2021-03-17 11:15:06 +11:00

371 lines
17 KiB

use chrono;
use rusqlite::params;
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use warp::{Rejection, http::StatusCode, reply::Reply, reply::Response};
use super::crypto;
use super::errors::Error;
use super::models;
use super::rpc;
use super::storage;
// TODO: Expire tokens after 10 minutes
pub async fn get_challenge(hex_public_key: String, pool: &storage::DatabaseConnectionPool) -> Result<Response, Rejection> {
// Validate the public key
if !is_valid_public_key(&hex_public_key) {
println!("Ignoring challenge request for invalid public key.");
return Err(warp::reject::custom(Error::ValidationFailed));
// Convert the public key to bytes and cut off the version byte
let public_key: Vec<u8> = hex::decode(&hex_public_key).unwrap()[1..].to_vec();
// Generate an ephemeral key pair
let (ephemeral_private_key, ephemeral_public_key) = crypto::generate_ephemeral_x25519_key_pair().await;
// Generate a symmetric key from the requesting user's public key and the ephemeral private key
let symmetric_key = crypto::get_x25519_symmetric_key(&public_key, &ephemeral_private_key).await?;
// Generate a random token
let mut token = [0u8; 48];
thread_rng().fill(&mut token[..]);
// Store the (pending) token
// A given public key can have multiple pending tokens
let now = chrono::Utc::now().timestamp();
let mut conn = pool.get().map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
let tx = conn.transaction().map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
let stmt = format!("INSERT INTO {} (public_key, timestamp, token) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3)", storage::PENDING_TOKENS_TABLE);
match tx.execute(&stmt, params![ hex_public_key, now, token.to_vec() ]) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => {
println!("Couldn't insert pending token due to error: {}.", e);
return Err(warp::reject::custom(Error::DatabaseFailedInternally));
tx.commit().map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
// Encrypt the token with the symmetric key
let ciphertext = crypto::encrypt_aes_gcm(&token, &symmetric_key).await?;
// Return
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug)]
struct JSON {
ciphertext: String,
ephemeral_public_key: String
let json = JSON { ciphertext : base64::encode(ciphertext), ephemeral_public_key : base64::encode(ephemeral_public_key.to_bytes()) };
return Ok(warp::reply::json(&json).into_response());
pub async fn claim_token(public_key: String, token: String, pool: &storage::DatabaseConnectionPool) -> Result<Response, Rejection> {
// Validate the public key
if !is_valid_public_key(&public_key) {
println!("Ignoring claim token request for invalid public key.");
return Err(warp::reject::custom(Error::ValidationFailed));
// Validate the token
if !is_valid_public_key(&token) {
println!("Ignoring claim token request for invalid token.");
return Err(warp::reject::custom(Error::ValidationFailed));
// Get a database connection and open a transaction
let mut conn = pool.get().map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
let tx = conn.transaction().map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
// Get the pending tokens for the given public key
let pending_tokens: Vec<(i64, Vec<u8>)> = {
let raw_query = format!("SELECT timestamp, token FROM {} WHERE public_key = (?1) AND timestamp > (?2)", storage::PENDING_TOKENS_TABLE);
let mut query = tx.prepare(&raw_query).map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
let now = chrono::Utc::now().timestamp();
let expiration = now - storage::PENDING_TOKEN_EXPIRATION;
let rows = match query.query_map(params![ public_key, expiration ], |row| {
Ok((row.get(0)?, row.get(1)?))
}) {
Ok(rows) => rows,
Err(e) => {
println!("Couldn't get pending tokens due to error: {}.", e);
return Err(warp::reject::custom(Error::DatabaseFailedInternally));
rows.filter_map(|result| result.ok()).collect()
// Check that the token being claimed is in fact one of the pending tokens
let claim = hex::decode(token).unwrap(); // Safe because we validated it above
let index = pending_tokens.iter().position(|(_, pending_token)| *pending_token == claim).ok_or_else(|| Error::Unauthorized)?;
let token = &pending_tokens[index].1;
// Delete all pending tokens for the given public key
let stmt = format!("DELETE FROM {} WHERE public_key = (?1)", storage::PENDING_TOKENS_TABLE);
match tx.execute(&stmt, params![ public_key ]) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => println!("Couldn't delete pending tokens due to error: {}.", e) // It's not catastrophic if this fails
// Store the claimed token
let stmt = format!("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {} (public_key, token) VALUES (?1, ?2)", storage::TOKENS_TABLE);
match tx.execute(&stmt, params![ public_key, token ]) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => {
println!("Couldn't insert token due to error: {}.", e);
return Err(warp::reject::custom(Error::DatabaseFailedInternally));
// Commit
tx.commit().map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
// Return
return Ok(StatusCode::OK.into_response());
/// Inserts the given `message` into the database if it's valid.
