#!/usr/bin/env node import fetch from "node-fetch"; const APIURI = "https://fi.jamix.cloud/apps/menuservice/rest/haku/menu/92225/1?lang=fi"; const myArgs = process.argv.slice(2); function getAllFoods(data) { // get the list of days and sort them by date ascending (the api for some reason sorts by weekday) const days = data[0].menuTypes[0].menus[0].days.sort((a, b) => { return a.date - b.date; }); const foods = []; days.map((day) => { foods.push(String(day.date)); day.mealoptions.map((mealoption, index) => { let str = "" str += mealoption.name + ": " mealoption.menuItems.map((menuItem, index) => { index !== mealoption.menuItems.length - 1 ? str += menuItem.name + ", " : str += menuItem.name; }) foods.push(str); index === day.mealoptions.length - 1 ? foods.push("\n") : ''; }) }) return foods; } fetch(APIURI) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => getAllFoods(data).map(food => console.log(food))) .catch(err => console.error("Error when fetching resource (api endpoint might be down)"));