_file(room, file_id, user);
"moderators" => {
let public_keys = handlers::get_moderators(&*storage::get_conn()?, &user, &room)?;
let response =
json!({ "status_code": StatusCode::OK.as_u16(), "moderators": public_keys });
return Ok(warp::reply::json(&response).into_response());
"block_list" => {
return handlers::get_banned_public_keys(&user, &room);
"member_count" => {
return handlers::get_member_count(user, room);
_ => {}
warn!("Ignoring RPC call with invalid or unused endpoint: {}.", rpc_call.endpoint);
return Err(Error::InvalidRpcCall.into());
async fn handle_post_request(
room: Option<Room>,
rpc_call: RpcCall,
path: &str,
user: Option<User>,
) -> Result<Response, Rejection> {
// Handle routes that don't require authorization first
// The compact poll endpoint expects the auth token to be in the request body; not in the
// headers.
// TODO FIXME: Deprecated; replace this with a /multi endpoint that takes a list of requests to
// submit (but rather than be specific to that endpoint, it would allow *any* other endpoints
// to be invoked).
if path == "compact_poll" {
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct CompactPollRequestBodyWrapper {
requests: Vec<models::CompactPollRequestBody>,
let wrapper: CompactPollRequestBodyWrapper = match serde_json::from_str(&rpc_call.body) {
Ok(bodies) => bodies,
Err(e) => {
"Couldn't parse compact poll request body wrapper from '{}': {}.",
rpc_call.body, e
return Err(Error::InvalidRpcCall.into());
return handlers::compact_poll(user, wrapper.requests);
if path == "files" && matches!(MODE, Mode::FileServer) {
// This route doesn't requires auth in file server mode
panic!("No file server mode");
// Handle routes that require authorization
let user = user.ok_or(Error::NoAuthToken)?;
if path == "rooms" || path.starts_with("rooms/") {
let components: Vec<&str> = path.split('/').collect(); // Split on subsequent slashes
if components.len() == 3 && components[2] == "image" {
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct JSON {
file: String,
let json: JSON = match serde_json::from_str(&rpc_call.body) {
Ok(json) => json,
Err(e) => {
warn!("Couldn't parse JSON from '{}': {}.", rpc_call.body, e);
return Err(Error::InvalidRpcCall.into());
// Why does this method pass the room differently than most of the other functions?!
let room_token = components[1];
let room = match room {
None => storage::get_room_from_token(&*storage::get_conn()?, room_token)?,
Some(room) => {
if room.token != room_token {
warn!("Attempt to access POST /rooms/ROOM with mismatched path/header room tokens");
return Err(Error::InvalidRpcCall.into());
// FIXME TODO: add an input field so that the uploader can pass the filename
let filename: Option<&str> = None;
return handlers::set_room_image(room, user, &json.file, filename).await;
} else {
warn!("Invalid endpoint: {}.", rpc_call.endpoint);
return Err(Error::InvalidRpcCall.into());
// Everything below this port requires a room:
// FIXME -- "moderators" (which adds a moderator) might be broken by this for older clients
// because it used to take room_id *both* via the header *and* as a field in request body (and
// then only used the one in the request body). If Session is passing both room values then
// everything should be fine.
let room = room.ok_or(Error::NoSuchRoom)?;
match path {
"messages" => {
// FIXME TODO - Deprecated, returns old message format. Rewrite this as
// `POST /r/ROOMID/message`.
// FIXME 2: Add a `POST /r/ROOMID/message/ID` for editing a message.
let message: models::PostMessage = match serde_json::from_str(&rpc_call.body) {
Ok(message) => message,
Err(e) => {
warn!("Couldn't parse message from '{}': {}.", rpc_call.body, e);
return Err(Error::InvalidRpcCall.into());
return handlers::insert_message(room, user, &, &message.signature);
"files" => {
// FIXME TODO - Deprecated; rewrite as `POST /r/ROOMID/file`, make it require a
// filename
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct JSON {
file: String,
let json: JSON = match serde_json::from_str(&rpc_call.body) {
Ok(json) => json,
Err(e) => {
warn!("Couldn't parse JSON from '{}': {}.", rpc_call.body, e);
return Err(Error::InvalidRpcCall.into());
// FIXME TODO: add an input field so that the uploader can pass the filename
let filename: Option<&str> = None;
return handlers::store_file(&room, &user, &json.file, filename);
// FIXME: deprecate these next two separate endpoints and replace with a single
// "/r/ROOMID/ban" endpoint that has a "delete all?" flag, and has options for different
// types of bans and ban expiries.
