const command = { name: "translate", desc: "translate something", restricted: false, mod: false, run: async (client, msg, splitted) => { if (!splitted[2] || !splitted[3]) { await client.say( msg.channelName, `${msg.displayName}, needed ` ); return; } const data = await fetch( `${encodeURIComponent( splitted[2] )}/${encodeURIComponent(splitted[3])}/${encodeURIComponent( splitted.slice(4).join(" ") )}` ) .then((res) => res.json()) .catch((err) => console.error("Error with translating: " + err.message)); if ("error" in data) { await client.say( msg.channelName, `${msg.displayName}, invalid country code or text` ); return; } await client.say( msg.channelName, `${msg.displayName}, Translation of ${splitted .slice(4) .join(" ")} to lang ${splitted[3]}: '${data.translation}'` ); }, }; module.exports = { command };