#!/bin/sh ## PirateBox installer script v.01 ## created by Matthias Strubel 2011-08-04 ## ## ASH does not support arrays, so no nice foreach # All Perl packages for kareha ##OPENWRT_PACKAGES_IMAGEBOARD=( perl perlbase-base perlbase-cgi perlbase-essential perlbase-file perlbase-bytes perlbase-config perlbase-data perlbase-db-file perlbase-digest perlbase-encode perlbase-encoding perlbase-fcntl perlbase-gdbm-file perlbase-integer perlbase-socket perlbase-unicode perlbase-utf8 perlbase-xsloader ) # Load configfile if [ -z $1 ] || [ -z $2 ]; then echo "Usage install_piratebox my_config " echo " Parts: " echo " part2 : sets Permissions and links correctly" echo " imageboard : configures kareha imageboard with Basic configuration" echo " should be installed in /share/board" echo " pyForum : Simple PythonForum" echo " station_cnt : Adds Statio counter to your Box - crontab entry" echo " flush_dns_reg : Installs crontask to flush dnsmasq regulary" echo " hostname 'name' : Exchanges the Hostname displayed in browser" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f $1 ] ; then echo "Config-File $1 not found..." exit 1 fi #Load config PIRATEBOX_CONFIG=$1 . $1 if [ $2 = 'pyForum' ] ; then cp -v $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/src/forest.py $WWW_FOLDER/cgi-bin cp -v $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/src/forest.css $WWW_FOLDER/ cp -v $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/src/forum_forest.html $WWW_FOLDER/forum.html mkdir -p $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/forumspace chmod a+rw -R $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/forumspace chown $LIGHTTPD_USER:$LIGHTTPD_GROUP $WWW_FOLDER/cgi-bin/forest.py chown $LIGHTTPD_USER:$LIGHTTPD_GROUP $WWW_FOLDER/forest.css chown $LIGHTTPD_USER:$LIGHTTPD_GROUP $WWW_FOLDER/forum.html echo "Copied the files. Recheck your PirateBox now. " fi if [ $2 = 'part2' ] ; then echo "Starting initialize PirateBox Part2.." #Create directories # mkdir -p $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/share/Shared mkdir -p $UPLOADFOLDER mkdir -p $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/share/board mkdir -p $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/share/tmp mkdir -p $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/tmp #Copy Forban-Link spacer cp $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/src/no_link.html $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/www/forban_link.html #Set permissions chown $LIGHTTPD_USER:$LIGHTTPD_GROUP $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/share -R chmod u+rw $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/share chown $LIGHTTPD_USER:$LIGHTTPD_GROUP $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/www -R chmod u+x $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/www/cgi-bin/* chown $LIGHTTPD_USER:$LIGHTTPD_GROUP $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/tmp chown $LIGHTTPD_USER:$LIGHTTPD_GROUP $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/tmp -R #Install a small script, that the link on the main page still works if [ ! -f $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/share/board/kareha.pl ] ; then cp $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/src/kareha.pl $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/share/board fi ln -s $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/share/board $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/www/board ln -s $UPLOADFOLDER $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/www/Shared fi #Install the image-board if [ $2 = 'imageboard' ] ; then #Activate on mainpage cp $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/src/forum_kareha.html $WWW_FOLDER/forum.html if [ -e $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/share/board/init_done ] ; then echo "$PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/share/board/init_done file Found in Kareha folder. Won't reinstall board." exit 0; fi echo " Wgetting kareha-zip file " cd $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/tmp KAREHA_RELEASE=kareha_3.1.4.zip wget http://wakaba.c3.cx/releases/$KAREHA_RELEASE if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then echo "wget kareha failed.. you can place the current file your to $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/tmp " fi if [ -e $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/tmp/$KAREHA_RELEASE ] ; then echo "Kareha Zip found..." else echo "No Zip found, abort " exit 255 fi unzip $KAREHA_RELEASE mv kareha/* $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/share/board rm -rf $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/tmp/kareha* cd $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/share/board cp -R mode_image/* ./ cp $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/src/kareha_img_config.pl $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/share/board/config.pl chown -R $LIGHTTPD_USER:$LIGHTTPD_GROUP $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/share/board #Install filetype thumbnails mv $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/share/board/extras/icons $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/share/board/ #Activate on mainpage cp $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/src/forum_kareha.html $WWW_FOLDER/forum.html echo "Errors in chown occurs if you are using vfat on the USB stick" echo " . don't Panic!" echo "Generating index page" cd /tmp wget -q echo "finished!" echo "Now Edit your kareha settings file to change your ADMIN_PASS and SECRET : " echo " # vi $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/www/board/config.pl " touch $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/share/board/init_done fi if [ $2 = "station_cnt" ] ; then #we want to append the crontab, not overwrite crontab -l > $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/tmp/crontab 2> /dev/null echo "#--- Crontab for PirateBox-Station-Cnt" >> $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/tmp/crontab echo " */2 * * * * $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/bin/station_cnt.sh > $WWW_FOLDER/station_cnt.txt " >> $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/tmp/crontab crontab $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/tmp/crontab [ "$?" != "0" ] && echo "an error occured" && exit 254 $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/bin/station_cnt.sh > $WWW_FOLDER/station_cnt.txt echo "installed, now every 2 minutes your station count is refreshed" fi if [ $2 = "flush_dns_reg" ] ; then crontab -l > $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/tmp/crontab 2> /dev/null echo "#--- Crontab for dnsmasq flush" >> $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/tmp/crontab echo " */2 * * * * $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/bin/flush_dnsmasq.sh > $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/tmp/dnsmasq_flush.log " >> $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/tmp/crontab crontab $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/tmp/crontab [ "$?" != "0" ] && echo "an error occured" && exit 254 echo "Installed crontab for flushing dnsmasq requlary" fi set_hostname() { local name=$1 ; shift; echo " Redirect... Redirect " > $WWW_FOLDER/redirect.html sed "s|HOST=\"$HOST\"|HOST=\"$name\"|" -i $PIRATEBOX_CONFIG } if [ $2 = "hostname" ] ; then echo "Switching hostname to $3" set_hostname "$3" echo "..done" fi