2024-04-30 09:50:44

This commit is contained in:
Kai Kimera 2024-04-30 12:50:44 +03:00
parent 678a147e5d
commit 3f78b0487d
Signed by untrusted user: KaiKimera
GPG key ID: 2C3384BCFF16E5D4
5 changed files with 92 additions and 95 deletions

View file

@ -134,6 +134,10 @@ body {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
&-file {
pre {
margin: 0;
.card-body {
//max-height: calc(100vh - 10rem);

View file

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
.highlight {
@import 'syntax.chroma.theme';
.chroma {
@import 'syntax.chroma.theme';
color: #abb2bf;
.lnt, .line, .hl {
display: block;

View file

@ -2,417 +2,411 @@
.bg {
/* PreWrapper */
.chroma {
//background-color: #282c34;
color: #abb2bf;
/* Other */
.chroma .x {
.x {
/* Error */
.chroma .err {
.err {
/* CodeLine */
.chroma .cl {
.cl {
/* LineLink */
.chroma .lnlinks {
.lnlinks {
/* LineTableTD */
.chroma .lntd {
.lntd {
/* LineTable */
.chroma .lntable {
.lntable {
/* LineHighlight */
.chroma .hl {
.hl {
background-color: #3d4148
/* LineNumbersTable */
.chroma .lnt {
.lnt {
color: #55595f
/* LineNumbers */
.chroma .ln {
.ln {
color: #55595f
/* Line */
.chroma .line {
.line {
/* Keyword */
.chroma .k {
.k {
color: #c678dd
/* KeywordConstant */
.chroma .kc {
.kc {
color: #e5c07b
/* KeywordDeclaration */
.chroma .kd {
.kd {
color: #c678dd
/* KeywordNamespace */
.chroma .kn {
.kn {
color: #c678dd
/* KeywordPseudo */
.chroma .kp {
.kp {
color: #c678dd
/* KeywordReserved */
.chroma .kr {
.kr {
color: #c678dd
/* KeywordType */
.chroma .kt {
.kt {
color: #e5c07b
/* Name */
.chroma .n {
.n {
color: #e06c75
/* NameAttribute */
.chroma .na {
.na {
color: #e06c75
/* NameBuiltin */
.chroma .nb {
.nb {
color: #e5c07b
/* NameBuiltinPseudo */
.chroma .bp {
.bp {
color: #e06c75
/* NameClass */
.chroma .nc {
.nc {
color: #e5c07b
/* NameConstant */
.chroma .no {
.no {
color: #e06c75
/* NameDecorator */
.chroma .nd {
.nd {
color: #61afef
/* NameEntity */
.chroma .ni {
.ni {
color: #e06c75
/* NameException */
.chroma .ne {
.ne {
color: #e06c75
/* NameFunction */
.chroma .nf {
.nf {
color: #61afef;
font-weight: bold
/* NameFunctionMagic */
.chroma .fm {
.fm {
color: #56b6c2;
font-weight: bold
/* NameLabel */
.chroma .nl {
.nl {
color: #e06c75
/* NameNamespace */
.chroma .nn {
.nn {
color: #e06c75
/* NameOther */
.chroma .nx {
.nx {
color: #e06c75
/* NameProperty */
.chroma .py {
.py {
color: #e06c75
/* NameTag */
.chroma .nt {
.nt {
color: #e06c75
/* NameVariable */
.chroma .nv {
.nv {
color: #e06c75
/* NameVariableClass */
.chroma .vc {
.vc {
color: #e06c75
/* NameVariableGlobal */
.chroma .vg {
.vg {
color: #e06c75
/* NameVariableInstance */
.chroma .vi {
.vi {
color: #e06c75
/* NameVariableMagic */
.chroma .vm {
.vm {
color: #e06c75
/* Literal */
.chroma .l {
.l {
/* LiteralDate */
.chroma .ld {
.ld {
/* LiteralString */
.chroma .s {
.s {
color: #98c379
/* LiteralStringAffix */
.chroma .sa {
.sa {
color: #98c379
/* LiteralStringBacktick */
.chroma .sb {
.sb {
color: #98c379
/* LiteralStringChar */
.chroma .sc {
.sc {
color: #98c379
/* LiteralStringDelimiter */
.chroma .dl {
.dl {
color: #98c379