pub async fn insert_message(mut message: models::Message, pool: &storage::DatabaseConnectionPool) -> Result<Response, Rejection> {
// Validate the message
if !message.is_valid() {
println!("Ignoring invalid message.");
return Err(warp::reject::custom(Error::ValidationFailed));
// TODO: Check that the requesting user isn't banned
// Get a connection and open a transaction
let mut conn = pool.get().map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
let tx = conn.transaction().map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
// Insert the message
let stmt = format!("INSERT INTO {} (text) VALUES (?1)", storage::MESSAGES_TABLE);
match tx.execute(&stmt, params![ message.text ]) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => {
println!("Couldn't insert message due to error: {}.", e);
return Err(warp::reject::custom(Error::DatabaseFailedInternally));
let id = tx.last_insert_rowid();
message.server_id = Some(id);
// Commit
tx.commit().map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
// Return
return Ok(warp::reply::json(&message).into_response());
/// Returns either the last `limit` messages or all messages since `from_server_id, limited to `limit`.
pub async fn get_messages(options: rpc::QueryOptions, pool: &storage::DatabaseConnectionPool) -> Result<Response, Rejection> {
// Get a database connection
let conn = pool.get().map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
// Unwrap parameters
let from_server_id = options.from_server_id.unwrap_or(0);
let limit = options.limit.unwrap_or(256); // Never return more than 256 messages at once
// Query the database
let raw_query: String;
if options.from_server_id.is_some() {
raw_query = format!("SELECT id, text FROM {} WHERE rowid > (?1) LIMIT (?2)", storage::MESSAGES_TABLE);
} else {
raw_query = format!("SELECT id, text FROM {} ORDER BY rowid DESC LIMIT (?2)", storage::MESSAGES_TABLE);
let mut query = conn.prepare(&raw_query).map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
let rows = match query.query_map(params![ from_server_id, limit ], |row| {
Ok(models::Message { server_id : row.get(0)?, text : row.get(1)? })
}) {
Ok(rows) => rows,
Err(e) => {
println!("Couldn't get messages due to error: {}.", e);
return Err(warp::reject::custom(Error::DatabaseFailedInternally));
let messages: Vec<models::Message> = rows.filter_map(|result| result.ok()).collect();
// Return the messages
return Ok(warp::reply::json(&messages).into_response());
/// Deletes the message with the given `row_id` from the database, if it's present.
pub async fn delete_message(row_id: i64, pool: &storage::DatabaseConnectionPool) -> Result<Response, Rejection> {
// TODO: Check that the requesting user has permission (either it's their own message or they're a moderator)
// Get a connection and open a transaction
let mut conn = pool.get().map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
let tx = conn.transaction().map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
// Delete the message if it's present
let stmt = format!("DELETE FROM {} WHERE rowid = (?1)", storage::MESSAGES_TABLE);
let count = match tx.execute(&stmt, params![ row_id ]) {
Ok(count) => count,
Err(e) => {
println!("Couldn't delete message due to error: {}.", e);
return Err(warp::reject::custom(Error::DatabaseFailedInternally));
// Update the deletions table if needed
if count > 0 {
let stmt = format!("INSERT INTO {} (id) VALUES (?1)", storage::DELETED_MESSAGES_TABLE);
match tx.execute(&stmt, params![ row_id ]) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => {
println!("Couldn't delete message due to error: {}.", e);
return Err(warp::reject::custom(Error::DatabaseFailedInternally));
// Commit
tx.commit().map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
// Return
return Ok(StatusCode::OK.into_response());
/// Returns either the last `limit` deleted messages or all deleted messages since `from_server_id, limited to `limit`.
pub async fn get_deleted_messages(options: rpc::QueryOptions, pool: &storage::DatabaseConnectionPool) -> Result<Response, Rejection> {
// Get a database connection
let conn = pool.get().map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
// Unwrap parameters
let from_server_id = options.from_server_id.unwrap_or(0);
let limit = options.limit.unwrap_or(256); // Never return more than 256 deleted messages at once
// Query the database
let raw_query: String;
if options.from_server_id.is_some() {
raw_query = format!("SELECT id FROM {} WHERE rowid > (?1) LIMIT (?2)", storage::DELETED_MESSAGES_TABLE);
} else {
raw_query = format!("SELECT id FROM {} ORDER BY rowid DESC LIMIT (?2)", storage::DELETED_MESSAGES_TABLE);
let mut query = conn.prepare(&raw_query).map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
let rows = match query.query_map(params![ from_server_id, limit ], |row| {
}) {
Ok(rows) => rows,
Err(e) => {
println!("Couldn't query database due to error: {}.", e);
return Err(warp::reject::custom(Error::DatabaseFailedInternally));
let ids: Vec<i64> = rows.filter_map(|result| result.ok()).collect();
// Return the IDs
return Ok(warp::reply::json(&ids).into_response());
/// Returns the full list of moderators.
pub async fn get_moderators(pool: &storage::DatabaseConnectionPool) -> Result<Response, Rejection> {
let public_keys = get_moderators_vector(pool).await?;
return Ok(warp::reply::json(&public_keys).into_response());
/// Bans the given `public_key`, if the requesting user is a moderator.
