# Script that sends file to termbin.com ## Usage: ### `. ./send.sh "directory" "file extension" "filename"`, eg. `. ./send.sh . py "*"` - this sends every .py file in corrent directory. ## issue solved 7.4.2024, 02:28 ``` # use: . ./send.sh "directory" "file extension" "filename", eg. . ./send.sh . py "*" - this sends every .py file in corrent directory. # $3 the filename if glob shoud be quoted by "" like "*" # $2 the ext should be without period e.g. not .txt but only txt ``` ## some issue by 1st try: 7.4.2024, 02:09 ``` ~ $ echo `date` > date.txt ~ $ cat date.txt Sat Apr 6 23:42:10 UTC 2024 ~ $ . ./send.sh . .txt * cat: can't open './date.txt..txt': No such file or directory ```