
228 lines
11 KiB

=== 1.2.0 ===
* [New] Trigger captive portal features on clients to display a welcome message
* [New] Konami code feature
* [New] lighttpd.conf , Redirect only for non piratebox.lan domain
* [New] [i8n] Russian translation
* [New] [OpenWrt] Update to LEDE 17.01.2 for embedded devices
* [New] [OpenWrt] Mult arch build to support devices other then ar71xx
* [New] [OpenWrt] box-installer: Honor new way for repository cache
* [New] [OpenWrt] pbxopkg : Deploy our public repository key
* [New] [OpenWrt] php support, switch everything to PHP7
* [New] [OpenWrt] sftp-server is now available via extendRoot (also on small devices)
* [Fix] [OpenWrt] extendRoot: Bugfix , ALWAYS create swap space
* [Fix] [OpenWrt] extendRoot: Patch broken handling of PKG_ROOT in /lib/functions.sh
* [Fix] [OpenWrt] package dependencies: Fix dependency recursive issues
* [Fix] [RPi] Enable cronie for startup, which was missing
* [Fix] Removed unecessary error messages from cleaning up tmp folder
* [Changed] [OpenWrt] box-installer: grab new tmp logfile , var/log/messages was removed
* [Changed] [OpenWrt] box-installer: run opkg without signature file, like imagebuilder does
* [Changed] [OpenWrt] box-installer: Add a better trigger for extendRoot (delayed)
* [Changed] [OpenWrt] box-installer: Switch to variable based image name finding
* [Changed] [OpenWrt] box-installer: Change logging to new logd otions
* [Changed] [OpenWrt] box-installer: Open reflash for all architectures
* [Changed] [OpenWrt] piratebox: remove radvd dependency
* [Changed] [OpenWrt] Better way to disable ::1 IPv6
* [Changed] [OpenWrt] Split up of avahi and avahi-tools
* [Changed] [OpenWrt] Align IPv6 setup with LEDE
* [Changed] [RPi] MotD generation reworked and more dynamically
* [Changed] [RPi] Run timesave-save function during shutdown
* [Changed] [RPi] Remove python link creating
* [Changed] lighttpd.conf cleanup and separation to help customizations
* [Changed] install_piratebox.sh does not need piratebox.conf path anymore
* [Changed] Reworked timesave feature.
* [Changed] Whitespace issues
* [Changed] Disabled radvd for OpenWrt build
* [Changed] Cleaned up scripts based on shellcheker results
* [Changed] Removed piratebox description at the landing page. -> now welcome.html
* [Changed] More verbose browse button
* [Changed] Python2 linking not required anymore, using direct path
* [Removed] Obsolete install.sh and readme.txt
* [Removed] Obsolete style.css for shoutbox
* [Removed] Obsolete timesave format in piratebox.conf
* [Removed] [OpenWrt] piratebox: remove unsupported www_alt feature
=== 1.1.4 ===
* [New] Removed legacy redirect.html, use /index.html only
* [New] install_piratebox.sh, avoid distribution of index files, if turned off.
* [New] mime.types: Adding gpx mime-type
* [Fix] diskusage: Fix wrong error message
* [Fix] lang-de ; fix grammar
* [Fix] [RPi] Fix wrong path in wifi client helper script
* [Fix] [RPi] Fix issue with diskusage generation & usb share
* [Fix] initd: minircd startup fix setuid
* [Fix] initd: Fix radvd path to an absolute path
* [Fix] WWW-Content, fix a syntax error which broke jQuery
* [Fix] Refresh kareha download URL, which changed in year 2015
* [Fix] diskusage: Adding missing </head> tag
=== 1.1.3 ===
* [New] Translation bt-pr
* [New] [RPi] Helper scripts to jump to wifi client mode
* [New] [RPi] Helper script to use SDCard without reboot
* [New] [RPi] Image adjustments to save SDCard for to many writes
* [Fix] Some shell incompatibilities
* [Fix] forest.py : Cleanup used folders
* [Fix] Fixed localization ID for placeholder message
* [Fix] Correct/translate German localisation strings
* [Fix] Adjust hostapd.conf with comments & addtional parameter for n-mode wifi
* [Fix] Some help about setting up WPA2 mode for AP in hostapd.conf
* [Fix] Reduce browser cache to a minimum, which solves issues with shoutbox and diskusage
* [Fix] Trigger async disk usage refresh during page load
=== 1.1.2 ===
* [Fix] Upgrade 1.1.x - 1.1.x does not create content symlink
=== 1.1.1 ===
* [Fix] Translation en,fr LibraryBox -> PirateBox
* [Fix] Spellings in translation
* [Fix] IRC startup command failed.