"block_list" => {
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct JSON {
public_key: String,
let json: JSON = match serde_json::from_str(&rpc_call.body) {
Ok(json) => json,
Err(e) => {
warn!("Couldn't parse JSON from '{}': {}.", rpc_call.body, e);
return Err(Error::InvalidRpcCall.into());
return handlers::ban(&json.public_key, false, &user, &room).await;
"ban_and_delete_all" => {
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct JSON {
public_key: String,
let json: JSON = match serde_json::from_str(&rpc_call.body) {
Ok(json) => json,
Err(e) => {
warn!("Couldn't parse JSON from '{}': {}.", rpc_call.body, e);
return Err(Error::InvalidRpcCall.into());
return handlers::ban(&json.public_key, true, &user, &room).await;
"claim_auth_token" => {
// Deprecated; has no purpose anymore (but here for older clients to not get an error)
// because we're already verified the token (and there are no ephemeral tokens
// anymore).
let json = models::StatusCode { status_code: StatusCode::OK.as_u16() };
return Ok(warp::reply::json(&json).into_response());
"moderators" => {
// FIXME TODO - Deprecated; Rewrite as /r/ROOMID/moderator and allow it to support new
// moderator options such as being a hidden mod
let body: models::ChangeModeratorRequestBody =
match serde_json::from_str(&rpc_call.body) {
Ok(body) => body,
Err(e) => {
warn!("Couldn't parse JSON from '{}': {}.", rpc_call.body, e);
return Err(Error::InvalidRpcCall.into());
return handlers::add_moderator_public(
"delete_messages" => {
// FIXME TODO - Deprecated; this should be a DELETE /r/ROOMID/ID request, and if we
// need multiple deletes in one request then should use the POST /multi endpoint to
// submit them.
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct JSON {
ids: Vec<i64>,
let json: JSON = match serde_json::from_str(&rpc_call.body) {
Ok(json) => json,
Err(e) => {
warn!("Couldn't parse JSON from '{}': {}.", rpc_call.body, e);
return Err(Error::InvalidRpcCall.into());
return handlers::delete_messages(json.ids, &user, &room);
_ => {
warn!("Ignoring RPC call with invalid or unused endpoint: {}.", path);
return Err(Error::InvalidRpcCall.into());
async fn handle_delete_request(
room: Room,
rpc_call: RpcCall,
path: &str,
user: Option<User>,
) -> Result<Response, Rejection> {
// Check that the auth token is present
let user = user.ok_or(Error::NoAuthToken)?;
// DELETE /messages/:server_id
// FIXME TODO: Deprecated; use DELETE /r/ROOMID/message/ID instead.
if path.starts_with("messages") {
let components: Vec<&str> = path.split('/').collect(); // Split on subsequent slashes
if components.len() != 2 {
warn!("Invalid endpoint: {}.", path);
return Err(Error::InvalidRpcCall.into());
let server_id: i64 = match components[1].parse() {
Ok(server_id) => server_id,
Err(_) => {
warn!("Invalid endpoint: {}.", path);
return Err(Error::InvalidRpcCall.into());
return handlers::delete_message(&*storage::get_conn()?, server_id, &user, &room);
// DELETE /block_list/:public_key
// FIXME TODO: Deprecated; use DELETE /r/ROOMID/unban/ID instead.
if path.starts_with("block_list") {
let components: Vec<&str> = path.split('/').collect(); // Split on subsequent slashes
if components.len() != 2 {
warn!("Invalid endpoint: {}.", path);
return Err(Error::InvalidRpcCall.into());
let public_key = components[1].to_string();
return handlers::unban(&public_key, &user, &room);
// DELETE /auth_token. Deprecated and does nothing.
if path == "auth_token" {
// No-op; this is here for backwards compat with Session clients that try to use auth
// tokens.
let json = models::StatusCode { status_code: StatusCode::OK.as_u16() };
return Ok(warp::reply::json(&json).into_response());
// DELETE /moderators/:public_key
// FIXME TODO: Deprecated; use DELETE /r/ROOMID/moderator/SESSIONID
if path.starts_with("moderators") {
let components: Vec<&str> = path.split('/').collect(); // Split on subsequent slashes
if components.len() != 2 {
warn!("Invalid endpoint: {}.", path);
return Err(Error::InvalidRpcCall.into());
let session_id = components[1].to_string();
let room = match get_room(&rpc_call)? {
Some(room) => room,
None => {
warn!("Missing room ID.");
return Err(Error::InvalidRpcCall.into());
return handlers::delete_moderator_public(&session_id, user, room);
// Unrecognized endpoint
warn!("Ignoring RPC call with invalid or unused endpoint: {}.", path);
return Err(Error::InvalidRpcCall.into());
// Utilities
fn get_room(rpc_call: &RpcCall) -> Result<Option<Room>, Error> {
if matches!(MODE, Mode::FileServer) {
// WTF giant FIXME:
// In file server mode we don't have a concept of rooms, but for convenience (i.e. so we
// can use the same database structure) we just always use the main room
assert!(matches!(MODE, Mode::OpenGroupServer));
if rpc_call.headers.is_empty() {
return Ok(None);
let room_token = match rpc_call.headers.get("Room") {
Some(s) => s,
None => return Ok(None),
return Ok(Some(storage::get_room_from_token(&*storage::get_conn()?, room_token)?));
fn reject_if_file_server_mode(path: &str) -> Result<(), Rejection> {
match MODE {
Mode::FileServer => {
warn!("Ignoring RPC call with invalid or unused endpoint: {}.", path);
return Err(Error::InvalidRpcCall.into());
Mode::OpenGroupServer => return Ok(()),