/* LiteralStringDoc */
.chroma .sd {
.sd {
color: #98c379
/* LiteralStringDouble */
.chroma .s2 {
.s2 {
color: #98c379
/* LiteralStringEscape */
.chroma .se {
.se {
color: #98c379
/* LiteralStringHeredoc */
.chroma .sh {
.sh {
color: #98c379
/* LiteralStringInterpol */
.chroma .si {
.si {
color: #98c379
/* LiteralStringOther */
.chroma .sx {
.sx {
color: #98c379
/* LiteralStringRegex */
.chroma .sr {
.sr {
color: #98c379
/* LiteralStringSingle */
.chroma .s1 {
.s1 {
color: #98c379
/* LiteralStringSymbol */
.chroma .ss {
.ss {
color: #98c379
/* LiteralNumber */
.chroma .m {
.m {
color: #d19a66
/* LiteralNumberBin */
.chroma .mb {
.mb {
color: #d19a66
/* LiteralNumberFloat */
.chroma .mf {
.mf {
color: #d19a66
/* LiteralNumberHex */
.chroma .mh {
.mh {
color: #d19a66
/* LiteralNumberInteger */
.chroma .mi {
.mi {
color: #d19a66
/* LiteralNumberIntegerLong */
.chroma .il {
.il {
color: #d19a66
/* LiteralNumberOct */
.chroma .mo {
.mo {
color: #d19a66
/* Operator */
.chroma .o {
.o {
color: #56b6c2
/* OperatorWord */
.chroma .ow {
.ow {
color: #56b6c2
/* Punctuation */
.chroma .p {
.p {
/* Comment */
.chroma .c {
.c {
color: #7f848e;
font-style: italic;
/* CommentHashbang */
.chroma .ch {
.ch {
color: #7f848e;
font-style: italic;
/* CommentMultiline */
.chroma .cm {
.cm {
color: #7f848e;
font-style: italic;
/* CommentSingle */
.chroma .c1 {
.c1 {
color: #7f848e;
font-style: italic;
/* CommentSpecial */
.chroma .cs {
.cs {
color: #7f848e;
font-style: italic;
/* CommentPreproc */
.chroma .cp {
.cp {
color: #7f848e;
font-style: italic;
/* CommentPreprocFile */
.chroma .cpf {
.cpf {
color: #7f848e;
font-style: italic;
/* Generic */
.chroma .g {
.g {
/* GenericDeleted */
.chroma .gd {
.gd {
color: #e06c75
/* GenericEmph */
.chroma .ge {
.ge {
/* GenericError */
.chroma .gr {
.gr {
/* GenericHeading */
.chroma .gh {
.gh {
/* GenericInserted */
.chroma .gi {
.gi {
color: #98c379;
font-weight: bold
/* GenericOutput */
.chroma .go {
.go {
/* GenericPrompt */
.chroma .gp {
.gp {
/* GenericStrong */
.chroma .gs {
.gs {
/* GenericSubheading */
.chroma .gu {
.gu {
/* GenericTraceback */
.chroma .gt {
.gt {
/* GenericUnderline */
.chroma .gl {
.gl {
/* TextWhitespace */
.chroma .w {
.w {

View file

@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ body {
pre {
@include font-mono();
background-color: rgba(var(--bs-danger-rgb), 5%);
border-radius: var(--bs-border-radius);
> code {
@ -62,7 +61,6 @@ body {
display: block;
padding: 1rem;
white-space: pre;
//font-size: 1.2em;

View file

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ This shortcode creates a block of code with syntax highlighting.
<div class="shortcode mb-3 shortcode-codeblock shortcode-codeblock-{{ ($ordinal) }}
{{ with ($type) }}shortcode-codeblock-{{ . }}{{ end }}">
<div class="d-flex overflow-hidden">
<div class="flex-grow-1 rounded overflow-hidden bg-body-tertiary"
<div class="flex-grow-1 rounded overflow-hidden bg-body-tertiary text-body"
id="cp-{{ ($cp) }}" data-bs-theme="dark">{{ (highlight ($inner) ($type) ($attr)) }}</div>
<div class="flex-shrink-0">
<ul class="list-inline mb-0">