pub async fn ban(public_key: &str, pool: &storage::DatabaseConnectionPool) -> Result<Response, Rejection> {
// Validate the public key
if !is_valid_public_key(&public_key) {
println!("Ignoring ban request for invalid public key.");
return Err(warp::reject::custom(Error::ValidationFailed));
// TODO: Check that the requesting user is a moderator
// Don't double ban public keys
if is_banned(&public_key, pool).await? { return Ok(StatusCode::OK.into_response()); }
// Get a connection and open a transaction
let mut conn = pool.get().map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
let tx = conn.transaction().map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
// Insert the message
let stmt = format!("INSERT INTO {} (public_key) VALUES (?1)", storage::BLOCK_LIST_TABLE);
match tx.execute(&stmt, params![ public_key ]) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => {
println!("Couldn't ban public key due to error: {}.", e);
return Err(warp::reject::custom(Error::DatabaseFailedInternally));
// Commit
tx.commit().map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
// Return
return Ok(StatusCode::OK.into_response());
/// Unbans the given `public_key`, if the requesting user is a moderator.
pub async fn unban(public_key: &str, pool: &storage::DatabaseConnectionPool) -> Result<Response, Rejection> {
// Validate the public key
if !is_valid_public_key(&public_key) {
println!("Ignoring unban request for invalid public key.");
return Err(warp::reject::custom(Error::ValidationFailed));
// TODO: Check that the requesting user is a moderator
// Don't double unban public keys
if !is_banned(&public_key, pool).await? { return Ok(StatusCode::OK.into_response()); }
// Get a connection and open a transaction
let mut conn = pool.get().map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
let tx = conn.transaction().map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
// Insert the message
let stmt = format!("DELETE FROM {} WHERE public_key = (?1)", storage::BLOCK_LIST_TABLE);
match tx.execute(&stmt, params![ public_key ]) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => {
println!("Couldn't unban public key due to error: {}.", e);
return Err(warp::reject::custom(Error::DatabaseFailedInternally));
// Commit
tx.commit().map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
// Return
return Ok(StatusCode::OK.into_response());
/// Returns the full list of banned public keys.
pub async fn get_banned_public_keys(pool: &storage::DatabaseConnectionPool) -> Result<Response, Rejection> {
// TODO: Check that the requesting user is a moderator
let public_keys = get_banned_public_keys_vector(pool).await?;
return Ok(warp::reply::json(&public_keys).into_response());
pub async fn get_member_count(pool: &storage::DatabaseConnectionPool) -> Result<Response, Rejection> {
let member_count = 5; // TODO: Implement
return Ok(warp::reply::json(&member_count).into_response());
// Utilities
pub async fn get_moderators_vector(pool: &storage::DatabaseConnectionPool) -> Result<Vec<String>, Rejection> {
// Get a database connection
let conn = pool.get().map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
// Query the database
let raw_query = format!("SELECT public_key FROM {}", storage::MODERATORS_TABLE);
let mut query = conn.prepare(&raw_query).map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
let rows = match query.query_map(params![], |row| {
}) {
Ok(rows) => rows,
Err(e) => {
println!("Couldn't query database due to error: {}.", e);
return Err(warp::reject::custom(Error::DatabaseFailedInternally));
// Return
return Ok(rows.filter_map(|result| result.ok()).collect());
pub async fn is_moderator(public_key: &str, pool: &storage::DatabaseConnectionPool) -> Result<bool, Rejection> {
let public_keys = get_moderators_vector(&pool).await?;
return Ok(public_keys.contains(&public_key.to_owned()));
pub async fn get_banned_public_keys_vector(pool: &storage::DatabaseConnectionPool) -> Result<Vec<String>, Rejection> {
// Get a database connection
let conn = pool.get().map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
// Query the database
let raw_query = format!("SELECT public_key FROM {}", storage::BLOCK_LIST_TABLE);
let mut query = conn.prepare(&raw_query).map_err(|_| Error::DatabaseFailedInternally)?;
let rows = match query.query_map(params![], |row| {
}) {
Ok(rows) => rows,
Err(e) => {
println!("Couldn't query database due to error: {}.", e);
return Err(warp::reject::custom(Error::DatabaseFailedInternally));
// Return
return Ok(rows.filter_map(|result| result.ok()).collect());
pub async fn is_banned(public_key: &str, pool: &storage::DatabaseConnectionPool) -> Result<bool, Rejection> {
let public_keys = get_banned_public_keys_vector(&pool).await?;
return Ok(public_keys.contains(&public_key.to_owned()));
pub fn is_valid_public_key(public_key: &str) -> bool {
// Check that it's a valid hex encoding
if hex::decode(public_key).is_err() { return false; }
// Check that it's the right length
if public_key.len() != 66 { return false } // The version byte + 32 bytes of random data
// It appears to be a valid public key
return true