
387 lines
13 KiB

use regex::Regex;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::path::Path;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use log::{error, info};
use r2d2_sqlite::SqliteConnectionManager;
use rusqlite::params;
use rusqlite_migration::{Migrations, M};
use super::errors::Error;
pub type DatabaseConnection = r2d2::PooledConnection<SqliteConnectionManager>;
pub type DatabaseConnectionPool = r2d2::Pool<SqliteConnectionManager>;
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct RoomId {
id: String,
lazy_static::lazy_static! {
// Alphanumeric, Decimals "-" & "_" only and must be between 1 - 64 characters
static ref REGULAR_CHARACTERS_ONLY: Regex = Regex::new(r"^[\w-]{1,64}$").unwrap();
impl RoomId {
pub fn new(room_id: &str) -> Option<RoomId> {
if REGULAR_CHARACTERS_ONLY.is_match(room_id) {
return Some(RoomId { id: room_id.to_string() });
} else {
return None;
pub fn get_id(&self) -> &str {
// Main
lazy_static::lazy_static! {
pub static ref MAIN_POOL: DatabaseConnectionPool = {
let file_name = "database.db";
let db_manager = r2d2_sqlite::SqliteConnectionManager::file(file_name);
return r2d2::Pool::new(db_manager).unwrap();
pub fn create_main_database_if_needed() {
let pool = &MAIN_POOL;
let conn = pool.get().unwrap();
fn create_main_tables_if_needed(conn: &DatabaseConnection) {
let main_table_cmd = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS main (
name TEXT,
image_id TEXT
conn.execute(&main_table_cmd, params![]).expect("Couldn't create main table.");
// Rooms
pub const PENDING_TOKEN_EXPIRATION: i64 = 10 * 60;
pub const TOKEN_EXPIRATION: i64 = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60;
pub const FILE_EXPIRATION: i64 = 15 * 24 * 60 * 60;
lazy_static::lazy_static! {
static ref POOLS: Mutex<HashMap<String, DatabaseConnectionPool>> = Mutex::new(HashMap::new());
pub fn pool_by_room_id(room_id: &RoomId) -> DatabaseConnectionPool {
let mut pools = POOLS.lock().unwrap();
if let Some(pool) = pools.get(room_id.get_id()) {
return pool.clone();
} else {
let raw_path = format!("rooms/{}.db", room_id.get_id());
let path = Path::new(&raw_path);
let db_manager = r2d2_sqlite::SqliteConnectionManager::file(path);
let pool = r2d2::Pool::new(db_manager).unwrap();
pools.insert(room_id.get_id().to_string(), pool);
return pools[room_id.get_id()].clone();
pub fn create_database_if_needed(room_id: &RoomId) {
let pool = pool_by_room_id(room_id);
let conn = pool.get().unwrap();
pub fn create_room_tables_if_needed(conn: &DatabaseConnection) {
// Messages
// The `id` field is needed to make `rowid` stable, which is important because otherwise
// the `id`s in this table won't correspond to those in the deleted messages table
let messages_table_cmd = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS messages (
public_key TEXT,
timestamp INTEGER,
data TEXT,
signature TEXT,
is_deleted INTEGER
conn.execute(&messages_table_cmd, params![]).expect("Couldn't create messages table.");
// Deleted messages
let deleted_messages_table_cmd = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS deleted_messages (
deleted_message_id INTEGER
conn.execute(&deleted_messages_table_cmd, params![])
.expect("Couldn't create deleted messages table.");
// Moderators
let moderators_table_cmd = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS moderators (
public_key TEXT
conn.execute(&moderators_table_cmd, params![]).expect("Couldn't create moderators table.");
// Block list
let block_list_table_cmd = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS block_list (
public_key TEXT
conn.execute(&block_list_table_cmd, params![]).expect("Couldn't create block list table.");
// Pending tokens
// Note that a given public key can have multiple pending tokens
let pending_tokens_table_cmd = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pending_tokens (
public_key TEXT,
timestamp INTEGER,
token BLOB
conn.execute(&pending_tokens_table_cmd, params![])
.expect("Couldn't create pending tokens table.");
// Tokens
// The token is stored as hex here (rather than as bytes) because it's more convenient for lookup
let tokens_table_cmd = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tokens (
public_key TEXT,
timestamp INTEGER,
conn.execute(&tokens_table_cmd, params![]).expect("Couldn't create tokens table.");
// Files
let files_table_cmd = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS files (
timestamp INTEGER
conn.execute(&files_table_cmd, params![]).expect("Couldn't create files table.");
// User activity table
let user_activity_table_cmd = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user_activity (
public_key TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
last_active INTEGER NOT NULL
conn.execute(&user_activity_table_cmd, params![])
.expect("Couldn't create user activity table.");
// Pruning
pub async fn prune_tokens_periodically() {
let mut timer = tokio::time::interval(chrono::Duration::minutes(10).to_std().unwrap());
loop {
tokio::spawn(async {
pub async fn prune_pending_tokens_periodically() {
let mut timer = tokio::time::interval(chrono::Duration::minutes(10).to_std().unwrap());
loop {
tokio::spawn(async {
pub async fn prune_files_periodically() {
let mut timer = tokio::time::interval(chrono::Duration::days(1).to_std().unwrap());
