Matthias Strubel 7950472e0e Droopy: Make chmod optional.
Droopy always does the chmod operation, if the option is set.
On partitions with FAT it is not possible to execute this operation.
Droopy may ran into issue in that situation.

With that fix, the option won't be set on droopy start to prevent
any chmod operation on FAT partitions.

Fixes #154
2016-06-14 20:09:28 +02:00

148 lines
7 KiB

=== 1.1.0 ===
* [New] Enable / Disable file provisioning for custom lighttpd directory listing
* [New] ChatBox message is now in conf/chat_init.txt
* [New] Disable the Shoutbox to prevent writing into it
* [New] PHP configuration shipped, to enable easily for modifications
* [New] Mesh implementation, technical preview
* [New] JSON config file to direct client side applications, like "share apps"
* [New] Simply python IRC Server installed and prepareable for automatic start
* [New] Shoutbox-Time via Client-Date possible
* [New] Website is now available under /content and /opt/piratebox/share
* [New] [RPi] Service files for using a RTC at PiratBox
* [New] Redirect all DNS requests to local box via firewall (custom script)
* [New] Redirect all web request option via firewall (disabled) (custom script)
* [New] [OpenWrt] Redirect all DNS requests to local box via firewall
* [New] [OpenWrt] Redirect all web request option via firewall (disabled)
* [New] [OpenWrt] Enable all wifi devices with the PirateBox SSID
* [New] [OpenWrt] AP Client isolation activated per default
* [Changed] Send HTTP-Code 204 via PHP, much cleaner
* [Changed] Update jQuery to 2.2.3, removes IE <=8 support
* [Changed] Redirect happens now always to wished domain name
* [Changed] Droopy, make chmod operation optional (prevent errors on OpenWRT)
* [Fix] License Adjustments
* [Fix] Prevent JS Injection in Shoutbox
* [Fix] Shoutbox: Missing blank between author and content
* [Fix] Fix problem when running in small display mode at direcotry listing.
* [Fix] Add xhtml mime type in lighttpd configuration
=== 1.0.7 ===
* [New] Lock shoutbox when you send a message.
* [New] Display disk space usage on front page.
* [New] Add webm mime-type to lighttpd
* [RPi] [New] RPi2 and Zero support
* [RPi] [New] USB activation scripts.
* [RPi] [New] udev rules for piratebox activation
* [RPi] [New] Script for activating the correct hostap for Realtek chipsets
* [RPI] [New] wpa_supplicant fallback if no AP enabled WiFi device was found
* [Fix] Send a proper HTTP Reason code back
* [Fix] Fix version number in RPi MOTD.
* [Fix] Insert mime-type for .svg
* [Fix] Improve Shoutbox update speed after sending a message.
* [Fix] Do not cleanup the rootfs if Shared folder does not exist.
* [Fix] Improved comparison of timestamps on RPi.
* [Fix] Improved MOTD for RPi.
* [Fix] Improved initialization of the board.
=== 1.0.6 ===
* [Fix] Styling of the upload box iframe was quite ugly.
=== 1.0.5 ===
* [New] Improved styling for droopy iframe.
* [New] Timesave script service file to run set the time during startup.
* [Fix] Droopy call in init.d/piratebox failed to use the correct port.
* [Fix] Timesave script behaviour fixed on full Linux systems.
* OpenWrt's date format is now customized during build & piratebox.conf .
=== 1.0.4 ===
* [New] New feature: /opt/piratebox/bin/board-autoconf.sh for setting up the imageboard
* [New] Droopy update: Multiple upload
* [New] Droopy update: In general user/password setting (non configurable via
* [New] imageboard: inital dummy page for a not installed board.
* [New] Send HTTP-Code 204 for Android devices, avoids captive Portal and leaving devices.
* [Fix] Some script cleanups
* [Fix] Improved Cachehandling
* [Fix] Modified index HTML structure for increased stylability
