#!/bin/sh if [[ ! -d /opt/piratebox/share/board ]]; then echo "You have to install the imageboard first!" echo "Run (as root):" echo "\t/opt/piratebox/bin/install_piratebox.sh imageboard" else echo -n "Imageboard admin password: " read -s BOARDPASSWORD echo sed -i "s|xyzPASSWORDzyx|$BOARDPASSWORD|g" /opt/piratebox/share/board/config.pl TEMPRAND=$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc A-Za-z0-9_ | head -c128) sed -i "s|xyzSECRETCODEzyx|$TEMPRAND|g" /opt/piratebox/share/board/config.pl sed -i "s|#use constant ADMIN_PASS|use constant ADMIN_PASS|" /opt/piratebox/share/board/config.pl sed -i "s|#use constant SECRET|use constant SECRET|" /opt/piratebox/share/board/config.pl # Remove temporary index page and then try to initialize the board test -e /opt/piratebox/share/board/index.htm && rm /opt/piratebox/share/board/index.htm #wget -q -s -O - 2>/dev/null wget -qO- &> /dev/null fi