2012-04-26 21:46:03 +02:00
piratebox New droopy Version for #3 2012-04-26 21:46:03 +02:00
readme.txt first collection of files 2012-04-14 16:22:27 +02:00

## Piratebox for laptop (eeePc) script collection   WITH LIGHTTPD
##   created by Matthias Strubel (matthias.strubel@aod-rpg.de)  2011-03-19
##   licenced by gpl ;; please feel for improvements or feedback :)
##  Changes:
##    2011-03-19  First concept release with shoutbox left in python and droopy in perl
##    2011-08-04  Image-Board integration

####### OLD ###########

What to do? / Install
  > Install debian
  > Install following Packages:
     - Perl  
     #  apt-get install perl
     - lighttpd
     #  apt-get install lighttpd
     - if needed : hostapn and/or dnsmasq
     # apt-get install hostapn
     # apt-get install dnsmasq

  > copy over the piratebox folder into /opt/ (as root)
    # sudo mkdir /opt 
    # sudo cp -rv piratebox /opt 
  > create a symlink /opt/piratebox/init.d/piratebox /etc/init.d/
     # sudo ln -s /opt/piratebox/init.d/piratebox /etc/init.d/piratebox  
  > add piratebox to you runlevel (optional)
    # sudo  update-rc.d piratebox defaults 
  > create a link from your share-device to /opt/piratebox/share
    # sudo ln -s /mnt/usbstick /opt/piratebox/share
  > define your personall options in
    # /opt/piratebox/conf/piratebox.conf        # Start which services, IPs etc
    # /opt/piratebox/conf/hostapd.conf          # Some stuff about beeing an APN 

  > Now please mount your usb-stick, share drive .. 
  > Run the follow script 
    # /opt/piratebox/bin/install_piratebox.sh /opt/piratebox/conf/piratebox.conf part2    

  > If you want to install kareha, please do the following steps:
     >> Download the Kareha imageboard from this link
     >> unzip the zip and copy the content into /opt/piratebox/share/board
     >> Then you can run  
    # /opt/piratebox/bin/install_piratebox.sh /opt/piratebox/conf/piratebox.conf imageboard
     >> This step installs a basic configuration for the board... 
     >> Edit /opt/piratebox/share/board/config.pl and change ADMIN_PASS and SECRET

I created
/opt/piratebox/bin    - Binarys and Scripts
/opt/piratebox/conf   - Piratebox related configs (seperated from the normal system-configs!)
/opt/piratebox/share  - Mountpoint (with the first start of piratebox, the correct permissions will be set)
/opt/piratebox/share/unsorted   -  Unsorted upload folder
/opt/piratebox/share/board      -  imageboard location
/opt/piratebox/init.d - the init-script (later more?)
/opt/piratebox/www    - Webfolder with cgi-scripts and static html pages
/opt/piratebox/tmp    - Folder with the error-log

My cgi-droopy script
Its based on the original droopy script with the modifications by David Darts. It doesn't support language switching support

Change directory?
If you decide not to run piratebox under /opt you have to change following scripts:

Seperate Runlevel
I'm using the piratebox on another runlevel, because I don't want to use it on daily work. So do not use the above update-rc.d command if you don't intend to start it always.
If you want to use it on another runlevel you can use
 #  update-rc.d piratebox enable 4
and disable other services, you don't need
 i.e.  # update-rc.d acpid disable 4
These examples are for debian based distributions.