######### ## Config for pirate-box WWW Release ## written by Matthias Strubel (matthias.strubel@aod-rpg.de) (c)2011-2014 ## licenced under the GPL-3 ; feel free to improve or send me feedback ######## ## Configuration help ## If you plan to use one laptop as the piratebox: ## Set DO_IFCONFIG , USE_APN, USE_DNSMASQ to yes ## If you plan to run a two component setup (one router and one providing the storage+website) ## connected with ethernet: ## Set DO_IFCONFIG , USE_APN, USE_DNSMASQ to no ## Configure your ethernet eth0 (or whatever) to a static IP ## force your router to publish the HOST Option with your static IP; in case of dnsmasq add the /etc/hosts entrys ## Have a look at http://www.piratebox.cc for futher instructions ## ## You may deactivated severall option as needed. It's flexible. #----------------- Folder Configuration -------------------# PIRATEBOX_FOLDER="/opt/piratebox" WWW_FOLDER="/opt/piratebox/www" WWW_CONTENT="/opt/piratebox/share/content" #Do not change untill really needed. PIRATEBOX_PYTHONPATH="$PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/python_lib" #Datafolder , where is you usb-stick // drive mounted SHARE_FOLDER="$PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/share" #Upload Folder # Change this if you want to user uploaded data in a subfolder # Make sure the folder exists # UPLOADFOLDER="$SHARE_FOLDER/Upload" UPLOADFOLDER="$SHARE_FOLDER/Shared" #----------------- Startup Configuration -------------------# # Which Steps has to be done #Do network config DO_IFCONFIG="yes" #Do IW config - setting up a wlan0 interface with iw # for some wifi-cards required DO_IW="no" #Iw physical interface PHY_IF="phy0" # Check if interface exists # should be set to yes if you use a USB wifi card PROBE_INTERFACE="no" # wait how many seconds until throw an error PROBE_TIME=10 #Start services... # act like a apn / # please have a look @ hostapd.conf ; you may need to change some options, regarding wifi-card USE_APN="yes" # act like dns&dhcp (dnsmasq) USE_DNSMASQ="yes" #HOSTNAME ... if you really want to change it, plz change: # www/index.html # # That is the Domain-Specifi part, where you reach always the local box HOST="piratebox.lan" #----------------- Configuration for DNSMASQ & IF-Setup -------------------# # Name of the wlan interface INTERFACE="wlan0" # On which interface DNSMASQ should listen. -i is the parameter for dnsmasq # Make it empty to disable DNSMASQ_INTERFACE="wlan0" #Brdige add interface (setr yes to enable bridging) DO_BRIDGE="no" BRIDGE="br-lan" #Network NET=192.168.77 #IP-SHORT (is stringed together) # What IP does your Box have?? i.e. 1 => IP_SHORT=1 #DHCP LEASE Start START_LEASE=10 #DHCP LEASE End Range END_LEASE=250 #Leasetime (When should the client renew it's IP) LEASE_DURATION=12h # Where is the leasefile stored to? LEASE_FILE_LOCATION=$PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/tmp/lease.file # Define the netmask NETMASK= #SET IP for ifconfig stuff - DON'T CHANGE IP=$NET.$IP_SHORT #Load Config about ipv6 stuff - DON'T CHANGE . $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/conf/ipv6.conf #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Node-Config path NODE_CONFIG="$PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/conf/node.conf" #----------------- Configuration for the pure piratebox -------------------# ## droopy, webserver, shoutbox- and forum-server ## Timesave file for non-RTC devices TIMESAVE="$PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/share/timesave_file" #On non OpenWRT you can use the default output format # as an input format. For OpenWrt you need to specify +%C%g%m%d%H%M # The content is exchanged during makefile processing and image build TIMESAVE_FORMAT="" #Start droopy? - Enable upload? DROOPY_ENABLED="yes" #Image-SRC IMAGENAME="piratebox-logo-small.png" IMAGE="$PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/src/$IMAGENAME" DROOPY_TXT="" DROOPY_PORT="8080" # Set correct permissions for an uploaded file # The following line needs to be commented for FAT32 / vfat partitions DROOPY_CHMOD="755" DROOPY_USERDIR="" # Uncomment line below for adding directory feature #DROOPY_USERDIR=" -u True " #Use UserId from lighttpd for droopy (use on ext-filesystems) DROOPY_USE_USER="yes" #Configuration for chat (If you decide to move the chat folder, you have to change /opt/piratebox/chat/cgi-bin/py* files ) CHATFILE="$WWW_FOLDER/cgi-bin/data.pso" #Generated File GEN_CHATFILE="$WWW_FOLDER/chat_content.html" #Generated File for DiskUsage GEN_DISKFILE="$WWW_FOLDER/diskusage.html" # Reset Shoutbox on Startup? RESET_CHAT="yes" ### Shoutbox is enabled. # When you set this option to "no", then the shoutbox file is not writable anymore # and in the json file the module is disabled. You should adjust the chat_init.txt # to make clear, that the box is not working anymore. SHOUTBOX_ENABLED="yes" SHOUTBOX_CLIENT_TIMESTAMP="no" #Inititiation Chat-Message ### This option was removed, you can find the chat message in conf/chat_init.txt #Provide files needed for PirateBox custom dirlisting CUSTOM_DIRLIST_COPY="yes" #Generate config json for frontend PBX_JSON_GENERATION="yes" PBX_JSON_FILE="$WWW_FOLDER/piratebox_config.json" #Activate Global chat # Still experimentall! GLOBAL_CHAT="no" #On which broadcast address should it send # Take care on the syntax!! GLOBAL_DEST="[ # , # , #$NET.255# ]" #------------------------ Additional configuration for lighttpd LIGHTTPD_USER=nobody LIGHTTPD_GROUP=nogroup #------------------------ IRC Configuration #Switch to yes if you want to enable the IRC-Server ENABLE_IRC_SERVER="no" IRC_USER="$LIGHTTPD_USER" ## If you want to save rooms and so on, create the folder # /opt/piratebox/share/IRC_STATE and make sure it is writeable # for IRC_USER (nobody per default) #IRC_STATE_DIR="$SHARE_FOLDER/IRC_STATE" #------------------------ Hook in user-config . $PIRATEBOX_FOLDER/conf/hook_custom.conf