* [Removed] exchange_www.sh
=== 1.1.0 ===
* [New] Enable / Disable file provisioning for custom lighttpd directory listing
* [New] ChatBox message is now in conf/chat_init.txt
* [New] Disable the Shoutbox to prevent writing into it
* [New] PHP configuration shipped, to enable easily for modifications
* [New] Mesh implementation, technical preview
* [New] JSON config file to direct client side applications, like "share apps"
* [New] Simply python IRC Server installed and prepareable for automatic start
* [New] Shoutbox-Time via Client-Date possible
* [New] Website is now available under /content and /opt/piratebox/share
* [New] [RPi] Service files for using a RTC at PiratBox
* [New] Redirect all DNS requests to local box via firewall (custom script)
* [New] Redirect all web request option via firewall (disabled) (custom script)
* [New] [OpenWrt] Redirect all DNS requests to local box via firewall
* [New] [OpenWrt] Redirect all web request option via firewall (disabled)
* [New] [OpenWrt] Enable all wifi devices with the PirateBox SSID
* [New] [OpenWrt] AP Client isolation activated per default
* [Changed] Send HTTP-Code 204 via PHP, much cleaner
* [Changed] Update jQuery to 2.2.3, removes IE <=8 support
* [Changed] Redirect happens now always to wished domain name
* [Changed] Droopy, make chmod operation optional (prevent errors on OpenWRT)
* [Fix] License Adjustments
* [Fix] Prevent JS Injection in Shoutbox
* [Fix] Shoutbox: Missing blank between author and content
* [Fix] Fix problem when running in small display mode at direcotry listing.
* [Fix] Add xhtml mime type in lighttpd configuration
=== 1.0.7 ===
* [New] Lock shoutbox when you send a message.
* [New] Display disk space usage on front page.
* [New] Add webm mime-type to lighttpd
* [RPi] [New] RPi2 and Zero support
* [RPi] [New] USB activation scripts.
* [RPi] [New] udev rules for piratebox activation
* [RPi] [New] Script for activating the correct hostap for Realtek chipsets
* [RPI] [New] wpa_supplicant fallback if no AP enabled WiFi device was found
* [Fix] Send a proper HTTP Reason code back
* [Fix] Fix version number in RPi MOTD.
* [Fix] Insert mime-type for .svg
* [Fix] Improve Shoutbox update speed after sending a message.
* [Fix] Do not cleanup the rootfs if Shared folder does not exist.
* [Fix] Improved comparison of timestamps on RPi.
* [Fix] Improved MOTD for RPi.
* [Fix] Improved initialization of the board.
=== 1.0.6 ===
* [Fix] Styling of the upload box iframe was quite ugly.
=== 1.0.5 ===
* [New] Improved styling for droopy iframe.
* [New] Timesave script service file to run set the time during startup.
* [Fix] Droopy call in init.d/piratebox failed to use the correct port.
* [Fix] Timesave script behaviour fixed on full Linux systems.
* OpenWrt's date format is now customized during build & piratebox.conf .
=== 1.0.4 ===
* [New] New feature: /opt/piratebox/bin/board-autoconf.sh for setting up the imageboard
* [New] Droopy update: Multiple upload
* [New] Droopy update: In general user/password setting (non configurable via
* [New] imageboard: inital dummy page for a not installed board.
* [New] Send HTTP-Code 204 for Android devices, avoids captive Portal and leaving devices.