loop {
tokio::spawn(async {
async fn prune_tokens() {
let rooms = match get_all_room_ids() {
Ok(rooms) => rooms,
Err(_) => return,
for room in rooms {
let pool = pool_by_room_id(&room);
// It's not catastrophic if we fail to prune the database for a given room
let conn = match pool.get() {
Ok(conn) => conn,
Err(e) => return error!("Couldn't prune tokens due to error: {}.", e),
let stmt = "DELETE FROM tokens WHERE timestamp < (?1)";
let now = chrono::Utc::now().timestamp();
let expiration = now - TOKEN_EXPIRATION;
match conn.execute(&stmt, params![expiration]) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => return error!("Couldn't prune tokens due to error: {}.", e),
info!("Pruned tokens.");
async fn prune_pending_tokens() {
let rooms = match get_all_room_ids() {
Ok(rooms) => rooms,
Err(_) => return,
for room in rooms {
let pool = pool_by_room_id(&room);
// It's not catastrophic if we fail to prune the database for a given room
let conn = match pool.get() {
Ok(conn) => conn,
Err(e) => return error!("Couldn't prune pending tokens due to error: {}.", e),
let stmt = "DELETE FROM pending_tokens WHERE timestamp < (?1)";
let now = chrono::Utc::now().timestamp();
let expiration = now - PENDING_TOKEN_EXPIRATION;
match conn.execute(&stmt, params![expiration]) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => return error!("Couldn't prune pending tokens due to error: {}.", e),
info!("Pruned pending tokens.");
fn get_expired_file_ids(
pool: &DatabaseConnectionPool, file_expiration: i64,
) -> Result<Vec<String>, ()> {
let now = chrono::Utc::now().timestamp();
let expiration = now - file_expiration;
// Get a database connection and open a transaction
let conn = pool.get().map_err(|e| {
error!("Couldn't get database connection to prune files due to error: {}.", e);
// Get the IDs of the files to delete
let raw_query = "SELECT id FROM files WHERE timestamp < (?1)";
let mut query = conn.prepare(&raw_query).map_err(|e| {
error!("Couldn't prepare query to prune files due to error: {}.", e);
let rows = query.query_map(params![expiration], |row| row.get(0)).map_err(|e| {
error!("Couldn't prune files due to error: {} (expiration = {}).", e, expiration);
Ok(rows.filter_map(|result| result.ok()).collect())
pub async fn prune_files_for_room(
pool: &DatabaseConnectionPool, room: &RoomId, file_expiration: i64,
) {
let ids = get_expired_file_ids(&pool, file_expiration);
match ids {
Ok(ids) if !ids.is_empty() => {
// Delete the files
let futs = ids.iter().map(|id| async move {
tokio::fs::remove_file(format!("files/{}_files/{}", room.get_id(), id)).await,
let results = futures::future::join_all(futs).await;
for (res, id) in results {
if let Err(err) = res {
"Couldn't delete file: {} from room: {} due to error: {}.",
let conn = match pool.get() {
Ok(conn) => conn,
Err(e) => {
return error!(
"Couldn't get database connection to prune files due to error: {}.",
// Measure the time it takes to delete all files sequentially
// (this might become a problem since we're not using an async interface)
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
// Remove the file records from the database
// FIXME: It'd be great to do this in a single statement, but apparently this is not supported very well
for id in ids {
let stmt = "DELETE FROM files WHERE id = (?1)";
match conn.execute(&stmt, params![id]) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => {
return error!("Couldn't prune file with ID: {} due to error: {}.", id, e)
// Log the result
info!("Pruned files for room: {}. Took: {:?}", room.get_id(), now.elapsed());
Ok(_) => {
// empty
Err(_) => {
// It's not catastrophic if we fail to prune the database for a given room
pub async fn prune_files(file_expiration: i64) {
// The expiration setting is passed in for testing purposes
let rooms = match get_all_room_ids() {
Ok(rooms) => rooms,
Err(_) => return,
let futs = rooms.into_iter().map(|room| async move {
let pool = pool_by_room_id(&room);
prune_files_for_room(&pool, &room, file_expiration).await;
// Migration
pub fn perform_migration() {
let rooms = match get_all_room_ids() {
Ok(ids) => ids,
Err(_e) => {
return error!("Couldn't get all room IDs.");
let create_tokens_table_cmd = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tokens (
public_key TEXT,
timestamp INTEGER,
let migrations =
Migrations::new(vec![M::up("DROP TABLE tokens"), M::up(&create_tokens_table_cmd)]);
for room in rooms {
let pool = pool_by_room_id(&room);
let mut conn = pool.get().unwrap();
migrations.to_latest(&mut conn).unwrap();
// Utilities
fn get_all_room_ids() -> Result<Vec<RoomId>, Error> {
// Get a database connection
let conn = MAIN_POOL.get().map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
// Query the database
let raw_query = "SELECT id FROM main";
let mut query = conn.prepare(&raw_query).map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
let rows = match query.query_map(params![], |row| row.get(0)) {
Ok(rows) => rows,
Err(e) => {
error!("Couldn't query database due to error: {}.", e);
return Err(Error::DatabaseFailedInternally);
let room_ids: Vec<_> = rows
.filter_map(|result: Result<String, _>| result.ok())
.map(|opt| RoomId::new(&opt))
// Return
return Ok(room_ids);