2018-02-11 07:55:22 +01:00

38 lines
1.7 KiB

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Website: http://piratebox.cc PirateBox Version: ##version##
Forum: http://forum.piratebox.cc Build date: 00-00-0000
IRC: #piratebox irc.freenode.net Be open -- Share freely!
First Steps After Flashing
1. Change password of alarm user
> passwd
2. Change password of root user
> sudo passwd root
3. Enable Fake-Timeservice
3.1 Set date and time
# Disable network time sync
> sudo timedatectl set-ntp false
# Set time to "Mon May 23 17:42:00" (Format: CCYYMMDD hhmm)
> sudo date -s "20170523 1742"
> cd /opt/piratebox && sudo ./bin/timesave.sh ./conf/piratebox.conf install
3.2 Enable on startup
> sudo systemctl enable timesave
4. Enable the Kareha Image and Discussion Board
> sudo /opt/piratebox/bin/board-autoconf.sh
5. Enable USB thumb drive share OR extend SDCard
USB: > sudo /opt/piratebox/rpi/bin/usb_share.sh
SDCard: > sudo /opt/piratebox/rpi/bin/sdcard_share.sh
6. Enable UPnP Media Server
> sudo cp /etc/minidlna.conf /etc/minidlna.conf.bkp
> sudo cp /opt/piratebox/src/linux.example.minidlna.conf /etc/minidlna.conf
> sudo systemctl start minidlna
> sudo systemctl enable minidlna
7. Enable RealTimeClock timekeeping (needs DS3231 or 1307 RTC module!)
> sudo systemctl enable rpi_hwclock