* [Fix] Droopy update: Language encoding
* [Fix] Droopy update: Uploaded filepermission can be configured.
PirateBox default: 755
* [Fix] Fix not refreshing shoutbox after bootup
* [Fix] Show station count again, after it is enabled
* [Removed] Droopy update: Include hostname to templates (not needed anymore)
* [Removed] Droopy update: Field including iframe for shoutbox (not needed anymore)
* [Removed] Droopy update: iOS fake answer code, which was included in lighttpd since
Piratebox 0.5.x
* [Removed] exchange_www.sh : This feature is not available anymore, because it breaks
more then it helps.
* [Removed] Unnessecary AJAX calls & files from pre 1.0
=== 1.0.3 ===
=== 1.0.2 ===
* [Fix] Settings for correct permission of shoutbox files
* [Fix] Broken probe function in some shells
* [Fix] Issues with Python scripts on some plattforms
* [Fix] Fixes in installation script
* [Fix] Distribute files did not work with folder containing whitespaces
* [Fix] Fixed CSS issue with the shoutbox
=== 1.0.1 ===
* [Fix] Fixed setting permissions of shoutbox datafile
* [New] Service File for RPi image
* [Fix] Several typos in scripts
* [Fix] Typo in front page and directory listing
* [Fix] in timsave.sh while restoring date&time
* [Fix] [OpenWRT] Timesave create bootup restore
* [Fix] [OpenWRT] Fix for not working "already installed" recognition to skip parts
* [Fix] [OpenWRT] Fix for errors during installing piratebox-mod-imageboard because of duplicate links
* [Fix] [OpenWRT] Fix for LED flashing during auto install (box-installer on image)
* [Fix] [OpenWRT] Fix error messages on package reinstall. (extendRoot)
* [Fix] No dublicates symlink after double "part2" via install_piratebox.sh
* [New] Remove # in front of secret & password to force user to change it before using the board
* [Fix] Button padding in UI
* [Fix] Board Link out of nested Shared folder
* [Fix] Russian Translation in Droopy
* [Fix] ReDistribute DirectoryListing files upon initialization on first Startup
* [Fix] [OpenWRT] Fixing customization of lease-file location for OpenWRT
* [Fix] [OpenWRT] Fixes issues when extendRoot couldn't get initilized correctly
* [New] [OpenWRT] Optimized handling of mount options in extendRoot
* [Fix] [RPi] Bootup issue with some USB-wifi sticks.
* [Fix] Prevent XSS in forest.py
=== 1.0.0 ===
NOTE: This may only be a partial changelog, check github / your package manager for more info.
* Overwork into new Responsive design
* New Frontpage
* Directory Listing in design
* Configuration in lighttpd.conf
* During startup README.txt & HEADER.txt get copied into /opt/piratebox/share/Shared folder
-> Exisiting files won't be overwritten!
-> Scripts can be used in console with overwrite parameter do distribute your own files
* [New] install method
* [New] install dependencies
* [Fixed] General cleaning
* [Removed] [Testing] Executable, we will stick to service based
* [Fixed] Overwritten saved timestamp with 1970 one
* [New] possibility in install_piratebox.sh to exchange the hostname easily
* [New] Moved DHCP leasefile into memory on OpenWRT system (/tmp is memory)
* [Fix] Timesave script does not contain parts for OpenWRT anymore
* [Fix] Timesave-file location is now configured in piratebox.conf
* [Fix] Fix in Changing hostname functionality
* [New] Hostname changing generates the redirect.html now based on a Schema file
* [New] Added JSON Mime-Type
* [Fix] Enable unescaped blanks in Upload-Folder
* [Fix] iOS 7 captive Portal fix
* [New] Sample configuration for UPnP Server
=== v0.6G ===
* [Fixed] Hide dot files in directory-listing which are usually hidden files
* [New] Image file is ext4 and 50MB
* [Fix] Fixed captive Portal detection for iOS7