* [Fix] Some script cleanups
* [Fix] Improved Cachehandling
* [Fix] Modified index HTML structure for increased stylability
* [Fix] Droopy update: Language encoding
* [Fix] Droopy update: Uploaded filepermission can be configured.
PirateBox default: 755
* [Fix] Fix not refreshing shoutbox after bootup
* [Fix] Show station count again, after it is enabled
* [Removed] Droopy update: Include hostname to templates (not needed anymore)
* [Removed] Droopy update: Field including iframe for shoutbox (not needed anymore)
* [Removed] Droopy update: iOS fake answer code, which was included in lighttpd since
Piratebox 0.5.x
* [Removed] exchange_www.sh : This feature is not available anymore, because it breaks
more then it helps.
* [Removed] Unnessecary AJAX calls & files from pre 1.0
=== 1.0.3 ===
=== 1.0.2 ===
* [Fix] Settings for correct permission of shoutbox files
* [Fix] Broken probe function in some shells
* [Fix] Issues with Python scripts on some plattforms
* [Fix] Fixes in installation script
* [Fix] Distribute files did not work with folder containing whitespaces
* [Fix] Fixed CSS issue with the shoutbox
=== 1.0.1 ===
* [Fix] Fixed setting permissions of shoutbox datafile
* [New] Service File for RPi image
* [Fix] Several typos in scripts
* [Fix] Typo in front page and directory listing
* [Fix] in timsave.sh while restoring date&time
* [Fix] [OpenWRT] Timesave create bootup restore
* [Fix] [OpenWRT] Fix for not working "already installed" recognition to skip parts
* [Fix] [OpenWRT] Fix for errors during installing piratebox-mod-imageboard because of duplicate links
* [Fix] [OpenWRT] Fix for LED flashing during auto install (box-installer on image)
* [Fix] [OpenWRT] Fix error messages on package reinstall. (extendRoot)
* [Fix] No dublicates symlink after double "part2" via install_piratebox.sh
* [New] Remove # in front of secret & password to force user to change it before using the board
* [Fix] Button padding in UI
* [Fix] Board Link out of nested Shared folder
* [Fix] Russian Translation in Droopy
* [Fix] ReDistribute DirectoryListing files upon initialization on first Startup
* [Fix] [OpenWRT] Fixing customization of lease-file location for OpenWRT
* [Fix] [OpenWRT] Fixes issues when extendRoot couldn't get initilized correctly
* [New] [OpenWRT] Optimized handling of mount options in extendRoot
* [Fix] [RPi] Bootup issue with some USB-wifi sticks.
* [Fix] Prevent XSS in forest.py
=== 1.0.0 ===
NOTE: This may only be a partial changelog, check github / your package manager for more info.
* Overwork into new Responsive design
* New Frontpage
* Directory Listing in design
* Configuration in lighttpd.conf
* During startup README.txt & HEADER.txt get copied into /opt/piratebox/share/Shared folder
-> Exisiting files won't be overwritten!
-> Scripts can be used in console with overwrite parameter do distribute your own files
* [New] install method
* [New] install dependencies
* [Fixed] General cleaning
* [Removed] [Testing] Executable, we will stick to service based
* [Fixed] Overwritten saved timestamp with 1970 one
* [New] possibility in install_piratebox.sh to exchange the hostname easily
* [New] Moved DHCP leasefile into memory on OpenWRT system (/tmp is memory)
* [Fix] Timesave script does not contain parts for OpenWRT anymore
* [Fix] Timesave-file location is now configured in piratebox.conf
* [Fix] Fix in Changing hostname functionality
* [New] Hostname changing generates the redirect.html now based on a Schema file
* [New] Added JSON Mime-Type
* [Fix] Enable unescaped blanks in Upload-Folder
* [Fix] iOS 7 captive Portal fix
* [New] Sample configuration for UPnP Server
=== v0.6G ===
* [Fixed] Hide dot files in directory-listing which are usually hidden files
* [New] Image file is ext4 and 50MB
* [Fix] Fixed captive Portal detection for iOS7